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Regulation of many cell systems has been shown to be mediated by Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate which causes a release of calcium from intracellular sites. We have shown that release of Ca2+ from sarcoplasmic reticulum microsomes was not stimulated by IP3. The phorbol ester, TPA, also had no effect on Ca2+ release or Ca2+ ATPase activity. Thus, it is unlikely that the breakdown of polyphosphatidylinositides serves as a second messenger to mediate release of Ca2+ in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
A newly developed computer model is used to predict the aqueous salt solution concentration, breathing pattern, and inhaled droplet size distribution parameters that will maximize pulmonary deposition of hygroscopic medicinal aerosols. The parameter values providing maximum pulmonary deposition include 1) a NaCl concentration in the aerosolized solution of 0.035 g/ml or higher if the subject can tolerate it, 2) as nearly a monodispersed inhaled aerosol size distribution as possible, 3) an aerosol mass median diameter of 2-3 micron, and 4) slow (7 breaths/min) uninterrupted breathing of 1.5-2 liters of aerosol/breath. With these values, the model predicts that pulmonary deposition can be increased by greater than 100% relative to the deposition achieved in conventional inhalation therapy with isotonic saline-based medications.  相似文献   
Abstract In the field, adult males of the grasshopper Phymateus morbillosus are able to fly for up to 1 min and cover up to c. 100 m, whereas females, although fully winged, are apparently unable to get airborne. Morphometric data indicate that the males are lighter, have longer wings, a higher ratio of flight muscles to body mass, and a lower wing load value than females. It was investigated whether this inability of females to fly is related to fuel storage, flight muscle enzymatic design and/or the presence and quantitative capacity of the endocrine system to mobilize fuels. In both sexes, readily available potential energy substrates are present in the haemolymph in similar concentrations, and the amount of glycogen in flight muscles and fat bodies does not differ significantly between males and females. Mass-specific activities of the enzymes GAPDH (glycolysis), HOAD (fatty acid oxidation) and MDH (citric acid cycle) in flight muscles are significantly lower in females compared with males, and mitochondria are less abundant in the flight muscles of females. There is no significant difference between the ability of the two sexes to oxidize various important substrates. Both sexes contain three adipokinetic peptides in their corpora cardiaca; the amount of each peptide in female grasshoppers is higher than in males.
Thus, despite some differences listed above, both sexes appear to have sufficient substrates and the necessary endocrine complement to engage in flight. It seems more likely, from the morphometric data above, that the chief reason for flightlessness is that P. morbillosus females cannot produce sufficient lift for flight; alternatively, the neuronal functioning associated with the flight muscles may be impaired in females.  相似文献   
A familial mutation in SRY, the gene coding for the testis-determining factor TDF, was identified in an XY female with gonadal dysgenesis, her father, her two brothers and her uncle. The mutation consists of a T to C transition in the region of the SRY gene coding for a protein motif known as the high mobility group (HMG) box, a protein domain known to confer DNA-binding specificity on the SRY protein. This point mutation results in the substitution, at amino acid position 109, of a serine residue for phenylalanine, a conserved aromatic residue in almost all HMG box motifs known. This F109S mutation was not found in 176 male controls. When recombinant wildtype SRY and SRYF109S mutant protein were tested in vitro for binding to the target site AAC AAAG, no differences in DNA-binding activity were observed. These results imply that the F109S mutation either is a rare neutral sequence variant, or produces an SRY protein with slightly altered in vivo activity, the resulting sex phenotype depending on the genetic back-ground or environmental factors.This paper is dedicated by G. S. to Professor Ulrich Wolf on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   
Troponin is a ternary protein complex consisting of subunits TnC. TnI, and TnT, and plays a key role in calcium regulation of the skeletal and cardiac muscle contraction. In the present study, a partial complex (CI47) was prepared from Escherichia coli-expressed rabbit skeletal muscle TnC and fragment 1-47 of TnI, which is obtained by chemical cleavage of an E. coli-expressed mutant of rabbit skeletal muscle TnI. Within the ternary troponin complex, CI47 is thought to form a core that is resistant to proteolytic digestion, and the interaction within CI47 likely maintains the integrity of the troponin complex. Complex CI47 was crystallized in the presence of sodium citrate. The addition of trehalose improved the diffraction pattern of the crystals substantially. The crystal lattice belongs to the space group P3(1)(2)21, with unit cell dimensions a = b = 48.2 A, c = 162 A. The asymmetric unit presumably contains one CI47 complex. Soaking with p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonate (PCMBS) resulted in loss of isomorphism, but enhanced the quality of the crystals. The crystals diffracted up to 2.3 A resolution, with completeness of 91% and R(merge) = 6.4%. The crystals of PCMBS-derivative should be suitable for X-ray studies using the multiple-wavelength anomalous diffraction technique. This is the first step for elucidating the structure of the full troponin complex.  相似文献   
Dynamins form a family of multidomain GTPases involved in endocytosis, vesicle trafficking and maintenance of mitochondrial morphology. In contrast to the classical switch GTPases, a force-generating function has been suggested for dynamins. Here we report the 2.3 A crystal structure of the nucleotide-free and GDP-bound GTPase domain of Dictyostelium discoideum dynamin A. The GTPase domain is the most highly conserved region among dynamins. The globular structure contains the G-protein core fold, which is extended from a six-stranded beta-sheet to an eight-stranded one by a 55 amino acid insertion. This topologically unique insertion distinguishes dynamins from other subfamilies of GTP-binding proteins. An additional N-terminal helix interacts with the C-terminal helix of the GTPase domain, forming a hydrophobic groove, which could be occupied by C-terminal parts of dynamin not present in our construct. The lack of major conformational changes between the nucleotide-free and the GDP-bound state suggests that mechanochemical rearrangements in dynamin occur during GTP binding, GTP hydrolysis or phosphate release and are not linked to loss of GDP.  相似文献   
Genetics of the quantitative Lp(a) lipoprotein trait   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
The Lp(a) lipoprotein is a complex particle composed of a low density lipoprotein (LDL)-like lipoprotein and the disulfide bonded Lp(a) glycoprotein. The complex represents a quantitative genetic trait. SDS gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions of sera followed by immunoblotting with affinity-purified polyclonal anti-Lp(a) demonstrated inter- and intra-individual size heterogeneity of the glycoprotein with apparent Mr in the range 400-700kDa. According to their relative mobilities compared to apo B-100 the Lp(a) patterns were categorized into phenotypes F, B, S1, S2, S3 und S4 and into the respective double-band phenotypes. This size heterogeneity seems to be controlled by multiple alleles designated LpF, LpB, LpS1, LpS2, LpS3, LpS4 and a null allele (LpO) at a single locus. Phenotype frequencies observed in 441 unrelated subjects were in good agreement with those expected from the genetic hypothesis. Comparison of Lp(a) lipoprotein concentrations in the different phenotypes revealed a highly significant association of phenotypes B, S1 and S2 with high, and phenotypes S3 und S4 with intermediate Lp(a) concentrations. A third mode is represented by the null phenotype were no Lp(a) band is detected upon immunoblotting and Lp(a) lipoprotein is low or absent. We conclude that the same gene locus is involved in determining Lp(a) glycoprotein phenotype and Lp(a) lipoprotein concentrations in plasma. This major gene seems to be the Lp(a) glycoprotein structural gene locus.  相似文献   
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