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A family of head-to-tail cyclic peptide models of the antigenic site A (G-H loop of viral protein 1) of foot-and-mouth disease virus has been designed on the basis of the three-dimensional structure adopted by the linear peptide YTASARGDLAHLTTT upon binding to neutralizing monoclonal antibodies. Three different methods of cyclization have been examined to access the peptides. Solution cyclization of a minimally protected linear precursor provided the expected products but required several purification steps that lowered the yields to approximately 10%. The two other approaches relied on side-chain anchoring of the peptide through the Asp residue and cyclization on the solid phase. A synthetic scheme combining Fmoc, tBu and OAI protections was practicable but inefficient when scaled-up. The combination of Boc, Bzl and OFm protections was more promising, but suffered from high epimerization during the initial esterification of Boc-Asp-OFm to benzyl alcohol-type resins. This problem was solved by performing the esterification via the cesium salt of Boc-Asp-OFm. With this improvement, the Boc/Bzl/OFm has become the method of choice for the preparation of cyclic head-to-tail peptides in satisfactory yields and with minimal purification.  相似文献   
Summary The conformation of a peptide that represents antigenic site A of foot-and-mouth disease virus strain C-S8c1 (residues 136–156 of VP1; YTASARGDLAHLTTTHARHLP) has been studied by circular dichroism and compared with three analogs that reproduce amino acid substitutions at position 146 (HisArg, Gln or Asp) which affect antibody recognition. Four other peptides, incorporating replacements at position 147 predicted to maintain (LeuIle, Nle and Ala) or disrupt (LeuGly) helical structure at this site, have also been studied. In aqueous solution or in 4 M urea, the spectra of all eight peptides were typical of aperiodic conformation and independent of concentration or pH. However, upon addition of solvents such as methanol or hexafluoroisopropanol, spectral patterns evidenced significant levels (ca. 50%) of helical structure. The single residue substitutions at positions 146 and 147 caused minor to significant variations in the calculated amount of -helix of the peptides. An attempt to relate these changes in helical content to the antigenic behaviour of the peptides towards five monoclonal antibodies elicited with virus and mapping at site A could not find any straightforward correspondence between the two sets of results. The parent peptide and its His146Arg analog were also analyzed by circular dichroism in the presence of the Fab fragment of SD6, a monoclonal antibody mapping at site A and much less reactive with viruses carrying the referred mutation. Although a peptide-antibody interaction was evident from spectral changes, careful inspection of the difference spectra (peptide-Fab minus Fab) of both peptides failed to detect any significant distinction between them that could be attributed to their different immunoreactivity. While these findings do not necessarily conflict with previous reports that the interaction of antigenic site A with antibodies is mediated to some extent by the adoption of a helix structure, they suggest that, at least for C-serotype viruses, other structural features in addition to a helical conformation are critically involved in antigenic recognition.  相似文献   
Four out of 187 strains, from enrichment cultures of dibenzothiophene (DBT), grew on DBT or thiophene 2-carboxylate as S sources. The four isolates, presumptively identified as Agrobacterium sp., Xanthomonas sp. and Corynebacterium spp., individually and together desulphurized DBT, producing 2-hydroxybiphenyl and sulphate.M. Constanti and A. Bordons are with the Departament de Bioquímica i Biotecnologia, and J. Giralt is with the Departament d'Enginyeria Química, both of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Pl. Imperial Tarraco 1, 43005 Tarragona, Catatonia, Spain  相似文献   
Eighteen hours of immobilization stress, accompanied by food and water deprivation, increased liver metallothionein (MT) but decreased kidney MT levels. Food and water deprivation alone had a significant effect only on liver MT levels. In contrast, stress and food and water deprivation increased both liver and kidney lipid peroxidation levels, indicating that the relationship between MT and lipid peroxidation levels (an index of free radical production) is unclear. Adrenalectomy increased both liver and kidney MT levels in basal conditions, whereas the administration of corticosterone in the drinking water completely reversed the effect of adrenalectomy, indicating an inhibitory role of glucocorticoids on MT regulation in both tissues. Changes in glutathione (GSH) metabolism produced significant effects on kidney MT levels. Thus, the administration of buthionine sulfoximine, an inhibitor of GSH synthesis, decreased kidney GSH and increased kidney MT content, suggesting that increased cysteine pools because of decreased GSH synthesis might increase kidney MT levels through an undetermined mechanism as it appears to be the case in the liver. However, attempts to increase kidney MT levels by the administration of cysteine or GSH were unsuccesful, in contrast to what is known for the liver. The present results suggest that there are similarities but also substantial differences between liver and kidney MT regulation in these experimental conditions.  相似文献   
In recent years, cell-penetrating peptides have proven to be an efficient intracellular delivery system. The mechanism for CPP internalisation, which first involves interaction with the extracellular matrix, is followed in most cases by endocytosis and finally, depending on the type of endocytosis, an intracellular fate is reached. Delivery of cargo attached to a CPP requires endosomal release, for which different methods have recently been proposed. Positively charged amino acids, hydrophobicity and/or amphipathicity are common to CPPs. Moreover, some CPPs can self-assemble. Herein is discussed the role of self assembly in the cellular uptake of CPPs. Sweet Arrow Peptide (SAP) CPP has been shown to aggregate by CD and TEM (freeze-fixation/freeze-drying), although the internalised species have yet to be identified as either the monomer or an aggregate.  相似文献   
Temperature coefficients are widely used as an indication of solvent accessibility to amide protons. Low temperature coefficients are related to low accessibility and are often interpreted as evidence for intramolecular hydrogen bonding. Conformational shifts, i.e. the difference between chemical shifts of a particular residue in a structured and in a random-coil conformation, provide information on secondary structure. In particular, negative CH conformational shifts are often used to delineate the extent of helical stretches. NH conformational shifts show large oscillations within a helix that have been interpreted as the result of helix distortions affecting hydrogen bond lengths. In the course of the study of different peptides that adopt a helical structure in the presence of the structure-inducing solvent hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP), we have found a strong correlation between temperature coefficients and amide conformational shifts. However, contrary to the initial expectations, lower temperature coefficients were associated to amide protons involved in longer, and presumably weaker, hydrogen bonds. The correlation can be explained, however, assuming that, in helical peptides dissolved in HFIP, temperature affects the chemical shift of amide protons mainly by changing the average length of intramolecular hydrogen bonds and changes in solvent accessibility play only a secondary role under these experimental conditions. The pattern of temperature coefficients in helical peptides can therefore be used to identify short or long hydrogen bonds causing bending of the helix axis.  相似文献   
Antigenic site A of foot-and-mouth disease virus (serotype C) has been reproduced by means of cyclic versions of peptide A15, YTASARGDLAHLTTT, corresponding to residues 136-150 of envelope protein VP1. A structural basis for the design of the cyclic peptides is provided by crystallographic data from complexes between the Fab fragments of anti-site A monoclonal antibodies and A15, in which the bound peptide is folded into a quasi-cyclic pattern. Head-to-tail cyclizations of A15 do not provide peptides of superior antigenicity. Internal disulfide cyclization, however, leads to analogs which are recognized as one to two orders of magnitude better than linear A15 in both ELISA and biosensor experiments. CD and NMR studies show that the best antigen, CTASARGDLAHLTT-Ahx-C (disulfide), is very insensitive to environment-induced conformational change, suggesting that cyclization helps to stabilize a bioactive-like structure.  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo assess the estimated glucose disposal rate (eGDR), insulin dose, and lipoprotein profile in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and overweight or obesity as compared to children with T1DM and normal weight.MethodsA total of 115 patients (aged 5-16 years) with T1DM on intensive insulin therapy were recruited. The following parameters were measured: weight, height, body mass index, waist and hip circumference, insulin dose, eGDR, glycosylated hemoglobin, blood pressure, and lipoprotein profile. Results were stratified by sex and age.ResultsNo significant differences were found in eGDR between children with normal weight, overweight, and obesity. However, obese children older than 11 years had lower eGDR values (9.3 ± 1.3 vs 10.1 ± 0.8 mg kg-1min-1; p < 0.01). Insulin dose was higher in overweight and obese children, especially in IU/m2/day (37.7 vs 36.1 vs 29.4 respectively; p < 0.01). Obese children had higher low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels than children with overweight and normal weight (106.5 vs 91.7 vs 91.5 mg/dL respectively; p < 0.01). No correlation was found between waist circumference and the different markers of insulin resistance.ConclusionsValues of eGDR values were lower in obese children with T1DM older than 11 years, and this may therefore be considered a marker of insulin resistance. Insulin dose was higher in diabetic patients with overweight or obesity, specially in IU/m2/day. Obese children with T1DM had a lipoprotein profile of cardiovascular risk.  相似文献   
*Work supported by DGICYT (Grant PB94-0845) and by Generalitat de Catalunya (Centre de Referència de Biotecnologia.The MALDI-TOF mass spectra of a set of 240 analogs of the pentadecapeptide YTASARGDLAHLTTT, displaying single point replacements with all amino acids except Met, Cys and Trp, have been used to study the contribution of individual residues to peptide desorption. Replacements with non-polar aliphatic (except Ala) or aromatic residues at most positions tend to reinforce ion signals relative to the cognate sequence. Among polar residues, Arg shows also a clear tendency to enhance signal intensity at most positions. The responses recorded for replacements with a given amino acid can be averaged and normalized to give a mean response index, m, which qualitatively expresses the relative contribution of that residue to the desorption of a generic peptide. HPLC analysis of the replacement set does not support a significant role of residue hydrophobicity in peptide desorption. The unique role of Arg in promoting peptide desorption may be related to a better stabilization of peptide-matrix adducts through guanidinium-carboxylate interaction.  相似文献   
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