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The polysaccharide capsule of Escherichia coli K29 fully surrounds the microorganism and thus occupies an extracellular space ca. 20 times larger in volume than that of the decapsulated cell. Since more than 95% of the capsule consists of water, dehydration for electron microscopy causes the material to collapse. We describe here a method for embedding the capsule in an uncollapsed form. Dehydration of gelatin-enrobed, glutaraldehyde-fixed cells was performed in dimethyl formamide. The cells were embedded in Lowicryl K4M with the "progressive lowering of temperature" method and UV polymerization. In ultrathin sections, the capsule can be identified by its low electron contrast. It occupies a layer 3/4 micron thick thick and shows fibrous strands embedded in a fine granular matrix. The thin strands extend radially from the cell wall and transverse the capsule. The entire capsule domain, as well as the outer membrane, binds specific anticapsular antibody, whereas the periplasmic space and most of the inner membrane lack capsule-specific immunostain.  相似文献   
The invasive properties of Azoarcus sp. strain BH72, an endorhizospheric isolate of Kallar grass, on gnotobiotically grown seedlings of Oryza sativa IR36 and Leptochloa fusca (L.) Kunth were studied. Additionally, Azoarcus spp. were localized in roots of field-grown Kallar grass. To facilitate localization and to assure identity of bacteria, genetically engineered microorganisms expressing beta-glucuronidase were also used as inocula. beta-Glucuronidase staining indicated that the apical region of the root behind the meristem was the most intensively colonized. Light and electron microscopy showed that strain BH72 penetrated the rhizoplane preferentially in the zones of elongation and differentiation and colonized the root interior inter- and intracellularly. In addition to the root cortex, stelar tissue was also colonized; bacteria were found in the xylem. No evidence was obtained that Azoarcus spp. could reside in living plant cells; rather, plant cells were apparently destroyed after bacteria had penetrated the cell wall. A common pathogenicity test on tobacco leaves provided no evidence that representative strains of Azoarcus spp. are phytopathogenic. Compared with the control, inoculation with strain BH72 significantly promoted growth of rice seedlings. This effect was reversed when the plant medium was supplemented with malate (0.2 g/liter). N2 fixation was apparently not involved, because the same response was obtained with a nifK mutant of strain BH72, which has a Nif- phenotype. Also, Western blot (immunoblot) analysis of protein extracts from rice seedlings gave no indication that nitrogenase was present. PCR and Western immunoblotting, using primers specific for eubacteria and antibodies recognizing type-specific antigens, respectively, indicated that strain BH72 could colonize rice plants systemically, probably mediated by longitudinal spreading through vessels.  相似文献   
The contrast on micrographs obtained by conventional imaging in the conventional transmission electron microscope and in the scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) (brightfield and darkfield) reflects mainly the variations of the mass-density and of the thickness of the specimen. The density differences in resin-embedded, unstained materials are too small to give enough contrast when compared to that produced by the surface perturbations introduced by sectioning. By darkfield imaging, therefore, this variable surface relief does not lead reproducibly to interpretable micrographs of high quality. Imaging by the ratio of elastically over inelastically scattered electrons in the STEM (Z-contrast) depends primarily on the atomic composition of the material. We present here the first experimental tests of theoretical predictions with thin sections; Z-contrast micrographs of septate junctions reveal the transmembrane proteins which are not visible in uranyl acetate stained sections viewed by conventional brightfield imaging.  相似文献   
In recent years parentage control by means of blood grouping tests (blood and protein systems) has been required for bulls to be registered in the Danish Hereford Herd Book. Because the Hereford breed shows less variation in the blood and protein systems, the probability of excluding an incorrectly stated bull (or cow) is estimated to be some 15 % lower in Hereford than in Danish dairy breeds (RDM, SDM and Jersey).  相似文献   
Isolation and reassembly of bacteriophage T4 core proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The products of genes 22, 67 and 68, and the internal proteins IPI, IPII and IPIII, as components of the scaffolding core of the bacteriophage T4 prohead, have been isolated and purified by hydroxylapatite column chromatography. Under conditions promoting reassembly in vitro, the proteins associated into elongated particles of practically constant width but variable length that we have called polycores. Preliminary optical diffraction experiments indicate that polycores may have an ordered structure, possibly helical, as has been suggested for the polyhead core. The coassembly of core proteins and the purified shell protein gp23 results in the formation of core-containing polyheads. Occasionally, prolate core-like particles have been observed but their reproducible formation has not been attained. Attempts to investigate the role of the minor prohead component gp20 in core assembly have been made through the cloning of the corresponding gene in an expression vector and subsequent purification of the protein.  相似文献   
In March 2012, fishermen operating in a fjord in Northern Norway reported catching Atlantic cod, a native fish forming an economically important marine fishery in this region, with unusual prey in their stomachs. It was speculated that these could be Atlantic salmon, which is not typical prey for cod at this time of the year in the coastal zone. These observations were therefore reported to the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries as a suspected interaction between a local fish farm and this commercial fishery. Statistical analyses of genetic data from 17 microsatellite markers genotyped on 36 partially-degraded prey, samples of salmon from a local fish farm, and samples from the nearest wild population permitted the following conclusions: 1. The prey were Atlantic salmon, 2. These salmon did not originate from the local wild population, and 3. The local farm was the most probable source of these prey. Additional tests demonstrated that 21 of the 36 prey were infected with piscine reovirus. While the potential link between piscine reovirus and the disease heart and skeletal muscle inflammation is still under scientific debate, this disease had caused mortality of large numbers of salmon in the farm in the month prior to the fishermen''s observations. These analyses provide new insights into interactions between domesticated and wild fish.  相似文献   
When nitrate is the only nitrogen source, Neurospora crassa's nitrate reductase (NR) shows endogenous oscillations in its nitrate reductase activity (NRA) on a circadian time scale. These NRA oscillations can be observed in darkness or continuous light conditions and also in a frq(9) mutant in which no functional FRQ protein is formed. Even in a white-collar-1 knockout mutant, NRA oscillations have been observed, although with a highly reduced amplitude. This indicates that the NRA oscillations are not a simple output rhythm of the white-collar-driven frq oscillator but may be generated by another oscillator that contains the nit-3 autoregulatory negative feedback loop as a part. In this negative feedback loop, a product in the reaction chain catalyzed by nitrate reductase, probably glutamine, induces repression of the nitrate reductase gene and thus downregulates its own production. This is the first example of an endogenous, nutritionally induced daily rhythm with known molecular components that is observed in the absence of an intact FRQ protein.  相似文献   
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