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Summary The interatrial septum of the rat heart contains cells which show a strong intensive-yellow paraformaldehyde-induced fluorescence. By electron microscopy these cells are characterized by an abundance of dense-core vesicles.Cholinergio axons form axo-somatic synaptic contacts with the catecholamine-containing cells. These cells, packed with dense-core vesicles, are frequently interdigitated and interconnected by zonulae and maculae adhaerentes and occludentes. The catecholamine-containing cells are surrounded by satellite cells either individually or in groups.The catecholamine-containing cells, which bear blunt, plumpish processes, can be subdivided, on the basis of position and morphology into two types. One class of cells lies within the fibroblast capsule of the intra-atrial ganglion (van der Zypen, Hasselhorst, Merz and Fillinger, 1974). A second aggregation of catecholamine-containing cells occurs outside the ganglia in close proximity to capillaries. The capillaries exhibit pores in the area of contact with the catecholaminergic cells. The structure of these catecholamine-containing cells is described and their possible function discussed.
Zusammenfassung Im Septum interatriale des Rattenherzens treten Zellen in Erscheinung, die nach Paraformaldehyd-Bedampfung eine intensive hellgelbliche Fluoreszenz zeigen. Diese Zellen zeichnen sich durch einen großen Reichtum an dense-core vesicles aus. Cholinerge Axone bilden axo-somatische Synapsen an den katecholaminhaltigen Zellen aus. Die mit dense-core vesicles angefüllten Zellen sind oft ineinander verzahnt und durch Zonulae adhaerentes verbunden. Einzeln oder in Gruppen werden die katecholamin-enthaltenden Zellen von Satelliten-Zellen umgeben.Die mit kurzen plumpen Fortsätzen versehenen katecholaminhaltigen Zellen lassen aufgrund ihrer Lage und eines andersartigen Baues zwei Typen erkennen. Eine Gruppe von Zellen liegt innerhalb der Fibrozytenkapsel des Ganglion intraatriale (van der Zypen, Hasselhorst, Merz und Fillinger, 1974). Eine zweite Ansammlung von Katecholamin enthaltenden Zellen findet sich außerhalb der Ganglien in engem Kontakt zu Kapillaren. Die Kapillaren weisen im Bereich des Kontaktes mit den katecholaminergen Zellen Poren auf. Die Struktur dieser Zellen wird geschildert und ihre mögliche Funktion diskutiert.
Summary Several Waulsortian-type mud mounds nearly 500 m thick and about 5 km long occur in the Middle Paleozoic carbonate section of the Aktur nappe in the mountains on the right bank of Isfara river. These buildups form a well developed barrier system that stretches along the South Ferganian carbonate platform margin and divides the carbonate complex into a fore-reef and a back-reef part. The time of the mounds' most active growth was from the Late Silurian (Ludlow) to the Middle Devonian (Eifel). Three main facies types can be recognized in the mud mounds: 1. micritic core facies, 2. sparitic flank facies and 3. loferitic capping facies. The central massive or crudely bedded part of the mounds consists of white or light grey clotted micrite. Macrofossils are rare. The sparitic flank facies in contrast consists of coarse and densely packed crinoidal wackestone-floatstones with some brachiopod shell debris. Solitary rugose corals, tabulate corals, stromato-poroids and fragments of mollusks are also abundant. The tops of the mounds are usually covered with loferitic pelmicrites or oolitic grainstone caps. Stromatactis-like structures are very rare and poorly developed in the South Ferganian mud mounds. However, almostin all such mounds horizons of calcitic breccias can be found. In order to explain all the features found in the Fergana mounds an ‘atoll-like’ model has been proposed which starts the evolution of the mud mounds with a small nucleus bioherm. The main stage of the evolution corresponds to an atoll-like structure developing on the surface of shallow water platforms. White clotted micrite of the mound core facies is interpreted as a accumulation of fine-grained sediment in an inner lagoon flanked by crinoidal bar deposits. The mound flank facies represents the atoll rim deposits from where the carbonate mud is derived. The capping loferitic facies is considered as tidal flat deposit that developed on top of the buildups during the last stage of its evolution. The knoll shape of the mounds is explained by the retreat of the atoll flanking crinoidal bars back into the inner lagoon during the rise in sea level. Stromatactis-like structures of small cavities filled with sparry calcite owe their existence to burrowing organisms. Calcitic breccias are interpreted as paleokarst collapse breccias. They indicate that the tops of the mud mound became subaerially exposed. Other evidence for a subaerial exposure can be seen in the occurrence of Variscian ‘black and white’ limestone gravel on the tops of some mud mounds. According toWard et al. (1970) these sediments were produced above the sea level at the edge of hypersaline lakes situated on islands.  相似文献   
The localization of centromeres in mature human sperm was shown by immunofluorescent labeling and nonisotopic in situ hybridization. In the decondensed nucleus structural elements (dimers, tetramers, linear arrays and V shape structures) formed by individual centromeres of nonhomologous chromosomes were observed. They organize the compact chromocenter, which was shown for nuclei decondensed to a low extent. The chromocenter is buried inside the nucleus; in contrast, telomeric regions of chromosomes were tentatively localized on the periphery. Thus, a gross architecture, which can influence selective unpackaging of the paternal genome upon fertilization, exists in human sperm.  相似文献   
The terrestrial water cycle links the soil and atmosphere moisture reservoirs through four fluxes: precipitation, evaporation, runoff, and atmospheric moisture convergence (net import of water vapor to balance runoff). Each of these processes is essential for sustaining human and ecosystem well-being. Predicting how the water cycle responds to changes in vegetation cover remains a challenge. Recently, changes in plant transpiration across the Amazon basin were shown to be associated disproportionately with changes in rainfall, suggesting that even small declines in transpiration (e.g., from deforestation) would lead to much larger declines in rainfall. Here, constraining these findings by the law of mass conservation, we show that in a sufficiently wet atmosphere, forest transpiration can control atmospheric moisture convergence such that increased transpiration enhances atmospheric moisture import and results in water yield. Conversely, in a sufficiently dry atmosphere increased transpiration reduces atmospheric moisture convergence and water yield. This previously unrecognized dichotomy can explain the otherwise mixed observations of how water yield responds to re-greening, as we illustrate with examples from China's Loess Plateau. Our analysis indicates that any additional precipitation recycling due to additional vegetation increases precipitation but decreases local water yield and steady-state runoff. Therefore, in the drier regions/periods and early stages of ecological restoration, the role of vegetation can be confined to precipitation recycling, while once a wetter stage is achieved, additional vegetation enhances atmospheric moisture convergence and water yield. Recent analyses indicate that the latter regime dominates the global response of the terrestrial water cycle to re-greening. Evaluating the transition between regimes, and recognizing the potential of vegetation for enhancing moisture convergence, are crucial for characterizing the consequences of deforestation as well as for motivating and guiding ecological restoration.  相似文献   
The combined effects of microwave radiation and some drugs were studied in an isolated frog auricle preparation. The experiments established that exposure to pulse-modulated 915 MHz microwaves for up to 40 min had no effect on either the rate or the amplitude of spontaneous auricle twitches, unless the average absorbed power was high enough to produce preparation heating. Treatment of the preparation with saline containing (0.6–3.0) 10?5 M of propranolol or (0.5–1.5) 10?7 M of atropine altered neither its pacemaker nor its contractile functions; these drugs also had no effect when they were combined with nonthermal microwave irradiation. Caffeine (1 mM) strongly increased the average heart power, which was calculated as the product of twitch rate and amplitude. The caffeine effect appeared to be significantly augmented (by about 15%, P<0.02) under exposure to burst-type pulsed microwaves (pulse width, 1.5 msec; pause, 2.5 msec; 8 pulses/burst, 16 bursts/s; average SAR, 8–10 W/kg). By itself, this modulation was not effective; the heating of the preparation and saline during exposure was approximately 0.1°C, which could not account for the detected changes. The experimental results demonstrate that caffeine treatment increases the microwave sensitivity of the frog auricle preparation and reveals primarily subthreshold, nonthermal microwave effect. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The percentage of T and B lymphocytes expressing a distinct cytoplasmic aggregate enriched in spectrin, ankyrin, and in several other proteins including protein kinase C greatly increases following various activation protocols. Members of the 70 kDa family of heat shock proteins (hsp70) temporarily bind to and stabilize unfolded segments of other proteins, a function apparently required for proper protein folding and assembly. Considering the multiprotein and dynamic nature of the lymphocyte aggregate, the possibility that hsp70 also might be associated with componets of this structure is considered here. Double immunofluorescence analysis indicates that hsp70 is a component of the lymphocyte aggregate and is coincident with spectrin in a subpopulation of freshly isolated, untreated lymphocytes from various murine tissues and in a T-lymphocyte hybridoma. When cell lysates of lymph node T cells are immunoprecipitated using an antibody against hsp70 or spectrin and then analyzed by Western blot utilizing the alternate antibody, it was found that hsp70 and spectrin coprecipitated with one another. Moreover, this coprecipitation could be abolished by addition of ATP. This latter observation was extended to lymphoid cells using a transient permeabilization procedure, and it was shown that addition of exogenous ATP results in the dissipation of the aggregate structure itself. Finally, conditions that result in T-cell activation and aggregate formation, i.e., treatment with the phorbol ester PMA or T-cell receptor cross-linking, also lead to the repositioning of hsp70 into the aggregate from a membrane/cytosolic locale in congruence with spectrin. These data suggest that hsp70 is an active component of the aggregate and that it may function in the interactions believed to occur in this unique activation-associated organelle. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The 26S proteasome is the central protease of the ubiquitin-dependent pathway of protein degradation. The molecule has a molecular mass of approximately 2000 kD and has a highly conserved structure in eukaryotes. The 26S proteasome is formed by a barrel-shaped 20S core complex and two polar 19S complexes. The 20S complex has C2 symmetry and is formed by four seven-membered rings of which the outer rings (-type subunits) are rotated by 25.7° relative to the inner rings while the inner rings (-type subunits) are in register. From a comparison of the activity and regulation of the 26S and 20S particles it can be deduced that the 20S particle contains the protease activity while the 19S complex contains isopeptidase, ATPase and protein unfolding activities. In this article we describe the structures of various proteasome complexes as determined by electron microscopy and discuss structural implications of their subunit sequences.  相似文献   
The stress sensitivity, determined in copper exposureexperiments and in survival in air tests, and thegenetic structure, measured by means of isoenzymeelectrophoresis, were assessed in populations of theBaltic clam Macoma balthica (L.) from itssouthern to its northern distribution limit, in orderto test the hypotheses that near the distributionlimit the clams would be more stress sensitive andwould have a lower genetic variability. Thepopulations in west and north Europe show a stronggenetic resemblance. The populations in the sub-ArcticWhite Sea are genetically slightly different, and showa low stress sensitivity. The populations in theArctic Pechora Sea are genetically very distant fromthe other populations, and show the lowest stresssensitivity. Near the southern distribution limit, inagreement with the hypotheses, genetic variability islow and stress sensitivity high. On the other hand, incontrast to expectation, near the northerndistribution limit, in the populations of the PechoraSea, the genetic variability was higher, thus notreduced, and the stress sensitivity was low comparedto all other populations. Yet, it remains a questionif such is due to gradual physiologicalacclimatization (and ongoing differential selection)or to genetic adaptation.  相似文献   
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