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Fermentation of xylans by Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens and other ruminal bacteria   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The ability of Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens and other ruminal bacteria (6 species, 18 strains) to ferment a crude xylan from wheat straw or to ferment xylans from larchwood or oat spelts was studied. Liquid cultures were monitored for carbohydrate utilization, cell growth (protein), and fermentation acid production. B. fibrisolvens 49, H17c, AcTF2, and D1 grew almost as well on one or more of the xylans as they did on cellobiose-maltose. B. fibrisolvens 12, R28, A38, X10C34, ARD22a, and X6C61 exhibited moderate growth on xylans. Partial fermentation of xylans was observed with Bacteroides ruminicola B14, Bacteroides succinogenes S85, Ruminococcus albus 7, Ruminococcus flavefaciens C94 and FD1, and Succinivibrio dextrinosolvens 22B. All xylans tested appeared to have a small fraction of carbohydrate that supported low levels of growth of nonxylanolytic strains such as Selenomonas ruminantium HD4. Compared to growth on hexoses, the same array of fermentation acids was produced upon growth on xylans for most strains; however, reduced lactate levels were observed for B. fibrisolvens 49 and Selenomonas ruminantium HD4. Measurements of enzyme activities of B. fibrisolvens AcTF2, 49, H17c, and D1 indicated that the xylobiase activities were cell associated and that the xylanase activities were predominantly associated with the culture fluid. The pattern of expression of these enzymes varied both between strains and between the carbon sources on which the strains were grown.  相似文献   
A gene coding for xylanase activity in the ruminal bacterial strain 23, the type strain of Bacteroides ruminicola, was cloned into Escherichia coli JM83 by using plasmid pUC18. AB. ruminicola 23 genomic library was prepared in E. coli by using BamHI-digested DNA, and transformants were screened for xylanase activity on the basis of clearing areas around colonies grown on Remazol brilliant blue R-xylan plates. Six clones were identified as being xylanase positive, and all six contained the same 5.7-kilobase genomic insert. The gene was reduced to a 2.7-kilobase DNA fragment. Xylanase activity produced by the E. coli clone was found to be greater than that produced by the original B. ruminicola strain. Southern hybridization analysis of genomic DNA from the related B. ruminicola strains, D31d and H15a, by using the strain 23 xylanase gene demonstrated one hybridizing band in each DNA.  相似文献   
Highly methylated, long-chain celluloses strongly inhibited cellulose degradation by several species of cellulolytic bacteria of ruminal origin. Specifically, the inhibitory effects of methylcellulose on the growth of Ruminococcus flavefaciens FD1 were concentration dependent, with complete inhibition at 0.1% (wt/vol). However, methylcellulose did not inhibit growth on cellobiose or cellulooligosaccharides. Mixtures of methylated cellulooligosaccharides having an average degree of polymerization of 6.7 to 9.5 inhibited cellulose degradation, but those with an average degree of polymerization of 1.0 to 4.5 did not. Similar inhibitory effects by methylcellulose and, to a lesser extent, by methyl cellulooligosaccharides were observed on cellulase activity, as measured by hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl-beta-d-cellobioside. R. flavefaciens cultures hydrolyzed cellulooligosaccharides to cellobiose and cellotriose as final end products. Cellopentaose and cellohexaose were cleaved to these end products, but cellotetraose was also formed from cellohexaose. Methylcellulose did not inhibit hydrolysis of cellulooligosaccharides. These data are consistent with the presence of separate cellulase (beta-1,4-glucanase) and cellulodextrinase activities in R. flavefaciens.  相似文献   
The xylanase gene from the ruminal bacterium Bacteroides ruminicola 23 is highly expressed in colonic Bacteroides species when carried on plasmid pVAL-RX. In order to stabilize xylanase expression in the absence of antibiotic selection, the xylanase gene was introduced into the chromosome of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron 5482 by using suicide vector pVAL-7. Xylanase activity in the resulting strain, B. thetaiotaomicron BTX, was about 30% of that observed in B. thetaiotaomicron 5482 containing the xylanase gene on pVAL-RX. The data obtained from continuous culture experiments using antibiotic-free medium showed that expression of xylanase activity in strain BTX was extremely stable, with no demonstrated loss of the inserted xylanase gene over 60 generations, with dilution rates from 0.42 to 0.03 h-1. In contrast, the plasmid-borne xylanase gene was almost completely lost by 60 generations in the absence of antibiotic selection. Incubation of strain BTX with oatspelt xylan resulted in the degradation of more than 40% of the xylan to soluble xylooligomers. The stability of xylanase expression in B. thetaiotaomicron BTX suggests that this microorganism might be suitable for introduction into the rumen and increased xylan degradation.  相似文献   
Under nitrogen (ammonia)-limited continuous culture conditions, the ruminal anaerobe Selenomonas ruminantium was grown at various dilution rates (D). The proportion of the population that was viable increased with D, being 91% at D = 0.5 h−1. Washed cell suspensions were subjected to long-term nutrient starvation at 39°C. All populations exhibited logarithmic linear declines in viability that were related to the growth rate. Cells grown at D = 0.05, 0.20, and 0.50 lost about 50% viability after 8.1, 4.6, and 3.6 h, respectively. The linear rates of decline in total cell numbers were dramatically less and constant regardless of dilution rate. All major cell constituents declined during starvation, with the rates of decline being greatest with RNA, followed by DNA, carbohydrate, cell dry weight, and protein. The rates of RNA loss increased with cells grown at higher D values, whereas the opposite was observed for rates of carbohydrate losses. The majority of the degraded RNA was not catabolized but was excreted into the suspending buffer. At all D values, S. ruminantium produced mainly lactate and lesser amounts of acetate, propionate, and succinate during growth. With starvation, only small amounts of acetate were produced. Addition of glucose, vitamins, or both to the suspending buffer or starvation in the spent culture medium resulted in greater losses of viability than in buffer alone. Examination of extracts made from starving cells indicated that fructose diphosphate aldolase and lactate dehydrogenase activities remained relatively constant. Both urease and glutamate dehydrogenase activities declined gradually during starvation, whereas glutamine synthetase activity increased slightly. The data indicate that nitrogen (ammonia)-limited S. ruminantium cells have limited survival capacity, but this capacity is greater than that found previously with energy (glucose)-limited cells. Apparently no one cellular constituent serves as a catabolic substrate for endogenous metabolism. Relative to losses in viability, cellular enzymes are stable, indicating that nonviable cells maintain potential metabolic activity and that generalized, nonspecific enzyme degradation is not a major factor contributing to viability loss.  相似文献   
Helical bacteria from the generaSpirillum, Oceanospirillum, Aquaspirillum, andAzospirillum—as well asSerpens flexibilis—were characterized by oligonucleotide cataloging of 16S rRNA in order to establish their phylogenetic relationships to one another and to Gramnegative bacteria in general. The various genera of helical bacteria are not specifically related to one another (to the exclusion of nonhelical bacteria) and, where tested, the individual genera as presently constituted are not phylogenetically coherent (with the possible exception ofOceanospirillum, which may form a deep grouping).  相似文献   
Selenomonas ruminantium, a strictly anaerobic ruminal bacterium, was grown at various dilution rates (D = 0.05, 0.25, and 0.35 h-1) under glucose-limited continuous culture conditions. Suspensions of washed cells prepared anaerobically in mineral buffer were subjected to nutrient starvation (24 to 36 h; 39 degrees C; N2 atmosphere). Regardless of growth rate, viability declined logarithmically, and within about 2.5 h, about 50% of the populations were nonviable. After 24 h of starvation, the numbers of viable cells appeared to be inversely related to growth rate, the highest levels occurring with the slowest grown population. Cell dry weight, carbohydrate, protein, ribonucleic acid (RNA), and deoxyribonucleic acid declined logarithmically during starvation, and the decline rates of each were generally greater with cells grown at higher D values. Both cellular carbohydrate and RNA declined substantially during the first 12 h of starvation. Most of the cellular RNA that disappeared was found in the suspending buffer as low-molecular-weight, orcinol-positive materials. During growth, S. ruminantium made a variety of fermentation acids from glucose, but during starvation, acetate was the only acid made from catabolism of cellular material. Addition of glucose or vitamins to starving cell suspensions did not decrease loss of viability, whereas a starvation in the spent culture medium resulted in a slight decrease in the rate of viability loss. Overall, the data indicate that S. ruminantium strain D has very little survival capacity under the conditions tested compared with other bacterial species that have been studied.  相似文献   
Selected enzyme activities were measured in extracts of the total cell pellets obtained at various times during aerobic intraperiplasmic growth of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus 109J on anaerobically grown Escherichia coli substrate cells. Initially, the glycolytic enzyme activities were associated with the input of E. coli and the tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme activities with the input of bdellovibrios. During the first 90 min of Bdellovibrio development, the glycolytic activities declined about 25 to 60%, whereas the tricarboxylic acid cycle activities increased about 10%. Between 110 and 180 min, the glycolytic activities decreased to trace levels and tricarboxylic acid cycle activities increased about 50 to 90%. Both bdellovibrio cell extracts and the cell-free growth menstruum (obtained after bdellovibrio growth on E. coli) caused the inactivation of glycolytic enzymes in E. coli extracts.  相似文献   
In the last decade, a major goal of research in biofuels has been to metabolically engineer microorganisms to ferment multiple sugars from biomass or agricultural wastes to fuel ethanol. Escherichia coli strains genetically engineered to contain the pet operon (Zymomonas mobilis pyruvate decarboxylase and alcohol dehydrogenase B genes) produce high levels of ethanol. Strains carrying the pet operon in plasmid (e.g., E. coli B/pLOI297) or in chromosomal (e.g., E. coli KO11) sites require antibiotics in the media to maintain genetic stability and high ethanol productivity. To overcome this requirement, we used the conditionally lethal E. coli strain FMJ39, which carries mutations for lactate dehydrogenase and pyruvate formate lyase and grows aerobically but is incapable of anaerobic growth unless these mutations are complemented. E. coli FBR1 and FBR2 were created by transforming E. coli FMJ39 with the pet operon plasmids pLOI295 and pLOI297, respectively. Both strains were capable of anaerobic growth and displayed no apparent pet plasmid losses after 60 generations in serially transferred (nine times) anaerobic batch cultures. In contrast, similar aerobic cultures rapidly lost plasmids. In high-cell-density batch fermentations, 3.8% (wt/vol) ethanol (strain FBR1) and 4.4% (wt/vol) ethanol (strain FBR2) were made from 10% glucose. Anaerobic, glucose-limited continuous cultures of strain FBR2 grown for 20 days (51 generations; 23 with tetracycline and then 28 after tetracycline removal) showed no loss of antibiotic resistance. Anaerobic, serially transferred batch cultures and high-density fermentations were inoculated with cells taken at 57 generations from the previous continuous culture. Both cultures continued to produce high levels of ethanol in the absence of tetracycline. The genetic stability conferred by selective pressure for pet-containing cells without requirement for antibiotics suggests potential commercial suitability for E. coli FBR1 and FBR2.  相似文献   
Ruminococcus flavefaciens strain C94, a strictly anaerobic, cellulolytic ruminal bacterial species, was grown either in batch or continuous cultures (cellobiose limited or nitrogen limited) at various dilution rates. Washed cell suspensions were incubated anaerobically at 39°C without nutrients for various times up to 24 h. The effects of starvation on direct and viable cell counts, cell composition (DNA, RNA, protein, and carbohydrate), and endogenous production of volatile fatty acids by the cell suspensions were determined. In addition, the effect of the pH of the starvation buffer on direct and viable cell counts was determined. Survival of batch-grown cells during starvation was variable, with an average time for one-half the cells to lose viability (ST50) of 10.9 h. We found with continuous cultures that viable cell counts declined faster when the initial cell suspensions had been grown at faster dilution rates; this effect was more pronounced for suspensions that had been limited by cellobiose (ST50 = 6.6 h at a dilution rate of 0.33 h−1) than for suspensions that had been limited by nitrogen (ST50 = 9.5 h at a dilution rate of 0.33 h−1). With continuous cultures, viable cell counts in all cases declined faster than direct cell counts did. The rates of disappearance of specific cell components during starvation varied with the initial growth conditions, but could not be correlated with the loss of viability. Volatile fatty acid production by starving cells was very low, and acetate was the main product. Starved cells survived longer at pH 7.0 than they did at pH 5.5, and this effect of pH was greater for cellobiose-limited cells (mean ST50 = 7.1 h) than for nitrogen-limited cells (mean ST50 = 12 h). Although it has relatively low ST50 values, R. flavefaciens has sufficient survival abilities to maintain reasonable numbers in domestic animals having maintenance or greater feed intake.  相似文献   
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