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L. Ollivier  LLG. Janss 《Genetics》1993,135(3):907-909
A method of estimating the number of loci contributing to quantitative variation has been proposed by S. Wright in 1921. The method makes use of the means of inbred lines and the variances of their F(1), F(2) and backcrosses. The method has been extended to crosses between outbreeding populations by R. Lande in 1981. Additive gene action is one of the major assumptions required for obtaining valid estimates. It is shown here that this assumption may be relaxed. One can estimate both a total number of effective loci and a number of dominant loci (the latter only when the parents are inbred) by comparing the variances of the F(1), F(2) and backcrosses. Numerical illustrations are given, based on crossbreeding data.  相似文献   
Pedigree and marker data from a multiple-generation pig selection experiment have been analysed to screen for loci affecting quantitative traits (QTL). Pigs from a base population were selected either for low backfat thickness at fixed live weight (L-line) or high live weight at fixed age (F-line). Selection was based on single-trait own performance and DNA was available on selected individuals only. Genotypes for three marker loci with known positions on chromosome 4 were available. The transmission/disequilibrium test (TDT) was originally described in human genetics to test for linkage between a genetic marker and a disease-susceptibility locus, in the presence of association. Here, we adapt the TDT to test for linkage between a marker and QTL favoured by selection, and for linkage disequilibrium between them in the base population. The a priori unknown distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis, no linkage, was obtained via Monte Carlo simulation. Significant TDT statistics were found for markers AFABP and SW818 in the F-line, indicating the presence of a closely linked QTL affecting growth performance. In the L-line, none of the markers studied showed significance. This study emphasizes the potential of the TDT as a quick and simple approach to screen for QTL in situations where marker genotypes are available on selected individuals. The results suggest that previously identified QTL in crosses of genetically diverse breeds may also segregate in commercial selection lines.  相似文献   
An interval quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping method for complex polygenic diseases (as binary traits) showing QTL by environment interactions (QEI) was developed for outbred populations on a within-family basis. The main objectives, within the above context, were to investigate selection of genetic models and to compare liability or generalized interval mapping (GIM) and linear regression interval mapping (RIM) methods. Two different genetic models were used: one with main QTL and QEI effects (QEI model) and the other with only a main QTL effect (QTL model). Over 30 types of binary disease data as well as six types of continuous data were simulated and analysed by RIM and GIM. Using table values for significance testing, results show that RIM had an increased false detection rate (FDR) for testing interactions which was attributable to scale effects on the binary scale. GIM did not suffer from a high FDR for testing interactions. The use of empirical thresholds, which effectively means higher thresholds for RIM for testing interactions, could repair this increased FDR for RIM, but such empirical thresholds would have to be derived for each case because the amount of FDR depends on the incidence on the binary scale. RIM still suffered from higher biases (15-100% over- or under-estimation of true values) and high standard errors in QTL variance and location estimates than GIM for QEI models. Hence GIM is recommended for disease QTL mapping with QEI. In the presence of QEI, the model including QEI has more power (20-80% increase) to detect the QTL when the average QTL effect is small (in a situation where the model with a main QTL only is not too powerful). Top-down model selection is proposed in which a full test for QEI is conducted first and then the model is subsequently simplified. Methods and results will be applicable to human, plant and animal QTL mapping experiments.  相似文献   
We studied different genetic models and evaluation systems to select against a genetic disease with additive, recessive or polygenic inheritance in genetic conservation schemes. When using optimum contribution selection with a restriction on the rate of inbreeding (ΔF) to select against a disease allele, selection directly on DNA-genotypes is, as expected, the most efficient strategy. Selection for BLUP or segregation analysis breeding value estimates both need 1–2 generations more to halve the frequency of the disease allele, while these methods do not require knowledge of the disease mutation at the DNA level. BLUP and segregation analysis methods were equally efficient when selecting against a disease with single gene or complex polygene inheritance, i.e. knowledge about the mode of inheritance of the disease was not needed for efficient selection against the disease. Smaller schemes or schemes with a more stringent restriction on ΔF needed more generations to halve the frequency of the disease alleles or the fraction of diseased animals. Optimum contribution selection maintained ΔF at its predefined level, even when selection of females was at random. It is argued that in the investigated small conservation schemes with selection against a genetic defect, control of ΔF is very important.  相似文献   
Myosin light-chain expression during avian muscle development   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Monoclonal antibodies to adult chicken myosin light chains were generated and used to quantitate the types of myosin light-chain (MLC) isoforms expressed during development of the pectoralis major (PM), anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD), and medial adductor (MA) muscles of the chicken. These are muscles which, in the adult, are composed predominantly of fast, slow, and a mixture of fiber types, respectively. Three distinct phases of MLC expression characterized the development of the PM and MA muscles. The first identifiable pase occurred during the period of 5-7 d of incubation in ovo. Extracts of muscles from the pectoral region (which included the presumptive PM muscle) contained only fast MLC isoforms. This period of exclusive fast light-chain synthesis was followed by a phase (8- 12 d of incubation in ovo) in which coexpression of both fast and slow MLC isoforms was apparent in both PM and MA muscles. During the period, the composition of both fast and slow MLC isoforms in the PM and MA muscles was identical. Beginning at day 12 in ovo, the ALD was also subjected to immunochemical analyses. The proportion of fast and slow MLCs in this muscle at day 12 was similar to that present in the other muscles studied. The third development phase of MLC expression began at approximately 12 d of incubation in ovo and encompassed the transition in MLC composition to the isoform patterns incubation in ovo and encompassed the transition in MLC composition to the isoform patterns typical of adult muscle. During this period, the relative proportion of slow MLC rose in both the MA and ALD and fell in the PM. By day 16, the third fast light chain, LC(3f), was apparent in extracts of both the PM and MA. These results show that there is a developmental progression in the expression of MLC in the two avian muscles studied from day 5 in ovo; first, only fast MLCs are accumulated, then both fast and slow MLC isoforms are expressed. Only during the latter third of development in ovo is the final MLC isoform pattern characteristic of a particular muscle type expressed.  相似文献   
The suitability of using macroinvertebrates as bioindicators of stream water quality was tested in the Mkondoa River in an agricultural area at Kilosa, using the rapid bioassessment protocol. The family biotic index (FBI) showed marked variation in water quality along the stream from values ranging from 4.1 to 5.0 in the upstream reaches, indicating good water quality, 5.3 to 5.5 in the mid-reaches and 6.0 to 6.5 in the lower reaches. The water quality index (WQI) indicated that water quality was fair (77 ± 0.98) in the upstream reach of the Mkondoa, marginal (55 ± 0.86) in the midstream reach and poor (33 ± 0.45) in the downstream reach. There were significant relationships between biological oxygen demand and dissolved oxygen and the occurrence of specific taxa, mainly Chironomus and Caenis. Significant changes in macroinvertebrate abundance were mostly related to changes in water quality. As in other parts of the world, macroinvertebrate communities proved to be good biological indicators of water quality and they should be used as bioindicators in long-term monitoring of this river.  相似文献   
In a simulation study different designs for a pure line pig population were compared for efficiency of mapping QTL using the variance component method. Phenotypes affected by a Mendelian QTL, a paternally expressed QTL, a maternally expressed QTL or by a QTL without an effect were simulated. In all alternative designs 960 progeny were phenotyped. Given the limited number of animals there is an optimum between the number of families and the family size. Estimation of Mendelian and parentally expressed QTL is more efficient in a design with large family sizes. Too small a number of sires should be avoided to minimize chances of sires to be non-segregating. When a large number of families is used, the number of haplotypes increases which reduces the accuracy of estimating the QTL effect and thereby reduces the power to show a significant QTL and to correctly position the QTL. Dense maps allow for smaller family size due to exploitation of LD-information. Given the different possible modes of inheritance of the QTL using 8 to16 boars, two litters per dam was optimal with respect to determining significance and correct location of the QTL for a data set consisting of 960 progeny. The variance component method combining linkage disequilibrium and linkage analysis seems to be an appropriate choice to analyze data sets which vary in marker density and which contain complex family structures.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to identify the influence of genetic carriership for cryptorchidism on litter sizes and sex ratios in the offspring. Weaning data of 11,230 litters in 12 purebred dog breeds were evaluated. Parents were classified as cryptorchidism 'carriers' (C) when at least one of their offspring was found cryptorchid. Subsequently the effects of 'carrier' and 'non-carrier' (NC) parents on their litters were studied. In litters from C x C parents we found an increased number of males per litter in all breeds, a reduced number of females per litter in 8 breeds and an increased litter size in 11 breeds in comparison with litters from NC x NC parents. Over all breeds the effects on litter size, on number of males per litter and on sex ratio were highly significant. Mixed litters from C x NC and NC x C did not show these effects and were not significantly different from the NC x NC offspring. Our results suggest a general mechanism in the dog species which causes cryptorchidism as well as increased male/female ratios and increased litter sizes. A consequence of such a mechanism is that selection in favor of increasing reproduction output frustrates selective efforts to eliminate cryptorchidism.  相似文献   
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