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Expression of HOX homeogenes in human neuroblastoma cell culture lines   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mammalian genes containing a class-I homeobox (HOX genes) are highly expressed in the embryonic nervous system. As a first step towards the molecular analysis of the role these genes play in neural cells, we studied the expression of four human HOX genes in five neuroblastoma (NB) cell lines - SK-N-BE, CHP-134, IMR-32, SK-N-SH and LAN-1 - during the process of differentiation induced by treatment with retinoic acid (RA). The four genes, HOX1D, 2F, 3E and 4B, located at corresponding positions in the four HOX loci, share a high degree of sequence similarity with the Drosophila Deformed homeotic gene and constitute a homology group, group 10. One of these genes, HOX1D, is not expressed in the cells used, whereas the other three are highly expressed in untreated and RA-induced NB cells, even though the expression pattern in the various lines is slightly different for the three genes. Our analysis reveals a complex and specific expression pattern in these lines, paving the way to an identification of different NB-cell populations by means of specific HOX gene expression schemes. On the other hand, in every line studied, morphological maturation toward a neuronal differentiated phenotype appears to be associated with increased HOX gene expression.  相似文献   
Agonists modulation of Mg2+-dependent adenylate cyclase activity has been studied in guinea-pig superior cervical ganglion crude membrane preparations. In the absence of receptors ligands, Mg2+ stimulates the enzyme in a concentration-dependent manner. The dose-activation curve shows heterogeneity and two components with higher and lower apparent affinity states, are extrapolated. In the presence ofD-Ala2-met-enkephalinamide only one component is present and the apparent affinity of the ganglionic adenylate cyclase system for the divalent cation as well as Vmax are inhibited. On the contrary, prostaglandin E2 increases affinity and Vmax values of the lower and, to a lesser extent, of the higher Km component. When the two drugs are tested in combination, not only the inhibitory effect of the opiate is overcome, but a large increase of the apparent affinities and Vmax values for both components is obtained, suggesting the involvement of the Mg2+-regulated subunits of the adenylate cyclase system in the supra-additive stimulation mechanism of the enzyme.  相似文献   
The effects of two sulfhydryl compounds, glutathione (GSH) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC), on the cardiotoxicity of doxorubicin (DXR) were tested on in vitro and in vivo models. DXR was administered to rats as 4 weekly i.v. doses of 3mg/kg. GSH (1.5 mmoles/kg), given i.v. 10 min before and 1 hr after DXR, was found to prevent the development of the delayed cardiotoxic effects of DXR, as assessed by electrocardiographic and mechanical parameters, as well as by histological examination of left ventricular preparations. In contrast, equimolar oral doses of NAC (1 hr before and 2hrs after DXR) were found to be ineffective. Both GSH and NAC prevented the negative inotropic effect produced by DXR on isolated rat atria. A good correlation exists between the cardioprotective effects of the two agents and their ability to enhance the non-protein sulfhydryl group content of the myocardium. Differences observed in vivo between GSH and NAC might be accounted for by pharmacokinetic factors.  相似文献   
cGMP and db-cGMP administered for 20–24 h to neonatal rat hepatocytes in primary culture stimulated their DNA synthesis and proliferation only at concentrations higher than the physiological one, whereas at concentrations equal to or lower than the physiological concentration they were ineffective or inhibitory for both activities. Induction of DNA synthesis to be effected by cGMP required 15 h of treatment, preceded, however, by inhibition of the same process between the 6th and the 14th hour of exposure. In contrast, cAMP and db-cAMP stimulated the flow of cultivated hepatocytes into the S and M stages of their mitotic cycle when administered at very wide concentration range, including the physiological for cAMP and the sub-physiological for db-cAMP. cAMP was effective after 12–14 h of treatment. Equimolar mixtures of cGMP with cAMP and of db-cGMP with db-cAMP also stimulated the proliferative activity of primary hepatocytes, but only at very low doses, which induced a first peak of DNA synthesis between the 2nd and the 6th hour of treatment and a second peak at about the 18th hour. These actions of the cyclic compounds, employed singly or in equimolar combination, were shown to be specific, since they could not be reproduced by their main metabolites. The present results strengthen the view that cAMP plays a pre-eminent role in the positive regulation of hepatocyte proliferation. Contrary to the postulate of the dualistic doctrine, cGMP by itself is not proliferogenic in the physiological range; in fact, cGMP acts as an ancillary, possibly dispensable, compound whose physiological role may be to help, in cooperation with cAMP, liver cells to cross the G1/S boundary of their growth-division cycle.  相似文献   
Fibroblast growth factor receptor-2 (FGFR-2) plays an important role in tumorigenesis. In thyroid cancer it has been observed a FGFR-2 down-modulation, but the role of this receptor has not been yet clarified. Therefore, we decided to examine the expression of both FGFR-2 isoform, FGFR-2-IIIb and FGFR-2-IIIc, in different histological thyroid variants such as hyperplasia, follicular adenoma and papillary carcinoma. Immunohistochemistry and quantitative Real-Time PCR analyses were performed on samples of hyperplasia, follicular adenoma and papillary carcinoma, compared with normal thyroid tissue. Thyroid hyperplasia did not show statistically significant reduction in FGFR-2 protein and mRNA levels. Interestingly, in both follicular adenoma and papillary carcinoma samples we observed a strongly reduced expression of both FGFR-2 isoforms. We speculate that FGFR-2 down-modulation might be an early event in thyroid carcinogenesis. Furthermore, we suggest the potential use of FGFR-2 as an early marker for thyroid cancer diagnosis.  相似文献   
Liberibacter asiaticus is the prevalent causative pathogen of Huanglongbing or citrus greening disease, which has resulted in a devastating crisis in the citrus industry. A thorough understanding of this pathogen's physiology and mechanisms to control cell survival is critical in the identification of therapeutic targets. YbeY is a highly conserved bacterial RNase that has been implicated in multiple roles. In this study, we evaluated the biochemical characteristics of the L. asiaticus YbeY (CLIBASIA_01560) and assessed its potential as a target for antimicrobials. YbeYLas was characterized as an endoribonuclease with activity on 3′ and 5′ termini of 16S and 23S rRNAs, and the capacity to suppress the E. coli ΔybeY phenotype. We predicted the YbeYLas protein:ligand interface and subsequently identified a flavone compound, luteolin, as a selective inhibitor. Site-directed mutagenesis was subsequently used to identify key residues involved in the catalytic activity of YbeYLas. Further evaluation of naturally occurring flavonoids in citrus trees indicated that both flavones and flavonols had potent inhibitory effects on YbeYLas. Luteolin was subsequently examined for efficacy against L. asiaticus in Huanglongbing-infected citrus trees, where a significant reduction in L. asiaticus gene expression was observed.  相似文献   
The ability of a variety of chemical and physical agents to stimulate DNA repair synthesis in human cell cultures was tested by a simplified scintillometric procedure, with the use of hydroxyurea (HU) to suppress DNA replicative synthesis. After incubation with [3H]thymidine, the radioactivity incorporated in to DNA was determined in controls (C) and treated (T) cultures and in the corresponding HU series (CHU, THU). The ratios THU/CHU and THU/T:CHU/C, indicating absolute and relative increases of DNA radioactivity, were calculated. When both ratios were significantly higher than 1, they were taken as indices of DNA repair stimulation, whereas, no stimulation in inferred when both of them are ?1. The scintillometric estimate of DNA repair was always in agreement with the autoradiographic observations, so that the procedure adopted can be used as a rapid test for screening investigations.Agents giving a relative but no an absolute increase of DNA radioactivity are generally not inducers of repair synthesis as estimated by autoradiography. However, the same scintillometric results are also occasionally observed with DNA repair inducers, such as methyl methanesulphonate (MMS) and ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS), owing to alterations of thymidine pool radioactivity. These chemicals, besides affecting the levels of labelled precursors in the intracellular pool in the T series, differently modified the increase of pool radioactivity which is a regular effect of HU. With such chemicals, DNA repair synthesis can be detected only after normalization of th DNA radioactivity on the basis of pool alterations.The quantitative value of the autoradiographic estimate of DNA repair is also affected by the changes in the radioactivity of the thymidine pool although autoradiography retains its qualitative value.Dimethylnitrosamine, mitomycin C and potassium dichromate, described by other authors as inducers of DNA repair, also gave negative results by the scintillometric procedure after normalization of DNA radioactivities. However, in our hands, these agents were unable to stimulated repair synthesis, according to the results of autoradiography and isopynic centrifugation.The proposed scintillometric procedure is effective in indicating false negative inducers of DNA repair, not giving rise to false positives.  相似文献   
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