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Nine fatty acid–peptide hybrid molecules were constructed using the general formula CH3(CH2) n CO-Phe Asp Cys-amide and tested for their ability to inhibit cell lysis induced by the membrane-active peptide melittin. All of these molecules, where n = 4–14, inhibited the action of melittin to some extent, but the longer carbon chains were most effective. Several potential inhibitors were also constructed with conservative substitutions in the peptide portion of the molecule. All were effective to varying degrees. We concluded that in the hexapeptide inhibitor published by Blondelle et al. (1993), the role of the first three residues is only to provide hydrophobic interaction with the melittin and has no particular amino acid sequence specificity. Some of these inhibitors were found to inhibit the lytic activity of a melittin analogue which had only superficial sequence similarity to melittin and also a truncated form of melittin, indicating the generality of the action of the inhibitors.Deceased 5/4/98  相似文献   
Five populations of Pinus rigida growing in contrasting ecological situations ranging from North Carolina (35°53'N latitude) to Quebec (45°06'N latitude) showed no significant variation in amounts of nuclear DNA with respect to germinating seedlings. Nuclear volume of dormant nuclei also showed no significant variation between and within populations, a finding that is consistent with the concept that the basic 2C DNA value of Pinus rigida is uniform under all habitats. This finding is in contrast to numerous reports for other coniferous species.  相似文献   
Rickettsia parkeri, a member of the spotted fever group rickettsias, was first described in 1939 and was thought to be non‐pathogenic until recently, when it was found to cause a spotted fever‐like illness in humans and areas of necrosis (eschars) at the sites of tick bites. Accordingly, there is currently much interest in this emerging pathogen. In this study, all published articles concerning R. parkeri were reviewed and analyzed for evidence of relatedness among this agent and other spotted fever group (SFG) rickettsiae which also produce similar clinical syndromes and/or eschars, including R. conorii, R. africae, and R. sibirica. A synthesis of the historical (antigenic) and recent (molecular) data supporting a phylogenetic sub‐grouping of these SFG organisms is presented and comments are offered about the taxonomy of rickettsial organisms in general, and R. parkeri in particular.  相似文献   
Typical somatic cell type histones are lost from the nucleus during late spermiogenesis in the house cricket; they are replaced by unusual basic proteins specific to the spermatid. We wish to characterize these proteins because they appear to determine the unusual chromatin structures of the spermatid. Molecular weights of the unusual basic proteins were estimated by chromatographing them on Bio-Gel A 0.5 M agarose columns eluted with 6 M guanidine hydrochloride. Two proteins named TH1 and TH2 have molecular weights in the range spanned by the somatic histones. The molecular weight of TH1 is 17 500 and that of TH2 is 15 500. Three additional spermatid proteins were also analyzed by molecular weight determination. They are called here protamines A, B and C, and they have molecular weights in the range typical of protamines. That of A is 6200, of B is 5500 and of C is 3800. They span the range from the large protamines typical of mammalian sperm to the small protamines of salmonid fish. The molecular weights of the TH proteins were also examined by electrophoresis on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. Amino acid compositions determined for TH1 and TH2 show that both are basic proteins rich in arginine relative to lysine. Their compositions are histone-like, but they appear to be distinct histone types rather than variant forms of the somatic histones.  相似文献   
The filamentous green alga Klebsormidium flaccidum will produce zoospores when cultured on a diurnal regime of 8-hr light and 16-hr dark. Zoosporogenesis is inhibited by interruption of the dark period with light of sufficient intensity and duration. The relationship between intensity and maximum time of interruption before total inhibition of zoosporogenesis is nonlinear.  相似文献   
Defenders of the Truth: The Battle for Science in the Sociobiology Debate and Beyond. Ullica Segerstrile. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.493 pp.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Most of what is known about parasitoid behaviour comes from laboratory observations: field quantitative observations on searching parasitoids are extremely difficult to do and are rare. The basic components of Aphytis melinus 's response to California red scale ( Aonidiella aurantii ) were studied in the laboratory: encounter, rejection, drumming, probing, oviposition, and host-feeding. It was then asked whether these observations provided a reliable guide to behaviour in the field in a situation that was very different from the laboratory.
2. Field observations were carried out on bark on the trunk and interior branches of trees where live scale density is extremely high in patches, dead scale make up 90% of all scale, and could be expected to interfere with Aphytis search.
3. The laboratory observations predicted well the time taken in the field for each basic event (drumming or probing) and average times spent on a scale. Also well predicted were the distributions of times spent on drumming, probing, and total time on a scale. Rejection rates were much higher in the field. Thus, the laboratory studies predicted foraging behaviour in the field with variable success; potential explanations for observed mismatch between laboratory and field and its possible larger implications are discussed.  相似文献   
A stillborn squirrel monkey had craniorachischisis. The calvarium was absent and the skin and vertebral neural arches were cleft from the foramen magnum to the midlumbar region. Cranial nerves and degenerating neural tissue were attached to the cranial base and there were remnants of spinal cord in skin-covered areas of the spinal canal. The adrenal glands were normal. This is the only reported case of craniorachischisis in a monkey fetus.  相似文献   
Summary We studied the influence of diet composition and breadth on the subsequent acceptability of three novel plants to sixth instarSchistocerca americana. Rearing diets of equal breadth differing in composition, and diets differing in breadth, significantly altered first meal length on some but not all of the test plants. These effects on palatability altered and at times reversed the palatability hierarchy of insects reared on different diets. The effects of rearing insects on broad diets were not produced by exposure to the plant odors alone, but apparently required contact with a diversity of plants while feeding. Switching diets for 24 h prior to testing did not alter preferences induced by rearing diets. The relationship of these patterns to induced preferences in other insects, and some possible mechanisms for generating induced preferences, are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary A thermostable NADP-dependent isocitrite dehydrogenase (IDH; EC. was purified from the obligately thermophilic hydrocarbonoclastic bacterium Thermoleophilum minutum YS-4 (ATCC 35265). This was accomplished by affinity chromatography and electroelution from a nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel. The enzyme has an M r of 60 000 and is composed of two identical subunits of M r 30 500. The amino acid composition has an Arg/Lys ratio of 4:1 and very high levels of glycine. Under nondenaturing conditions, the enzyme has a distinct difference in electrophoretic mobility relative to IDHs obtained from other genera including the genus Thermus. The secondary strcuture consists of 16% -helix, 20% -sheet, 25% -turn and 37% random coil as determined by circular dichroism spectroscopy. The optimum pH and temperature for activity were 7.2 and 75° C respectively and the apparent K mvalues for DL-isocitrate adn NADP+ were 33 M, and 48 M, respectively. The enzyme requires divalent cations, such as Mn2+ or Mg2+ for activity. NAD+ cannot substitute for NADP+. Oxaloacetate plus glyoxylate exert considerable inhibition on IDH activity while other glycolytic and tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates have a lesser effect. p-Chloromercuribenzoic acid was inhibitory to the IDH although isocitrate and Mn2+ offered some protection from this inactivation. The enzyme is thermostable, retaining 84% and 57% of initial activity after incubation for 1 h at 60° and 70° C, respectively. Isocitrate provided protection from thermal inactivation allowing the IDH to maintain 21% activity after 1 h at 80° C. Offprint requests to: J. J. Perry  相似文献   
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