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As the climate warms, species that cannot tolerate changing conditions will only persist if they undergo range shifts. Redistribution ability may be particularly variable for benthic marine species that disperse as pelagic larvae in ocean currents. The blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, has recently experienced a warming-related range contraction in the southeastern USA and may face limitations to northward range shifts within the Gulf of Maine where dominant coastal currents flow southward. Thus, blue mussels might be especially vulnerable to warming, and understanding dispersal patterns is crucial given the species'' relatively long planktonic larval period (>1 month). To determine whether trace elemental “fingerprints” incorporated in mussel shells could be used to identify population sources (i.e. collection locations), we assessed the geographic variation in shell chemistry of blue mussels collected from seven populations between Cape Cod, Massachusetts and northern Maine. Across this ∼500 km of coastline, we were able to successfully predict population sources for over two-thirds of juvenile individuals, with almost 80% of juveniles classified within one site of their collection location and 97% correctly classified to region. These results indicate that significant differences in elemental signatures of mussel shells exist between open-coast sites separated by ∼50 km throughout the Gulf of Maine. Our findings suggest that elemental “fingerprinting” is a promising approach for predicting redistribution potential of the blue mussel, an ecologically and economically important species in the region.  相似文献   
In artiodactyls, arterial blood destined for the brain can be cooled through counter-current heat exchange within the cavernous sinus via a process called selective brain cooling. We test the hypothesis that selective brain cooling, which results in lowered hypothalamic temperature, contributes to water conservation in sheep. Nine Dorper sheep, instrumented to provide measurements of carotid blood and brain temperature, were dosed with deuterium oxide (D2O), exposed to heat for 8 days (40◦C for 6-h per day) and deprived of water for the last five days (days 3 to 8). Plasma osmolality increased and the body water fraction decreased over the five days of water deprivation, with the sheep losing 16.7% of their body mass. Following water deprivation, both the mean 24h carotid blood temperature and the mean 24h brain temperature increased, but carotid blood temperature increased more than did brain temperature resulting in increased selective brain cooling. There was considerable inter-individual variation in the degree to which individual sheep used selective brain cooling. In general, sheep spent more time using selective brain cooling, and it was of greater magnitude, when dehydrated compared to when they were euhydrated. We found a significant positive correlation between selective brain cooling magnitude and osmolality (an index of hydration state). Both the magnitude of selective brain cooling and the proportion of time that sheep spent selective brain cooling were negatively correlated with water turnover. Sheep that used selective brain cooling more frequently, and with greater magnitude, lost less water than did conspecifics using selective brain cooling less efficiently. Our results show that a 50kg sheep can save 2.6L of water per day (~60% of daily water intake) when it employs selective brain cooling for 50% of the day during heat exposure. We conclude that selective brain cooling has a water conservation function in artiodactyls.  相似文献   
To evaluate the role of the cytologist in the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis, the predominant bacterial patterns seen in 157 Papanicolaou-stained cervical smears were assessed and classified as large bacillus, anaerobic or scanty. A large bacillus pattern was found in 73 smears (46%), an anaerobic pattern in 77 (49%) and scanty bacteria in 7 (5%). Comma-shaped (curved) bacilli were found in 34 smears. The prevalence of clue cells in smears with anaerobic patterns was 73%. Gardnerella vaginalis was cultured from 89% of the cases with anaerobic-type smears containing clue cells and from 88% of those with anaerobic-type smears lacking clue cells. Mobiluncus sp. was cultured from 83% of the cases with anaerobic-type smears showing curved bacilli and 14% of those with anaerobic-type smears lacking curved bacilli. Papanicolaou-stained smears were found to be more sensitive and more specific for identifying clue cells than were wet preparations. A positive association was found between a positive KOH "whiff" test and the presence of curved bacilli on the Papanicolaou-stained smear. The clinical significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   
The aim of this ethnographic work is twofold: first, to document the specifics of the illness experience within the highly controlling milieu of a religious cult; second, to explore the connection between somatization and social control in this particular context. Anthropologists have long realized that in order to comprehend disease etiology, one must examine both biological and sociocultural processes, as both are implicated in the production of illness. Illness experiences of those members of the cult described here appeared to be direct responses to extreme intrapsychic and social control: that is, members were required to be celibate, unmarried, and detached from their pre-cult identity and the emotional support structure of family and friends. Additionally, members were subjected to constant surveillance by peers and were often punished for expressing views that were in conflict with the ideology of the leader, thereby encouraging the somatization of distress. This research is based upon two years of participant observation within the milieu, during which time more than 100 participants were interviewed; however, this paper specifically discusses in-depth interviews with eight individuals whose health problems exemplify those experienced by other members of the cult.Here of late everybody is getting on my nerves so bad. It's no wonder my leg hurts all the time. I guess it knows my heart sure can't hold all the hurt in it. So I guess it's trying to help out... from the novelClover, by Dori Sanders  相似文献   


In 1879, Dr. William Beal buried 20 glass bottles filled with seeds and sand at a single site at Michigan State University. The goal of the experiment was to understand seed longevity in the soil, a topic of general importance in ecology, restoration, conservation, and agriculture, by periodically assaying germinability of these seeds over 100 years. The interval between germination assays has been extended and the experiment will now end after 221 years, in 2100.


We dug up the 16th bottle in April 2021 and attempted to germinate the 141-year-old seeds it contained. We grew germinants to maturity and identified these to species by vegetative and reproductive phenotypes. For the first time in the history of this experiment, genomic DNA was sequenced to confirm species identities.


Twenty seeds germinated over the 244-day assay. Eight germinated in the first 11 days. All 20 belonged to the Verbascum genus: Nineteen were V. blattaria according to phenotype and ITS2 genotype; and one had a hybrid V. blattaria × V. thapsus phenotype and ITS2 genotype. In total, 20/50 (40%) of the original Verbascum seeds in the bottle germinated in year 141.


While most species in the Beal experiment lost all seed viability in the first 60 years, a high percentage of Verbascum seeds can still germinate after 141 years in the soil. Long-term experiments such as this one are rare and invaluable for studying seed viability in natural soil conditions.  相似文献   
A recombinant Charon 4 bacteriophage has been isolated on the basis of RNAs which are enriched in the head of the adult Drosophila melanogaster and hence are likely to be of neural origin. The cloned insert maps to the near vicinity of the uncoordinated locus in polytene chromosome band 19E8. This band is within the transition zone between the euchromatic and heterochromatic regions of the X chromosome, a region which has been well characterized cytogenetically. The insert contains both repetitious and low copy number sequences, some of which vary extensively in both frequency and restriction fragment size between different laboratory strains. One particular family of moderately repeated sequences occurs predominantly in divisions 19 and 20 of the X chromosome and perhaps the distally located X heterochromatin. The molecular landscape surrounding the initial entry point contains many repeated sequences and is thus unlike those observed in most published chromosomal walks. The possible significance of the presence of repeated sequence families in the distinct properties of this region are discussed.  相似文献   
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