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The authors used polymerase chain reaction to analyse 56 Slovenian cystic fibrosis (CF) chromosomes for the presence of delta F508 and eight other most frequent mutations located in exons 7,11 and 20 (R347P, R334W, G551D, R553X, S549RA, S549RT, S549I and S1255X) of the CF gene. We also determined the frequency of haplotypes associated with CF for six linked RFLP markers (MetD/TaqI, MetH/TaqI, XV-2c/TaqI, KM-19/PstI, MP6d9/MspI and J3.11/MspI) in 27 Slovenian CF families. delta F508 mutation was present in 55.4 percent of the CF chromosomes. No case of the other mutations were detected in the sample of tested CF chromosomes. A very high degree of association (0.88) has been found between DNA marker MetH and CF (as measured by the Yule's association coefficient) in our population. Using the RFLP markers XV-2c and KM-19, we found that 85% of delta F508 mutated chromosomes have a single 1 2 (B) haplotype, and that this haplotype is present on only 15.4 percent of CF chromosomes without this deletion.  相似文献   
Overexpression of inducible nitric oxide synthase causes the production of high levels of nitric oxide, which, under pathological conditions, leads to immunosuppression and tissue damage. The results recently obtained using peptide nucleic acids, rather than traditional oligonucleotides as antigen and antisense molecules, prompted us to test their efficacy in the regulation of nitric oxide production, thereby overcoming the obstacle of cellular internalization. The cellular permeability of four inducible nitric oxide synthase antisense peptide nucleic acids of different lengths was evaluated. These peptide nucleic acids were covalently linked to a hydrophobic peptide moiety to increase internalization and to a tyrosine to allow selective 125I radiolabelling. Internalization experiments showed a 3-25-fold increase in the membrane permeability of the modified peptide nucleic acids with respect to controls. Inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibition experiments on intact stimulated macrophages RAW 264.7 after passive permeation of the two antisense peptide nucleic acids 3 and 4 demonstrated a significant decrease (43-44%) in protein enzymatic activity with respect to the controls. These data offer a basis for developing a good alternative to conventional drugs directed against inducible nitric oxide synthase overexpression.  相似文献   
After c. 30 years without sighting or capture, Anthias salmopunctatus was rediscovered at the type locality, St Peter and St Paul's Rocks, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. To date, the known distribution is restricted to depths varying from 35 to 55 m in vertical drop offs around the perimeter of the islands ( c. 400 m). This may be the smallest geographic range known for a marine fish species.  相似文献   
Local immunity was evaluated in 47 patients affected by recidivant vaginal candidiasis and 33 control women. IgG, IgA, IgM and secretory component (SC) were determined by single radial immunodiffusion in samples of cervicovaginal secretion. IgG in dosable levels was detected in 17/47 samples (36.2%) and IgA in 15/47 patients (31.9%) whereas in the controls, the incidence was 31/33 (93.9%) for IgG and 24/33 (72.7%) for IgA. The difference was significative (P< 0.001) for both immunoglobulins. Significant differences were not obtained for IgM. The SC was detected in 4/47 cervicovaginal secretions of patients affected by candidiasis (8.5%) whereas in the control samples the incidence was 21/33 (63.6%) (P<0.001). In only 2/15 patients with dosable levels of IgA (13%) the secretory nature of this immunoglobulin could be shown by its reaction with anti-SC serum. In the control group, secretory IgA was detected in 19/24 cases (79%) (P< 0.001). Serum immunoglobulins levels were normal. The lack of secretory IgA and SC in the secretion could be related to the adherence capacity of the Candida albicans to epithelial cells.  相似文献   
There is growing evidence that the female reproductive fluid (FRF) plays an important role in cryptic female choice through its differential effect on the performance of sperm from different males. In a natural spawning event, the male(s) may release ejaculate closer or further away from the spawning female. If the relative spatial proximity of competing males reflects the female pre-mating preference towards those males, then favoured males will encounter higher concentrations of FRF than unpreferred males. Despite this being a common situation in many external fertilizers, whether different concentrations of FRF can differentially influence the sperm performance of distinct male phenotypes (favoured and unfavoured by the female) remains to be elucidated. Here, we tested this hypothesis using the grass goby (Zosterisessor ophiocephalus), a fish with distinct territorial-sneaker reproductive tactics and female pre-mating preference towards territorial males, that consequently mate in an advantaged position and whose sperm experience higher concentrations of FRF. Our findings revealed a differential concentration-dependent effect of FRF over sneaker and territorial sperm motility only at low concentrations (i.e. at the distance where sneakers typically ejaculate), with increasing FRF concentrations (i.e. close to the eggs) similarly boosting the sperm performance of both sneaker and territorial males. The ability to release sperm close to the eggs is a prerogative of territorials, but FRF can likewise advantage the sperm of those sneakers that are able to get closer, allowing flexibility in the direction of female post-mating choice.  相似文献   
Summary The cDNAs of mammalian amino acid transporters already identified could be grouped into four families. One of these protein families is composed of the protein rBAT and the heavy chain of the cell surface antigen 4F2 (4F2hc). The cRNAs of rBAT and 4F2hc induce amino acid transport activity via systems b0,+ -like and y+L -like inXenopus oocytes respectively. Surprisingly, neither rBAT nor 4F2hc is very hydrophobic, and they seem to be unable to form a pore in the plasma membrane. This prompted the hypothesis that rBAT and 4F2hc are subunits or modulators of the corresponding amino acid transporters. The association of rBAT with a light subunit of ~40kDa has been suggested, and such an association has been demonstrated for 4F2hc.The b0,+-like system expressed in oocytes by rBAT cRNA transports L-cystine, L-dibasic and L-neutral amino acids with high-affinity. This transport system shows exchange of amino acids through the plasma membrane ofXenopus oocytes, suggesting a tertiary active transport mechanism. The rBAT gene is mainly expressed in the outer stripe of the outer medulla of the kidney and in the mucosa of the small intestine. The protein localizes to the microvilli of the proximal straight tubules (S3 segment) of the nephron and the mucosa of the small intestine. All this suggested the participation of rBAT in a high-affinity reabsorption system of cystine and dibasic amino acids in kidney and intestine, and indicated rBAT (named SLC3A1 in Gene Data Bank) as a good candidate gene for cystinuria. This is an inherited aminoaciduria due to defective renal and intestinal reabsorption of cystine and dibasic amino acids. The poor solubility of cystine causes the formation of renal cystine calculi. Mutational analysis of the rBAT gene of patients with cystinuria is revealing a growing number (~20) of cystinuria-specific mutations, including missense, nonsense, deletions and insertions. Mutations M467T (substitution of methionine 467 residue for threonine) and R270X (stop codon at arginine residue 270) represent approximately half of the cystinuric chromosomes where mutations have been found. Mutation M467T reduces transport activity of rBAT in oocytes. All this demonstrates that mutations in the rBAT gene cause cystinuria.Three types of cystinuria (types, I, II and III) have been described on the basis of the genetic, biochemical and clinical manifestations of the disease. Type I cystinuria has a complete recessive inheritance; type I heterozygotes are totally silent. In contrast, type II and III heterozygotes show, respectively, high or moderate hyperaminoaciduria of cystine and dibasic amino acids. Type III homozygotes show moderate, if any, alteration of intestinal absorption of cystine and dibasic amino acids; type II homozygotes clearly show defective intestinal absorption of these amino acids. To date, all the rBAT cystinuria-specific mutations we have found are associated with type I cystinuria (~70% of the chromosomes studied) but not to types II or III. This strongly suggests genetic heterogeneity for cystinuria. Genetic linkage analysis with markers of the genomic region of rBAT in chromosome 2 (G band 2p16.3) and intragenic markers of rBAT have demonstrated genetic heterogeneity for cystinuria; the rBAT gene is linked to type I cystinuria, but not to type III. Biochemical, genetic and clinical studies are needed to identify the additional cystinuria genes; a low-affinity cystine reabsortion system and the putative light subunit of rBAT are additional candidate genes for cystinuria.  相似文献   
Summary A large portion of the 13C resonance assignments for murine epidermal growth factor (mEGF) at pH 3.1 and 28°C has been determined at natural isotope abundance. Sequence-specific 13C assignments are reported for 100% of the assignable C, 96% of the C, 86% of the aromatic and 70% of the remaining peripheral aliphatic resonances of mEGF. A good correlation was observed between experimental and back-calculated C chemical shifts for regions of regular -sheet structure. These assignments also provide the basis for interpreting 1H13C heteronuclear NOE (HNOE) values in mEGF at natural isotope abundance. Some of the backbone polypeptide segments with high internal mobility, indicated by these 1H13C HNOE measurements, correlate with locations of residues involved in the putative mEGF-receptor binding site. Using four families of mEGF structures obtained over the last few years, we demonstrate that standard deviations between experimental and back-calculated C values can be used to monitor the refinement of this protein's structure, particularly for -sheet regions. Improved agreement between calculated and observed values of C is correlated with other measures of structure quality, including lowered values of residual constraint violations and more negative values of conformational energy. These results support the view that experimental conformation-dependent chemical shifts, C, can provide a reliable source of information for monitoring the process of protein structure refinement and are potentially useful restraints for driving the refinement.Abbreviations HSQC heteronuclear single-quantum coherence spectroscopy - PFG pulsed-field gradient - TOCSY 1H-1H total correlation spectroscopy - EGF epidermal growth factor - mEGF murine EGF - hEGF human EGF - hTGF human type- transforming growth factor - DIPSI spm-locking pulse sequence - NOE nuclear Overhauser effect - HNOE heteronuclear Overhauser effect  相似文献   
The structure of the meniscus of the knee joint was studied in 10 human subjects after meniscectomy for acute trauma. The specimens were studied by scanning electron microscopy after cryofracture. Collagen fibres are arranged in two layers: a thin superficial zone with radially oriented fibres and a deep zone with circumferentially oriented ones. Deep fibres are surrounded by oblique fascicules. The cells are rare and oval-shaped. The observations enhance the hypothesis that the meniscus of the knee joint is not a real fibrocartilage.  相似文献   
Three bacterial toxoids, CRM 197 (mutagenized diphtheria toxin), tetanus toxoid (formaldehyde-treated tetanus toxin), and PT-9K/129G (double mutant of pertussin toxin) were encapsulated within red blood cells (RBCs) of B6D2F1 and Balb/C mice according to a mild procedure based on hypotonic dialysis-isotonic resealing that yielded undamaged RBCs. The toxoid-loaded RBCs were injected intravenously in order to immunize animals and their effects were compared to those of identical amounts (30-95 micrograms per mouse subdivided into multiple injections) of the corresponding free toxoids injected intravenously in saline. Sera from treated mice were collected and tested for titers of specific antibodies against each of the three antigens and also for titers of neutralizing antibodies, i.e., affording protection from toxic effects induced by the corresponding native toxins. In all experiments, significant seroconversion was observed with both immunization systems. Titers of both specific and neutralizing antibodies against CRM 197 and tetanus toxoid were several-fold higher upon immunization with the RBC-encapsulated toxoids, than with the free toxoids. These differences were not due to qualitatively different recognition patterns of antigenic determinants by the two types of sera. Conversely, intravenous immunization with pertussis toxoid either as RBC-encapsulated or as free antigen elicited a comparably high production of specific and of neutralizing antibodies. These data demonstrate that properly engineered RBCs behave as natural carriers and possibly adjuvants for antigens of vaccinal interest.  相似文献   
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