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The RNA-binding protein HuR affects cell fate by regulating the stability and/or the translation of messenger RNAs that encode cell stress response proteins. In this study, we delineate a novel regulatory mechanism by which HuR contributes to stress-induced cell death. Upon lethal stress, HuR translocates into the cytoplasm by a mechanism involving its association with the apoptosome activator pp32/PHAP-I. Depleting the expression of pp32/PHAP-I by RNA interference reduces both HuR cytoplasmic accumulation and the efficiency of caspase activation. In the cytoplasm, HuR undergoes caspase-mediated cleavage at aspartate 226. This cleavage activity is significantly reduced in the absence of pp32/PHAP-I. Substituting aspartate 226 with an alanine creates a noncleavable isoform of HuR that, when overexpressed, maintains its association with pp32/PHAP-I and delays the apoptotic response. Thus, we propose a model in which HuR association with pp32/PHAP-I and its caspase-mediated cleavage constitutes a regulatory step that contributes to an amplified apoptotic response.  相似文献   
Cellular senescence is a physiological response by which an organism halts the proliferation of potentially harmful and damaged cells. However, the accumulation of senescent cells over time can become deleterious leading to diseases and physiological decline. Our data reveal a novel interplay between senescence and the stress response that affects both the progression of senescence and the behavior of senescent cells. We show that constitutive exposure to stress induces the formation of stress granules (SGs) in proliferative and presenescent cells, but not in fully senescent cells. Stress granule assembly alone is sufficient to decrease the number of senescent cells without affecting the expression of bona fide senescence markers. SG‐mediated inhibition of senescence is associated with the recruitment of the plasminogen activator inhibitor‐1 (PAI‐1), a known promoter of senescence, to these entities. PAI‐1 localization to SGs increases the translocation of cyclin D1 to the nucleus, promotes RB phosphorylation, and maintains a proliferative, non‐senescent state. Together, our data indicate that SGs may be targets of intervention to modulate senescence in order to impair or prevent its deleterious effects.  相似文献   
Human DNA topoisomerase I, known for its DNA-relaxing activity, is possibly one of the kinases phosphorylating members of the SR protein family of splicing factors, in vivo. Little is known about the mechanism of action of this novel kinase. Using the prototypical SR protein SF2/ASF (SRp30a) as model substrate, we demonstrate that serine residues phosphorylated by topo I/kinase exclusively located within the most extended arginine-serine repeats of the SF2/ASF RS domain. Unlike other kinases such as cdc2 and SRPK1, which also phosphorylated serines at the RS domain, topo I/kinase required several SR dipeptide repeats. These repeats possibly contribute to a versatile structure in the RS domain thereby facilitating phosphorylation. Furthermore, far-western, fluorescence spectroscopy and kinase assays using the SF2/ASF mutants, demonstrated that kinase activity and binding were tightly coupled. Since the deletion of N-terminal 174 amino acids of Topo I destroys SF2/ASF binding and kinase activity but not ATP binding, we conclude that at least two distinct domains of Topo I are necessary for kinase activity: one in the C-terminal region contributing to the ATP binding site and the other one in the N-terminal region that allows binding of SF2/ASF.  相似文献   
The RNA-binding protein human antigen R (HuR) has been implicated in apoptosis in multiple ways. Several studies have shown that in response to a variety of stresses HuR promotes the expression of proapoptotic mRNAs, whereas others reported its regulatory effect on antiapoptotic messages. We recently showed that in response to severe stress, HuR is cleaved to generate two cleavage products (CPs), HuR-CP1 (24 kDa) and HuR-CP2 (8 kDa), by which it promotes apoptotic cell death. Here, we show that this cleavage event is dependent on protein kinase RNA (PKR). Surprisingly, although in response to the apoptotic inducer staurosporine PKR itself is not phosphorylated, PKR triggers the cleavage of HuR via its downstream effector FADD that in turn activates the caspase-8/caspase-3 pathway. This effect, however, does not require the phosphorylation of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2α. Additionally, we observed that these HuR-CPs are sufficient to trigger cell death in the absence of activation of the PKR pathway. Therefore, our results support a model whereby in response to lethal stress, PKR, without being phosphorylated, activates the FADD/caspase-8/caspase-3 pathway to trigger HuR cleavage, and the HuR-CPs are then capable of promoting apoptosis.  相似文献   
Down-regulation of overabundant interleukin (IL)-8 present in cystic fibrosis (CF) airways could ease excessive neutrophil burden and its deleterious consequences for the lung. IL-8 production in airway epithelial cells, stimulated with e.g. inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, is regulated by several signaling pathways including nuclear factor (NF)-κB and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). We previously demonstrated that the anti-inflammatory drugs dexamethasone and ibuprofen suppress NF-κB; however, only dexamethasone down-regulates cytokine-induced IL-8, highlighting the importance of non-NF-κB mechanisms. Here, we tested the hypothesis that down-regulation of cytokine-induced IL-8 requires modulation of the MAPK phosphatase (MKP)-1/p38 MAPK/mRNA stability pathway. The effects of dexamethasone (5 nm) and ibuprofen (480 μm) on this pathway and IL-8 were studied in CF (CFTE29o-, CFBE41o-) and non-CF (1HAEo-) airway epithelial cells. We observed that dexamethasone, but not ibuprofen, destabilizes IL-8 mRNA and up-regulates MKP-1 mRNA. Further, siRNA silencing of MKP-1, via p38 MAPK, leads to IL-8 overproduction and diminishes the anti-IL-8 potential of dexamethasone. However, MKP-1 overexpression does not significantly alter IL-8 production. By contrast, direct inhibition of p38 MAPK (inhibitor SB203580) efficiently suppresses IL-8 with potency comparable with dexamethasone. Similar to dexamethasone, SB203580 decreases IL-8 mRNA stability. Dexamethasone does not affect p38 MAPK activation, which excludes its effects upstream of p38 MAPK. In conclusion, normal levels of MKP-1 are necessary for a full anti-IL-8 potential of pharmacological agents; however, efficient pharmacological down-regulation of cytokine-induced IL-8 also requires direct effects on p38 MAPK and mRNA stability independently of MKP-1.  相似文献   
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