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Cholic acid uptake was studied in isolated rat hepatocytes using a centrifugal filtration technique to allow rapid sampling. Hepatocytes were found to adsorb as well as to transport cholic acid. The adsorption was characterized by a capacity of 24 nmol X mg cell protein-1 and an association constant of 0.59 X 103 M-1. Cholic acid uptake was linear with respect to concentration at or below 10 degree C, suggesting a unsaturable uptake process which was considered to represent simple diffusion and is quantitated by a diffusion coefficient of 1.76 pmol cholic acid X min-1 X mg protein-1 X muM-1. Above 10 degrees C the uptake curve was biphasic. After subtracting the unsaturable component from uptake rates at higher temperatures, a curve showing saturable kinetics resulted. The apparent Km and V values at 37 degrees C were calculated to be 31muM and 0.8 nmol X min-1 X mg protein-1 respectively. This saturable uptake process was temperature-dependent with an activation energy of 13 kcal X mol-1 (5.44 X 104 J X mol-1) and was inhibited by oligomycin and KCN. Countertransport was demonstrated with cholic, taurocholic and chenodeoxycholic acids. The results suggest that cholic acid is transported by an energy-dependent carrier-mediated process in addition to simple diffusion by hepatocytes, and that the postulated carrier has affinity for other bile acids.  相似文献   
Analysis of the multispecific B alpha mating-type locus of Schizophyllum commune provided evidence that pheromones and pheromone receptors govern recognition of self versus non-self and sexual development in this homobasidiomycetous fungus. Four subclones of an 8.2 kb genomic fragment carrying B alpha 1 specificity induced B-regulated sexual morphogenesis when introduced into a strain with one of the eight compatible B alpha specificities that are known to exist in nature. One of these clones, which activated all other B alpha specificities, contains a gene termed bar1. The predicted protein product of bar1, as well as that of bar2, a homologous gene isolated from a B alpha 2 strain, has significant homology to known fungal pheromone receptor proteins in the rhodopsin-like superfamily of G protein-linked receptors. The other three active B alpha 1 clones were subcloned further to identify the minimal active element in each clone. Every active subclone contains a putative pheromone gene ending in a signal for possible isoprenylation. A message of approximately 600 bp was observed for one of these genes, bap1(1). This paper presents the first evidence for a system of multiple pheromones and pheromone receptors as a basis for multispecific mating types in a fungus.  相似文献   
Orians & Pearson (1979) proposed a series of models of optimal central place foraging. I tested their model for single-prey loading species (those that carry items singly) with a natural population of white-fronted bee-eaters (Merops bullockoides) in Kenya. These insectivorous birds breed in colonies but defend nearby foraging territories from which they gather food for their nestlings. Qualitatively, two predictions of the model were upheld: as travel time increased, birds carried larger insects to their nests and spent longer periods of time foraging. Also, as distance increased, birds were increasingly selective of which insects they ate versus carried to the colony. Quantitative comparisons were also made using observed travel times and rates of insect capture. As distance increased, (1) the observed sizes of insects carried approached the values predicted by the Orians-Pearson model, (2) observed foraging times diverged from the predicted values, and (3) birds spent more time foraging between round trips in a relatively unprofitable area near the colony. These results are examined in light of the theory of central place foraging.  相似文献   
Do mitochondria produce oxygen radicals in vivo?   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  

Transgenic and knockout animal models are widely used to investigate the role of receptors, signaling pathways, and other peptides and proteins. Varying results are often published on the same model from different groups, and much effort has been put into understanding the underlying causes of these sometimes conflicting results. Recently, it has been shown that a P2X4R knockout model carries a so-called passenger mutation in the P2X7R gene, potentially affecting the interpretation of results from studies using this animal model. We therefore report this case to raise awareness about the potential pitfalls using genetically modified animal models, especially within P2 receptor research. Although purinergic signaling has been recognized as an important contributor to the regulation of bone remodeling, the process that maintains the bone quality during life, little is known about the role of the P2X4 receptor (P2X4R) in regulation of bone remodeling in health and disease. To address this, we analyzed the bone phenotype of P2rx4tm1Rass (C57BL/6J) knockout mice and corresponding wildtype using microCT and biomechanical testing. Overall, we found that the P2X4R knockout mice displayed improved bone microstructure and stronger bones in an age- and gender-dependent manner. While cortical BMD, trabecular BMD, and bone volume were higher in the 6-month-old females and 3-month-old males, this was not the case for the 3-month-old females and the 6-month-old males. Bone strength was only affected in the females. Moreover, we found that P2X4R KO mice carried the P2X7 receptor 451P wildtype allele, whereas the wildtype mice carried the 451L mutant allele. In conclusion, this study suggests that P2X4R could play a role in bone remodeling, but more importantly, it underlines the potential pitfalls when using knockout models and highlights the importance of interpreting results with great caution. Further studies are needed to verify any specific effects of P2X4R on bone metabolism.

The M-band is a transverse structure in the center of the sarcomere, which is thought to stabilize the thick filament lattice. It was shown recently that the constitutive vertebrate M-band component myomesin can form antiparallel dimers, which might cross-link the neighboring thick filaments. Myomesin consists mainly of immunoglobulin-like (Ig) and fibronectin type III (Fn) domains, while several muscle types express the EH-myomesin splice isoform, generated by the inclusion of the unique EH-segment of about 100 amino acid residues (aa) in the center of the molecule. Here we use atomic force microscopy (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy for the biophysical characterization of myomesin. The AFM identifies the "mechanical fingerprints" of the modules constituting the myomesin molecule. Stretching of homomeric polyproteins, constructed of Ig and Fn domains of human myomesin, produces a typical saw-tooth pattern in the force-extension curve. The domains readily refold after relaxation. In contrast, stretching of a heterogeneous polyprotein, containing several repeats of the My6-EH fragment reveals a long initial plateau corresponding to the sum of EH-segment contour lengths, followed by several My6 unfolding peaks. According to this, the EH-segment is characterized as an entropic chain with a persistence length of about 0.3nm. In TEM pictures, the EH-domain appears as a gap in the molecule, indicating a random coil conformation similar to the PEVK region of titin. CD spectroscopy measurements support this result, demonstrating a mostly non-folded conformation for the EH-segment. We suggest that similarly to titin, myomesin is a molecular spring, whose elasticity is modulated by alternative splicing. The Ig and Fn domains might function as reversible "shock absorbers" by sequential unfolding in the case of extremely high or long sustained stretching forces. These complex visco-elastic properties of myomesin might be crucial for the stability of the sarcomere.  相似文献   
Molecular recognition between biotinylated bovine serum albumin and polyclonal, biotin-directed IG antibodies has been measured directly under various buffer conditions using an atomic force microscope (AFM). It was found that even highly structured molecules such as IgG antibodies preserve their specific affinity to their antigens when probed with an AFM in the force mode. We could measure the rupture force between individual antibody-antigen complexes. The potential and limitations of this new approach for the measurement of individual antigen/antibody interactions and some possible applications are discussed.  相似文献   
A rapid biosensor for the detection of bacterial growth was developed using micromechanical oscillators coated by common nutritive layers. The change in resonance frequency as a function of the increasing mass on a cantilever array forms the basis of the detection scheme. The sensor is able to detect active growth of Escherichia coli cells within 1 h which is significantly faster than any conventional plating method which requires at least 24 h. The growth of E. coli was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy. This new sensing method for the detection of active bacterial growth allows future applications in, e.g., rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing by adding antibiotics to the nutritive layer.  相似文献   
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