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Summary The -crystallin proteins consist of two topologically equivalent domains, each built up out of two similar motifs. They are encoded by a gene family, which already contained five members before the divergence of rodents and primates. A further gene duplication took place in each lineage. To analyze the pattern of evolution within this gene family, the coding sequences of six human genes, six rat genes, and four mouse genes were compared. Between species, a uniform rate of evolution of all regions of the protein is seen. The ratio of synonymous to nonsynonymous substitution in the human/rat or human/mouse comparison is much lower than the ratio when rat and mouse are compared indicating that the -crystallin proteins are better conserved in the rodent lineage. Within species, the regions encoding the two external motifs I and III of the protein show a greater extent of nonsynonymous substitution than the regions encoding the two internal protein motifs II and IV. The low extent of synonymous substitution between the second exons (encoding motifs I and II) of the rat -crystallin genes suggests the frequent occurrence of gene conversion. In contrast, a high extent of synonymous substitution is found in exon 3 (encoding motifs III and IV) of the rat genes. The same phenomenon is seen within the human gene family. The frequencies of occurrence of the various dinucleotides deviate less from those predicted from the frequencies of occurrence of each individual nucleotide in the second exons than in the third exons. The sequences of the third exons are significantly depleted in CpG, ApA, and GpT and enriched in CpT and GpA.  相似文献   
Oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis was used to produce mutants in the hinge region of the regulatory subunit (R) of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The mutant proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli, purified, urea treated to produce cAMP-free regulatory (R), and analyzed in vitro for catalytic (C) subunit inhibitory activity in the presence and absence of cAMP. When assayed in the absence of cAMP, wild type R dimer inhibited C with an IC50 of 40 nM. Replacement of amino acid residue Ser-145 (the autophosphorylation site of yeast R) with Ala or Gly produced mutants which were 2-10-fold better inhibitors of C, while replacement with Glu, Asp, Lys, or Thr produced mutants which were 2-5-fold worse inhibitors of C relative to wild type R. When assayed in the presence of cAMP, all R subunits had a decreased affinity for C subunit, with Ser-145 and Thr-145 undergoing autophosphorylation. These results suggest that the amino acid at position 145 of R contributes to R-C interaction and therefore influences the equilibrium of yeast protein kinase subunits in vitro.  相似文献   
The development of changes in visual orientation, posture, activity budgets, and behavioral milestones was examined in five bongo calves which were observed from birth to 4 or 6 months of age. The only significant change in the calves' visual orientation was an increase in orientation to food. Reclining declined significantly over weeks, while standing increased and moving did not change. Overall, stationary behaviors dominated the activity budget, but decreased significantly over the study. The category that included locomotion, object exploration, and auto-play did not change, while forage and rumination increased significantly. Contrary to expectation, the decline in suckling was not significant. Affiliative interactions with the dam decreased significantly during the study, but increases in affiliation with other bongos were not significant. Levels of agonistic behavior between the calves and their dams and other herd members were low throughout the study, and did not change significantly. One female calf achieved several developmental milestones later than the others. It is suggested that these differences may have been influenced by the dominance status of her dam. The results conform to the general developmental pattern of “hider” bovids. Bongos, however, show somewhat different patterns of social development than eland, which are reported to be more precocial in expression of aggressive and sexual behaviors. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
TheMagnaporthe grisea repeat (MGR) sequence MGR586 has been widely used for population studies of the rice blast fungus, and has enabled classification of the fungal population into hundreds of genetic lineages. While studying the distribution of MGR586 sequences in strains ofM. grisea, we discovered that the plasmid probe pCB586 contains a significant amount of single-copy DNA. To define precisely the boundary of the repetitive DNA in pCB586, this plasmid and four cosmid clones containing MGR586 were sequenced. Only 740 bp of one end of the 2.6-bp insert in the pCB586 plasmid was common to all clones. DNA sequence analysis of cosmid DNA revealed that all the cosmids contained common sequences beyond the cloning site in pCB586, indicating that the repetitive DNA in the fingerprinting clone is part of a larger element. The entire repetitive element was sequenced and found to resemble an inverted repeat transposon. This putative transposon is 1.86 kb in length and has perfect terminal repeats of 42 bp, which themselves contain direct repeats of 16 bp. The internal region of the transposon possesses one open reading frame which shows similarity at the peptide level to the Pot2 transposon fromM. grisea and Fot1 fromFusarium oxysporum. Hybridization studies using the entire element as a probe revealed that some strains ofM. grisea, whose DNA hybridized to the pCB586 probe, entirely lacked MGR586 transposon sequences.  相似文献   
Full-length copies of a previously described repetitive DNA sequence (CH2-8) were isolated from the genome of theMagnaporthe grisea strain 2539. One copy of the complete element was sequenced and found to resemble agypsy-like LTR retrotransposon. We named this element MAGGY (MAGnaporthe GYpsy-like element). MAGGY contains two internal ORFs putatively encoding Gag, Pol and Env-like proteins which are similar to peptides encoded by retroelements identified in other filamentous fungi. MAGGY was found to be widely distributed amongM. grisea isolates from geographically dispersed locations and different hosts. It was present in high copy number in the genomes of all nine rice-pathogenic isolates examined. By contrast,M. grisea strains isolated from other Gramineae were found to possess varying copy numbers of MAGGY and in some cases the element was completely absent. The wide distribution of MAGGY suggests that this element invaded the genome ofM. grisea prior to the evolution of rice-specific form(s). It may since have been horizontally transmitted to other sub-specific groups. One copy of MAGGY, corresponding to the element we sequenced, was located at identical locations in the genomes of geographically dispersed strains, suggesting that this copy of the element is a relatively ancient insertion.  相似文献   
Summary Leptosphaeria maculans, a fungal pathogen of Brassica spp., was successfully transformed with the vector pAN8-1, encoding phleomycin resistance. Protoplasts of a vigorous Phleor transformant were then retransformed using the partially homologous vector, pAN7-1 which encodes hygromycin B resistance. Retransformation of this strain to hygromycin resistance occurred at frequencies that were consistently twofold higher than with the original recipient strain. Linearised pAN7-1 DNA transformed phleomycin-resistant protoplasts at higher frequencies still. All the transformants that were tested retained a phleomycin-resistant phenotype (20/20). Molecular analysis of five transformants generated with circular pAN7-1 DNA indicated that in four cases the pAN7-1 vector had integrated into pAN8-1 sequences. These results suggest that transformation frequencies in L. maculans are limited by the ability of vector DNA to integrate into the genome. Hence, construction of strains with target sites for integration may prove to be a generally useful method for improving transformation frequencies of poorly characterised filamentous fungi, particularly when using heterologous vectors. This would greatly facilitate the identification of genes by transfer of gene libraries and the standardisation of chromosomal location effects in studies of expression of nested promoter deletions.  相似文献   
The influence of intracellular sodium concentration ( [Na+]i) on the number of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase pumps was examined in cortical collecting tubules (CCD) of kidneys from rabbits in different aldosterone conditions. Specific [3H]ouabain binding was measured in isolated CCD with various [Na+]i. Experiments were performed on adrenalectomized rabbits receiving only a substitutive dose of dexamethasone and on adrenalectomized rabbits replete with aldosterone. In aldosterone-replete rabbits, the number of binding sites increased linearly with [Na+]i, from 16 fmol/nl tubular volume at 15 mM Na+i to 39 fmol/nl tubular volume at 140 mM Na+i. Neither actinomycin D (5 microM) nor cycloheximide (10 microM) prevented this [Na+]i-dependent increase. In adrenalectomized rabbits, the number of ouabain-binding sites was reduced and did not increase with [Na+]i. These results are in favor of the presence of a "latent" pool of pumps in CCD, rapidly recruited under [Na+]i influence. Aldosterone appears to be required for the constitution and/or activation of this pool.  相似文献   
Aldosterone increased the tubular volume in cortical collecting tubules (CCD) of rabbit kidney. It modulated the rate of cell sodium accumulation, under condition of ATPase inhibition (4 degrees C, in the absence of K+). In contrast, the relationship between Na+/K(+)-ATPase-dependent Na+ extrusion rate and intracellular Na+ concentration (Nai+) was similar in control, adrenalectomized, and aldosterone-treated adrenalectomized animals: Na+ extrusion rate increased with Nai+, up to 70 mM Nai+, and then plateaued. This indicates that aldosterone does not modify the characteristics of Nai(+)-dependent Na+ extrusion rate by the Na+/K(+)-ATPase pump in CCD.  相似文献   
The Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE) constitutes a gene family containing several isoforms that display different membrane localization and are involved in specialized functions. Although basolateral NHE-1 activity was described in the cortical collecting duct (CCD), the localization and function of other NHE isoforms is not yet clear, This study examines the expression, localization, and regulation of NHE isoforms in a rat cortical collecting duct cell line (RCCD1) that has previously been shown to be a good model of CCD cells. Present studies demonstrate the presence of NHE-1 and NHE-2 isoforms, but not NHE-3 and NHE-4, in RCCD1 cells. Cell monolayers, grown on permeable filters, were placed on special holders allowing independent access to apical and basolateral compartments. Intracellular pH (pHi) regulation was spectrofluorometrically studied in basal conditions and after stimulation by NH4Cl acid load or by a hyperosmotic shock. In order to differentiate the roles of NHE-1 and NHE-2, we have used HOE-694, an inhibitor more selective for NHE-1 than for NHE-2. The results obtained strongly suggest that NHE-1 and NHE-2 are expressed in the basolateral membrane but that they have different roles: NHE-1 is responsible for pHi recovery after an acid load and NHE-2 is mainly involved in steady-state pHi and cell volume regulation.  相似文献   
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