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A viable option for increasing nitrogen (N) use efficiency and mitigation of negative impacts of N on the environment is to capitalize on multi-element interactions through implementation of nutrient management programs that provide balanced nutrition. Numerous studies have demonstrated the immediate efficacy of this approach in the developing regions like China and India as well as developed countries in North America. Based on 241 site-years of experiments in these countries, the first-year N recovery efficiency (RE) for the conventional or check treatments averaged 21% while the balanced treatments averaged 54% RE, for an average increase of 33% in RE due to balanced nutrition. Effective policies to promote adoption are most likely those that enable site-specific approaches to nutrient management decisions rather than sweeping, nation-wide incentives supporting one nutrient over another. Local farmers, advisers and officials need to be empowered with tools and information to help them define necessary changes in practices to create more balanced nutrient management.  相似文献   
A viable option for increasing nitrogen (N) use efficiency and mitigation of negative impacts of N on the environment is to capitalize on multi-element interactions through implementation of nutrient management programs that provide balanced nutrition. Numerous studies have demonstrated the immediate efficacy of this approach in the developing regions like China and India as well as developed countries in North America. Based on 241 site-years of experiments in these countries, the first-year N recovery efficiency (RE) for the conventional or check treatments averaged 21% while the balanced treatments averaged 54% RE, for an average increase of 33% in RE due to balanced nutrition. Effective policies to promote adoption are most likely those that enable site-specific approaches to nutrient management decisions rather than sweeping, nation-wide incentives supporting one nutrient over another. Local farmers, advisers and officials need to be empowered with tools and information to help them define necessary changes in practices to create more balanced nutrient management.  相似文献   
A viable option for increasing nitrogen (N) use efficiency and mitigation of negative impacts of N on the environment is to capitalize on multi-element interactions through implementation of nutrient management programs that provide balanced nutrition. Numerous studies have demonstrated the immediate efficacy of this approach in the developing regions like China and India as well as developed countries in North America. Based on 241 site-years of experiments in these countries, the first-year N recovery efficiency (RE) for the conventional or check treatments averaged 21% while the balanced treatments averaged 54% RE, for an average increase of 33% in RE due to balanced nutrition. Effective policies to promote adoption are most likely those that enable site-specific approaches to nutrient management decisions rather than sweeping, nation-wide incentives supporting one nutrient over another. Local farmers, advisers and officials need to be empowered with tools and information to help them define necessary changes in practices to create more balanced nutrient management.  相似文献   

A viable option for increasing nitrogen (N) use efficiency and mitigation of negative impacts of N on the environment is to capitalize on multi-element interactions through implementation of nutrient management programs that provide balanced nutrition. Numerous studies have demonstrated the immediate efficacy of this approach in the developing regions like China and India as well as developed countries in North America. Based on 241 site-years of experiments in these countries, the first-year N recovery efficiency (RE) for the conventional or check treatments averaged 21% while the balanced treatments averaged 54% RE, for an average increase of 33% in RE due to balanced nutrition. Effective policies to promote adoption are most likely those that enable site-specific approaches to nutrient management decisions rather than sweeping, nation-wide incentives supporting one nutrient over another. Local farmers, advisers and officials need to be empowered with tools and information to help them define necessary changes in practices to create more balanced nutrient management.

Autotransporters are outer membrane proteins that are widely distributed among gram-negative bacteria. Like other autotransporters, the Shigella autotransporter IcsA, which is required for actin assembly during infection, is secreted at the bacterial pole. In the bacterial cytoplasm, IcsA localizes to poles and potential cell division sites independent of the cell division protein FtsZ. To identify bacterial proteins involved in the targeting of IcsA to the pole in the bacterial cytoplasm, we screened a genome-scale library of Escherichia coli proteins tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP) for those that displayed a localization pattern similar to that of IcsA-GFP in cells that lack functional FtsZ using a strain carrying a temperature-sensitive ftsZ allele. For each protein that mimicked the localization of IcsA-GFP, we tested whether IcsA localization was dependent on the presence of the protein. Although these approaches did not identify a polar receptor for IcsA, the cytoplasmic chaperone DnaK both mimicked IcsA localization at elevated temperatures as a GFP fusion and was required for the localization of IcsA to the pole in the cytoplasm of E. coli. DnaK was also required for IcsA secretion at the pole in Shigella flexneri. The localization of DnaK-GFP to poles and potential cell division sites was dependent on elevated growth temperature and independent of the presence of IcsA or functional FtsZ; native DnaK was found to be enhanced at midcell and the poles. A second Shigella autotransporter, SepA, also required DnaK for secretion, consistent with a role of DnaK more generally in the chaperoning of autotransporter proteins in the bacterial cytoplasm.The Shigella outer membrane protein IcsA is unusual in that it is secreted at the bacterial old pole (9, 13, 24). The secreted protein forms a cap at the old pole (Fig. (Fig.1A),1A), where during the infection of host cells, it interacts with cellular actin cytoskeletal proteins to induce the formation of propulsive actin tails (6, 43, 70). Actin tail formation is essential to the spread of Shigella spp. through cell monolayers and mammalian tissues (6, 43, 47) and is critical for Shigella virulence (15, 60). IcsA is a member of the autotransporter family of secreted proteins in gram-negative bacteria. Approximately 700 autotransporter proteins are predicted to be encoded within bacterial genomes that had been annotated as of 2003 (54). All autotransporter proteins for which the site of secretion has been determined are, like IcsA, secreted at the bacterial old pole (35).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Design of screen for proteins that, like IcsA, localize to potential division sites independent of FtsZ. (A) Localization of IcsA on the surface of S. flexneri. Immunofluorescence using antibody to IcsA. (B) Localization of IcsA507-620-GFP (expressed from pBAD24-icsA507-620::gfp) to poles of single cells of E. coli MC4100 leu::Tn10 ftsZ84(Ts) grown at the permissive temperature (30°C). (C) Localization of IcsA507-620-GFP to potential cell division sites of E. coli MC4100 leu::Tn10 ftsZ84(Ts) grown at the nonpermissive temperature (42°C). (D) Diagram of the strategy used to identify proteins of E. coli that localize to potential cell division sites independent of FtsZ, displaying a localization pattern similar to that shown for IcsA in panel C. Image from DnaK-GFP localization (expressed from leaky promoter on pCA24N-dnaK, without induction) in screen well; incomplete overlay of GFP with phase-contrast microscopy is due to the movement of cells between capturing the two images, as cells were imaged live. Size bars = 2 μm (A and B) and 5 μm (C and D). Images are representative. O/N, overnight.Several other secreted bacterial proteins are also localized to one or both cell poles; these include the Listeria monocytogenes actin assembly protein ActA (39), components of the chemotaxis apparatus in Escherichia coli and Caulobacter crescentus (1, 46, 66), the Legionella pneumophila and Agrobacterium tumifaciens type IV secretion systems (14, 40), Pseudomonas aeruginosa type IV pili (8), protein components of the cell cycle regulatory pathways in C. crescentus (reviewed in reference 72), the DNA transfer apparatus in Bacillus subtilis and Streptomyces spp. (26, 28), and polar flagella in Vibrio cholerae, Campylobacter spp., Helicobacter spp., C. crescentus, and other gram-negative bacteria. In L. monocytogenes, the polarity of ActA is established after ActA secretion and likely depends on differential growth rates of the cell wall along the length of the bacterium (56). In C. crescentus, TipN serves as a polar developmental landmark (31, 42), and RcdA provides temporal and spatial specificity in the regulated proteolysis of key factors involved in polar asymmetry (50). Beyond these studies, relatively little is known about the molecular mechanisms that mediate the proper localization of polar bacterial proteins.Chemical or genetic blockade of cell division leads to the formation of filamentous cells without septa. In cells that have been filamented by either blocking FtsI or depleting functional FtsZ, a cytoplasmic derivative of IcsA localizes at or near potential cell division sites (36), which represent the sites of future cell poles. IcsA also localizes to potential division sites independent of nucleoid occlusion (36), together indicating that the positional information directing IcsA polarity is independent of these cell division proteins and chromosome positioning. The molecules that are required for the localization of IcsA to the cell pole have not been identified.One model of IcsA localization to the pole is that freely diffusing cytoplasmic IcsA recognizes and binds a protein receptor that is present at poles and future poles. Although icsA is present only in Shigella spp., upon heterologous expression, IcsA localizes to the poles of other Enterobacteriaceae (13, 58, 59), indicating that if targeting occurs via binding to a polar receptor, the receptor is likely conserved among members of this family. In addition, since IcsA localizes independently of FtsZ and FtsI, the localization of a putative polar receptor to the pole must also be independent of these cell division proteins. To find proteins that might serve as a polar receptor for IcsA, we first conducted a genome-wide screen designed to identify the subset of E. coli proteins that localize to poles and to potential cell division sites independently of functional FtsZ. For each conserved protein that displayed this localization pattern, we then tested whether it played a role in the polar localization of IcsA. We found that, under the conditions of our screen, a green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion to the cytoplasmic chaperone DnaK localizes to cell poles and potential cell division sites. Although DnaK is not a polar receptor for IcsA, we demonstrated that it was required for the localization of IcsA to the pole in the bacterial cytoplasm in E. coli and for the secretion of both IcsA and a second Shigella autotransporter, SepA, in native Shigella flexneri, consistent with a critical role of DnaK in the chaperoning of IcsA and SepA, and perhaps autotransporter proteins more generally, in the bacterial cytoplasm.  相似文献   
The phototrophic alpha‐proteobacterium, Rhodopseudomonas palustris, is a model for studies of regulatory and physiological parameters that control the activity of nitrogenase. This enzyme produces the energy‐rich compound H2, in addition to converting N2 gas to NH3. Nitrogenase is an ATP‐requiring enzyme that uses large amounts of reducing power, but the electron transfer pathway to nitrogenase in R. palustris was incompletely known. Here, we show that the ferredoxin, Fer1, is the primary but not sole electron carrier protein encoded by R. palustris that serves as an electron donor to nitrogenase. A flavodoxin, FldA, is also an important electron donor, especially under iron limitation. We present a model where the electron bifurcating complex, FixABCX, can reduce both ferredoxin and flavodoxin to transfer electrons to nitrogenase, and we present bioinformatic evidence that FixABCX and Fer1 form a conserved electron transfer pathway to nitrogenase in nitrogen‐fixing proteobacteria. These results may be useful in the design of strategies to reroute electrons generated during metabolism of organic compounds to nitrogenase to achieve maximal activity.  相似文献   
Tn‐seq was used to identify genes essential for phototrophic growth by the purple bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris. About 167 genes required for anaerobic growth on acetate in light were identified, 35 of which are annotated as photosynthesis genes. The essentiality of many of these genes by analysing the phenotypes of independently generated mutants that had altered pigmentation was verified. Three genes were identified, two possibly involved in biogenesis of the membrane‐bound photosynthetic apparatus and one for phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis, that were not known to be essential for phototrophic growth. Site‐directed mutagenesis was used to show that the NADH:quinone oxidoreductase complex IE was essential for phototrophic growth under strictly anaerobic conditions and appeared to play a role in reverse electron transport to generate NADH. A homologous NADH:quinone oxidoreductase complex IA likely operates in the opposite direction to oxidize NADH. The operation of the two enzymes in opposition would allow R. palustris to maintain redox balance. As a complement to the genetic data, proteomics experiments were carried out in which it was found that 408 proteins were present in significantly higher amounts in cells grown anaerobically in light compared with aerobically. Among these were proteins encoded by subset of the phototrophic growth‐essential genes.  相似文献   
Blue Light Inhibition of Tuberization in a Day-Neutral Potato   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In tests on the effects of light quality on potato tuberization, continuous blue light was found to consistently inhibit tuberization of tissue-cultured plantlets of Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum cv. ??Norland??. Other tested cultivars, including sports of ??Norland??, formed tubers under continuous blue light. Microarrays identified BL, GA7ox, and Nudix genes as exhibiting altered expression in response to blue light treatment. Quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) showed that GA7ox RNA increased in ??Norland?? but not in ??Sangre?? plantlets in blue light compared to darkness. RNA levels of genes identified in the literature as having roles in potato tuberization were also measured using qRT-PCR. Levels of GA20o1x, but not GA2ox, RNA increased in response to blue light in ??Norland?? plantlets. BEL5 RNA content was greater under blue light compared to darkness for both ??Norland?? and ??Sangre?? plants. Levels of FT were not significantly different in blue light compared to dark-treated ??Norland?? plants, but were low in blue light-treated compared to dark-treated ??Sangre?? plants. Addition of ancymidol to ??Norland?? plants exposed to blue light overcame blue light inhibition of tuberization. Ancymidol prevents the oxidation of ent-kaurene to ent-kaurenoic acid, thus inhibiting gibberellin biosynthesis. These data suggest that blue light may increase GA accumulation in ??Norland?? plants, as has been shown to occur in Arabidopsis plants. The novel effect of blue light in inhibiting tuberization of ??Norland?? plants suggests that this system could be a useful tool in further elucidating the mechanisms of day-neutral potato tuberization.  相似文献   
The level of expression of conjugation genes in Enterococcus faecalis strains carrying the pheromone-responsive transferable plasmid pCF10 is determined by the ratio in the culture medium of two types of signaling peptides, a pheromone (cCF10) and an inhibitor (iCF10). Recent data have demonstrated that both peptides target the cytoplasmic receptor protein PrgX. However, the relative importance of the interaction of these peptides with the pCF10 protein PrgZ (which enhances import of cCF10) versus PrgX is not fully understood, and there is relatively little information about specific amino acid sequence determinants affecting the functional interactions of cCF10 with these proteins in vivo. To address these issues, we used a pheromone-inducible reporter gene system where various combinations of PrgX and PrgZ could be expressed in an isogenic host background to examine the biological activities of cCF10, iCF10, and variants of cCF10 isolated in a genetic screen. The results suggest that most of the amino acid sequence determinants of cCF10 pheromone activity affect interactions between the peptide and PrgX, although some sequence variants that affected peptide/PrgZ interactions were also identified. The results provide functional data to complement ongoing structural studies of PrgX and increase our understanding of the functional interactions of cCF10 and iCF10 with the pheromone-sensing machinery of pCF10.  相似文献   
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