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The pericarp of Chinese gooseberries is green due to the presenceof low concentrations of chlorophylls. On a f. wt basis thereis about 1.5 times more tetrapyrollic pigments (chlorophyllsand related compounds) in the outer pericarp than in the innerpericarp, whereas the carotenoid pigment values only showed1.25 times more in the outer than in the inner part of the fruit.The drying of Chinese gooseberries at 40 °C for 40 h resultedin the loss of at least half the tetrapyrollic pigments andof carotenoids. Chlorophylls a and b were converted to chlorophyllides,pheophytins and pheophorbides. Chloroplasts in the outer pericarp are clustered closely aroundthe nucleus and have a well-defined grana and inter-granal membranesystem. In the inner pericarp the chloroplasts are again clusteredaround the nucleus and there is a proliferation of inter-granalmembranes. In dried tissue the limiting membrane of chloroplastswas completely dispersed whereas some of the internal membranesremained intact. Actinidia chinensis Planch., Chinese gooseberry, Kiwi fruit, pigments, chloroplast structure  相似文献   
The properties of two strains of carrot (Daucus carota) callus are presented. One has a very low acid invertase activity which is accompanied by differences in morphology and metabolic rate, but not in growth rate. We conclude that one of the main functions of plant acid invertases is in controlling the levels of sugars which, by interaction with hormones, affect differentiation, both morphological and biochemical. The effect of tris on sucrose metabolizing enzymes, and the cause of the “sucrose effect” are considered.  相似文献   
The growth of the fruit of two varieties of almond (Prunus dulcis(Mill.) D. A. Webb) was studid from anthesis (week 0) to maturity(week 32). The dimensions, fresh weight, moisture content, anatomyand chemical composition of the pericarp, testa, embryo, endospermand nucellus are recorded diagrarnmatically, graphically andby micrographs for one variety. Of the two ovules present atflowering only one normally developed further. By 12 weeks afterflowering the whole fruit had reached full size. The space encloscdby the pericarp was filled by nuallus until weck 10, with subsequentenlargement of both endosperm and embryo. From week 16 to week20 the embryo increased to full size with a concumnt decreasein the size of the endosperm. Sixteen weeks after flowering,the embryo began to accumulate protein and lipid, little ofwhich originated from either the nucellus or endosperm. Theembryo contained no starch or reducing sugar but up to 3% sucrosein the early stags which dtcreascd as lipid and protein increased.Starch and sucrose levels were high in the testa at week 16but subsbquently dropped, starch more rapidly than sucrose.The role of the testa in transport of metabolites to the embryois discussed. Prunus dulcis, almond, fruit development, anatomy, embryo, endosperm  相似文献   
Rhizopus sexualis grown at 20° C. on liquid I per cent.malt or glucose-asparagine medium showed a peak of respiratoryactivity between 40 and 55 hours-after inoculation. Rate ofrespiration then fell until it reached a steady low level whichcoincided with maximum mycelial growth. Zygospore initiationoccurred at or just after the peak of respiration. At a low temperature (9° C.) or with high concentrationsof glucose the respiration peak was less marked and no zygosporesdeveloped. Single ‘plus’ or ‘minus’strains of the heterothallic species Mucor hiemalis and Phycomycesblakesleeanus showed a pattern of respiration and mycelial growthsimilar to that of R. sexualis but no zygospores were formed.Zygospores did not develop without a preliminary period of intenserespiration, but such a peak period could occur without beingfollowed by zygospore formation. A strain of Sordaria fimicola was grown at 25° C. on a syntheticmedium with 5.0 per cent. sucrose or glucose as source of carbon.Respiration reached a peak at approximately 4 and 5 days respectively,the actual peak value being twice as large on sucrose as onglucose. Dry weight of mycelium was greater on glucose thanon sucrose. Perithecia were formed only on the sucrose medium.Visible peri-thecial initials were first seen shortly afterthe occurrence of the respiratory peak. Mature perithecia werepresent 3 days later. The possible significance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   
The distribution of nucleic acids, nuclei, mitochondria, andreserve foods in vegetative hyphae, zygophores, and developingzygospores of Rhizopus sexualis and Mucor hiemalis were examinedby differential staining. The extreme tips and growing zones of vegetative hyphae containeda high concentration of RNA and numerous mitochondria. Nucleiwere not present at the extreme tip but were numerous just behindit. In older parts of the hyphae the concentration of RNA waslow and both nuclei and mitochondria were fewer than in thezone of elongation. Glycogen and lipids were present in all parts of the livinghyphae except the extreme tips and were more highly concentratedin the older parts of the hyphae. Young zygophores showed a much lower RNA/DNA ratio than thatfound in the vegetative hyphal tips. Transfer of colonies from20? C to temperatures of less than 10? C, which is known toprevent zygospore initiation, caused some but not all recognizablezygophores of R. sexualis, but not those of M. hiemalis, torevert to the RNA/DNA ratio characteristic of vegetative hyphae.Some zygophores of Rhizopus and most of those of Mucor developedinto sporangiophores at low temperature, retaining the relativelylow RNA/DNA ratio throughout development. It is suggested thata reduction in the RNA/DNA ratio is an early step in the changefrom the vegetative state to the reproductive one. At firstthis step is reversible, but soon becomes irreversible by anadditional step, the nature of which is unknown. For some timeafter this the reproductive hyphae are capable of either producingasexual sporangia or of conjugating to produce zygospores. Onceconjugation has taken place development either ceases or continuesuntil the spore is fully mature, but it cannot under any circumstancesthen be reversed. The development and maturation of the zygospore involves a greatincrease in number of both nuclei and mitochondria and in theconcentration of glycogen and lipids.  相似文献   
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