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The intrasubfamilial classification of Microdontinae Rondani (Diptera: Syrphidae) has been a challenge: until recently more than 300 out of more than 400 valid species names were classified in Microdon Meigen. We present phylogenetic analyses of molecular and morphological characters (both separate and combined) of Microdontinae. The morphological dataset contains 174 characters, scored for 189 taxa (9 outgroup), representing all 43 presently recognized genera and several subgenera and species groups. The molecular dataset, representing 90 ingroup species of 28 genera, comprises sequences of five partitions in total from the mitochondrial gene COI and the nuclear ribosomal genes 18S and 28S. We test the sister‐group relationship of Spheginobaccha with the other Microdontinae, attempt to elucidate phylogenetic relationships within the Microdontinae and discuss uncertainties in the classification of Microdontinae. Trees based on molecular characters alone are poorly resolved, but combined data are better resolved. Support for many deeper nodes is low, and placement of such nodes differs between parsimony and Bayesian analyses. However, Spheginobaccha is recovered as highly supported sister group in both. Both analyses agree on the early branching of Mixogaster, Schizoceratomyia, Afromicrodon and Paramicrodon. The taxonomical rank in relation to the other Syrphidae is discussed briefly. An additional analysis based on morphological characters only, including all 189 taxa, used implied weighting. A range of weighting strengths (k‐values) is applied, chosen such that values of character fit of the resulting trees are divided into regular intervals. Results of this analysis are used for discussing the phylogenetic relationships of genera unrepresented in the molecular dataset.  相似文献   
This paper examines molecular and phenotypic variability in the widely spread European hoverfly species complex Merodon avidus. Herein, based on the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and morphometric wing parameters, M. avidus is shown to comprise a complex of cryptic species, and one variety is redefined as a valid species: M. bicolor Gil Collado, 1930 (as var. of spinipes). The species M. bicolor, M. avidus A, and M. avidus B were clearly delimited based on their wing size. A total of 29 M. avidus and M. bicolor individuals presented 20 mtDNA haplotypes, four of which were shared by M. avidus A and M. avidus B, three were confined to M. bicolor, seven to M. avidus A, and six to M. avidus B. Sequence divergences between lineages occurring in the Balkan and in Spain ranged from 4.93 to 6.0 (uncorrected p in %) whereas divergences between M. avidus A and M. avidus B were 0.26 to 1.56. Divergence among morphologically identified individuals of M. avidus A and M. avidus B species ranged from 0.13 to 1.58, and from 0.13 to 0.52, respectively. The phenotypic substructuring and observed genetic uniqueness of populations in spatially and temporally fragmented M. avidus taxa were used to identify genetic units. The early split of two allopatric lineages, Spanish M. bicolor and Balkan M. avidus, was followed by diversification in each lineage. Present‐day morphological uniformity masks much of the genetic complexity of lineages within the M. avidus complex. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 819–833.  相似文献   
Three new species of monogencans parasitizing hagfish are described: Myxinidocotyle californica gen. et sp.n., M. japonica sp.n. and Lophocotyle novaezeelandica sp.n. The pseudohaptor of Myxinidocotyle has 8+8 transverse ridges that never attain the radial arrangement characterizing Lophocotyle and Acanthocotyle . There are no sclerites in the pseudohaptoral ridges of Myxinidocotyle and Lophocotyle . The male reproductive system of Myxinidocotyle and Lophocotyle differs from that of Acanthocotyle in having a bilateral accessory gland apparatus and an armed copulatory organ. The femrle reproductive system has a large vaginal receptaculum scminis; in Myxinidocotyle with two vagino-intestinal canals. The uterine pore and the male genital pore are close together and the vaginal pore is situated posterior to them, on the left ventral side of the body. We conclude that Myxinidocotyle, Lophocotyle and Acunrkocotyle represent different levels of acanthocotylid evolution. Myxinidocotyle being the most primitive. The family Acanthocotylidac is divided into the subfamilies Myxinidoeutylinae subfam.n., Lophocotylinae and Acanthoeutylinae.  相似文献   
We studied the phylogeny and systematics of the tribe Paragini (Diptera: Syrphidae) using morphological and molecular data. The paper presents separate parsimony analyses of both adult morphological characters and partial DNA sequence data from mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I and nuclear ribosomal 28S rRNA gene, as well as a combined analysis of all the data. The data set of morphological characters included some features of the male terminalia (i.e. shape of the ejaculatory apodeme; relative position of elements of the aedeagal complex; shape of surstylar apodeme; shape of the aedeagal apodeme) not previously used in the systematics of the Paragini. The trees obtained from separate parsimony analyses of molecular and morphological data produced almost identical topologies. Four lineages are supported by the combined data set, and we establish two new subgenera, i.e. Serratoparagus Vujić et Radenković subgen. nov., and Afroparagus Vujić et Radenković subgen. nov., and redefine Pandasyopthalmus Stuckenberg, 1954 stat. rev. and Paragus Latreille, 1804, stat. rev. The monophyly of the Pandasyopthalmus clade, including the species fitting neither of the current species groups ( jozanus -group) of Paragini, is established. Diagnoses of all known species groups are presented, including a new arrangement of almost all valid species of Paragini.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 152 , 507–536.  相似文献   
Net photosynthesis of seedlings of Pinus silvestris has been measured and compared with the activities of photosynthetic electron transport and extracted RuBP carboxylase. The effects of prolonged frost hardening (photoperiod 8 h, + 3°C) followed by winter stress at subzero temperatures were analysed. There was a parallel effect of frost hardening and winter stress on the photosynthetic properties of both intact seedlings and isolated chloroplast thylakoids. The activity of extracted RuBP carboxylase was less affected by the treatments. In relation to earlier works we conclude that the decay of net photosynthesis in winter climate is determined by the electron transport properties of the chloroplast thylakoids, i.e. by the pool sizes of photosynthetically active plastoquinone. The results of this work justify the definition of two phases in the response of conifers towards autumn and winter climates: I. Frost hardening occurs at temperatures slightly above zero and it does not affect the efficiency of photosynthesis as defined by the quantum yield at rate limiting light absorption. II. Winter stress occurs at subzero temperatures and it is characterized by a suppression of the photosynthetic efficiency as a result of damage within the photosynthetic apparatus.  相似文献   
If, in their partner choice, males seek direct benefits (fecund females), the result will be selection for traits indicating female quality rather than for arbitrary (Fisherian) traits. However, the costs of developing and maintaining the sexually selected traits (ornaments) may reduce the resources available to the female for allocation to reproduction and hence result in lower reproductive success per brood. This hitherto unrecognized fecundity cost of sexually selected traits will constrain both the potency of sexual selection mechanisms and the degree of elaboration of sexually selected traits in females, and can also apply to males which invest in their offspring: sexual selection becomes self-limiting. The fitness implications of these costs are examined for both sexes in a variety of mating and parental care patterns. Sexual selection acting on both sexes may lead to either dimorphism or monomorphism, the latter being the case when the quality indicators chosen by both sexes coincide. Ways of evasion or reduction of these reproductive costs of allocations to sexually selected traits include using different resource components for the ornament and for reproduction, or partitioning the two allocations in time.  相似文献   
The seasonal changes in the relative distribution of P700 chlorophyll-protein complex a1 and light harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex a/b were studied in a natural stand of Pinus silvestris. Similar measurements were made after artificial photobleaching of chlorophyll in pine seedlings or in isolated pine chloroplasts. The chlorophyll-protein complexes were solubilized by sodium dodecyl sulphate and separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. When autumn and winter destruction of chlorophyll occurs, the chlorophyll a antenna associated with P700 in photosystem 1 (P700-CPa1) is relatively more affected than the light harvesting complex, which lacks a reaction centre. These results are further supported by low-temperature fluorescence emission properties of isolated chloroplasts presented in this work and elsewhere. The destruction of chlorophyll in stressing autumn and winter climates is most probably caused by photosensitized oxidation of chlorophyll.  相似文献   
Induced herbivore resistance in seaweeds: a meta-analysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Thylakoids isolated from pine chloroplasts were solubilized by sodium dodecyl sulphate and the polypeptides were separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The chlorophyll-protein complexes, P700-CPa1 and LH-CPa/b, had apparent molecular weights of 92,000 and 25,000, respectively. When the chlorophyll of P700-CPa1 was extracted or photobleached, the apoprotein of P700-CPa1 appeared as a pronounced peak in the polypeptide scan profile. The molecular weight of the apoprotein was 70,000. During autumn and winter the complex P700-CPa1 was destroyed. This was primarily caused by bleaching of chlorophyll, as the 70,000 apoprotein increased in the scan profile when the complex P700-CPa1 decreased. The winter destruction of P700-CPa1 was less pronounced in old needles than in young. Freezing of frost-hardened seedlings did not change the polypeptide scan profile, unless the temperature was lowered below the frost-killing point followed by thawing and post-treatment in light or darkness above 0°C. Again the main destruction occurred in the P700-CPa1 complex, but in this case no significant increase of the apoprotein was observed. These alterations in the polypeptide scan profile of frost-killed needles were not caused by the low temperature treatment as such, but they occurred after thawing of the needles.  相似文献   
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