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White‐sand forests are patchily distributed ecosystems covering just 5% of Amazonia that host many specialist species of birds not found elsewhere, and these forests are threatened due to their small size and human exploitation of sand for construction projects. As a result, many species of birds that are white‐sand specialists are at risk of extinction, and immediate conservation action is paramount for their survival. Our objective was to evaluate current survey methods and determine the relative effect of the size of patches of these forests on the presence or absence of white‐sand specialists. Using point counts and autonomous recorders, we surveyed avian assemblages occupying patches of white‐sand forest in the Peruvian Amazon in April 2018. Overall, we detected 126 species, including 21 white‐sand forest specialists. We detected significantly more species of birds per survey point with autonomous recorders than point counts. We also found a negative relationship between avian species richness and distance from the edge of patches of white‐sand forest, but a significant, positive relationship when only counting white‐sand specialists. Although we detected more species with autonomous recorders, point counts were more effective for detecting canopy‐dwelling passerines. Therefore, we recommend that investigators conducting surveys for rare and patchily distributed species in the tropics use a mixed‐method approach that incorporates both autonomous recorders and visual observation. Finally, our results suggest that conserving large, continuous patches of white‐sand forest may increase the likelihood of survival of species of birds that are white‐sand specialists.  相似文献   
Habitat loss is one of the main threats to wildlife. Therefore, knowledge of habitat use and preference is essential for the design of conservation strategies and identification of priority sites for the protection of endangered species. The yellow‐tailed woolly monkey (Lagothrix flavicauda Humboldt, 1812), categorized as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List, is endemic to montane forests in northern Peru where its habitat is greatly threatened. We assessed how habitat use and preference in L. flavicauda are linked to forest structure and composition. The study took place near La Esperanza, in the Amazonas region, Peru. Our objective was to identify characteristics of habitat most utilized by L. flavicauda to provide information that will be useful for the selection of priority sites for conservation measures. Using presence records collected from May 2013 to February 2014 for one group of L. flavicauda, we classified the study site into three different use zones: low‐use, medium‐use, and high‐use. We assessed forest structure and composition for all use zones using 0.1 ha Gentry vegetation transects. Results show high levels of variation in plant species composition across the three use zones. Plants used as food resources had considerably greater density, dominance, and ecological importance in high‐use zones. High‐use zones presented similar structure to medium‐ and low‐use zones; thus it remains difficult to assess the influence of forest structure on habitat preference. We recommend focusing conservation efforts on areas with a similar floristic composition to the high‐use zones recorded in this study and suggest utilizing key alimentation species for reforestation efforts.  相似文献   
In an attempt to unveil the origin of neo‐sex chromosomes in Ronderosia Cigliano grasshoppers, we performed a combined phylogenetic analysis based on morphological (external morphology and male genitalia) and molecular data (COI, COII, 16S and ITS2) to explore the chromosome evolution within the genus. We also analysed the distributional patterns of the various Ronderosia species and considered the possible role of chromosome rearrangements (CRs) in speciation processes within the genus in the light of ‘suppressed‐recombination’ models. We mapped the states of three chromosomal characters on the combined tree topology. The combined evidence supported Ronderosia as a monophyletic group. The cytogenetic analyses of the genus demonstrated the importance of rearranged karyotypes with single, complex and multiples neo‐sex chromosome determination systems in all species. The chromosome character optimisation suggests X‐autosome centric fusion as the mechanism responsible for neo‐sex chromosome formation in most Ronderosia species, except in R. dubia and R. bergii. Similar autosomes were involved in fusions with the ancestral X chromosome in Ronderosia, supporting previous hypotheses on the unique origin of X‐autosome fusion for the sex chromosome in the genus. As a source of chromosome variation, autosome‐autosome centric fusion played a secondary role in Ronderosia compared with other Dichroplini. Given the homogeneity in the morphological features, the sympatric distribution of closely related species and the intrinsic property of centric fusion as suppressors of the crossing over, we suggest that CRs may have played a key role during the speciation process within Ronderosia.  相似文献   
A heterozygous mutant for the two- and six-rowed character was isolated in the barley cultivar Igri through application of sodium azide to isolated microspore cultures and posterior regeneration. Six-rowed and two-rowed homozygotic plants were subsequently identified in the self-pollinated M2 progenies of the original heterozygous M1. Detailed molecular markers confirmed the isogenic nature of this recovered mutant and the original cultivar Igri. A comparative study of the anther culture response of this six-rowed induced mutant vs. diploid 'Igri' was performed to assess whether the two- or six-rowed gene influences anther culture response in barley through a pleiotropic effect or via linkage disequilibrium. No significant differences for any of the recorded variables throughout the in vitro regeneration process were detected between the 'Igri' six-rowed mutant and any of their two-rowed isogenic lines. This suggests that row-type association with anther culture response in barley cultivars is due to the effect of a tight linkage with other genes directly responsible for androgenic response.  相似文献   
To determine if human XX maleness results from an abnormal chromosomal X-Y interchange, we studied the inheritance of the paternal pseudoautosomal region in nine patients. Those six patients in whom Y-specific DNA was found (Y(+)) inherited the entire pseudoautosomal region from the paternal Y chromosome and lost that of the paternal X chromosome. Moreover, in three Y(+) cases, we observed the deletion of a paternal Xp locus tightly linked to the pseudoautosomal region. These results definitively show that an abnormal and terminal X-Y interchange during paternal meiosis causes Y(+)XX maleness. In contrast, no abnormal X-Y interchange was observed in any of the three Y(-) cases analyzed, suggesting that maleness can occur in the absence of any Y-specific DNA.  相似文献   
Mexican-American children are shorter but relatively heavier than non-Hispanic whites and blacks. The objectives of this paper are to assess the extent to which this "short and plump" physique occurs in data collected in two national surveys (HANES I and II); to determine variations by age, sex, and socioeconomic status; and to investigate the anthropometric characteristics that may account for the overweight. Three groups, defined on the basis of reported ancestry and observed race, are studied: Mexican-Americans (MEXAME), non-Hispanic Whites, (EURAME), and blacks (BLACK). Short stature was clearly associated with the poverty index (PI) in all three groups. MEXAMEs with a PI greater than 1.6 were similar in stature to EURAMEs at the same income level at ages 1-11 years but not at 12-17 years. On the other hand, MEXAMEs were shorter than BLACKs at all ages and income levels. The body mass index (kg/cm2) and poverty were unrelated. With respect to the anthropometric characteristics examined that are related to the body mass index, MEXAMEs and EURAMEs were similar in sitting height as a proportion of total height, arm muscle and fat areas, and triceps skinfold but different in the following ways: MEXAMEs had narrower elbow but broader bitrochanteric breadths and larger chest circumferences and subscapular skinfolds. Greater upper body dimensions and fatfolds seem to best describe the physique of MEXAMEs. However, in multiple regressions, these anthropometric characteristics failed to account fully for the greater relative weight of MEXAMEs as compared to EURAMEs.  相似文献   
Diamine oxidase and peroxidase, associated with the wall in pinto bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. var Pinto) leaves, can be washed out by vacuum infiltration and assayed without grinding the leaf. The diamine oxidase activity is inhibited in vivo by exposure of the plants to ozone (dose of 0.6 microliters per liter x hour), whereas the peroxidase activity associated with the wall space is stimulated. This dose does not cause obvious necrosis or chlorosis of the leaf. These alterations are greater when the dose of ozone exposure is given as a triangular pulse (a slow rise to a peak of 0.24 microliters per liter followed by a slow fall) compared to that given as a constant square wave pulse of 0.15 microliters per liter for the same 4 hour period. Exposure of the plants to sulfur dioxide (at a concentration of 0.4 microliters per liter for 4 hours) does not result in any change in the diamine oxidase or peroxidase activities, yet the total sulfhydryl content of the leaf is increased, demonstrating the entry of sulfur dioxide. These two pollutants, with different chemical reactivities, affect the activities of the extracellular enzymes in different manners. In the case of ozone exposure, the inhibition of extracellular diamine oxidase could profoundly alter the movements of polyamines from cell to cell.  相似文献   
The phototrophic bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus E1F1 assimilates ammonia and other forms of reduced nitrogen either through the GS/GOGAT pathway or by the concerted action of l-alanine dehydrogenase and aminotransferases. These routes are light-independent and very responsive to the carbon and nitrogen sources used for cell growth. GS was most active in cells grown on nitrate or l-glutamate as nitrogen sources, whereas it was heavily adenylylated and siginificantly repressed by ammonium, glycine, l-alanine, l-aspartate, l-asparagine and l-glutamine, under which conditions specific aminotransferases were induced. GOGAT activity was kept at constitutive levels in cells grown on l-amino acids as nitrogen sources except on l-glutamine where it was significantly induced during the early phase of growth. In vitro, GOGAT activity was strongly inhibited by l-tyrosine and NADPH. In cells using l-asparagine or l-aspartate as nitrogen source, a concerted induction of l-aspartate aminotransferase and l-asparaginase was observed. Enzyme level enhancements in response to nitrogen source variation involved de novo protein synthesis and strongly correlated with the cell growth phase.Abbreviations ADH l-alanine dehydrogenase - AOAT l-alanine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase - Asnase l-asparaginase - GOAT Glycine: oxaloacetate aminotransferase - GOGAT Glutamate synthase - GOT l-aspartate: 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase - GS Glutamine synthetase - HPLC High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography - MOPS 2-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid - MSX l-methionine-d,l-sulfoximine  相似文献   
Physiognomy, structure and floristic composition of one hectare of lowland tropical rain forest was studied in detail at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. Physiognomically, the Los Tuxtlas forest should be classified as lowland tropical high evergreen rain forest. The forest showed a closed canopy at 30–35 m. Of all woody, non-climbing species with a DBH1.0 cm 89.4% (94.5% of all individuals) were evergreen, 25.4% (59.5% of the individuals) had compound leaves, and over 80% of species (and individuals) had leaves in the notophyll and mesophyll size classes. The forest structure was characterized by a low density (2976 individuals with a DBH1.0 cm, 346 individuals with a DBH10.0 cm, per ha, excluding vines) with an average basal area (38.1 m2, DBH1.0 cm, 34.9 m2, DBH10.0 cm, per ha, excluding vines). This was attributed to the relative maturity of the forest on the study plot. The study plot contained 234 species (11 208 individuals with a height 0.5 m), of which 55.1% (34.8% of individuals) were trees, 9.4% (6.8%) shrubs, 3.4% (44.3%) palms, 20.1% (5.2%) vines, 6.8% (8.7%) herbs and 5.1% (0.3%) of unknown lifeform. Furthermore, 58 species of epiphytes and hemi-epiphytes were found. Diversity of trees, shrubs and palms with a DBH1.0 cm was calculated as Shannon-Wiener index (4.65), Equitability index (0.65), and Simpson index (0.10). The dominance-diversity curve showed a lognormal form, characteristic for tropical rain forest. The community structure was characterized by a relative dominance of Astrocaryum mexicanum in the understorey, Pseudolmedia oxyphyllaria in the middle storeys, and Nectandra ambigens in the canopy. Species population structures of 31 species showed three characteristic patterns, differentiated by recruitment: continuously high, discontinuously high, and continuously low recruitment. Height/diameter and crown cover/diameter diagrams suggested a very gradual shift from height growth to crown growth during tree development. Forest turnover was calculated as 138 years. Compared to other tropical rain forests the Los Tuxtlas forest had 1. similar leaf physiognomical characteristics, 2. a lower diversity, 3. a lower density, 4. an average basal area, and 5. a slow canopy turnover.  相似文献   
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