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Synaptogenesis has been extensively studied along with dendritic spine development in glutamatergic pyramidal neurons, however synapse development in cortical interneurons, which are largely aspiny, is comparatively less well understood. Dact1, one of 3 paralogous Dact (Dapper/Frodo) family members in mammals, is a scaffold protein implicated in both the Wnt/β-catenin and the Wnt/Planar Cell Polarity pathways. We show here that Dact1 is expressed in immature cortical interneurons. Although Dact1 is first expressed in interneuron precursors during proliferative and migratory stages, constitutive Dact1 mutant mice have no major defects in numbers or migration of these neurons. However, cultured cortical interneurons derived from these mice have reduced numbers of excitatory synapses on their dendrites. We selectively eliminated Dact1 from mouse cortical interneurons using a conditional knock-out strategy with a Dlx-I12b enhancer-Cre allele, and thereby demonstrate a cell-autonomous role for Dact1 during postsynaptic development. Confirming this cell-autonomous role, we show that synapse numbers in Dact1 deficient cortical interneurons are rescued by virally-mediated re-expression of Dact1 specifically targeted to these cells. Synapse numbers in these neurons are also rescued by similarly targeted expression of the Dact1 binding partner Dishevelled-1, and partially rescued by expression of Disrupted in Schizophrenia-1, a synaptic protein genetically implicated in susceptibility to several major mental illnesses. In sum, our results support a novel cell-autonomous postsynaptic role for Dact1, in cooperation with Dishevelled-1 and possibly Disrupted in Schizophrenia-1, in the formation of synapses on cortical interneuron dendrites.  相似文献   


DNA Microarrays have become the standard method for large scale analyses of gene expression and epigenomics. The increasing complexity and inherent noisiness of the generated data makes visual data exploration ever more important. Fast deployment of new methods as well as a combination of predefined, easy to apply methods with programmer's access to the data are important requirements for any analysis framework. Mayday is an open source platform with emphasis on visual data exploration and analysis. Many built-in methods for clustering, machine learning and classification are provided for dissecting complex datasets. Plugins can easily be written to extend Mayday's functionality in a large number of ways. As Java program, Mayday is platform-independent and can be used as Java WebStart application without any installation. Mayday can import data from several file formats, database connectivity is included for efficient data organization. Numerous interactive visualization tools, including box plots, profile plots, principal component plots and a heatmap are available, can be enhanced with metadata and exported as publication quality vector files.  相似文献   
Aim To test whether the radiation of the extremely rich Cape flora is correlated with marine‐driven climate change. Location Middle to Late Miocene in the south‐east Atlantic and the Benguela Upwelling System (BUS) off the west coast of South Africa. Methods We studied the palynology of the thoroughly dated Middle to Late Miocene sediments of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1085 retrieved from the Atlantic off the mouth of the Orange River. Both marine upwelling and terrestrial input are recorded at this site, which allows a direct correlation between changes in the terrestrial flora and the marine BUS in the south‐east Atlantic. Results Pollen types from plants of tropical affinity disappeared, and those from the Cape flora gradually increased, between 10 and 6 Ma. Our data corroborate the inferred dating of the diversification in Aizoaceae c. 8 Ma. Main conclusions Inferred vegetation changes for the Late Miocene south‐western African coast are the disappearance of Podocarpus‐dominated Afromontane forests, and a change in the vegetation of the coastal plain from tropical grassland and thicket to semi‐arid succulent vegetation. These changes are indicative of an increased summer drought, and are in step with the development of the southern BUS. They pre‐date the Pliocene uplift of the East African escarpment, suggesting that this did not play a role in stimulating vegetation change. Some Fynbos elements were present throughout the recorded period (from 11 Ma), suggesting that at least some elements of this vegetation were already in place during the onset of the BUS. This is consistent with a marine‐driven climate change in south‐western Africa triggering substantial radiation in the terrestrial flora, especially in the Aizoaceae.  相似文献   
Witzmann F. (2011). Morphological and histological changes of dermal scales during the fish‐to‐tetrapod transition. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 281–302. The gastral scales of limbed tetrapodomorphs evolved from the ‘elpistostegid’‐type of scale by an enlargement and differentiation of the articulation facets and a shortening and broadening of the keel. These changes caused a tighter connection between gastral scales within a scale row and a greater overlap between the rows. Dorsal round scales of limbed tetrapodomorphs developed from a gastral scale‐type by an alteration of the ontogenetic pathway. The posterolateral direction of scale rows in ‘elpistostegids’ was retained in the gastral scalation of most limbed tetrapodomorphs, whereas the arrangement of round dorsal scales is modified to a transverse orientation. Both gastral and dorsal scales of limbed tetrapodomorphs consist solely of parallel‐fibred bone with circumferential growth marks. The proportionally larger overlap surfaces of gastral scales and their mode of articulation in the ventral midline indicate that the body of limbed tetrapodomorphs might have been more flexible than that of their finned relatives. The alteration of dermal scales was one of the most rapid morphological changes during the fish‐to‐tetrapod transition. Once established, gastral and dorsal scales were retained as a conservative character in different lineages of basal tetrapods, in both the amphibian and the amniote lineages.  相似文献   
Early detection of myocardial ischaemia is a central problem in cardiological and cardiosurgical intensive care. A new approach is the use of ion-selective electrodes implanted directly on the myocardium, enabling detection of increased potassium activity as an indication of general hypoxia. After a comprehensive study of the electrode parameters, an animal experiment was carried out, in which it was found that respiration-induced hypoxia resulted in an increase in epicardial potassium activity (p < 0.01). Blood gas analysis performed simultaneously revealed reduced arterial pO2, but no acidosis. Haemodynamic data evidenced hypoxic depression of circulatory parameters. Histological examinations of the myocardium beneath the electrodes revealed typical lymphocytic infiltration. Electron microscopy demonstrated crystolysis in the mitochondria as an early sign of hypoxia, thus confirming the sensitivity of these electrodes. This underscores the potential of ion-selective electrodes for the detection of myocardial ischaemia, and they should now be investigated in the clinical setting.  相似文献   
In a mature mixed subalpine stand ofTsuga mertensiana andAbies amabilis, significantly higher Al levels were found in foliage, branch and root tissues ofT. mertensiana.Tsuga mertensiana had significant increases in Al, Ca and Mn levels with increasing foliage age. In current foliage,T. mertensiana had lower levels of Ca, similar levels of Mg and P, and higher levels of Mn thanA. amabilis. Both tree species had Cu and Fe present at higher levels in branch than foliage tissues. Fine roots had the highest concentrations of Al, Fe and Cu but the lowest Ca and Mn concentrations of all tissues analyzed. In the roots of both species, phloem tissues always had significantly higher Al levels than xylem. Fine roots (< 1 and 1–2 mm) ofT. mertensiana had higher Al levels than were found inA. amabilis. Roots greater than 2 mm in diameter exhibited no significant differences in Al levels in phloem or xylem tissue betweenA. amabilis andT. mertensiana. The two species show a clear difference in their ability to accumulate specific elements from the soil.  相似文献   
Fish oil has been reported as having beneficial effects on cardiovascular diseases. Elevated serum lipoproteins, prostaglandins and intracellular free calcium concentrations [( Ca2+]i) of the vasculature and thus the phosphoinositide (PI) turnover may be involved in the pathogenesis of these disorders. Therefore, the effect of fish oil on the potency of both low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and angiotensin II (AII) to stimulate the PI turnover in cultured rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) has been studied. Furthermore, a possible link between PI turnover activity and thromboxane A2 (TXA2) metabolism in these cells has been investigated. In VSMC cultured for up to 7 weeks with either fish oil or n-3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) a decrease to 5-48% of the LDL-induced inositol trisphosphate (IP3) formation (= 100%) was found. A similar range of decreased IP3 synthesis was observed, when AII was used instead of LDL. Both LDL- and AII-stimulated TXA2 synthesis was suppressed concomitantly within the range 34-60%. Blockade of VSMC TXA2 biosynthesis with either indomethacin or TXA2 synthetase blocker (SQ-80338) inhibited LDL-induced formation of IP3 in a dose-dependent manner. Similar results were obtained, when TXA2 receptor coupling antagonists (SQ-27427 or BM-13177) were used. However, blockers of TXA2 synthesis and of TXA2 receptor binding failed to affect AII-induced formation of IP3.  相似文献   
Summary A new genetic polymorphism of a human serum glycoprotein, the inter--trypsin-inhibitor (ITI), has been demonstrated by population and family studies. Sera were examined after neuraminidase treatment by isoelectric focusing on agarose gels followed by immunoblotting or by immunfixation with specific ITI-antiserum. Using this method, three common ITI phenotypes 1, 1–2 and 2, as well as two further rare ITI types 1–3 and 2–3 were disclosed. Genetically, these phenotypes are controlled by three allelic genes that determine a total of six phenotypes. These alleles are designated ITI*1, ITI*2 and ITI*3. The homozygous form of the third allele ITI*3 has not been found, as yet. The frequencies of ITI were examined in two population samples from Southern Germany (n=248) and from Tyrol, Austria (n=124). The gene frequencies of the common alleles ITI*1 and ITI*2 were 0.575 and 0.417, respectively, in Southern Germany, and 0.577 and 0.423, respectively, in Tyrol, Austria. The third allele ITI*3 was found only in the sample from Southern Germany, thus far, and was calculated to be 0.008.  相似文献   
The lesser kudu (Tragelaphus imberbis) has been kept in North American zoological parks since 1930 but has never been a common species in collections. In 1987 this population totaled 28 animals: 15 males and 13 females. A pedigree evaluation in 1987 of the existing population indicated that eight effective founders and one potential founder were represented in the North American herd. Three new potential founders from European captive populations were added to the population in 1987 to increase the number of existing founder lines to 12 animals. As this species is not endangered or threatened in its native habitat, it is not a high priority to qualify for designation as an SSP species. Because of this, the institutions holding lesser kudu in North America decided to join informally and draft a breeding program to better manage this small captive population. This program was designed to minimize inbreeding and equalize genetic representation of founder animals to maximize genetic diversity. It requires a shift in management philosophy to establish stable groups of breeding females at participating institutions while rotating appropriate breeder males through these herds in a controlled manner to ensure minimization of inbreeding and maximization of genetic diversity. It is hoped that this program can serve as a model for the management of other small captive populations of non-SSP species.  相似文献   
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