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渔业是大农业的一环。在充分合理的利用好水体自然资源,大力发展水产品生产的同时,认真保护好水域生态环境,这不仅是渔业的问题,也完全符合环保这项基本国策。研究渔业生态,发展生态渔业也是当今水产养殖发展的主要方向。“水体生态农业”是依据生态学原理,生态  相似文献   
Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) is a major viral agent that causes deadly grasserie disease in silkworms, while BmNPV DNA polymerase (BmNPV-pol), encoded by ORF53 gene, plays a central role in viral DNA replication. Efficacy studies of BmNPV-POL are limited because of poor heterologous protein expression in E. coli. Here, we redesigned the BmNPV-pol to preferentially match codon frequencies of E. coli without altering the amino acid sequence. Following de novo synthesis, codon-optimized BmNPV-pol (co-BmNPV-pol) gene was cloned into pET32a and pGEX-4T-2 vector. The expression of co-BmNPV-POL in E. coli was significantly increased when BmNPV-POL was fused with GST protein rather than a His-tag. The co-BmNPV-POL fusion proteins were isolated using GST affinity chromatography and Mono Q iron exchange chromatography. Protein purity and identity were confirmed by western blot and MALDI-TOF analyses. The biological activity of purified proteins was measured on a poly(dA)/oligo(dT) primer/template. The specific polymerasing activity of the recombinant BmNPV-POL was 6,329 units/mg at optimal conditions. Thus, a large amount of purified protein as a soluble form with high activity would provide many benefits for the functional research and application of BmNPV-POL.  相似文献   
以蚕豆幼苗为实验材料,采用水培法研究不同浓度(0、2、4、8、16 mg·L~(-1))羟基化多壁碳纳米管(MWCNTs-OH)与10μmol·L~(-1)镉(Cd)单一和联合作用对蚕豆幼苗根系生长、生理及Cd含量的影响。结果表明:(1)单一MWCNTs-OH处理下,随着MWCNTs-OH浓度(2~8 mg·L~(-1))的增加,蚕豆的根长度增加,且■产生速率增加的同时会伴随着SOD、POD活性升高。(2)单一Cd处理的幼苗根系MDA含量和■产生速率均高于对照,其中■产生速率较对照增加了1.98倍。(3)MWCNTs-OH联合处理诱导了蚕豆根■的产生和MDA含量增加,16 mg·L~(-1) MWCNTs-OH和Cd共同作用对蚕豆幼苗根的损伤最大,会促使部分根尖细胞受损脱落,Cd含量明显下降。研究发现,低浓度MWCNTs-OH可促进蚕豆的根生长,降低Cd的毒性;高浓度MWCNTs-OH(16 mg·L~(-1))和Cd对蚕豆幼苗根的致毒性表现为协同效应。  相似文献   
B—Myb是Myb家族的成员之一,在细胞周期和癌变过程中具有重要作用。但其在肺癌中的作用及其分子机制仍不清楚。为了研究B—Myb在肺癌中的作用,构建了B-Myb稳定过表达的H1299肺癌细胞株。流式细胞术和MTT检测的结果表明,B—Myb稳定过表达导致G1期细胞减少,S期细胞增加进而促进细胞增殖:克隆形成实验及Transwell的结果表明,B—Myb稳定过表达显著增强H1299细胞的克隆形成、侵袭及迁移能力。定量RT-PCR检测结果表明,B—Myb稳定过表达显著提高了细胞周期基因CCNA1的表达水平;对CD97和MTSS1等细胞运动相关下游基因的表达则无明显影响。该研究成功构建了B-Myb稳定过表达细胞株,发现了B-Myb过表达可促进肺癌细胞的增殖、侵袭迁移及克隆形成能力,为进一步研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
L-精氨酸是一种半必需氨基酸,广泛应用于食品、制药、饲料等行业。【目的】当前对L-精氨酸生产菌株的研究,极少涉及离子转运领域。在本研究中,发现在发酵时适量添加外源K~+有利于促进钝齿棒杆菌(Corynebacterium crenatum) SYPA5-5合成L-精氨酸。【方法】在C. crenatum SYPA5-5发酵培养基外源添加0.5 g/L和2.5 g/L的K_3PO_4,取对数期发酵样品进行转录组数据分析,挖掘出K~+转运相关的阳离子转运ATP酶CTAP1以及单价阳离子/H~+逆转运蛋白Mrp1A,研究其在C. crenatum SYPA5-5快速合成L-精氨酸阶段,对菌株生长及L-精氨酸合成的影响。【结果】对基因ctap1和mrp1分别进行敲除和过表达,深入研究突变株对L-精氨酸合成的影响。研究发现同时过表达离子转运蛋白CTAP1和Mrp1A更有利于胞内离子、pH稳态和渗透压调节,最终提高L-精氨酸的产量。在补料分批发酵中分别过表达Mrp1A、CTAP1以及同时过表达Mrp1A和CTAP1的菌株L-精氨酸产量分别达到61.4 g/L、63.9 g/L和65.3 g/L,产率分别为0.383 g/g、0.392 g/g和0.395 g/g,比C. crenatum SYPA5-5分别提高了34.9%、38.0%和39.1%。【结论】CTAP1是特异性的K~+转运ATP酶,可以将培养基中的K~+运输到胞内。同时Mrp1A可将胞内K~+和Na~+等单价阳离子运输到胞外,将胞外H~+运输至胞内,中和胞内L-精氨酸所导致的碱性环境,从而维持胞内pH稳定。CTAP1和Mrp1A的研究为解析离子转运机制和L-精氨酸合成之间的联系奠定了基础。  相似文献   
凯氏带位于被子植物初生根内皮层细胞,环绕细胞1周,是与质膜紧密结合的非极性带状增厚结构。凯氏带作为植物根中离子径向运输障碍,调节离子的质外体吸收途径,迫使土壤中的离子通过内皮层细胞膜,选择性地进入中柱。凯氏带发现于1865年,但直至拟南芥凯氏带蛋白的发现和凯氏带阻滞作用物质基础被揭示,凯氏带的形成机理和功能才逐渐为人们所认知。凯氏带的物质基础为木质素,其形成需要由凯氏带蛋白和受体激酶组成的合成平台。细胞内部的木质素单体经ABCG载体运输到凯氏带的形成区,经ESB1dirigent蛋白、RBOHF氧化酶和PER64过氧化物酶等催化,合成木质素。该文对近年来国内外有关凯氏带形成的分子机制和功能特点方面的研究进展进行综述,为进一步理解和解析凯氏带的形成机理和功能提供参考。  相似文献   
牛乳头瘤病毒是一种能够引起牛发生皮肤乳头状瘤、纤维素瘤、膀胱和食道癌的DNA病毒,现已在牛群中广泛传播,对牛养殖业造成了重大经济损失.为了诊断甘肃某荷斯坦奶牛场300多头泌乳期奶牛乳头突发疣状物的病因,本研究采用流行病学调查、临床观察、组织病理学、分子生物学检测方法和基因测序技术,对患有疣状物的奶牛进行综合诊断.结果 表明,乳头患疣状物奶牛的其它部位无类似生长物,无发烧、疼痛等异常临床症状,组织病理学HE检测疣状物呈现角化过度和细胞空泡化现象,这与牛乳头瘤病毒感染的组织病理变化相似,并且用PCR方法获得了牛乳头状瘤病毒L1基因,测序比对结果显示为乳头瘤病毒7型基因,核苷酸同源性达98%以上.因此,本次荷斯坦奶牛乳头突发疣状物为乳头瘤病毒7型感染引起的,这是甘肃地区首次发现该基因型乳头瘤病毒,应引起奶牛场与防疫部门的重视.  相似文献   
3-氰基吡啶水合酶产生菌的筛选及其酶形成条件   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
应用富集培养和梯度底物浓度定向筛选技术,从长期被腈化物污染的土壤中筛选到一株产 3-氰基吡啶水合酶(3-cyanopyridine hydratase)活性较高的马红球菌(Rhodococcus e-qui)SHB-121.研究了该菌3-氰基吡啶水合酶的最适形成条件.在最适条件下,酶的比活力达5.3u/mg干细胞,比在初筛条件下的酶活力提高95倍,而在其细胞内共存的尼克酰胺(烟酰胺)水解酶活力很低.  相似文献   
Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) cells are characterized by PML/RARalpha fusion protein, high responsiveness to arsenic trioxide (ATO)-induced cytotoxicity and an abundant generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study we investigated the association among these three features in APL-derived NB4 cells. We found that NADPH oxidase-derived ROS generation was more abundant in NB4 cells compared with monocytic leukemia U937 cells. By using PR9, a sub-line of U937 stably transduced with the inducible PML/RARalpha expression vectors, we attributed disparities on ROS generation and ATO sensitivity to the occurrence of PML/RARalpha fusion protein, since PML/RARalpha-expressing cells appeared higher NADPH oxidase activity, higher ROS level and higher sensitivity to ATO. On the other hand, the basal intensity of cAMP signaling pathway was compared between NB4 and U937 as well as between PR9 cells with or without PML/RARalpha, demonstrating that PML/RARalpha-expressing cells had an impaired cAMP signaling pathway which relieved its inhibitory effect on NADPH oxidase derived ROS generation. In summary, the present study demonstrated the correlation of PML/RARalpha with cAMP signaling pathway, NADPH oxidase and ROS generation in APL cells. PML/RARalpha that bestows NB4 cells various pathological features, paradoxically also endows these cells with the basis for susceptibility to ATO-induced cytotoxcity.  相似文献   
Our previous study of coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3)‐induced unfolded protein responses (UPR) found that overexpression of ATF6a enhances CVB3 VP1 capsid protein production and increases viral particle formation. These findings implicate that ATF6a signalling benefits CVB3 replication. However, the mechanism by which ATF6a signalling is transduced to promote virus replication is unclear. In this study, using a Tet‐On inducible ATF6a HeLa cell line, we found that ATF6a signalling downregulated the protein expression of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) degradation‐enhancing α‐mannosidase‐like protein 1 (EDEM1), resulting in accumulation of CVB3 VP1 protein; in contrast, expression of a dominant negative ATF6a had the opposite effect. Furthermore, we found that EDEM1 was cleaved by both CVB3 protease 3C and virus‐activated caspase and subsequently degraded via the ubiquitin‐proteasome pathway. However, overexpression of EDEM1 caused VP1 degradation, likely via a glycosylation‐independent and ubiquitin‐lysosome pathway. Finally, we demonstrated that CRISPR/Cas9‐mediated knockout of EDEM1 increased VP1 accumulation and thus CVB3 replication. This is the first study to report the ER protein quality control of non‐enveloped RNA virus and reveals a novel mechanism by which CVB3 evades host ER quality control pathways through cleavage and degradation of the UPR target gene EDEM1, to ultimately benefit its own replication.  相似文献   
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