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The Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome related protein WAVE2 is implicated in the regulation of actin-cytoskeletal reorganization downstream of the small Rho GTPase, Rac. We inactivated the WAVE2 gene by gene-targeted mutation to examine its role in murine development and in actin assembly. WAVE2-deficient embryos survived until approximately embryonic day 12.5 and displayed growth retardation and certain morphological defects, including malformations of the ventricles in the developing brain. WAVE2-deficient embryonic stem cells displayed normal proliferation, whereas WAVE2-deficient embryonic fibroblasts exhibited severe growth defects, as well as defective cell motility in response to PDGF, lamellipodium formation and Rac-mediated actin polymerization. These results imply a non-redundant role for WAVE2 in murine embryogenesis and a critical role for WAVE2 in actin-based processes downstream of Rac that are essential for cell movement.  相似文献   
Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) binding to human intestinal cells triggers the formation of disease-associated actin rich structures called pedestals. The latter process requires the delivery, via a Type 3 secretion system, of the translocated Intimin receptor (Tir) protein into the host plasma membrane where binding of a host kinase-modified form to the bacterial surface protein Intimin triggers pedestal formation. Tir-Intimin interaction recruits the Nck adaptor to a Tir tyrosine phosphorylated residue where it activates neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP); initiating the major pathway to actin polymerization mediated by the actin-related protein (Arp) 2/3 complex. Previous studies with Nck-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) identified a key role for Nck in pedestal formation, presumed to reflect a lack of N-WASP activation. Here, we show the defect relates to reduced amounts of Tir within Nck-deficient cells. Indeed, Tir delivery and, thus, pedestal formation defects were much greater for MEFs than HeLa (human epithelial) cells. Crucially, the levels of two other effectors (EspB/EspF) within Nck-deficient MEFs were not reduced unlike that of Map (Mitochondrial associated protein) which, like Tir, requires CesT chaperone function for efficient delivery. Interestingly, drugs blocking various host protein degradation pathways failed to increase Tir cellular levels unlike an inhibitor of deacetylase activity (Trichostatin A; TSA). Treatments with TSA resulted in significant recovery of Tir levels, potentiation of actin polymerization and improvement in bacterial attachment to cells. Our findings have important implications for the current model of Tir-mediated actin polymerization and opens new lines of research in this area.  相似文献   
Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes store high amounts of cholesterol and cholesteryl esters in reservosomes. These unique organelles are responsible for cellular digestion by providing substrates for homeostasis and parasite differentiation. Here we demonstrate that under nutritional lipid stress, epimastigotes preferentially mobilized reservosome lipid stocks, instead of lipid bodies, leading to the consumption of parasite cholesterol reservoirs and production of ergosterol. Starved epimastigotes acquired more LDL-NBD-cholesterol by endocytosis and distributed the exogenous cholesterol to their membranes faster than control parasites. Moreover, the parasites were able to manage internal cholesterol levels, alternating between consumption and accumulation. With normal lipid availability, parasites esterified cholesterol exhibiting an ACAT-like activity that was sensitive to Avasimibe in a dose-dependent manner. This result also implies that exogenous cholesterol has a role in lipid reservoirs in epimastigotes.  相似文献   
Cilia and flagella are central to many biological processes in a diverse range of organisms. The kinetoplastid protozoa are very appealing models for the study of flagellar function, particularly in the light of the availability of extensive trypanosomatid genome information. In addition to the highly conserved 9 + 2 axoneme, the kinetoplastid flagellum contains a characteristic paraflagellar rod structure (PFR). The PFR is necessary for full motility and provides support for metabolic regulators that may influence flagellar beating. However, there is an intriguing puzzle: one clade of endosymbiont-containing kinetoplastids apparently lack a PFR yet are as motile as species that possess a PFR and are able to attach to the invertebrate host epithelia. We investigated how these organisms are able to locomote despite the apparent lack of PFR. Here we have identified a PFR1 gene in the endosymbiont-bearing trypanosome Crithidia deanei. This gene is expressed in C. deanei and is able to partially complement a pfr1 null mutation in Leishmania mexicana cells, demonstrating that the encoded protein is functional. Careful reexamination of C. deanei flagellar ultrastructure revealed a greatly reduced PFR missed by many previous analyses. This affirms the PFR as a canonical organelle of kinetoplastids. Moreover, although PFR proteins have been conserved in evolution, primary sequence differences contribute to particular PFR morphotypes characteristic of different kinetoplastid species.  相似文献   
Here we have investigated the function of TcRho1, a Rho family orthologue from the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. We have selected parasites overexpressing wild-type TcRho1 and a truncated form of TcRho1 (TcRho1-DeltaCaaX) which is unable to undergo farnesylation and supposed to interfere with recruitment of Rho effectors to membranes. TcRho1 protein was localized at the anterior region of wild-type and TcRho1 overexpressing epimastigotes, suggesting association with the Golgi apparatus. Accordingly, parasites overexpressing TcRho1-DeltaCaaX presented cytoplasmic fluorescence. To address the function of TcRho1 during differentiation, from epimastigotes to trypomastigotes, we submitted parasites overexpressing the above-cited lineages to metacyclogenesis assays. Parasites overexpressing TcRho1-DeltaCaaX generated a discrete number of metacyclic trypomastigotes when compared with other lineages. Strikingly, TcRho1-DeltaCaaX cells died synchronously during the process of metacyclogenesis.  相似文献   
The objectives of the present work were to investigate the temporal variation in the fatty acid (FA) composition of the octocoral Veretillum cynomorium, examine the effects of reproduction and environmental factors on FA variation, and establish a chemotaxonomic identification for this species. Mean oocyte size-frequency distributions showed that the majority of the oocytes had an intermediate size (Group II) before spawning (April and June). The late-vitellogenic oocytes (Group III) became absent in August and October and, during this post-spawning period, oocytes were primarily of small size (Group I). Most of the major FA, 16:0, 18:0, 20:4n-6, 20:5n-3, and the tetracosapolyenoic fatty acid (TPA), 24:6n-3, varied significantly throughout the year (p < 0.01), with two peaks in August/October and February. The boost in early oogenesis, also associated with warmer temperatures, seemed to be responsible for the observed increase in FA content between June and August. The highest values of FA content were observed in February when intermediate oogenesis (Group II) was at its peak and there were considerable levels of available food in the environment. Also, the increase in food availability seemed to trigger the final stages of gametogenesis. The high quantity of 18:1n-7, odd-numbered and branched FAs, suggested the presence of a dynamic bacterial community in V. cynomorium, probably as an adaptive response to the lack of symbiotic microalgae. Although the presence of TPAs is the main feature distinguishing octocorals from other coral species, here we showed that there was no single FA clearly dominating the FA composition of V. cynomorium throughout the year. Instead, four main FAs share similar concentrations: 16:0, 20:4n-6, 20:5n-3 and 24:6n-3. The predominance of these four FAs combined with the higher amount of 24:6n-3 when compared to 24:5n-6 may serve as a chemotaxonomic feature to distinguish this octocoral species (or genus).  相似文献   
The localization of the membrane-bound cyclic 3,5-AMP phosphodiesterasein cardiac tissues of both, rat and dog was studied by cytochemical method.40 µm thick slices from glutaraldehyde fixed heart tissue wereincubated in the medium with cAMP as a substrate and Pb ions as a capturemetal of the reaction product. The cAMP-PDE activity in the rat ventriclewas only shown positive on the sarcolemma. Whereas, in canine ventriculartissue the cAMP-PDE activity in cardiomyocytes was shown on the sarcolemma,on the junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum and on subsarcolemmal cisternae.The results confirm differences in the localization of cAMP-PDE in dog andrat heart.  相似文献   
The structural organization of Trypanosoma cruzi has been intensely investigated by different microscopy techniques. At the electron microscopy level, bi-dimensional analysis of thin sections of chemically fixed cells has been one of the most commonly used techniques, despite the known potential of generating artifacts during chemical fixation and the subsequent steps of sample preparation. In contrast, more sophisticated and elaborate techniques, such as cryofixation followed by freeze substitution that are known to preserve the samples in a more close-to-native state, have not been widely applied to T. cruzi. In addition, the 3D characterization of such cells has been carried out mostly using 3D reconstruction from serial sections, currently considered a low resolution technique when compared to electron tomography (ET). In this work, we re-visited the 3D ultrastructure of T. cruzi using a combination of two approaches: (1) analysis of both conventionally processed and cryofixed and freeze substituted cells and (2) 3D reconstruction of large volumes by serial electron tomography. The analysis of high-pressure frozen and freeze substituted parasites showed novel characteristics in a number of intracellular structures, both in their structure and content. Organelles generally showed a smooth and regular morphology in some cases presenting a characteristic electron dense content. Ribosomes and new microtubule sets showed an unexpected localization in the cell body. The improved preservation and imaging in 3D of T. cruzi cells using cryopreparation techniques has revealed some novel aspects of the ultrastructural organization of this parasite.  相似文献   
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