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A critical factor in clinical development of cancer immunotherapies is the identification of tumor-associated antigens that may be related to immunotherapy potency. In this study, protein microarrays containing >8,000 human proteins were screened with serum from prostate cancer patients (N = 13) before and after treatment with a granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)-secreting whole cell immunotherapy. Thirty-three proteins were identified that displayed significantly elevated (P ≤ 0.05) signals in post-treatment samples, including three proteins that have previously been associated with prostate carcinogenesis, galectin-8, T-cell alternative reading frame protein (TARP) and TNF-receptor-associated protein 1 (TRAP1). Expanded analysis of antibody induction in metastatic, castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) patients (N = 92) from two phase 1/2 trials of prostate cancer immunotherapy, G-9803 and G-0010, indicated a significant (P = 0.03) association of TARP antibody induction and median survival time (MST). Antibody induction to TARP was also significantly correlated (P = 0.036) with an increase in prostate-specific antigen doubling time (PSADT) in patients with a biochemical (PSA) recurrence following prostatectomy or radiation therapy (N = 19) from in a previous phase 1/2 trial of prostate cancer immunotherapy, G-9802. RNA and protein encoding TARP and TRAP1 was up-regulated in prostate cancer tissue compared to matched normal controls. These preliminary findings suggest that antibody induction to TARP may represent a possible biomarker for treatment response to GM-CSF secreting cellular immunotherapy in prostate cancer patients and demonstrates the utility of using protein microarrays for the high-throughput screening of patient-derived antibody responses.  相似文献   
Many studies have examined the association between the FABP2 (rs1799883) Ala54Thr gene polymorphism and type 2 diabetes mellitus risk (T2DM) in various populations, but their results have been inconsistent. To assess this relationship more precisely, A HuGE review and meta‐analysis were performed. The PubMed and CNKI database was searched for case‐control studies published up to April 2014. Data were extracted and pooled odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated. Ultimately, 13 studies, comprising 2020 T2DM cases and 2910 controls were included. Overall, for the Thr carriers (Ala/Thr and Thr/Thr) versus the wild‐type homozygotes (Ala/Ala), the pooled OR was 1.18 (95% CI = 1.04–1.34, P = 0.062 for heterogeneity), for Thr/Thr versus Ala/Ala the pooled OR was 1.17 (95% CI = 1.05–1.41 P = 0.087 for heterogeneity). In the stratified analysis by ethnicity, the significantly risks were found among Asians but not Caucasians. This meta‐analysis suggests that the FABP2 (rs1799883) Ala54Thr polymorphisms are associated with increased susceptibility to T2DM risk among Asians but not Caucasians.  相似文献   
Lactate esters are widely used as food additives, perfume materials, medicine additives, and personal care products. The objective of this work was to investigate the effect of a series of lactate esters as penetration enhancers on the in vitro skin permeation of four drugs with different physicochemical properties, including ibuprofen, salicylic acid, dexamethasone and 5-fluorouracil. The saturated donor solutions of the evaluated drugs in propylene glycol were used in order to keep a constant driving force with maximum thermodynamic activity. The permeability coefficient (K p), skin concentration of drugs (SC), and lag time (T), as well as the enhancement ratios for K p and SC were recorded. All results indicated that lactate esters can exert a significant influence on the transdermal delivery of the model drugs and there is a structure-activity relationship between the tested lactate esters and their enhancement effects. The results also suggested that the lactate esters with the chain length of fatty alcohol moieties of 10–12 are more effective enhancers. Furthermore, the enhancement effect of lactate esters increases with a decrease of the drug lipophilicity, which suggests that they may be more efficient at enhancing the penetration of hydrophilic drugs than lipophilic drugs. The influence of the concentration of lactate esters was evaluated and the optimal concentration is in the range of 5∼10 wt.%. In sum, lactate esters as a penetration enhancer for some drugs are of interest for transdermal administration when the safety of penetration enhancers is a prime consideration.  相似文献   
Caveolin induces membrane curvature and drives the formation of caveolae that participate in many crucial cell functions such as endocytosis. The central portion of caveolin-1 contains two helices (H1 and H2) connected by a three-residue break with both N- and C-termini exposed to the cytoplasm. Although a U-shaped configuration is assumed based on its inaccessibility by extracellular matrix probes, caveolin structure in a bilayer remains elusive. This work aims to characterize the structure and dynamics of caveolin-1 (D82–S136; Cav182–136) in a DMPC bilayer using NMR, fluorescence emission measurements, and molecular dynamics simulations. The secondary structure of Cav182–136 from NMR chemical shift indexing analysis serves as a guideline for generating initial structural models. Fifty independent molecular dynamics simulations (100 ns each) are performed to identify its favorable conformation and orientation in the bilayer. A representative configuration was chosen from these multiple simulations and simulated for 1 μs to further explore its stability and dynamics. The results of these simulations mirror those from the tryptophan fluorescence measurements (i.e., Cav182–136 insertion depth in the bilayer), corroborate that Cav182–136 inserts in the membrane with U-shaped conformations, and show that the angle between H1 and H2 ranges from 35 to 69°, and the tilt angle of Cav182–136 is 27 ± 6°. The simulations also reveal that specific faces of H1 and H2 prefer to interact with each other and with lipid molecules, and these interactions stabilize the U-shaped conformation.  相似文献   
This study aims to explore the protective effects of Picroside III, an active ingredient of Picrorhiza scrophulariiflora, on the intestinal epithelial barrier in tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) induced Caco-2 cells and dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) induced colitis in mice. Results show that Picroside III significantly alleviated clinical signs of colitis including body weight loss, disease activity index increase, colon shortening, and colon tissue damage. It also increased claudin-3, ZO-1 and occludin expressions and decreased claudin-2 expression in the colon tissues of mice with colitis. In vitro, Picroside III also significantly promoted wound healing, decreased the permeability of cell monolayer, upregulated the expressions of claudin-3, ZO-1 and occludin and downregulated the expression of claudin-2 in TNF-α treated Caco-2 cells. Mechanism studies show that Picroside III significantly promoted AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) phosphorylation in vitro and in vivo, and blockade with AMPK could significantly attenuate the upregulation of Picroside III in ZO-1 and occludin expressions and the downregulation of claudin-2 expression in TNF-α treated Caco-2 cells. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that Picroside III attenuated DSS-induced colitis by promoting colonic mucosal wound healing and epithelial barrier function recovery via the activation of AMPK.  相似文献   
The glucosyl transferase gene (gtr) from bacteriophage phage X (SfX) caused partial conversion of serotype Y (group antigen 3, 4) to X (group antigen 7, 8) when introduced into a candidate vaccine strain of Shigella flexneri serotype Y (SFL124). The gtr gene caused conversion of O-antigens but did not eliminate the adsorption of the corresponding phage SfX. The hybrid strain expressing both group antigens 7, 8 and 3, 4 showed 75% protection when immunized guinea pigs were challenged with a wild-type S. flexneri serotype X strain. No protection was observed against serotype Y challenge, although group antigen 3, 4 was detected in the LPS of the hybrid strain. This suggests the importance of O-antigen immunity in the host defense against shigellosis.  相似文献   
目的: 未折叠蛋白质反应UPR是酵母最重要蛋白质质量控制机制之一,研究UPR响应规律有助于优化异源蛋白分泌途径合成和应对酸醇等胁迫因子的细胞自我保护。方法: 选择实验室菌株W303-1A和工业菌株An-a,以UPRE启动子控制下的Lac Z为报告基因,利用CRISPR/Cas9技术构建得到指示菌株W303-1A (leu 2::UPRE-lac Z)和An-a (leu 2::UPRE- lac Z),分别简称WZ和AZ。结果: 生长曲线测定显示WZ和AZ与亲本菌株的生长接近;添加下述试剂孵育4h后测定β-半乳糖苷酶酶活:1μg/ml衣霉素、8%(v/v)乙醇、0.3%(v/v)乙酸、5%(v/v)乙醇+0.1%(v/v)乙酸;菌株AZ的比酶活分别是对照值的8.2、26.4、1.1和7.9倍,而菌株WZ则分别为12.6、2.4、1.0和1.0倍;进一步以YEplac195为载体表达β-葡萄糖苷酶,AZ和WZ转化子在2%纤维二糖中生长24h的β-葡萄糖苷酶酶活值分别为0.35和6.12U/ml,相应的LacZ则分别为对照值的3.1和5.4倍。结论: 两个菌株显示了在抑制物和异源蛋白表达UPR响应和调控能力上的显著差异,为其改造利用提供了方向;研究也为分析抑制物耐受性和异源蛋白表达关键制约因素、优化酵母ER和UPR信号通路的调控奠定了初步方法基础。  相似文献   
When subjected to thiol reduction, purified intestinal mucins have been shown to undergo a decrease in molecular mass and to liberate a 118-kDa glycopeptide (Roberton, A. M., Mantle, M., Fahim, R. E. F., Specian, R., Bennick, A., Kawagishi, S., Sherman, P., and Forstner, J. F. (1989) Biochem. J. 261, 637-647). The latter has been called a putative "link" component because it is assumed to be important for disulfide bond-mediated mucin polymerization. Controversy exists as to whether the putative link is an integral mucin component or a separate mucin-associated glycopeptide. In the present study both NH2-terminal and internal amino acid sequences of the 118-kDa glycopeptide of rat intestinal mucin were used to generate opposing oligonucleotide primers for polymerase chain reaction. A specific 1.2-kilobase (kb) product was obtained, from which a 0.5-kb HindIII fragment was used as a probe to screen a lambda ZAP II cDNA library of rat intestine. A 2.6-kb cDNA (designated MLP 2677) was sequenced and revealed an open reading frame of 2.5 kb encoding 837 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence showed that the putative link peptide is equivalent to the carboxyl-terminal 689 amino acids of a larger peptide. Northern blots revealed a mRNA size of approximately 9 kb. Computer searches revealed no sequence homology with other proteins, but similarities were seen in the alignment of cysteine residues in the link and in several domains of human von Willebrand factor, as well as cysteine-rich areas of bovine and porcine submaxillary mucins and a frog skin mucin designated FIM-B.1. In keeping with earlier demonstrations of the presence of mannose in the 118-kDa glycopeptide, there were several (13) consensus sequences for attachment of N-linked oligosaccharides within the link domain. Further sequencing of MLP 2677 in a direction 5' to the codon specifying the NH2-terminal proline of the link has revealed a coding region for 148 amino acids, including a unique 75-amino acid domain rich in cysteine and proline, and a region containing 4.5-variable tandem repeats (each 11-12 amino acids) rich in serine, threonine, and proline. The presence of mucin-like tandem repeats suggests that the entire cysteine-rich link peptide represents the carboxyl-terminal region (75.5 kDa) of a mucin-like peptide (MLP). The latter is estimated to have a molecular mass of approximately 300 kDa.  相似文献   
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