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The steps of UUC recognition by tRNAPhe were analysed by temperature-jump measurements. At ion concentrations close to physiological conditions we found three relaxation processes, which we assigned to (1) formation of codon-anticodon complexes, (2) a conformational change of the anticodon loop coupled with Mg2+ binding, and (3) codon-induced association of tRNA. The relaxation data were evaluated both by the usual procedure (fitting the exponentials evaluated from the individual experiments of a set to a reaction model) and by "global fitting", i.e. fitting a set of relaxation curves obtained at various concentrations directly to a reaction model, thus leaving out the intermediate exponential fitting step. The data can be represented quantitatively by a three-step model: the codon binds to the anticodon at a rate of 4 X 10(6) to 6 X 10(6) M-1S-1 as is usual for the formation of oligomer helices; the conformation change of the anticodon loop is associated with inner sphere complexation of Mg2+ at a rate of 10(3) S-1; the codon-tRNA complexes form dimers at a rate of 5 X 10(6) to 15 X 10(6) M-1S-1. A similar mechanism is found for the binding of the wobble codon UUU to tRNAPhe at increased concentrations of Mg2+. Measurements at different Mg2+ concentrations demonstrate the distinct role of this ion in the codon recognition and the codon-induced tRNA dimerization. We propose a simple mechanism, based upon the special properties of magnesium ions, for long-distance transfer of reaction signals along nucleic acid chains.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEi) therapy delays the onset of renal failure in diabetic nephropathy and inhibits or delays the onset of proteinuria in several animal models. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We examined this question using a transgenic model of chronic glomerulosclerosis caused by an excess production of growth hormone (GH) in which there is progressive glomerular scarring leading to uremia. In addition, since GH mice do not have systemic hypertension or an elevated glomerular filtration rate, we could address the question of whether ACEi or angiotensin II receptor antagonists (AII RA) had an effect on the development of glomerulosclerosis under these conditions. Since excess matrix accumulates in glomerulosclerosis because of alterations in the balance between its synthesis and degradation, we examined the effect of ACEi and AII RA on these parameters. RESULTS: Systemic blood pressure was unaffected by ACEi treatment, but the glomerular filtration rate decreased 85%. ACEi-treated mice had increased mesangial deposition of type I collagen and decreased 105 kD complex collagenase activity. In addition, ACEi-treated GH mice had increased glomerular alpha 1 type I collagen, alpha 1 type IV collagen, and alpha-smooth muscle cell actin mRNAs. No changes were noted in beta actin, or 72 kD metalloproteinase mRNAs. The result of these changes was a net increase in sclerosis. Surprisingly, GH mice treated with ACEi or AngII RA developed marked renal arteriolar lesions. CONCLUSIONS: In some forms of glomerulosclerosis, the lesions develop independently of angiotensin II. Pharmacological inhibition of angiotensin II, in this circumstance, may aggravate the lesions through disregulation of the levels and the balance between glomerular matrix synthesis and degradation.  相似文献   
Two main strategies allow plants to deal with submergence: (i) escape from below water by means of shoot elongation, or (ii) remaining quiescent under the water until water subsides and then resume growth. We investigated these strategies in seedlings of Lotus japonicus, L. corniculatus and L. tenuis subjected to control and submergence for 12 days, with a subsequent 30-day recovery period. All three species survived submergence but used different strategies. Submerged seedlings of L. japonicus exhibited an escape strategy (emerging from water) as a result of preferential carbon allocation towards shoot mass and lengthening, in detriment to root growth. In contrast, seedlings of L. corniculatus and L. tenuis became quiescent, with no biomass accumulation, no new unfolding of leaves and no shoot elongation. Upon de-submergence, seedlings of L. japonicus had the lowest recovery growth (a biomass and shoot height 58% and 40% less than controls, respectively), L. corniculatus was intermediate and L. tenuis showed the greatest recovery growth. Previously submerged seedlings of L. tenuis did not differ from their controls, either in final shoot biomass or shoot height. Thus, for the studied species, quiescence appears to be an adequate strategy for tolerance of short-term (i.e., 12 days) complete submergence, being consistent with field observations of L. tenuis colonisation of flood-prone environments.  相似文献   
啤酒多倍体酵母菌原生质体已成功地与单倍体原生质体进行融合。经细胞壁再生后,稳定的融合重组体被分离出来。这些融合体的基因分析表明,融合体中含有双亲的基因型。孢子形成良好,且每个子囊中含有四个孢子,每个孢子确实是二倍体。这样原生质体融合就提供了一个对啤酒酿造酵母进行遗传分析的方法。但是如果没有一个方便的杂交技术,这个方法将是很困难的。  相似文献   
Summary In a recent report mouse B1 genomic repeats were divided into six families representing different waves of fixation of B1 variants, consistent with the retroposition model of human Alu elements. These data are used to examine the distribution of nucleotide substitutions in individual genomic repeats with respect to family consensus sequences and to compare the minimal energy structures of the corresponding B1 RNAs. By an enzymatic approach the predicted structure of B1 RNAs is experimentally confirmed using as a model sequence an RNA of a young B1 family member transcribed in vitro by T7 RNA polymerase. B1 RNA preserves folding domains of the Alu fragment of 7SL RNA, its progenitor molecule. Our results reveal similarities among 7SL-like retroposons, human Alu, and rodent B1 repeats, and relate the evolutionary conservation of B1 family consensus sequences to selection at the RNA level.  相似文献   
We review the detrimental effects of waterlogging on physiology, growth and yield of wheat. We highlight traits contributing to waterlogging tolerance and genetic diversity in wheat. Death of seminal roots and restriction of adventitious root length due to O2 deficiency result in low root:shoot ratio. Genotypes differ in seminal root anoxia tolerance, but mechanisms remain to be established; ethanol production rates do not explain anoxia tolerance. Root tip survival is short‐term, and thereafter, seminal root re‐growth upon re‐aeration is limited. Genotypes differ in adventitious root numbers and in aerenchyma formation within these roots, resulting in varying waterlogging tolerances. Root extension is restricted by capacity for internal O2 movement to the apex. Sub‐optimal O2 restricts root N uptake and translocation to the shoots, with N deficiency causing reduced shoot growth and grain yield. Although photosynthesis declines, sugars typically accumulate in shoots of waterlogged plants. Mn or Fe toxicity might occur in shoots of wheat on strongly acidic soils, but probably not more widely. Future breeding for waterlogging tolerance should focus on root internal aeration and better N‐use efficiency; exploiting the genetic diversity in wheat for these and other traits should enable improvement of waterlogging tolerance.  相似文献   
The objective of this work was to study the existence of a trade-off between aerenchyma formation and root mechanical strength. To this end, relationships among root anatomical traits and mechanical properties were analysed in plant species with contrasting root structural types: Paspalidium geminatum (graminaceous type), Cyperus eragrostis (cyperaceous type), Rumex crispus (Rumex type) and Plantago lanceolata (Apium type). Variations in anatomical traits and mechanical strength were assessed as a function of root diameter by exposing plants to 0, 7, 15 and 30 d of control and flooded conditions. For each species, the proportion of root cortex was positively associated with the increment of root diameter, contributing to the increase in root porosity under both control and flooded conditions. Moreover, cell lysis produced an additional increase in root porosity in most species under flooded conditions (except R. crispus). Both structural types that presented a uniseriate layer (epidermis) to cope with compression (Rumex and Apium types) were progressively weakened as root porosity increased. This effect was significant even when the increment of root porosity was solely because of increased root diameter (R. crispus), as when both processes (root diameter and cell lysis) added porosity to the roots (P. lanceolata). Conversely, structural types that presented a multiseriate ring of cells in the outer cortex (graminaceous and cyperaceous types) maintained mechanical strength over the whole range of porosity, in spite of lysogenic processes registered in the inner cortex. In conclusion, our study demonstrates a strong trade-off between aerenchyma formation and mechanical strength in root structural types that lacked a multiseriate ring of tissue for mechanical protection in the outer cortex. The results suggest that this ring of tissue plays a significant role in maintaining the mechanical strength of roots when flooding induces the generation of additional aerenchyma tissue in the root cortex.  相似文献   
Many viruses within the Flavivirus genus cause significant disease in humans; however, effective antivirals against these viruses are not currently available. We have previously shown that a thiopurine drug, 6-methylmercaptopurine riboside (6MMPr), inhibits replication of distantly related viruses within the Flaviviridae family in cell culture, including bovine viral diarrhea virus and hepatitis C virus replicon. Here we further examined the potential antiviral effect of 6MMPr on several diverse flaviviruses. In cell culture, 6MMPr inhibited virus production of yellow fever virus, dengue virus-2 (DENV-2) and West Nile virus (WNV) in a dose-dependent manner, and DENV-2 was significantly more sensitive to 6MMPr treatment than WNV. We then explored the use of 6MMPr as an antiviral against WNV in an immunocompetent mouse model. Once a day treatment of mice with 0.5 mg 6MMPr was just below the toxic dose in our mouse model, and this dose was used in subsequent studies. Mice were treated with 6MMPr immediately after subcutaneous inoculation with WNV for eight consecutive days. Treatment with 6MMPr exacerbated weight loss in WNV-inoculated mice and did not significantly affect mortality. We hypothesized that 6MMPr has low bioavailability in the central nervous system (CNS) and examined the effect of pre-treatment with 6MMPr on viral loads in the periphery and CNS. Pre-treatment with 6MMPr had no significant effect on viremia or viral titers in the periphery, but resulted in significantly higher viral loads in the brain, suggesting that the effect of 6MMPr is tissue-dependent. In conclusion, despite being a potent inhibitor of flaviviruses in cell culture, 6MMPr was not effective against West Nile disease in mice; however, further studies are warranted to reduce the toxicity and/or improve the bioavailability of this potential antiviral drug.  相似文献   


Protein expression vectors that utilize the bacteriophage T7 polymerase/promoter system are capable of very high levels of protein production. Frequently, however, expression from these vectors does not reliably achieve optimal levels of protein production. Strategies have been proposed previously that successfully maintain high expression levels, however we sought to determine the cause of induction failure.  相似文献   
There is wide consensus about the significance of monitoring plant responses during flooding when evaluating specific tolerance. Nonetheless, plant recovery once water recedes has often been overlooked. This note highlights the importance of registering plant performance during a recovery phase. Two opposite types of plant growth responses, during and after flooding, are discussed. It is shown that an apparently poor performance during flooding does not necessarily involve a reduced tolerance, as plants can prioritize saving energy and carbohydrates for later resumption of vigorous growth during recovery. Conversely, maintenance of positive plant growth during flooding can imply extensive depletion of reserves, consequently constraining future plant growth. Therefore, to accurately estimate real tolerance to this stress, plant performance should be appraised during both flooding and recovery periods.  相似文献   
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