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The examination of whole mounts prepared for transmission electron microscopy has resulted in the finding of thirteen taxa of nanoplanktonic coccolithophorids from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. The material was collected as part of the AMERIEZ programme, March 1986. Cold-water adapted nanoplanktonic coccolithophorids have previously been shown to constitute a recurrent plankton element at subarctic and arctic localities. Three of the Weddell Sea species, Wigwamma annulifera, W. arctica , and Papposphaera sagittifera , are conspecific with northern hemisphere material, while two species, Calciarcus alaskensis and Turrisphaera arctica , are possibly identical with previously described arctidsubarctic material. Six taxa new to science have been described from the Weddell Sea, Wigwamma antarctica, W. triradiata, Trigonaspis melvillea, Pappomonas weddellensis, Papposphaera obpyramidalis , and P. simplicissima . The cooccurrence of identical forms at the two poles, and the fact that the species described are allocated to "arctic" genera, indicate a geologically relatively recent exchange of biological material between the poles.  相似文献   
Reovirus is a double-stranded RNA-virus which induces myocarditis in newborn mice. Due to the large diameter of the viral particles (70-75 nm) it can be detected by electron microscopy. Subcutaneous inoculation of 0.05 ml reovirus type 3 (TCID50-titer: 10(8.5)/ml) into newborn NMRI-mice (12-18 h after birth) caused a grey-yellow mottling on the ventricular surface first seen on the 5th day after birth. At the same time muscle fiber necrosis was observed which increased with time. Electron microscopic investigations of the diseased heart muscle disclosed a marked interstitial oedema, swelling of the tubular system and sarcoplasmic reticulum, and degenerative changes in the mitochondria of individual myocardiocytes as early as the 2nd post-inoculation day. Simultaneously, an enlarged Golgi-apparatus and an increasing number of lysosomes, partially exhibiting acid phosphatase activity, was detected in the perinuclear region of ventricular myocardiocytes. On the 5th day after infection, viruses were detected either within single membrane vesicles, dispersed in cytoplasm or as aggregated clusters in the perinuclear region. These in vivo electron microscopic findings correspond with observations of virus propagation in cell-culture systems.  相似文献   
Abstract Subinhibitory concentrations of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole increased the total yield of Shiga-like toxin (SLT), produced by Shigella dysenteria 1 and by enterophathogenic and enterohemorrhagic strains of Escherichia coli . Stimulation of SLT synthesis by trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole was demonstrated by an increase in cytotoxic activity for HeLa cells and the diameter of the zone formed around bacterial colonies probed with monoclonal antibodies to SLT. Thus, supplementation of culture media with trimetroprimsulfamethoxazol will facilitate SLT purification and detection of SLT-producing bacteria.  相似文献   
Summary Two types of bacterial symbionts (a- and t-types) were present intracellularly in embryos of the leafhopperEuscelis plebejus. In the electron microscope, three unit membranes were seen to surround the bacteria; the two inner membranes appeared to originate from the bacteria, the outer — from the host cytoplasm. DNA-structures were not observed in the symbionts. The a-symbionts contained in their cytoplasm crystalloid bodies presumably of protein nature and, during certain stages of embryonic development, tubular membranous bodies. The t-symbionts contained in their cytoplasm chymotrypsin-resistant dense bodies, that probably invade the host cytoplasm.Zusammenfassung Das elektronenmikroskopische Bild der intrazellulären a- und t-Symbionten vonEuscelis plebejus Fall. läßt erkennen, daß die symbiontischen Bakterien von drei Elementarmembranen umgeben sind. Morphologische Gründe sprechen dafür, daß die beiden inneren den Bakterien entstammen, die äußere Hüllmembran aber vom Cytoplasma der Wirtszelle gebildet wird. Bakterien-DNS konnte noch in keinem der beiden Symbiontentypen mit Sicherheit nachgewiesen werden. Die a-Symbionten sind vor Aufnahme in die Mycetocyten reich an tubulären Membrankörpern. Sie enthalten außerdem einen mit Chymotrypsin auflösbaren kristallinen Körper. In den t-Symbionten befinden sich Chymotrypsin-resistente dense bodies, die wahrscheinlich in das Wirtscytoplasma abgegeben werden.

Mit Unterstützung durch Mittel der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, die Herrn Prof. Dr.K. Sander zur Verfügung standen.  相似文献   
Plasmids carrying the cohesive end region from temperate lactococcal bacteriophage ΦLC3 could be packaged in vivo by ΦLC3 and transduced into its host strain, Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris NCDO 1201. The transduction frequencies were between 10-4 and 10-3 transducing particles per PFU, depending on the size of the phage DNA insert. This transduction system is limited to only certain lactococcal strains. The ΦLC3 cohesive site region (cos) appears to play an important role in plasmid transduction.  相似文献   
 Mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal roots of Allium schoenoprasum were tested for activities of α-mannosidase, β-glucosidase and arabinosidase. Mannosidase activity was higher by a factor of two in mycorrhizal than in nonmycorrhizal root extracts. The apparent molecular weight of the enzyme was 152 kDa and its KM was 1.25 mM in colonized roots and 1.85 mM in uncolonized roots. α-Mannosidase activity was further characterized by an acid pH optimum and Zn2+ dependency. No significant differences could be found between mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal roots for β-glucosidase and arabinosidase activities. Accepted: 28 August 1995  相似文献   
The effect of ultraviolet light on the microsporidian Octosporea muscaedomesticae in relation to infection in the adult black blowfly, Phormia regina, was investigated. A 30-Watt germicidal lamp, 253.7-nm wavelength, was used as source of uv light in five investigations. In addition, sunlight served as a uv source in two studies. Viable naked dried spores exposed to the uv lamp at a distance of 10 cm were killed after 15 min. Viable naked spores in an aqueous suspension were killed after 30 min of exposure to the uv lamp and after 3 hr of exposure to bright sunlight, respectively. Daily 30-min uv lamp exposures on living hosts harboring all life phases of the parasite did not interfere with the ensuing infection in the blowfly's midgut and the pathogen's developmental cycle. Spores harvested from uv-treated infected hosts were found to be as infective as spores retrieved from hosts not treated with uv. Spores contained in dried fecal droplets and exposed up to 3 hr to the uv lamp, or 12 hr to bright sunlight, respectively, remained infective. Addition of uric acid to a preparation of naked spores prior to 15- and 30-min uv irradiations yielded 100% infection in both host groups. A uv-protective function is ascribed to components provided by the host's tissues and feces.  相似文献   
Summary Single primary cilia are found in developing as well as mature ciliated cells of guinea-pig tracheal epithelium. A few biciliated cells were observed, and in a rare case one cell had developed four such processes. Primary cilia are characterized by a 9 + 0 microtubular arrangement near the base, while a transition to an 8 + 1 pattern occurs at a slightly more distal position. Spokes are lacking, and dynein arms are absent or incompletely developed. The function, if any, of primary cilia remains unknown.In the population of the motile 9 + 2 cilia atypical forms are very rare, i.e. <0.1%. Of the various abnormalities cilia with supernumary microtubules are most common. Only one atypical basal body was observed. Although some of the aberrant forms undoubtedly are non-motile, their very low number suggests that they have no practical influence on the muco-ciliary clearance.Local extrusions of the ciliary membrane, here named ciliary knobs, are believed to be fixation artefacts. It is suggested that they represent circumscribed regions of the ciliary membrane which are sensitive to changes in the environmental osmotic pressure.  相似文献   
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