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The amount of radioactivity which derived from 14C-labeled pollutants was determined in liver, kidney, intestine, blood, muscle and gills of carp, exposed for 6, 24 and 72 hr to high external concentrations of urea, methanol, atrazine and PCP. The results allowed one to calculate roughly the uptake rate for these compounds. It was low for urea (0.055 micrograms/g per hr), higher for methanol (0.12) and atrazine (0.16) and highest for PCP (1.5). The bioaccumulation factors (BFs) were determined for the different substances and organs. They correlated with the hydrophilic-lipophilic nature of the chemicals. The more lipophilic the substances the more accumulation occurred in the liver. PCP accumulated the most. BF was 300-400 in most tissues except muscle where it was quite low. The BF was 3-4 for atrazine in liver, kidney and intestine, but just 1 in blood, muscle and gills. There is some evidence that the BF for methanol equals 1 in liver, kidney, gills and intestine. It is less than 1 in blood and muscle. Urea was equally distributed in all organs and in the external medium.  相似文献   
Summary Leu-enkephalin containing secretory granules were demonstrated in axon terminals of immunogoldlabeled electron-microscopic sections of the sinus gland of three brachyuran crustaceans. These granules have a diameter of 120+-15 nm and differ in electron density from those located in adjacent terminals containing hyperglycemic or molt-inhibiting hormone. These neurohormones do not show co-localization with leu-enkephalin. The cross-reactivity of leu-enkephalin antiserum with met-enkephalin is less than 1%. The sinus glands of the three species examined show no immunoreactivity for FMRF-amide. A modulatory activity of endogenous enkephalin by paracrine mechanisms is suggested.  相似文献   
Membranes vesicles, prepared from bovine rod outer segments were fused with planar lipid bilayers. Two different ion channels were identified by recording currents from single channels. Both types of channels were selective for sodium rather than potassium and were impermeable to chloride ions. Unit conductances were 20 and 120 pS, respectively, in 150 mM sodium chloride. The channel with the larger unit conductance was sensitive to the transmembrane potential. This channel rapidly activated within less than 10 ms after a voltage jump to a more negative membrane potential and then inactivated after several seconds. The duration of the active period and the properties of the channel depended on the amplitude of the voltage jump. The channel of smaller unit conductance did not show any voltage-dependent activation or inactivation. Both types of channels were insensitive to light in the planar bilayer system. Channels incorporated into planar bilayers on a Teflon sandwich septum or on the tip of a glass micropipette gave similar results.  相似文献   
R. J. A. Connett  D. E. Hanke 《Planta》1986,169(2):216-221
We have investigated the breakdown of membrane-bound phosphatidylinositol (PI) in homogenates of soybean (Glycine max) callus. The breakdown of PI was stimulated by the detergent deoxycholate. At pH 7.0 and 1·gl-1 of deoxycholate the loss of PI was rapid and extensive: more than 80% was broken down within 10 min. The breakdown of PI was also stimulated by millimolar concentrations of Ca2+. The products of breakdown of added PI (purified from soybean callus) in this system were identified from their chromatographic mobilities as 1,2-diacylglycerol, myo-inositol 1-phosphate and myo-inositol 1:2-cyclic monophosphate.Abbreviations DOC deoxycholate - EDTA ethylenedi-aminetetraacetic acid,-acetate - Pi Inorganic phosphate - PI phosphatidylinositol - PS phosphatidylserine - TLC thinlayer chromatography  相似文献   
The bee venom constituent, melittin, is structurally and functionally related to alamethicin. By forming solvent-free planar bilayers of small area (approx. 100 microns 2) on the tip of fire-polished glass pipettes we could observe single melittin pores in these membranes. An increase in the applied voltage induced further non-integral conductance levels. This indicates that melittin forms multi-level pores similar to those formed by alamethicin. Trichotoxin A40, an antibiotic analogue of alamethicin, also induces a voltage-dependent bilayer conductivity, but no stable pore states are resolved. However, chemical modification of the C-terminal molecule part by introduction of a dansyl group leads to a steeper voltage-dependence and pore state stabilization. Comparing structure and activity of several natural and synthetic amphiphilic polypeptides, we conclude that a lipophilic, N-terminal alpha-helical part of adequate length (dipole moment) and a large enough hydrophilic, C-terminal region are sufficient prerequisites for voltage-dependent formation of multi-state pores.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Licht- und elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen des Interrenalorgans von Rana temporaria nach Aktivierung mit ACTH und Inaktivierung durch Hypophysektomie ergaben auffällige Veränderungen an fast allen Bestandteilen der Zellen dieses Organs.Stimulation mit ACTH bewirkt eine Vergrößerung des ganzen Organs, der einzelnen Zellen, ihrer Zellkerne und Nukleolen sowie eine Vermehrung der Mitochondrien und eine Auflockerung ihrer Struktur. Das Golgifeld wird vergrößert, das Zytoplasma vermehrt. Um die Mitochondrien liegen Membranen des glatten endoplasmatischen Retikulums, während die dichten Liposomen oft von zahlreichen Membranen des rauhen endoplasmatischen Retikulums umgeben sind. Nach anfänglicher Vergrößerung verschwindet das labyrinthartige Interzellularspaltensystem schließlich fast ganz. Die Zellvermehrung erfolgt auf amitotischem Wege. Diese morphologischen Veränderungen sind Anzeichen einer gesteigerten Aktivität des Organs. Sie werden durch die histochemischen Befunde einer erhöhten Basophilie und gesteigerten Steroiddehydrogenase-Aktivität ergänzt.Bei Inaktivierung des Organs durch Hypophysektomie verkleinern sich die Zellkerne und Nukleolen sowie das Golgifeld. Die elektronenleeren Vakuolen vermehren sich. Die Matrix der Mitochondrien wird dichter, und die Tubuli werden eng gepackt. Deutliche Kriterien der Inaktivität sind weiter die verminderte Basophilie und die geringere Steroiddehydrogenase-Aktivität.Die funktionelle Bedeutung der verschiedenen Zellstrukturen wird in Verbindung mit biochemischen Daten der Steroidsynthese diskutiert.
Functional morphology of the interrenal organ in the frog, rana temporaria L
Summary Light and electron microscopical investigations of the interrenal organ of Rana temporaria after activation by ACTH and inactivation by hypophysectomy resulted in striking alterations of nearly every organelle of the cells.Stimulation with ACTH causes an enlargement of the whole organ, the individual cells, and their nucleus and nucleolus. Moreover there is a marked increase in the number of mitochondria, the tubules of which are less closely packed under these conditions. Also the Golgi field is more voluminous. The mitochondria are surrounded by membranes of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum whereas the membranes around the electron dense lipid droplets are studded with ribosomes. During the initial phase of activation the cellular periphery elaborates a highly irregular system of vacuoles and microvilli, which later disappears again. The number of cells increases by amitosis. These morphological indications of activity are confirmed by a higher activity of steroid dehydrogenase and an increased basophilia of the cytoplasm.After inactivation of the organ by hypophysectomy the nuclei and nucleoli as well as the Golgi field become smaller. The lipid droplets which exhibit no electron density are increased in size and number. The matrix of the mitochondria becomes more electron dense, their tubules are more closely packed, and their diameter decreases. Further indications of inactivity, which can be demonstrated by histochemical methods, are a decreased activity of steroid dehydrogenase and a less pronounced basophilia.The functional significance of the different cell structures is discussed in connection with biochemical data of steroid synthesis.

Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
Synaptosomal membranes were fused with liposomes using the hydration technique to produce giant proteoliposomes amenable to patch clamp recordings. Single channel currents of a cationic channel with particular properties were detected. In a solution of 150 mM NaCl, the channel displayed a unit conductance of 136 pS and a mean open state lifetime of 1.1 ms. The gating of the channel was shown to be voltage as well as calcium dependent. Pharmacological studies revealed that the channel was insensitive to a variety of channel blockers, but was inactivated by ruthenium red. Presumably, this channel may play a role in regulating the evoked release of neurotransmitters. Offprint requests to: H. Breer  相似文献   
In order to gain further support for the concept that a homo-oligomeric protein-complex may be sufficient to form a functional ligand-activated ion channel and to explore additional possibilities for the reconstitution of channel activity, a single polypeptide band of the purified neuronal AChR from insects has been electroeluted from SDS-polyacrylamide gels, the SDS removed and the polypeptides incorporated into liposomes. Liposomes were fused into planar lipid bilayers which were subsequently analysed for channel activity. Fluctuations of cation-channels were detected after addition of agonists (carbamylcholine); channel activity was blocked by antagonists (d-tubocurarine). The channels formed by electroeluted polypeptides gave conductance values, as well as kinetic data, quite similar to channels formed by the native receptor protein. Sedimentation experiments using sucrose density gradient centrifugation revealed that a considerable portion of the electroeluted polypeptides assembled during the reconstitution process to form oligomeric complexes with a sedimentation coefficient of about 10 S; thus resembling the native receptor complex. Offprint requests to: W. Hanke  相似文献   
The acclimation of the clawed toad Xenopus laevis to hyperosmotic solutions of NaCl (balanced solution of sea salt), urea or mannitol was studied. The animals could not be acclimated to salt solutions more concentrated centrated than 400 mosm·l-1. Urea was tolerated till 500 mmol·l-1. Plasma osmolality was always hyperosmotic to the environmental solution, but with diminished osmotic gradient at the highest tolerated solutions. Plasma urea concentration approached 90 mmol·l-1, similar in the three solutions of acclimation. Urine volume was very small under all conditions. Serum aldosterone and corticosterone did not differ significantly, although there was a slight tendency towards lower aldosterone in the NaCl solution. In vivo water uptake in tap water acclimated animals was very small, and was higher in the other groups. Only the salt- and urea-acclimated, but not the tap water and mannitol-acclimated groups responded with a clear increase following injection of oxytocin or theophylline. In vitro urea fluxes were similar and invariable in both directions under all conditions. No significant effect of theophylline was observed. Sodium transport measured by the short-circuit technique in vitro was lower in salt- and mannitol-acclimation conditions, and was stimulated significantly under all conditions in response to serosal oxytocin or theopylline. It is concluded that Xenopus laevis can osmoregulate at a limited range of external solutions. It is limited in the increase of its plasma urea concentration; the transport properties of the skin do not change very much upon acclimation, except for the hydroosmotic response to oxytocin.Abbreviations I sc short circuit current - PD potential difference - SW balanced sea water - TW tap water  相似文献   
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