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The antibacterial activities of isoflavonoid (kievitone and phaseollin), flavonoid (hydroxyflavans), furanoacetylenic (wyerone), and sesquiterpenoid (capsidiol and rishitin), phytoalexins against eight Gram-negative and six Gram-positive bacteria were examined using the paper-disc antibiotic assay method. With the exception of capsidiol, which was inactive at the highest concentration tested (200,μg/disc) all of the phytoalexins were selectively toxic towards Gram-positive species. Wyerone and kievitone were generally more toxic than other phytoalexins; rishitin was the least active inhibitor.  相似文献   
From among 125 strains of fluorescent and 52 strains of nonfluorescent bacteria initially screened in the laboratory for their antibiosis towards the bacterial wilt pathogen, Pseudomonas solanacearum, strain Pfcp of Pseudomonas fluorescens and strains B33 and B36 of Bacillus spp., were chosen and evaluated further in greenhouse and field tests. Pfcp treated banana (Musa balbisiana), eggplant and tomato plants were protected from wilt upto 50, 61 and 95% in greenhouse and upto 50, 49 and 36% respectively in field. Protection afforded by the Bacillus strains was lower. In bacteria-treated plants which were subsequently inoculated with P. solanacearum plant height and biomass values increased and were close to those of nontreated and noninoculated control plants.  相似文献   
Based on blast pathogen population dynamics and lineage exclusion assays, we found that the major blast resistance genes Pi-1 and Piz-5 confer resistance against most Magnaporthe grisea lineages. Near-isogenic rice lines C101LAC and C101A51 carrying these two major genes for blast resistance in the background of a most blast-susceptible genotype were used for developing the pyramids. The closely linked RFLP marker RZ536 and NBS-LRR r10 marker for Pi-1 and a PCR-based SAP marker RG64 for Piz-5 were used to identify the genes in the parents and in marker-assisted breeding of the pyramided populations. To achieve multiple resistance against blast and blight in this cultivar, these blast-resistant pyramids were transformed with the cloned bacterial blight resistance gene Xa21 known to confer resistance to all races of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo). Bioassays with six independent transformants showed that transgenic CO39 plants were resistant to both pathogens, M. grisea and Xoo. We report here the stacking of three major genes (Pi-1 + Piz-5 + Xa21) into rice using two different approaches of molecular breeding: marker-assisted selection (MAS) and genetic transformation.  相似文献   
Native strains ofPseudomonas fluorescens exhibitedin vitro antibiosis towards isolates of races 1 and 4 ofFusarium oxysporum f.sp.cubense, the Panama wilt pathogen of banana. The seedlings ofMusa balbisiana seedlings treated withP. fluorescens showed less severe wilting and internal discolouration due toF. oxysporum f.sp.cubense infection in greenhouse experiments. In addition to suppressing Panama wilt, bacterized seedlings ofM. balbisiana also showed better root growth and enhanced plant height.  相似文献   
Severity of stem-rot disease of peanut caused byRhizoctonia solani was reduced by 54.9 and 68% in plants of two cultivars treated in the greenhouse with antagonistic strains ofPseudomonas fluorescens. These strains were selected based on theirin vitro toxicity to mycelial growth and sclerotial germination ofR. solani. In field experiments, bacterization of peanuts withP. fluorescens resulted in taller plants (by 25.7%) and increased yields (by 59.0%).  相似文献   
Pseudomonas fluorescens strains antagonistic to Sarocladium oryzae, the sheath rot (Sh-R) pathogen of rice (Oryza sativa L.), were evaluated in greenhouse and field tests for suppression of Sh-R severity and enhancement of grain yields of rice. Imprints of rice seedlings and a direct-observation technique of staining roots with fluorochromes confirmed the association of P. fluorescens with roots and the ability of the strain to move along shoot tips. In greenhouse tests, P. fluorescens-treated rice plants (cv. IR 20) showed a 54% reduction in the length of Sh-R lesions. In three field tests, treatment with P. fluorescens reduced the severity of Sh-R by 20 to 42% in five rice cultivars. Bacterization of rice cultivars with P. fluorescens enhanced plant height, number of tillers, and grain yields from 3 to 160%.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas fluorescensstrainPf7–14 was evaluated for biological control of rice blast in field experiments. StrainPf7–14 was formulated in methylcellulose:talc (1:4) and applied to IR50 rice (Oryza sativa) seeds as a seed treatment and as foliar sprays in seedbed and field experiments. When applied as a seed treatment followed by three foliar applications, the strain provided a 68.5% suppression of rice blast in the seedbed experiment and a 59.6% suppression in the field experiment. The persistence and migration ofPf7–14 on the rice plant was studied with the aid oflacZYgenes inserted into the bacterium. In greenhouse experiments,Pf7–14gal was detected on rice roots at 106to 105cfu/g of root tissue for 110 days, the duration of the rice crop. Migration of the strain from the seeds to the leaves occurred only until the seedlings were 16 days old. WhenPf7–14 was applied to the rice plants by foliar sprays, 104cfu of the bacterium per gram of leaf tissue was detected for the next 40 days. The limited migration of the bacterial biocontrol agent emphasizes the need for multiple foliar applications of the bacterium to sustain the bacterial population for effective suppression of rice blast.  相似文献   
Use of BTH to evaluate the disease severity and induction of systemic resistance in rice to bacterial blight caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae is investigated. A new batch of 25 isolates of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae was obtained from infected rice lead tissues collected from Pattambi, Kerala, south India. Their identification was confirmed by the plant inoculation test on to IR24 rice plants which produced characteristic bacterial blight lesions. Among the 25 of X.o. pv. oryzae, four of the isolates were also virulent to IRBB21 rice plants (a near isogenic line of IR24) which carry the Xa-21 gene for BB resistance. The results confirm that there are pathogen strains in India which can overcome Xa-21. Development of BB lesions developed in IR24 (BB susceptible) plants after they were treated with BTH applications either as seed treatment or as foliar spray at 0.1, 0.5, 0.1 and 2.0 mM concentrations showed that even at 2.0 mM concentrations, IR24 plants were still susceptible to the pathogen. There was very little or marginal effect of BTH on the induction of resistance to BB in IR24 rice plants. When the same concentrations of BTH were applied to IRBB21 (Xa-21) rice plants, they showed pronounced triggering of systemic resistance to BB pathogen even at 0.1 mM concentration of BTH applied either as seed treatment or as foliar spry. Disease severity index was reduced to 5 (against a score of 9 in untreated) and there was 85–86% reduction in BB incidence in plants that received 0.1 mM BTH. These results provide evidence that BTH-induced systemic resistance complements the R-gene resistance in IRBB21 plants but not in IR24 rice plants.  相似文献   
Strains of fluorescent and nonfluorescent bacteria that were isolated from rice rhizospheres of Southern India and showed antagonism towardsRhizoctonia solani were evaluated for biological control of rice sheath-blight (ShB). Efficient strains of bacteria inhibited mycelial growth ofR. solani, affected sclerotial viabilityin vitro and protected IR 20 and TKM 9 rice seedlings from infection byR. solani in greenhouse tests. Pretreatment of sclerotia in bacterial suspensions resulted in reductions in ShB lesion sizes up to 31 to 44% in IR20 and 58 to 74% in TKM 9 rice. In field plots, IR 50 and TKM 9 rice plants raised from bacterized seeds had 65 to 72% less ShB than those plants from untreated seeds.  相似文献   
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