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Previous studies by us and others established that cell-cell adhesion is mediated by specific carbohydrate-to-carbohydrate interaction (CCI). Those previous studies were based on various biochemical and biophysical approaches, including the use of labeled glycosyl epitopes with fluorescent tag. However, these methods ideally require that the glycosyl epitope must be fixed to a solid phase molecule, preferably with multivalency. The purpose of the present study is to establish a CCI process using specific glycosyl residues conjugated to biotinylated diaminopyridine (BAP), and to observe: (i) clear occurrence of homotypic CCI between “Os Fr.B” having 5–6 GlcNAc termini, vs. absence of such homotypic CCI between “Os Fr.1” having 2 GlcNAc termini; (ii) occurrence of heterotypic CCI between GM3 ganglioside and Os Fr.B, vs. absence of such heterotypic CCI between GM3 and Os Fr.1. Interaction between Os Fr.B-BAP conjugate and Os Fr.B-ceramide mimetic (Os Fr.B-mCer) was demonstrated based on two experiments: (i) dose-dependent binding of Os Fr.B-BAP conjugate to polystyrene plates coated with Os Fr.B-mCer was observed in the presence of bivalent cation, a prerequisite for all CCI processes, and such binding was abolished by EDTA; (ii) binding between equal nanomolar Os Fr.B-BAP and Os Fr.B-mCer was inhibited by mM concentration Os Fr.B without conjugate, in dose-dependent manner. Thus, cell adhesion processes based on homotypic CCI between N-linked glycans having multiple GlcNAc termini, and heterotypic CCI between GM3 and such glycans, were clearly observed using BAP conjugates of glycosyl epitopes.  相似文献   
A Lewis-b-active glycosphingolipid containing a repetitive type-1 chain carbohydrate core was isolated from human colonic adenocarcinoma cell line Colo205. This glycosphingolipid was purified by HPLC and preparative high-performance thin-layer chromatography and its structure elucidated by positive-ion fast-atom-bombardment mass spectrometry with collision-induced disassociation, 1H-NMR spectroscopy and methylation analysis. The glycosphingolipid was found to be a trifucosylated derivative of this novel carbohydrate core, having the following structure: [formula; see text].  相似文献   
Carbohydrate-specific monoclonal antibodies were used to demonstrate the expression of a new membrane glycoprotein on F9 murine embryonal carcinoma cells. Sialyl Lex was detected using monoclonal antibody FH6 in a sensitive, cell monolayer radioimmunoassay. The antigen codistributed in gel filtration of a crude homogenate and in a membrane-enriched fraction with two known lactosaminoglycan markers, i and SSEA-1 (Lex or X hapten). Sialyl Lex was further shown to be carried by a novel glycoprotein, termed small lactosaminoglycan-like glycoprotein (sLAG) which could be purified by immunoaffinity chromatography. In two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis this glycoprotein had an apparent molecular weight of 45 kDa and a pI of about 6.5. The more differentiated cell line PYS-2 also expressed sialyl Lex and i antigens but not Lex, and FH6-reactive sLAG could be extracted from PYS-2 membranes. Sialylation of fucosylated type 2 carbohydrate chains (X haptens) thus may be an early modification of embryonic carbohydrate antigens.  相似文献   
Cell migration on fibronectin (FN)-coated substrata was studied using 10 cell lines, of which only 2 showed clear enhancement and 1 showed marginal enhancement of cell migration. The migration of the other 7 cell lines was not affected on FN-coated substrata, although they all showed FN-dependent cell adhesion. The migration-enhancing activity of FN was found in the fragment including the cell-adhesion and Hep-2 domains, but not other domains (Hep-1/Fib-1, Gel, Fib-2). No difference in the migration-enhancing effect was seen among FNs from plasma, fibroblasts, or transformed cells. FN-dependent cell migration was inhibited by polyclonal antibodies directed to the C-terminal half region including the cell binding domain, but not by antibodies directed to five other domains. Since these results indicated that FN-mediated cell migration could be controlled by the cell-adhesion domain of FN and its receptor, studies were then focused on the effect of antibodies directed to receptors for FN and collagen, and on the effect of tetrapeptide sequences recognized by these receptors. It was found that (i) cell migration on FN-coated surfaces was specifically inhibited by anti-FN receptor antibody P1F8 but not by anticollagen receptor antibody P1H5; (ii) the migration was strongly inhibited by Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser but not by other oligopeptide sequences. However, the majority of those cell lines not susceptible to FN-dependent cell migration were characterized by having FN receptors and the ability to adhere on FN-coated matrix. Based on these findings, it was concluded that FN-dependent cell migration shares the same recognition mechanism as FN-dependent cell adhesion, but that the majority of cell lines not exhibiting FN-dependent migration still show FN-dependent cell adhesion and express the FN receptor (integrin); i.e., cell migration and adhesion involve the same receptor and the same FN loci, but migration is controlled by still-unidentified cellular factors which determine the susceptibility of the cell to the dynamic function of the FN receptor (integrin) unit.  相似文献   
A fusion of human lymphocytes released from regional lymph nodes of papillary adenocarcinoma of lung cancer with mouse myeloma P3-X63-Ag8-U1 cells resulted in a stable hybridoma-secreting human IgM antibody (NCC-1004) that reacts with a large proportion of squamous cell carcinomas of lung and esophagus as well as carcinoma of thyroid glands. However, the antibody also reacts with normal red blood cells, B lymphocytes, and a few other limited loci in normal tissues such as the basal cells of bronchial epithelium and the basal cell layer of stratified squamous epithelium, as well as endothelium and alveolar lining epithelium. The antigen defined by NCC-1004 has been characterized as blood group i antigen on the basis of the following results. The antibody preferentially agglutinates cord erythrocytes in contrast to adult erythrocytes. The agglutination was obvious at 4 degrees C, but diminished greatly at 37 degrees C, and was enhanced after sialidase treatment. The antibody specifically reacts with lacto-norhexaosylceramide (nLc6) and sialosyllacto-norhexaosylceramide (IV3NeuAcnLc6), but does not react with lacto-neotetraosylceramide (nLc4), sialosyllacto-neotetraosylceramide (IV3NeuAcnLc4), lacto-isooctaosylceramide (IV6Gal beta 1----4GlcNAcnLc6; I antigen), and other standard glycolipids so far tested. The properties of the antibody and its antigen are identical to those previously described for the i blood group system. Inasmuch as the hybridoma was established by hybridization of lymphocytes derived from regional lymph nodes of lung cancer, and the antigen was found in the patient's lung cancer tissue, the i antigen in lung cancer is probably recognized as a tumor-associated antigen by the host's immune cell system.  相似文献   
The domain structure of human fibronectins isolated from plasma and from the conditioned medium of normal and transformed fibroblasts was analyzed by limited proteolysis and S-cyanylation followed by immunostaining of released fragments with five kinds of antibodies, each specific for one functional domain. The results indicate that all three human fibronectins are composed of the same set of functional domains aligned in the same topological order. However, the following clear differences were found in specific fragments released from plasma fibronectin (pFN) and those released from fibronectin of normal (N-cFN) and transformed fibroblasts (T-cFN). Two fragments (Mr = 70,000 and 60,000) were released from the COOH-terminal region of pFN by cathepsin D. These fragments represent the COOH-terminal heparin-binding (Hep-2) and fibrin-binding (Fib-2) domains. The corresponding fragments released from both N-cFN and T-cFN by cathepsin D had much larger molecular weights (Mr = 100,000 and 83,000-74,000) than those from pFN. The fragments from the Fib-2 domain alone, however, did not show any difference among all three FNs. The internal region, from the gelatin-binding (Gel) domain through the Hep-2 domain, of N-cFN and T-cFN was released as a Mr = 210,000 fragment upon mild trypsin digestion. The corresponding fragment from pFN was released as a Mr = 185,000 fragment. The COOH-terminal half, including the Hep-2 domain, of both N-cFN and T-cFN was released by S-cyanylation as Mr = 160,000-145,000 fragments, which are 25,000-20,000 larger than the corresponding fragments of pFN. These results clearly indicate that the Hep-2 domain of N-cFN and T-cFN is 30,000-20,000 daltons larger than the same domain of pFN. Although various fragments released from N-cFN and T-cFN showed a similar pattern, there were minor differences. Thermolysin fragments derived from the Hep-2 domain of N-cFN were clearly distinguishable from those from T-cFN. Three groups of fragments with Mr = 40,000, 35,000-32,000, and 30,000 were released from N-cFN, while only the 35,000-32,000 fragment was released from T-cFN. The Mr = 44,000/60,000 thermolysin fragments representing the Gel domain and the Mr = 210,000/165,000 tryptic fragments representing the internal domains of T-cFN were slightly, but consistently, larger than those of N-cFN.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Quantitative isolation of total glycosphingolipids from animal cells   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
The quantitative isolation of total glycosphingolipids from crude lipid extracts without contamination from other lipid classes is described. The method consists of (a) acetylation of total lipids with pyridine and acetic anhydride, (b) separation of acetylated glycolipids from nonglycolipids on a magnesia-silica gel (Florisil) column, and (c) deacetylation of glycolipid in chloroform-methanol-sodium methoxide. This method is useful for determination of microgram quantities of glycolipids derived from less than 1 ml of packed cells.  相似文献   
E-selectin has a "multi-recognition" capability in terms of epitope binding specificity, depending on adhesion conditions (static vs. low- or high-shear stress dynamic systems). Specifically, (i) adhesion based on expression of alpha 2-->3 sialylated Le(x) (SLe(x)) is prominent under static or low shear stress dynamic conditions; (ii) adhesion under high shear stress dynamic conditions does not depend on the known SLe(x) species, but rather on Lex with an adjacent unidentified sialosyl substitution, which shows different susceptibility to sialidases and antibodies compared to known SLe(x).  相似文献   
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