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We describe a method for isolating chromosomes from testes of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, and their subsequent incubation with antibodies directed against chromosomal proteins. The procedure involves hypotonic pretreatment of the germ cells, centrifugation onto coverslips in a cytocentrifuge and immunolabeling, while still unfixed, using a chromatin-stabilizing buffer. In the present case, an antibody specific for the acetylated isoforms of his tone H4 was tested. After the antibody treatment, the preparations are fixed using formaldehyde, stained with a DNA-specific fluorescent dye and mounted. Analysis of the preparations revealed good preservation of chromosome structure in prophase spermatogonia and late prophase I spermatocytes. Fully condensed chromosomes were not observed and are probably lost during preparation. The bright fluorescence of the autosomes indicates that the reaction between the antibody against acetylated histone H4 and its chromosomal antigen is not impeded. In contrast, the X univalent remained unstained with the exception of a small terminal band. Thus, cytospin preparations of locust germ cells allow high resolution immunolabeling with antibodies against chromosome-associated proteins.  相似文献   
Isopeptidases are essential regulators of protein ubiquitination and sumoylation. However, only two families of SUMO isopeptidases are at present known. Here, we report an activity‐based search with the suicide inhibitor haemagglutinin (HA)‐SUMO‐vinylmethylester that led to the identification of a surprising new SUMO protease, ubiquitin‐specific protease‐like 1 (USPL1). Indeed, USPL1 neither binds nor cleaves ubiquitin, but is a potent SUMO isopeptidase both in vitro and in cells. C13orf22l—an essential but distant zebrafish homologue of USPL1—also acts on SUMO, indicating functional conservation. We have identified invariant USPL1 residues required for SUMO binding and cleavage. USPL1 is a low‐abundance protein that colocalizes with coilin in Cajal bodies. Its depletion does not affect global sumoylation, but causes striking coilin mislocalization and impairs cell proliferation, functions that are not dependent on USPL1 catalytic activity. Thus, USPL1 represents a third type of SUMO protease, with essential functions in Cajal body biology.  相似文献   
Phosphorylation of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) can produce changes in structural and dynamical properties and thereby mediate critical biological functions. How phosphorylation effects intrinsically disordered proteins has been studied for an increasing number of IDPs, but a systematic understanding is still lacking. Here, we compare the collapse propensity of four disordered proteins, Ash1, the C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase (CTD2’), the cytosolic domain of E-Cadherin, and a fragment of the p130Cas, in unphosphorylated and phosphorylated forms using extensive all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We find all proteins to show V-shape changes in their collapse propensity upon multi-site phosphorylation according to their initial net charge: phosphorylation expands neutral or overall negatively charged IDPs and shrinks positively charged IDPs. However, force fields including those tailored towards and commonly used for IDPs overestimate these changes. We find quantitative agreement of MD results with SAXS and NMR data for Ash1 and CTD2’ only when attenuating protein electrostatic interactions by using a higher salt concentration (e.g. 350 mM), highlighting the overstabilization of salt bridges in current force fields. We show that phosphorylation of IDPs also has a strong impact on the solvation of the protein, a factor that in addition to the actual collapse or expansion of the IDP should be considered when analyzing SAXS data. Compared to the overall mild change in global IDP dimension, the exposure of active sites can change significantly upon phosphorylation, underlining the large susceptibility of IDP ensembles to regulation through post-translational modifications.  相似文献   
Background aimsInvasive fungal infections, in particular, infections caused by Candida, Aspergillus and mucormycetes, are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Adoptive transfer of donor-derived anti-fungal T cells shows promise to restore immunity and to offer a cure. Because T cells recognize only specific epitopes, the low rate of patients in which the causal fungal pathogen can be identified and the considerable number of patients with co-infection with several genera or species of fungi significantly limit the application of adoptive immunotherapy.MethodsUsing the interferon-γ secretion assay, we isolated multi-specific human anti-fungal T cells after simultaneous stimulation with cellular extracts of Aspergillus fumigatus, Candida albicans and Rhizopus oryzae. Cells were phenotypically and functionally characterized by flow cytometry.ResultsOf a total of 1.1 × 109 peripheral blood mononuclear cells, a median number of 5.2 × 107 CD3+CD4+ T cells was generated within 12 days. This cell population consisted of activated memory TH1 cells and reproducibly responded to a multitude of Aspergillus spp., Candida spp. and mucormycetes with interferon-γ production. On re-stimulation, the generated T cells proliferated and enhanced anti-fungal activity of phagocytes and showed reduced alloreactivity compared with the original cell fraction.ConclusionsOur rapid and simple method of simultaneously generating functionally active multi-specific T cells that recognize a wide variety of medically relevant fungi may form the basis for future clinical trials investigating adoptive immunotherapy in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients with invasive fungal infection.  相似文献   
The present study aimed at analyzing the odor properties of a group of physiological human metabolites of the odorant 1,8‐cineole: 2,3‐dehydro‐, α2,3‐epoxy‐, α/β2‐hydroxy‐, α3‐hydroxy‐, 4‐hydroxy‐, 7‐hydroxy‐, 9‐hydroxy‐, 2‐oxo‐, and 3‐oxo‐1,8‐cineole. These metabolites constitute a group of structurally closely related molecules, which differ mainly in nature and position of O‐containing functional groups. They thus offer the possibility to correlate odor properties with molecular structure, i.e., to establish structure? odor relationships of compounds that are biologically generated from a potent odorant as parent substance. Generally, the metabolites preserved the eucalyptus‐like odor quality of 1,8‐cineole but showed additional odor notes such as sweet, citrus‐like, plastic‐like, earthy, musty, and faecal, which made them distinguishable. The individual enantiomers of chiral molecules also exhibited different odors. With the exception of 2,3‐dehydro‐1,8‐cineole, all metabolites showed a highly decreased odor threshold in comparison to 1,8‐cineole. The determination of odor qualities and odor thresholds was accomplished by gas chromatography/olfactometry (GC/O) on achiral and chiral GC capillaries. The results were correlated with common theories on structure? odor relationships.  相似文献   
As the molecular basis of signal propagation in the cell, proteins are regulated by perturbations, such as mechanical forces or ligand binding. The question arises how fast such a signal propagates through the protein molecular scaffold. As a first step, we have investigated numerically the dynamics of force propagation through a single (Ala) protein following a sudden increase in the stretching forces applied to its end termini. The force propagates along the backbone into the center of the chain on the picosecond scale. Both conformational and tension dynamics are found in good agreement with a coarse-grained theory of force propagation through semiflexible polymers. The speed of force propagation of 50Å ps−1 derived from these simulations is likely to determine an upper speed limit of mechanical signal transfer in allosteric proteins or molecular machines.  相似文献   
Capsule: Global Positioning System (GPS)-tagged adult Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos breeding in forests in northern Sweden selected clear-cuts, coniferous forests with lichens and steep slopes during the breeding season but avoided wetlands and mixed forest.

Aims: To investigate the habitat selection patterns of tree-nesting Golden Eagles, and identify how potential conflicts with wind farm development could be minimized.

Methods: The study is based on GPS tracking data from 22 adult eagles. We estimated home range sizes using a biased random bridge approach and habitat selection patterns using resource selection functions following a use-availability design.

Results: Core home range size among adults was variable during the breeding season (5–30?km2). Individual movement extents were variable, but sexes did not significantly differ in their scale of movement. At the landscape scale, individuals selected for clear-cuts and coniferous forest with ground lichens, whereas wetland, water bodies and mixed forest were avoided. Steeper and south facing slopes were selected for, whereas, north facing slopes were avoided.

Conclusions: Potential conflicts between eagles and wind energy establishment can be reduced if wind farms are placed away from steep slopes, minimizing areas that are clear-cut during construction, and locating turbines within dense, young and other less favoured forest habitats.  相似文献   

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