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Summary Fed-batch cultures of Zymomonas mobilis (UQM 2864), a mutant unable to metabolise fructose, grown on diluted sugar cane syrup (200 g/l sucrose) achieved yields of 90.5 g/l fructose and 48.3 g/l ethanol with minimal sorbitol formation and complete utilization of the substrate. The effect of inoculum size on sorbitol formation in the batch stage of fed-batch fermentation are reported. Fermentation of sucrose (350 g/l) supplemented with nutrients yielded 142 g/l fructose and 76.5 g/l ethanol. Some fructose product loss at high fructose concentrations was observed. The fed-batch fermentation process offers a method for obtaining high concentrations of fructose and ethanol from sucrose materials.  相似文献   
Summary A chemically synthesised gene coding for human urogastrone which was earlier cloned in E. coli (Smith et al. 1982) has now been cloned into expression vectors for Bacillus subtilis Two types of constructs have been made, one giving production of methionylurogastrone and the other giving rise to a methionyl-urogastrone- galactosidase fusion polypeptide facilitating quantification of expression levels.The ribosome binding sites used in the expression plasmids are synthetically made oligonucleotides residing on short restriction fragments to allow easy replacement by other ribosome binding sites.Using shuttle vectors and constitutive promoters from Bacillus phages 105 and SPP1, we were able to detect levels of expression amounting to a few thousand molecules per cell during logarithmic growth in both E. coli and B. subtilis.  相似文献   
This study surveys genetic variation in two clonal, monoecious, water-pollinated species that differ in their extent of sexuality and distributional range. Electrophoresis was used to quantify allozyme variability in 12 Wisconsin populations of the widespread Ceratophyllum demersum and the rare C. echinatum. Electrophoretic data indicate that populations of both species have low levels of sexual recombination, low levels of variation, and are structured genetically like inbreeding terrestrial plants. Ceratophyllum populations differ from “typical” clonal terrestrial plants by lower genetic diversity, lower proportions of multiclonal populations, and fewer genotypes per population. In two populations where sexual recombination is documented, heterozygosity is low with significant deficiencies. Monoecy in Ceratophyllum may be related to historical evolutionary factors, whereas vegetative reproduction has a greater influence on the genetic population structure of extant populations. The low genetic identity between C. demersum and C. echinatum supports their recognition as distinct species.  相似文献   
We investigated the role of testosterone (T) in territory establishment and maintenance in male red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) by implanting exogenous T or pharmacological agents that block the action of T in nonterritorial floaters and territory owners. Floaters with artificially elevated plasma T levels were unable to obtain territories. Territory owners implanted with T did not expand their territories, although they engaged in more aggressive behavior than did control males. Flutamide, which binds to T receptors in target areas, had no effect on territoriality. However, most territory owners given a combination of flutamide and ATD, an aromatization blocker, lost portions of their territories even though they actively defended them. Our results 1) suggest that, although T influences aggressive behavior, elevated plasma levels alone are insufficient to overcome previously-established social relationships between territory owners or between owners and floaters; 2) indicate that impairing the action of T leads to reduced abilities of territory owners to maintain territories against vigorous challenges: and 3) support recent findings that T acts on reproductive behavior in birds through both androgenic and estrogenic metabolites.  相似文献   
Quantitative zooplankton samples were obtained monthly or bi-monthly 15 times from June 1974 to May 1975 at three stations in lower Delaware Bay. Two 12-hour cruises were also conducted at one of the stations.Arthropods dominated the samples in terms of number of species and number of individuals. The number of zooplankton from surface samples ranged from 58/m3 in August to 21,092/ m3 in June, while bottom samples varied from 259/m3 in August to 30,395/ m3 in October. In general, larger concentrations of individuals were found in bottom samples.Only on three occasions did meroplankton exceed the holoplankton, and these occurred at the shallow water stations. Meroplankton comprised a larger percentage of the bottom samples than surface samples. Zoeae of Neopanope sayi and Uca sp. contributed mainly to the large proportion of meroplankton in July 1974, veligers of Mytilus edulis in January 1975, and nauplii of Balanus sp. in May 1975.Copepods were the largest component of the population throughout most of the year. At all stations and depths, Arctica tonsa dominated most of the summer samples. In the spring of 1975, A. tonsa was replaced by Centropages hamatus, Temora longicornis, and Pseudocalanus minutus.During the 12-hour cruises there were higher numbers of individuals in the bottom waters in the day with migration to surface waters in the afternoon and evening. Based on cluster analysis, five time-related assemblages were discerned: June, July–August, September–November, December, January–May. Comparison of Delaware Bay zooplankton with other estuarine systems indicated that the densities obtained locally were most similar to those reported in the York River, Virginia.  相似文献   
Changes in the structure of an estuarine, subtidal, benthic deposit-feeding community have been investigated. Three quantitative samples were taken within a grid 10 m on a side every four weeks from May, 1971 to July, 1973. Each sample was washed over a 250 μm sieve. Streblospio benedicti Webster, Capitella capitata (Fabricius), Heteromastus filiformis (Claparède), Potydora ligni Webster, and Paranais litoralis (Müller) were the five dominant species on the basis of their total abundance, percentage occurrence, and biological index value. Repeatable cycles in diversity were observed for Fager's scaled standard deviation and scaled information measure, as well as for Lloyd and Ghelardi's equitability, but not for the unsealed information theory measure. McNaughton's dominance index was strongly inversely correlated with all diversity measures. Graphical measures of lognormal skewness and normal kurtosis, as applied to Whittaker's dominance diversity curves, followed repeatable cycles, whereas normal skewness and lognormal kurtosis did not. A strong relationship between Fager's scaled standard deviation diversity, dominance, and the degree to which resources were being shared by the deposit-feeding segment of the community was suggested. A decrease in average niche width and average niche overlap was observed as the community developed during the period of strong larval recruitment.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine the composition of the associated fauna of Delaware's oyster beds. Moreover the relative position of Delaware's oyster producing tributaries lends itself to testing the classic hypothesis concerning the effect of salinity on faunal distribution. Interaction of substrate was also studied. The local oyster beds are termed the bay beds which include planted and natural populations, and the river beds. From 1967 to 1971 approximately 800 samples have been collected and the majority of these were from the bay beds. In 1968 and 1969, 132 samples were systematically collected from the river beds and 19 from the bay beds. These were returned to the laboratory for special care in identification. Samples from fouling panels and oyster rafts provided additional species. 152 species were identified but only 133 species were statistically analysed because they were from the systematic collections. Nonparametric statistics were used. In order to facilitate analysis the top 23 species were selected for special treatment. In order of decreasing frequency of occurrence the species were: Sabellaria vulgaris, Conopeum tenuissimum, Panopeus herbsti, Nereis succinea, Palaemonetes vulgaris, Crassostrea virginica, Nassarius obsoletus, Polydora websteri, Membranipora tenuis, Garveia fransiscana, Bulanus improvisus, Diadumene leucolena, Aiptasiomorpha luciae, Melita nitida, Obelia longicyatha, Alcyonidium polyoum, Sertularia argentea, Crangon septemspinosa, Hydroides dianthus, Eurypanopeus depressus, Modiolus demissus, Parapleustes sp., and Hartlaubella gelatinosa. The diversity of species decreases up the estuary with decreasing salinity. Substrate can alter this pattern in particular cases. Within a given salinity range the presence of any firm substrate or mud influenced the nature of the community from epifaunal to infaunal. Four faunal units were recognized: the planted and natural beds, the four southern rivers, the Leipsic River, the Woodland Beach area. The Leipsic River area marks a critical transition zone with a rapid reduction in species. North of Woodland Beach brackish water conditions begin to prevail. The fauna was more diverse in late spring than in the fall but seasonality was not as marked as expected. The faunal composition of Delaware's oyster beds agrees with the cosmopolitan view of estuaries. The stability — time hypothesis proposed by SANDERS provides a theoretical basis to explain faunal distributions in Delaware's oyster community. The hardy nature and geologic history of this oyster community makes it a likely candidate as a sensitive indicator of environmental degradation in the estuary.  相似文献   
The distributions of 24 marine and estuarine isopods have been reviewed. Lironeca ovalis, Aegathoa medialis, Olencira praegustator, and Probopyrus pandalicola were the only parasitic species found. Of the 20 free-living isopods, Asellus communis and Chiridotea almyra were the only fresh to brackish water species, and Chiridotea arenicola, C. stenops, Cirolana impressa, C. polita and Edotea montosa were the true marine species. The salinity range of Cyathura burbancki was extended and the range of Chiridotea stenops was extended northward while the ranges of Chiridotea nigrescens and C. arenicola were extended southward. The contribution of isopod distributions to the concept of a shallow water Transatlantic zoogeographic province is discussed.  相似文献   
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