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包永德  朱辉 《生理学报》1996,48(6):587-589
爪蟾卵母细胞经注射鲫鱼视网总RNA后,可表达大量电压依赖性钾离子通道。在此基础上,我们进一步发现,一个特定序列的寡核苷酸能专一地抑制该通道的表达。由于我们设计与合成的该片段与果蝇、小鼠中已克隆的钾通道中编码N端的一个多肽的mRNA完全互补,因此推测:鲫鱼视网膜中的K这个区域与其它物种的K通道有高度同源性,这为克隆该基因和研究它的功能提供了重要资料。  相似文献   
Schistosomiasis is a serious and widespread parasitic disease caused by infection with Schistosoma. Because the parasite’s eggs are primarily responsible for schistosomiasis dissemination and pathogenesis, inhibiting egg production is a potential approach to control the spread and severity of the disease. The bromodomain and extra-terminal (BET) proteins represent promising targets for the development of epigenetic drugs against Schistosoma. JQ-1 is a selective inhibitor of the BET protein family. In the present study, JQ-1 was applied to S. japonicum in vitro. By using laser confocal scanning microscopy and EdU incorporation assays, we showed that application of JQ-1 to worms in vitro affected egg laying and the development of both the male and female reproductive systems. JQ-1 also inhibited the expression of the reproductive-related genes SjPlk1 and SjNanos1 in S. japonicum. Mice infected with S. japonicum were treated with JQ-1 during egg granuloma formation. JQ-1 treatment significantly reduced the size of the liver granulomas and levels of serum alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase in mice and suppressed both egg laying and the development of male and female S. japonicum reproductive systems in vivo. Moreover, the mRNA expression levels of some proinflammatory cytokines were decreased in the parasites. Our findings suggest that JQ-1 treatment attenuates S. japonicum egg–induced hepatic granuloma due at least in part to suppressing the development of the reproductive system and egg production of S. japonicum. These findings further suggest that JQ-1 or other BET inhibitors warrant additional study as a new approach for the treatment or prevention of schistosomiasis.  相似文献   
Aging is a major risk factor for many diseases,especially in highly prevalent cardiopulmonary comorbidities and infectious diseases including Coronavirus Diseas...  相似文献   
苏洁琼  李新荣  冯丽  回嵘  黄磊 《生态学报》2012,32(1):93-100
荒漠地区因土壤水分和养分含量较低而限制了植被的生长,且磷素对于植物的生长具有重要的作用。利用人工施加磷素的控制实验研究了不同磷肥处理对荒漠区草本植物物种丰富度、多度、盖度、生物量、植物株高等群落学特征的影响。实验表明:物种丰富度和多度在施肥量分别为12.5,25和50 g?m-2的梯度下,施肥当年和第二年相较于对照均有所降低,且施肥梯度越高,降低越明显;植被盖度和地上部生物量则在两年的实验中表现出相似的规律,在不同的施肥梯度下均有所提高,高肥处理对其促进作用更大,且在降水充足的07年高于降水较少的08年,说明水肥耦合更有助于群落生产力的提高;优势种株高则对磷素的响应存在种间差异,年际间的差异也较大,这或许与荒漠植物本身特有的生物学特性有关。  相似文献   
【目的】研究天蚕素A-马盖宁杂合肽对耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)DNA作用的抑菌机制。【方法】利用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜(CLSM)、凝胶阻滞分析、紫外光谱分析、荧光光谱分析的方法。【结果】天蚕素A-马盖宁杂合肽对MRSA的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)为64 mg/L,杂合肽可以在细菌胞内形成累积,并能与体外基因组DNA发生结合作用。同时杂合肽可以引起DNA构象的改变,荧光光谱分析结果表明杂合肽能与溴化乙锭(EB)竞争性地嵌入基因组DNA中,作用方式类似于EB与DNA的结合方式,杂合肽与DNA的结合表现为混合式作用方式。【结论】天蚕素A-马盖宁进入细菌胞内,与MRSA基因组DNA结合,并以混合式作用方式与DNA发生了结合,通过胞内靶向机制发挥抑菌作用。  相似文献   
Autologous adipose tissue is an ideal soft tissue filling material, and its biocompatibility is better than that of artificial tissue substitutes, foreign bodies and heterogeneous materials. Although autologous fat transplantation has many advantages, the low retention rate of adipose tissue limits its clinical application. Here, we identified a secretory glycoprotein, leucine‐rich‐alpha‐2‐glycoprotein 1 (LRG‐1), that could promote fat graft survival through RAB31‐mediated inhibition of hypoxia‐induced apoptosis. We showed that LRG‐1 injection significantly increased the maintenance of fat volume and weight compared with the control. In addition, higher fat integrity, more viable adipocytes and fewer apoptotic cells were observed in the LRG‐1‐treated groups. Furthermore, we discovered that LRG‐1 could reduce the ADSC apoptosis induced by hypoxic conditions. The mechanism underlying the LRG‐1‐mediated suppression of the ADSC apoptosis induced by hypoxia was mediated by the upregulation of RAB31 expression. Using LRG‐1 for fat grafts may prove to be clinically successful for increasing the retention rate of transplanted fat.  相似文献   
以不同基因型棉花品种为材料,在土柱栽培条件下研究膜下滴灌条件下水氮运筹方式对新疆棉花光合性能和产量构成的影响.结果表明: 播前灌溉+盛花期前限量滴灌+盛花期后充分滴灌,并配合氮肥基施20%+追施80%的水氮运筹方式(W4N2)下,盛花期叶片叶绿素含量、气孔导度(gs)、净光合速率(Pn)、PSⅡ实际光化学效率(ΦPSⅡ)和光化学猝灭系数(qP)均显著低于全生育期常规滴灌处理,非光化学猝灭系数(NPQ)增加,地上部干物质累积量受到限制;盛铃期至吐絮期叶绿素含量、gs、Pn、ΦPSⅡ、qP均随水氮供应量的提高而增大,地上部干物质产生超补偿积累,且有利于光合产物向棉铃的运转与分配.在氮肥基施20%+追施80%的施氮方式下,新陆早13号以播前灌溉+全生育期常规滴灌(W3)处理的籽棉产量较高,新陆早43号以播前灌溉+盛花期前限量滴灌+盛花期后充分滴灌(W4)处理籽棉产量最高.因此,在播前灌溉条件下适当减少盛花期前、增加生育中后期水氮供应,可以延长冠层叶片光合功能期,促进光合物质优先向生殖器官分配,充分发挥膜下滴灌棉花的增产潜力.  相似文献   
本试验通过23株带有遗传标记的粟长蠕孢菌突变菌株,获得生理性状及生长势不同于亲本的异核体。利用营养缺陷型标记菌株研究的结果表明,粟长蠕孢菌异核体的形成及核型成分的变化受选择压力的影响。原生质体检测结果表明,在异核菌丝体中,异核细胞占46.7%,同核细胞占53.3%。分生孢子检测结果表明,只有0.06%的分生孢子保持异核状态。  相似文献   
水通道蛋白(Aquaporin,AQP)是一类选择性高效转运水分子的细胞膜通道蛋白,广泛存在于原核和真核生物细胞的细胞膜上,主要介导自由水分子的被动跨膜转运,对保持细胞内外液环境的稳态平衡起着重要的作用.  相似文献   
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