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The physical and covalent binding of the carcinogen benzo(a)pyrene-7,8-diol-9,10-oxide (BaPDE) to poly(dG-dC).(dG-dC) and poly(dG-m5dC).(dG-m5dC) in the B and Z forms were studied utilizing absorbance, fluorescence and linear dichroism techniques. In the case of poly(dG-dC).(dG-dC) the decrease in the covalent binding of BaPDE with increasing NaCl concentration (0.1-4 M) as the B form is transformed to the Z form is attributed to the effects of high ionic strengths on the reactivity and physical binding of BaPDE to the polynucleotides; these effects tend to obscure differences in reactivities with the B and Z forms of the nucleic acids. In the case of poly(dG-m5dC).(dG-m5dC) the B-to-Z transition is induced at low ionic strength (2 mM NaCl + 10 microM Co(NH3)6Cl3) and the covalent binding is found to be 2-3-times lower to the Z form than to the B form. Physical binding of BaPDE by intercalation, which precedes the covalent binding reaction, is significantly lower in the Z form than in the B form, thus accounting, in part, for the lower covalent binding. The linear dichroism characteristics of BaPDE covalently bound to the Z and B forms of poly(dG-m5dC).(dG-m5dC) are consistent with nonintercalative, probably external conformations of the aromatic pyrenyl residues.  相似文献   
The base-sequence selectivity of the noncovalent binding of (+/-)-trans-7,8-dihydroxy-anti-9,10-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyr ene (BPDE) to a series of synthetic polynucleotides in aqueous solutions (5 mM sodium cacodylate buffer, 20 mM NaCl, pH 7.0, 22 degrees C) was investigated. The magnitude of a red-shifted absorbance at 353 nm, attributed to intercalative complex formation, was utilized to determine values of the association constant Kic. Intercalation in the alternating pyridine-purine polymers poly(dA-dT).(dA-dT) (Kic = 20,000 M-1), poly(dG-dC).(dG-dC) (4200 M-1), and poly(dA-dC).(dG-dT) (9600 M-1) is distinctly favored over intercalation in their nonalternating counterparts poly(dA).(dT) (780 M-1), poly(dG).(dC) (1800 M-1), and poly(dA-dG).(dT-dC) (5400 M-1). Methylation at the 5-position of cytosine gives rise to a significant enhancement of intercalative binding, and Kic is 22,000 M-1 in poly(dG-m5dG).(dG-m5dC). In a number of these polynucleotides, values of Kic for pyrene qualitatively follow those exhibited by BPDE, suggesting that the pyrenyl residue in BPDE is a primary factor in determining the extent of intercalation. Both BPDE and pyrene exhibit a distinct preference for intercalating within dA-dT and dG-m5dC sequences. The catalysis of the chemical reactions of BPDE (hydrolysis to tetrols and covalent adduct formation) is enhanced significantly in the presence of each of the polynucleotides studied, particularly in the dG-containing polymers. A model in which catalysis is mediated by physical complex formation accounts well for the experimentally observed enhancement in reaction rates of BPDE in the alternating polynucleotides; however, in the nonalternating polymers a different or more complex catalysis mechanism may be operative.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
A master equation theory is formulated to describe the dependence of the fluorescence yield (phi) in photosynthetic systems on the number of photons (Y) absorbed per photosynthetic unit (or domain). This theory is applied to the calculation of the dependence of the fluorescence yield on Y in (a) fluorescence induction, and (b) singlet exciton-triplet excited-state quenching experiments. In both cases, the fluorescence yield depends on the number of previously absorbed photons per domain, and thus evolves in a nonlinear manner with increasing Y. In case a, excitons transform the photosynthetic reaction centers from a quenching state to a nonquenching state, or a lower efficiency of quenching state; subsequently, absorbed photons have a higher probability of decaying by radiative pathways and phi increases as Y increases. In case b, ground-state carotenoid molecules are converted to long-lived triplet excited-state quenchers, and phi decreases as Y increases. It is shown that both types of processes are formally described by the same theoretical equations that relate phi to Y. The calculated phi (Y) curves depend on two parameters m and R, where m is the number of reaction centers (or ground-state carotenoid molecules that can be converted to triplets), and R is the ratio phi (Y leads to infinity)/(Y leads to 0). The finiteness of the photosynthetic units is thus taken into account. The m = 1 case corresponds to the "puddle" model, and m leads to infinity to the "lake," or matrix, model. It is shown that the experimental phi (Y) curves for both fluorescence induction and singlet-triplet exciton quenching experiments are better described by the m leads to infinity cases than the m = 1 case.  相似文献   
The pyrene-like fluorescence of the covalent benzo(a)pyrene diol-epoxide-DNA complex prepared by reacting 7,8,-dihydrodiol 9,10-epoxy benzo(a)pyrene (BPDE) with DNA in aqueous solution in vitro, has been investigated. It is shown that this fluorescence is sensitive to molecular oxygen, to the concentration of native DNA and to the ionic strength (KCl concentration), but is insensitive to the concentration of denatured DNA. These effects are related to the conformation of the pyrene-like chromophore of BPDE. Most of the fluorescence of a dilute solution of the DNA-bound benzo(a)pyrene derivative originates from binding sites in which the pyrene moiety is not intercalated between the DNA base pairs, but is located on the outside of the DNA double helix.  相似文献   
A Pauli master equation is formulated and solved to describe the fluorescence quantum yield, phi, and the fluorescence temporal decay curves. F(t), obtained in picosecond laser excitation experiments of photosynthetic systems. It is assumed that the lowering of phi with increasing pulse intensity is due to bimolecular singlet exciton annihilation processes which compete with the monomolecular exciton decay processes; Poisson statistics are taken into account. Calculated curves of phi as a function of the number of photon hits per domain are compared with experimental data, and it is concluded that these domains contain at least two to four connected photosynthetic units (depending on the temperature), where each photosynthetic unit is assumed to contain approximately 300 pigment molecules. It is shown that under conditions of high excitation intensities, the fluorescence decays approximately according to the (time)1/2 law.  相似文献   
Regulation of mutation rates is critical for maintaining genome stability and controlling cancer risk. A special challenge to this regulation is the presence of multiple mutagenic DNA polymerases in mammals. These polymerases function in translesion DNA synthesis (TLS), an error-prone DNA repair process that involves DNA synthesis across DNA lesions. We found that in mammalian cells TLS is controlled by the tumor suppressor p53, and by the cell cycle inhibitor p21 via its PCNA-interacting domain, to maintain a low mutagenic load at the price of reduced repair efficiency. This regulation may be mediated by binding of p21 to PCNA and via DNA damage-induced ubiquitination of PCNA, which is stimulated by p53 and p21. Loss of this regulation by inactivation of p53 or p21 causes an out of control lesion-bypass activity, which increases the mutational load and might therefore play a role in pathogenic processes caused by genetic instability.  相似文献   

The conformations of the adducts derived from the covalent binding of the two enantiomeric forms of 9,10-epoxy-9,10,11,12-tetrahydrobenzo(e)pyrene (BePE) with native DNA were investigated by the electric linear dichroism technique. Both enantiomers give rise to two major adducts, one of which appears to be a quasi-intercalative site (I) while the other one is an external binding site (II). While the overall linear dichroism spectra are similar, in the case of the (—) enantiomer there is a greater contribution of site II adducts. These results are markedly different from the ones obtained with the two enantiomers of anti-benzo(a)pyrene-7,8-diol-9,10-epoxide (BaPDE), where the (+) enantiomer gives rise almost exclusively to site II binding, while the (—) enantiomer gives rise to both site I and site II covalent binding. The differences in the heterogeneity of binding between BePE and anti-BaPDE enantiomers may be due to the absence of hydroxyl groups in BePE which, in the case of BaPDE, are an important factor in determining the stereoselective properties of the covalent binding to double-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

The conformation of adducts derived from the reactions and covalent binding of the (+) and (-) enantiomers of 7β, 8α-dihydroxy-9α, 10α-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo(a)pyrene (anti-BaPDE) with double-stranded calf thymus DNA in vitro were investigated utilizing the electric linear dichroism technique. The linear dichroism and absorption spectra of the covalent DNA complexes are interpreted in terms of a superposition of two types of binding sites. One of these conformations (site I) is a complex in which the plane of the pyrene residue is close to parallel (within 30°) to the planes of the DNA bases (quasi-intercalation), while the other (site II) is an external binding site; this latter type of adduct is attributed to the covalent binding of anti-BaPDE to the exocyclic amino group of deoxyguanine (N2-dG), while site I adducts are attributed to the 06-deoxyguanine and N6-deoxyadenine adducts identified in the product analysis of P. Brookes and M.R. Osborne (Carcinogenesis (1982) 3, 1223–1226). Site II adducts are dominant (~90% in the covalent complexes derived from the (+) enantiomer), but account for only 50±5% of the adducts in the case of the (—)-enantiomer. The orientation of site II complexes is different by 20±10° in the adducts derived from the binding of the (+) and the (—) enantiomers to DNA, the long axis of the pyrene chromophore being oriented more parallel to the axis of the DNA helix in the case of the (+) enantiomer. These findings support the proposals by Brookes and Osborne that the difference in spatial orientation of the N2-dG adducts of (-)-anti-BaPDE together with their lower abundance may account for the lower biological activity of the (—) enantiomer. The external site II adducts, rather than site I adducts, appear to be correlated with the biological activity of these comoounds.  相似文献   
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