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Summary The main gibberellin in immature seed of Pisum sativum L., cv. Alaska, is identified as GA20 by GC-MS. GA9 may also be present.  相似文献   
Gibberellins (GAs) A17, A19, A20, A29, A44, 2OH-GA44 (tentative) and GA29-catabolite were identified in 21-day-old seeds of Pisum sativum cv. Alaska (tall). These GAs are qualitatively similar to those in the dwarf cultivar Progress No. 9 with the exception of GA19 which does not accumulate in Progress seeds. There was no evidence for the presence of 3-hydroxylated GAs in 21 day-old Alaska seeds. Dark-grown shoots of the cultivar Alaska contein GA1, GA8, GA20, GA29, GA8-catabolite and GA29-catabolite. Dark-grown shoots of the cultivar Progress No.9 contain GA8, GA20, GA29 and GA29-catabolite, and the presence of GA1 was strongly indicated. Quantitation using GAs labelled with stable isotope showed the level of GA1 in dark-grown shoots of the two cultivars to be almost identical, whilst the levels of GA20, GA29 and GA29-catabolite were significantly lower in Alaska than in Progress No. 9. The levels of these GAs in dark-grown shoots were 102- to 103-fold less than the levels in developing seeds. The 2-epimer of GA29 is present in dark-grown-shoot extracts of both cultivars and is not thought to be an artefact.Abbreviations cv cultivar - GAn gibberellin An - GC gas chromatography - GC-MS combined gas chromatographymass spectrometry - HPLC high-pressure liquid chromatography - KRI Kovats retention index - MeTMSi methyl ester trimethylsilyl ether  相似文献   
The GA20 3β-hydroxylase present in immature seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris has been partially purified and characterized. The physical characteristics of the enzyme are similar to those of the GA 2β-hydroxylases present in mature and immature seeds of Pisum sativum. It is acid-labile, hydrophobic, and of Mr 45,000. The enzyme catalyzes the synthesis of GA1, GA5, and GA29 from GA20. Activity is dependent upon the presence of Fe2+, ascorbate, 2-oxoglutarate, and oxygen. 2-Oxoglutarate does not function as a cosubstrate; in the presence of the enzyme, succinate is not a reaction product.  相似文献   
Cell-free preparations from seeds of Marah macrocarpus L. and Malus domestica L. catalyzed the conversion of gibberellin A9 (GA9) and 2,3-dehydroGA9 to GA7; GA9 was also metabolized to GA4 in a branch pathway. The preparation from Marah seeds also metabolized GA5 to GA3 in high yield; GA6 was a minor product and was not metabolized to GA3. Using substrates stereospecifically labeled with deuterium, it was shown that the metabolism of GA5 to GA3 and of 2,3-dehydroGA9 to GA7 occurs with the loss of the 1β-hydrogen. In cultures of Gibberella fujikuroi, mutant B1-41a, [1β,2β-2H2]GA4, was metabolized to [1,2-2H2]GA3 with the loss of the 1α- and 2α-hydrogens. These results provide further evidence that the biosynthetic origin of GA3 and GA7 in higher plants is different from that in the fungus Gibberella fujikuroi.  相似文献   
The levels of GA1, 3-epiGA1 and GA8 in genotypes Le, le and led of Pisum sativum L. were determined by gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring (GC-SIM) after feeds of [3H, 13C]-GA20 to each genotype. The levels of endogenous and [13C]-labelled metabolites were determined by reverse isotope dilution with unlabelled GA1, 3-epiGA1 and GA8. The results demonstrate a quantitative relationship between the level of GA1 and the extent of elongation both on a per plant and a per g fresh weight basis. These results are consistent with previous findings in peas and other species possessing a predominant early 13-hydroxylation pathway for GA biosynthesis.
The levels of 3-epiGA1 also decreased in the genotypic sequence Le, le, led although not as rapidly as for the level of GA1. This may suggest that the alleles at the le locus also influence the formation of 3-epiGA1.  相似文献   
Gibberellins A1, A4, A9, A12-aldehyde, A20 and A51, each labelled with both a radioactive and stable isotope were fed to immature barley grain by injection into the endosperm. After 7 d, extensive metabolism of all substrates had occurred, and metabolites were identified by combined capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. A proposed scheme of gibberellin metabolism in immature barley grain is presented.Abbreviations GAn gibberellin An - GC-MS combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography  相似文献   
Pregnant Rhesus monkeys were infected via installation of Western Equine Encephalomyelitis (WEE) vaccine virus into the amniotic sacs at 50 and 80 days gestation to determine if the resulting infections would produce fetal mortality or fetal malformations, particularly within the central nervous system. Of those receiving virus at 50 days gestation, 13 of 18 fetuses were aborted or dead in utero at time of Caesarean section; 2 of 18 were malformed (hydrocephalus and polyarthrosis); and 3 of 18 were anatomically normal. Of those receiving virus at 80 days gestation four of eight fetuses were aborted or dead in utero at time of Caesarean section, one of eight was malformed (hydrocephalus) and three of eight were anatomically normal. Three of three controls receiving neutralized virus at each gestational age were anatomically normal. Fetal WEE vaccine virus infection significantly increased fetal mortality and resulted in a significant incidence of fetal malformations.  相似文献   
Since Emaraviruses have been discovered in 2007 several new species were detected in a range of host plants. Five genome segments of a novel Emaravirus from mosaic-diseased Eurasian aspen (Populus tremula) have been completely determined. The monocistronic, segmented ssRNA genome of the virus shows a genome organisation typical for Emaraviruses encoding the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP, 268.2 kDa) on RNA1 (7.1 kb), a glycoprotein precursor (GPP, 73.5 kDa) on RNA2 (2.3 kb), the viral nucleocapsid protein (N, 35.6 kDa) on RNA3 (1.6 kb), and a putative movement protein (MP, 41.0 kDa) on RNA4 (1.6 kb). The fifth identified genome segment (RNA5, 1.3 kb) encodes a protein of unknown function (P28, 28.1 kDa). We discovered that it is distantly related to proteins encoded by Emaraviruses, such as P4 of European mountain ash ringspot-associated virus. All proteins from this group contain a central hydrophobic region with a conserved secondary structure and a hydrophobic amino acid stretch, bordered by two highly conserved positions, thus clearly representing a new group of homologues of Emaraviruses. The virus identified in Eurasian aspen is closely associated with observed leaf symptoms, such as mottle, yellow blotching, variegation and chloroses along veins. All five viral RNAs were regularly detectable by RT-PCR in mosaic-diseased P. tremula in Norway, Finland and Sweden (Fennoscandia). Observed symptoms and testing of mosaic-diseased Eurasian aspen by virus-specific RT-PCR targeting RNA3 and RNA4 confirmed a wide geographic distribution of the virus in Fennoscandia. We could demonstrate that the mosaic-disease is graft-transmissible and confirmed that the virus is the causal agent by detection in symptomatic, graft-inoculated seedlings used as rootstocks as well as in the virus-infected scions used for graft-inoculation. Owing to these characteristics, the virus represents a novel species within the genus Emaravirus and was tentatively denominated aspen mosaic-associated virus.  相似文献   
Stimulation of plant productivity caused by Agaricus fairy rings has been reported, but little is known about the effects of these fungi on soil aggregation and the microbial community structure, particularly the communities that can bind soil particles. We studied three concentric zones of Agaricus lilaceps fairy rings in Eastern Montana that stimulate western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii): outside the ring (OUT), inside the ring (IN), and stimulated zone adjacent to the fungal fruiting bodies (SZ) to determine (1) soil aggregate proportion and stability, (2) the microbial community composition and the N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase activity associated with bulk soil at 0–15 cm depth, (3) the predominant culturable bacterial communities that can bind to soil adhering to wheatgrass roots, and (4) the stimulation of wheatgrass production. In bulk soil, macroaggregates (4.75–2.00 and 2.00–0.25 mm) and aggregate stability increased in SZ compared to IN and OUT. The high ratio of fungal to bacteria (fatty acid methyl ester) and N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase activity in SZ compared to IN and OUT suggest high fungal biomass. A soil sedimentation assay performed on the predominant isolates from root-adhering soil indicated more soil-binding bacteria in SZ than IN and OUT; Pseudomonas fluorescens and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia isolates predominated in SZ, whereas Bacillus spp. isolates predominated in IN and OUT. This study suggests that growth stimulation of wheatgrass in A. lilaceps fairy rings may be attributed to the activity of the fungus by enhancing soil aggregation of bulk soil at 0–15 cm depth and influencing the amount and functionality of specific predominant microbial communities in the wheatgrass root-adhering soil.  相似文献   
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