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Expression of Shigella sonnei lipopolysaccharide in Vibrio cholerae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Making use of a newly designed mobilizable suicide vector, the genetic determinants encoding Shigella sonnei lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were stably integrated into the chromosome of the live attenuated Vibrio cholerae vaccine strain CVD103-HgR. Expression studies showed that the production of complete S. sonnei O-polysaccharide (O-PS)-bearing LPS was limited in bivalent recombinant strains that were also proficient in the synthesis of the host-encoded Inaba O-PS. Conversely, high amounts of LPS carrying S. sonnei O-PS are produced in monovalent Inaba-deficient derivatives, even in those strains which do not co-express the compatible R1 LPS core. Thus, the non-enterobacterial V. cholerae LPS core efficiently acts as a receptor for covalent binding of S. sonnei O-PS provided that competition with the host O-PS is avoided. Expression of the R1 core interferes with cell division in recombinant V. cholerae without affecting other physiological properties of vaccine strain CVD103-HgR. Both monovalent and bivalent strains stimulated high serum-antibody titres specific for their respective O-serotype(s) when administered to rabbits. The potential of V. cholerae as an expression carrier for heterologous O-serotypes is discussed.  相似文献   
Macrofibers in steady-state growth at one temperature were subjected to pulses of various durations at a temperature at which the opposite helix hand would form and then returned to the initial temperature. In an upshift pulse (20 to 48 degrees C), at least 3 min of incubation was required to induce a transient inversion that occurred later after return to 20 degrees C. Longer pulses resulted in shorter delays in onset of the transient inversion. This "memory" of a brief high-temperature pulse suggests that even a small amount of material can influence the twist of the entire macrofiber. Similar results were found for temperature downshift pulses corresponding to the opposite inversion. Adding chloramphenicol during the temperature pulse blocked the establishment of memory associated with the right-to-left inversion but not that associated with left-to-right inversion. In contrast, inhibiting peptidoglycan synthesis with D-cycloserine during the temperature pulse did not prevent establishment of memory. Inhibiting protein synthesis in mutants fixed as left-handed structures over the entire temperature range induced conversion to right-handedness but did not affect mutants fixed as right-handed structures. Adding protease to either live or formaldehyde-killed macrofibers always induced rotations of right-handed orientation. Steady-state growth in the presence of protease was found to shift the initial macrofiber twist towards the right-hand end of the twist spectrum. The phenomenon was observed in several mutants with different initial twists.  相似文献   
Middle-mode RNA synthesis in T4-infected cells takes place before replication of phage DNA commences. What distinguishes it from early-mode RNA synthesis is that initiation of middle RNA depends on T4-coded proteins, in particular on the mot gene product. mot protein is localized in a DNA-protein complex which forms during the first few minutes of infection. All of the cell's mot protein is bound in this complex, and it continues to be bound long after the synthesis of mot protein has stopped. When we infect Escherichia coli with T4 carrying a temperature-sensitive mutation in the mot gene, we find a correlation between the physiology of this mot mutant and the amount of mot protein bound in the DNA-protein complex. Although there is some host RNA polymerase in the complex, mot protein does not seem to bind to this enzyme. Two other T4-coded proteins, of molecular weights 17,600 and 15,000, are also found in the pre-replicative DNA-protein complex. One of these, p17,600, is coded for by a 750-base pair region located between genes 39 and 56; p17,600 appears to be the recently described motB gene product. The other protein, p15,000, is not an RNA polymerase-binding protein; it is characterized by its strong binding to the DNA-protein complex.  相似文献   
An adult femaleLemur catta and an adult femaleEulemur fulvus were given edible rewards for scratching. Both subjects learned to scratch in order to obtain the rewards, showed diminished rates of scratching during periods of extinction, and learned to scratch preferentially with one foot when required. TheLemur catta subject was more responsive to the changing experimental conditions than theEulemur fulvus. The conditionability of scratching in primates does not appear to be directly related to the widespread occurrence of scratching in simian social contexts.  相似文献   
The elimination of transformed and viral infected cells by natural killer (NK) cells requires a specialized junction between NK and target cells, denominated immunological synapse (IS). After initial recognition, the IS enables the directed secretion of lytic granules content into the susceptible target cell. The lymphocyte function-associated antigen (LFA)-1 regulates NK effector function by enabling NK-IS assembly and maturation. The pathways underlying LFA-1 accumulation at the IS in NK cells remained uncharacterized. A kinase anchoring protein 350 (AKAP350) is a centrosome/Golgi-associated protein, which, in T cells, participates in LFA-1 activation by mechanisms that have not been elucidated. We first evaluated AKAP350 participation in NK cytolytic activity. Our results showed that the decrease in AKAP350 levels by RNA interference (AKAP350KD) inhibited NK-YTS cytolytic activity, without affecting conjugate formation. The impairment of NK effector function in AKAP350KD cells correlated with decreased LFA-1 clustering and defective IS maturation. AKAP350KD cells that were exclusively activated via LFA-1 showed impaired LFA-1 organization and deficient lytic granule translocation as well. In NK AKAP350KD cells, activation signaling through Vav1 was preserved up to 10 min of interaction with target cells, but significantly decreased afterwards. Experiments in YTS and in ex vivo NK cells identified an intracellular pool of LFA-1, which partially associated with the Golgi apparatus and, upon NK activation, redistributed to the IS in an AKAP350-dependent manner. The analysis of Golgi organization indicated that the decrease in AKAP350 expression led to the disruption of the Golgi integrity in NK cells. Alteration of Golgi function by BFA treatment or AKAP350 delocalization from this organelle also led to impaired LFA-1 localization at the IS. Therefore, this study characterizes AKAP350 participation in the modulation of NK effector function, revealing the existence of a Golgi-dependent trafficking pathway for LFA-1, which is relevant for LFA-1 organization at NK-lytic IS.  相似文献   
Isolation of rat plasma transcortin was carried out by affinity chromatography, as previously described for human. The protein was shown to be pure by PAGE and one single N-terminal amino acid was identified (Ser), which suggested that the protein molecule has a single polypeptide chain. This assumption is supported by SDS-PAGE. The amino acid composition was reported and compared with the one of human transcortin. The purified protein always migrated in PAGE (with or without SDS) as a double band; the faster component being more intense than the slower one. Whether transcortin was free or bound to corticosterone, the same aspect was observed. Molecular weight of these two variants were determined by SDS-PAGE as 65,900 and 75,800. Polymers only appeared after irreversible denaturation of the protein, as previously described for human transcortin. Various other physical parameters were determined: a sedimentation coefficient of 3.71 S +/- 0.18 was calculated by ultracentrifugation in sucrose gradient, association constants at 4 degrees C for corticosterone and cortisol (2.7 X 10(9) M-1 and 4.2 X 10(8) M-1, respectively).  相似文献   
Summary The relative nitrogen fixation efficiencies (RE 1-[H2 evolved÷C2H2 reduced]·100) of four mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa var.torreyana) rhizobia (Strains WR 1001, WR 1002, L5, L9) and a cowpea rhizobia (Strain 176A32) on mesquite were evaluated in a glasshouse experiment. Plant yield, shoot N accumulation, and the natural15N abundance (15N) of nodule tissue were determined. Strain WR 1002 failed to nodulate mesquite and strain L5 produced ineffective nodules. Among the three effective strains (WR 1001, L9, 176A32) the cowpea strain (176A32) and strain L9 had significantly higher RE than strain WR 1001. Differences in RE, however, were not accompanied by significantly higher plant yield and shoot N accumulation. The difference in15N abundance between foliar tissue and nodules (nodules minus leaves) was 0.47 15N for the ineffective L5 nodules, while for the effective WR 1001, L9, and 176A32 nodules, respectively, this difference was 8.35, 7.81, and 8.35 15N. This indicates a similar relationship between N2-fixing effectiveness and natural15N enrichment of nodules that was previously observed in soybeans (Glycine max, L. Merr.). Strains WR 1001 and L9 produced elongate, indeterminate nodules typical for mesquite. The ineffective L5 nodules had few infected cells and an abundance of cortical amyloplasts. Mesquite nodules produced by the cowpea strain were spherical and were somewhat more similar in internal morphology to determinate nodules typical of cowpea than indeterminate nodules normally associated with mesquite.  相似文献   
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