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An unusual filamentous, gliding bacterium was found in a few hot springs in Oregon where it formed a nearly unispecific top layer of microbial mats. It contained a bacteriochlorophyll a-like pigment and an abundance of carotenoids. There were no chlorosomes or additional chlorophylls. The organism was aerotolerant and appeared to be photoheterotrophic. It was successfully co-cultured with an aerobic chemoheterotroph in a medium containing glucose and casamino acids. Although it has many characteristics in common with the genus Chloroflexus, the lack of chlorosomes and bacteriochlorophyll c and the aerobic nature of this organism indicate that it should be placed in a new genus. This conclusion is supported by 5S rRNA nucleotide sequence data.  相似文献   
We present a general method for isolating molecular markers specific to any region of a chromosome using existing mapping populations. Two pools of DNA from individuals homozygous for opposing alleles for a targeted chromosomal interval, defined by two or more linked RFLP markers, are constructed from members of an existing mapping population. The DNA pools are then screened for polymorphism using random oligonucleotide primers and PCR (1). Polymorphic DNA bands should represent DNA sequences within or adjacent to the selected interval. We tested this method in tomato using two genomic intervals containing genes responsible for regulating pedicle abscission (jointless) and fruit ripening (non-ripening). DNA pools containing 7 to 14 F2 individuals for each interval were screened with 200 random primers. Three polymorphic markers were thus identified, two of which were subsequently shown to be tightly linked to the selected intervals. The third marker mapped to the same chromosome (11) but 45 cM away from the selected interval. A particularly attractive attribute of this method is that a single mapping population can be used to target any interval in the genome. Although this method has been demonstrated in tomato, it should be applicable to any sexually reproducing organism for which segregating populations are being used to construct genetic linkage maps.  相似文献   
A procedure was developed for harvesting gram quantities of microbial biomass from oligotrophic waters, when mixed populations are present in low abundance. Picoplankton from Atlantic Ocean (Hydrostation S, Sargasso Sea) and Pacific Ocean (Aloha Station) sites were collected in a three-stage process: (i) collection of seawater through an intake covered with 10-microns-pore Nytex; (ii) concentration by a tangential flow filtration device equipped with 10 ft2 (0.929 m2) of 0.1-micron-pore fluorocarbon membrane; (iii) collection of cells from concentrate by centrifugation. The overall efficiency of picoplankton recovery was at least 37%. The cellular morphotypes recovered matched those of the original population. DNA was prepared from frozen cell pellets by enzymatic digestion, solvent extraction, and isopycnic centrifugation. As indicated by the binding of kingdom-specific hybridization probes to the purified DNA, the Sargasso Sea picoplankton in this collection were largely eubacteria.  相似文献   
The PCR is used widely for the study of rRNA genes amplified from mixed microbial populations. These studies resemble quantitative applications of PCR in that the templates are mixtures of homologs and the relative abundance of amplicons is thought to provide some measure of the gene ratios in the starting mixture. Although such studies have established the presence of novel rRNA genes in many natural ecosystems, inferences about gene abundance have been limited by uncertainties about the relative efficiency of gene amplification in the PCR. To address this question, three rRNA gene standards were prepared by PCR, mixed in known proportions, and amplified a second time by using primer pairs in which one primer was labeled with a fluorescent nucleotide derivative. The PCR products were digested with restriction endonucleases, and the frequencies of genes in the products were determined by electrophoresis on an Applied Biosystems 373A automated DNA sequencer in Genescan mode. Mixtures of two templates amplified with the 519F-1406R primer pair yielded products in the predicted proportions. A second primer pair (27F-338R) resulted in strong bias towards 1:1 mixtures of genes in final products, regardless of the initial proportions of the templates. This bias was strongly dependent on the number of cycles of replication. The results fit a kinetic model in which the reannealing of genes progressively inhibits the formation of template-primer hybrids.  相似文献   
Genetic mapping of ripening and ethylene-related loci in tomato   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 The regulation of tomato fruit development and ripening is influenced by a large number of loci as demonstrated by the number of existing non-allelic fruit development mutations and a multitude of genes showing ripening-related expression patterns. Furthermore, analysis of transgenic and naturally occurring tomato mutants confirms the pivotal role of the gaseous hormone ethylene in the regulation of climacteric ripening. Here we report RFLP mapping of 32 independent tomato loci corresponding to genes known or hypothesized to influence fruit ripening and/or ethylene response. Mapped ethylene-response sequences fall into the categories of genes involved in either hormone biosynthesis or perception, while additional ripening-related genes include those involved in cell-wall metabolism and pigment biosynthesis. The placement of ripening and ethylene-response loci on the tomato RFLP map will facilitate both the identification and exclusion of candidate gene sequences corresponding to identified single gene and quantitative trait loci contributing to fruit development and ethylene response. Received: 26 October 1998 / Accepted: 13 November 1998  相似文献   
The presence of a hydroxyl group at the end of poly(3-hydroxyoctanoate) oligomers, noted PHO oligomers, is required to prepare diblock copolymers with improved properties by ring-opening polymerization of cyclic monomer as epsilon-caprolactone. Several chemical methods such as basic hydrolysis, acid-catalyzed reaction with APTS, and methanolysis were used to prepare well-defined low molar masses PHO oligomers. The methanolysis reaction was allowed to proceed for 10-60 min to produce PHO oligomers with Mn values ranging from 20,000 to 800 g mol-1 with low polydispersity index. Detailed analysis of the MALDI-TOF mass spectra of the obtained oligomers has revealed the presence of linear structures bearing methyl ester on one side and hydroxyl end group on the other side. The same procedure was applied to poly(3-hydroxyoctanoate-co-3-hydroxyundecenoate), PHOU, a poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) containing unsaturated units in its side chains. These oligomers were further used to initiate the polymerization of epsilon-caprolactone by varying the PHO (or PHOU) and PCL lengths. By copolymerization with epsilon-caprolactone, the properties of PHO or PHOU have been improved. The crystallinity of the obtained copolymers was modified by controlling the length of the two different blocks. The unsaturations in the side chains of the PHOU block were oxidized in acid carboxylic functions to obtain a novel artificial biopolyester. Moreover, degradation was followed to study the influence of carboxylic groups on the hydrolysis of the copolymers.  相似文献   
Endocannabinoids and some phytocannabinoids bind to CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors, transient receptor potential vanilloid one (TRPV1) receptor and the orphan G protein receptor fifty-five (GPR55). Studies using C57BL/10 and C57BL/6 (Cnr2 tm1Zim) CB2 cannabinoid receptor knockout mice have demonstrated an immune-augmenting effect in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) models of multiple sclerosis. However, other EAE studies in Biozzi ABH mice often failed to show any treatment effect of either CB2 receptor agonism or antagonism on inhibition of T cell autoimmunity. The influence of genetic background on the induction of EAE in endocannabinoid system-related gene knockout mice was examined. It was found that C57BL/6.GPR55 knockout mice developed less severe disease, notably in female mice, following active induction with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein 35-55 peptide. In contrast C57BL/6.CB2 (Cnr2 Dgen) receptor knockout mice developed augmented severity of disease consistent with the genetically and pharmacologically-distinct, Cnr2 tm1Zim mice. However, when the knockout gene was bred into the ABH mouse background and EAE induced with spinal cord autoantigens the immune-enhancing effect of CB2 receptor deletion was lost. Likewise CB1 receptor and transient receptor potential vanilloid one knockout mice on the ABH background demonstrated no alteration in immune-susceptibility, in terms of disease incidence and severity of EAE, in contrast to that reported in some C57BL/6 mouse studies. Furthermore the immune-modulating influence of GPR55 was marginal on the ABH mouse background. Whilst sedative doses of tetrahydrocannabinol could induce immunosuppression, this was associated with a CB1 receptor rather than a CB2 receptor-mediated effect. These data support the fact that non-psychoactive doses of medicinal cannabis have a marginal influence on the immune response in MS. Importantly, it adds a note of caution for the translational value of some transgenic/gene knockout and other studies on low-EAE susceptibility backgrounds with inconsistent disease course and susceptibility.  相似文献   
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