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Recent decades have seen a surge in awareness about insect pollinator declines. Social bees receive the most attention, but most flower-visiting species are lesser known, non-bee insects. Nocturnal flower visitors, e.g. moths, are especially difficult to observe and largely ignored in pollination studies. Clearly, achieving balanced monitoring of all pollinator taxa represents a major scientific challenge. Here, we use time-lapse cameras for season-wide, day-and-night pollinator surveillance of Trifolium pratense (L.; red clover) in an alpine grassland. We reveal the first evidence to suggest that moths, mainly Noctua pronuba (L.; large yellow underwing), pollinate this important wildflower and forage crop, providing 34% of visits (bumblebees: 61%). This is a remarkable finding; moths have received no recognition throughout a century of T. pratense pollinator research. We conclude that despite a non-negligible frequency and duration of nocturnal flower visits, nocturnal pollinators of T. pratense have been systematically overlooked. We further show how the relationship between visitation and seed set may only become clear after accounting for moth visits. As such, population trends in moths, as well as bees, could profoundly affect T. pratense seed yield. Ultimately, camera surveillance gives fair representation to non-bee pollinators and lays a foundation for automated monitoring of species interactions in future.  相似文献   

Many studies describe the advantages of using hydrophobic particles on lipase immobilisation. However, many of these works neglect the effect of other variables of the supports, such as specific area and porosity, on the biocatalyst performance, and do not evaluate the influence of the hydrophobicity level of the particles on the biocatalysts’ activity as a single variable. Thus, the focus of the present work was to evaluate the effect of the hydrophobicity degree of polymeric particles on the biocatalysts’ activities, mitigating the influence of other variables. The study was divided into two steps. Firstly, distinct particles, exhibiting different composition and hydrophobicity levels, were used for the immobilization of a commercial lipase B from Candida antarctica (CAL-B). Then, distinct core-shell polymeric particles presenting different functional compounds on the surface were produced, using as comonomers styrene, divinylbenzene, 1-octene, vinylbenzoate and cardanol. Such particles were subsequently used for CAL-B immobilisation and the performance of the biocatalysts was evaluated on hydrolysis (using p-nitrophenyl laurate, as substrate) and esterification (using ethanol and oleic acid, as substrate) reactions. Based on the screening step, it was observed that for non-porous particles the correlation coefficients between the hydrophobicity level of the supports and the biocatalysts performance, for both hydrolysis and esterification reactions, were very low (0.32 and 0.45, respectively). It highlights that there was no significant correlation between these variables and that, probably, the chemical composition of the polymeric chains affects more significantly the biocatalyst performance. Then, analysing the subsequent stage, it was observed that small changes in the surface composition of the core-shell particles result in significant changes on the textural properties of the supports (specific area ranging from 1.2?m2.g?1 to 18.3?m2.g?1; and contact angles ranging from 71° (hydrophilic particles) to 92° (hydrophobic supports) when polymer films were put in contact with water). Such particles were also employed on CAL-B immobilization and it was noticed that higher correlation coefficients were achieved for hydrolysis (ρ?=?0.53) and esterification (ρ?=?0.74) reactions. Therefore, it is shown that the hydrophobicity degree of such supports starts to affect more effectively the biocatalysts performance when other textural features of the supports become more significant, such as specific area and porosity.  相似文献   
The heteropentameric condensin complexes have been shown to participate in mitotic chromosome condensation and to be required for unperturbed chromatid segregation in nuclear divisions. Vertebrates have two condensin complexes, condensin I and condensin II, which contain the same structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) subunits SMC2 and SMC4, but differ in their composition of non–SMC subunits. While a clear biochemical and functional distinction between condensin I and condensin II has been established in vertebrates, the situation in Drosophila melanogaster is less defined. Since Drosophila lacks a clear homolog for the condensin II–specific subunit Cap-G2, the condensin I subunit Cap-G has been hypothesized to be part of both complexes. In vivo microscopy revealed that a functional Cap-G-EGFP variant shows a distinct nuclear enrichment during interphase, which is reminiscent of condensin II localization in vertebrates and contrasts with the cytoplasmic enrichment observed for the other EGFP-fused condensin I subunits. However, we show that this nuclear localization is dispensable for Cap-G chromatin association, for its assembly into the condensin I complex and, importantly, for development into a viable and fertile adult animal. Immunoprecipitation analyses and complex formation studies provide evidence that Cap-G does not associate with condensin II–specific subunits, while it can be readily detected in complexes with condensin I–specific proteins in vitro and in vivo. Mass-spectrometric analyses of proteins associated with the condensin II–specific subunit Cap-H2 not only fail to identify Cap-G but also the other known condensin II–specific homolog Cap-D3. As condensin II–specific subunits are also not found associated with SMC2, our results question the existence of a soluble condensin II complex in Drosophila.  相似文献   
KNL1 is a large intrinsically disordered kinetochore (KT) protein that recruits spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) components to mediate SAC signaling. The N-terminal region (NTR) of KNL1 possesses two activities that have been implicated in SAC silencing: microtubule (MT) binding and protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) recruitment. The NTR of Drosophila melanogaster KNL1 (Spc105) has never been shown to bind MTs or to recruit PP1. Furthermore, the phosphoregulatory mechanisms known to control SAC protein binding to KNL1 orthologues is absent in D. melanogaster. Here, these apparent discrepancies are resolved using in vitro and cell-based assays. A phosphoregulatory circuit that utilizes Aurora B kinase promotes SAC protein binding to the central disordered region of Spc105 while the NTR binds directly to MTs in vitro and recruits PP1-87B to KTs in vivo. Live-cell assays employing an optogenetic oligomerization tag and deletion/chimera mutants are used to define the interplay of MT and PP1 binding by Spc105 and the relative contributions of both activities to the kinetics of SAC satisfaction.  相似文献   
Recent studies have revealed the structural and functional interactions between mitochondria, myofibrils and sarcoplasmic reticulum in cardiac cells. Direct channeling of adenosine phosphates between organelles identified in the experiments indicates that diffusion of adenosine phosphates is limited in cardiac cells due to very specific intracellular structural organization. However, the mode of diffusion restrictions and nature of the intracellular structures in creating the diffusion barriers is still unclear, and, therefore, a subject of active research. The aim of this work is to analyze the possible role of two principally different modes of restriction distribution for adenosine phosphates (a) the uniform diffusion restriction and (b) the localized diffusion limitation in the vicinity of mitochondria, by fitting the experimental data with the mathematical model. The reaction-diffusion model of compartmentalized energy transfer was used to analyze the data obtained from the experiments with the skinned muscle fibers, which described the following processes: mitochondrial respiration rate dependency on exogenous ADP and ATP concentrations; inhibition of endogenous ADP-stimulated respiration by pyruvate kinase (PK) and phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) system; kinetics of oxygen consumption stabilization after addition of 2 mM MgATP or MgADP; ATPase activity with inhibited mitochondrial respiration; and buildup of MgADP concentration in the medium after addition of MgATP. The analysis revealed that only the second mechanism considered--localization of diffusion restrictions--is able to account for the experimental data. In the case of uniform diffusion restrictions, the model solution was in agreement only with two measurements: the respiration rate as a function of ADP or ATP concentrations and inhibition of respiration by PK + PEP. It was concluded that intracellular diffusion restrictions for adenosine phosphates are not distributed uniformly, but rather are localized in certain compartments of the cardiac cells.  相似文献   
The P64k protein of Neisseria meningitidis has been reported as an immunological carrier for weak immunogens. This investigation was aimed at characterizing the T-cell response produced in primed mice and at identifying T helper cell epitopes within this molecule. BALB/c mice subcutaneously immunized with the recombinant antigen provided inguinal lymph node cells (LNC) that proliferated in the presence of P64k in a dose-dependent manner. Proliferating cells secreted IL-4 while the concentration of IL-12 remained unaltered in the culture supernatant. By testing a panel of 59 overlapping synthetic peptides spanning the entire sequence of the antigen a T-cell determinant was localized. Prime-boost and lymphoproliferation experiments, conducted with highly purified synthetic peptides, confirmed that the segment including amino acids 470-485 comprises a T-cell epitope within the P64k molecule.  相似文献   
Activation of sugars into nucleotide sugars is critical for their entry into biosynthetic pathways. In eukaryotic cells, the activation of the acidic nine-carbon sugar sialic acid to CMP-sialic acid takes place in the cell nucleus, whereas all other nucleotide sugars are made in the cytoplasm. Molecular cloning of vertebrate CMP-sialic acid synthetases confirmed the nuclear localization and introduced new molecular tools for directly exploring the functional mechanisms of the enzymes, as well as the physiological relevance of their nuclear transport. Although major advances have been made in understanding structure-function relationships and defining elements involved in the nuclear transport, the riddle surrounding the physiological relevance of nuclear localization awaits resolution.  相似文献   
Rat liver Golgi and Saccharomyces cerevisiae-expressed CMP-Neu5Ac transport protein were reconstituted in phosphatidylcholine liposomes and transport of CMP-Neu5Ac into these proteoliposomes was determined. The separation of transported substrate from free substrate was performed using Multiscreen minicolumns loaded with Sephadex G-50 resin (fine). The CMP-Neu5Ac transport characteristics of the rat liver Golgi and S. cerevisiae-expressed transporters, determined using this separation system, were very similar to those previously reported. Inhibition studies, utilizing the above procedure, revealed that the main structural features required for recognition of glycosyl nucleosides by the rat liver Golgi CMP-Neu5Ac transport protein were the nature of the nucleoside base and the anomeric configuration of the associated carbohydrate. In general, pyrimidine-based glycosyl nucleosides were found to inhibit transport to a far greater extent than purine-based glycosyl nucleosides, an observation that is in good agreement with previous reports. These results indicate that the reconstitution procedure, in conjunction with Multiscreen minicolumns, is an effective high-throughput method for the determination of CMP-Neu5Ac transport.  相似文献   
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