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对贵阳地区碳酸盐岩表生地衣资源进行初步调查,鉴定出4科,4属,共计7个种。其中两个是中国新记录种,即:蓝藻橙衣和石灰瓶口衣。瓶口衣属、黄烛衣属、凹盘衣属以及该文所描述的7个种都是贵州首次报道。对壳状地衣体在碳酸盐岩风化过程中的作用进行了初步分析。  相似文献   
报道新疆拟橙衣属地衣的6个分类单位。其中南方拟橙衣Fulgensia australis,荒漠拟橙衣F.desertorum和苔生拟橙衣F.schistidii为中国新记录种。在形态学、解剖学、化学及生态学方面对它们进行了简短的论述。此外,还提供了形态特征和内部解剖特征照片以及新疆种类的分种检索表。研究所用的标本采自托木尔峰、铁力买提达坂、阿尔金山和准葛尔盆地等,保存于新疆大学生命科学与技术学院地衣标本室。  相似文献   
荒漠化地区生物结皮的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
防沙、治沙和固沙一直以来是荒漠化生态环境建设的热点问题。作者从生物结皮对荒漠化地区生态环境的影响,以及在生态系统演替中起到的重要作用等方面进行了综述,指出了地衣在生物结皮中所占有的重要地位,展望了生物结皮研究与应用的前景。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION The lichen genus Lecanora is characterized by asci of the Lecanora-type, colorless ascospores, and crustose thalli;  相似文献   
新疆地衣资源多样性研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
在生物多样性中,地衣是一类独特的生物。新疆地衣资源丰富,至今在新疆已定名的地衣有398种,隶属于98属;包括不完全真菌类地衣4属4、种。深入了解新疆地衣物种多样性和其生态环境及地衣的应用价值,有利于合理利用新疆的生物资源,有效保护生态环境。  相似文献   
根据多年的野外调查和相关的研究资料,对小孢发属(BryoriaB rodo & Hawksw.)地衣进行了分类学研究,报道新疆小孢发属地衣10种。其中Bryoria chalybeiformis,Bryoria fuscescens,Bryoria nadvornikiana和Bryo-riasimplicior为中国新记录种,Bryoria lanestris,Bryoria nitidula,Bryoria trichodes ssp.trichodes,Bryoria pseudo-fuscescens为新疆新记录种。  相似文献   
根据多年的实地调查资料和相关的研究资料,对树花属(Ramalina Ach.)地衣标本进行了初步整理、分类和鉴定研究,报道了新疆树花属地衣8个种。其中钝树花(Ramalina obtusata),亚细长树花(Ramalina subleptocarpha)为中国新记录种,撕裂树花(Ramalina dilacerata),裂树花(Ramalina minuscula)为新疆新记录种。  相似文献   
The genus Calogaya (Teloschistaceae, Xanthorioideae) was established to accommodate mainly epilithic lichens with lobate thalli, previously regarded as the “Caloplaca saxicola group.” Data supporting the recognition of this new genus came from European lichens, and although the genus is soundly based, we have found in Asia numerous epiphytic lineages and lineages with reduced, non-lobate thallus in dry continental areas. The taxonomic and functional diversity of Calogaya is distinctly higher in steppe and desert areas of Asia than in the less arid regions of Europe. We sampled 238 specimens, mostly from arid regions of north-western China, Iran, southern Siberia and Turkey. Three nuclear DNA loci were analysed separately and jointly by Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood and *BEAST approaches. Delimitations of 28 putative species were tested by BP&P multispecies coalescent model with joint analysis of species delimitation and species-tree estimation. Finally, we recognised 22 taxonomic units: 16 are at species rank, 3 are treated as subspecies and 3 are complexes, treated here as a single entity, but in reality probably including more than one species. Calogaya altynis, C. biatorina subsp. asiatica, C. decipiens subsp. esorediata, C. haloxylonis, C. orientalis, C. xanthoriella and C. xinjiangis are newly described. Caloplaca zoroasteriorum is combined into Calogaya, and Calogaya persica is reduced to a subspecies. The taxonomic status of Calogaya saxicola is unclear, and the name is employed here “sensu lato” for several non-monophyletic epilithic lineages with short-lobed thalli. Calogaya biatorina and C. ferrugineoides are the two other heterogeneous taxonomic units probably including more species.  相似文献   
报道瓶口衣科(Verrucariaceae)的两个中国新记录种,即浅灰拟鳞核衣(Placidiopsis pseudocinerea)和核斑衣(Thelidium pyrenophorum) ,它们都采自于托木尔峰。其中,拟鳞核衣属(Placidiopsis )是中国新记录属,核斑衣属在新疆首次发现。  相似文献   
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