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Near-ultraviolet (UV) light (325 to 400 nm), in the presence of air and the absence of exogenous photosensitizing compounds, is lethal and mutagenic for Haemophilus influenzae. The lethal effect is the same for both wild type and streptomycin-resistant mutants, indicating that the mutants are not selected by the irradiation. The inactivation and mutagenicity show a large shoulder, suggesting the existence of repair systems. Filters were used to eliminate the possibility of short-UV irradiation. The effective radiation is between 325 to 400 nm. The lethal and mutagenic effects are higher during mid and late log phase than during early log or stationary phase.  相似文献   
The large-scale production of oligosaccharides is a daunting task, hampering the study of the role of glycans in vivo and the testing of the efficacy of novel glycan-based drugs. Glycosynthases, mutated glycosidases that synthesize oligosaccharides in high yields, are becoming important chemo-enzymatic tools for the production of oligosaccharides. However, while β-glycosynthase can be produced with a rather well-established technology, examples of α-glycosynthases are thus far limited only to enzymes from glycoside hydrolase 29 (GH29), GH31 and GH95 families. α-L-Fucosynthases from GH29 use convenient glycosyl azide derivatives as a strategic alternative to glycosyl fluoride donors. However, the general applicability of this method to other α-glycosynthases is not trivial and remains to be confirmed. Here, β-D-galactopyranosyl azide was converted to α-galacto-oligosaccharides with good yields and high regioselectivity, catalyzed by a novel α-galactosynthase based on the GH36 α-galactosidase from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga maritima. These results open a new avenue to the practical synthesis of biologically interesting α-galacto-oligosaccharides and demonstrate more widespread use of β-glycosyl-azide as donors, confirming their utility to expand the repertoire of glycosynthases.  相似文献   
Because of the high risk of going unnoticed, cryptic species represent a major challenge to biodiversity assessments, and this is particularly true for taxa that include many such species, for example, bats. Long‐eared bats from the genus Plecotus comprise numerous cryptic species occurring in the Mediterranean Region and present complex phylogenetic relationships and often unclear distributions, particularly at the edge of their known ranges and on islands. Here, we combine Species Distribution Models (SDMs), field surveys and molecular analyses to shed light on the presence of a cryptic long‐eared bat species from North Africa, Plecotus gaisleri, on the islands of the Sicily Channel, providing strong evidence that this species also occurs in Europe, at least on the islands of the Western Mediterranean Sea that act as a crossroad between the Old Continent and Africa. Species Distribution Models built using African records of P. gaisleri and projected to the Sicily Channel Islands showed that all these islands are potentially suitable for the species. Molecular identification of Plecotus captured on Pantelleria, and recent data from Malta and Gozo, confirmed the species' presence on two of the islands in question. Besides confirming that P. gaisleri occurs on Pantelleria, haplotype network reconstructions highlighted moderate structuring between insular and continental populations of this species. Our results remark the role of Italy as a bat diversity hotspot in the Mediterranean and also highlight the need to include P. gaisleri in European faunal checklists and conservation directives, confirming the usefulness of combining different approaches to explore the presence of cryptic species outside their known ranges—a fundamental step to informing conservation.  相似文献   

The tomato–potato psyllid (TPP) Bactericera cockerelli, is a serious pest of solanaceous crops. Some populations are becoming pesticide-resistant, increasing the need for alternatives such as biological control (BC). This approach may be improved by combining different species of BC agents. We conducted three separate experiments to test four BC agents, either alone or combined with others: (1) A laboratory assay to test the effect of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) and alyssum (Lobularia maritima) flowers on the longevity of females of the parasitic wasp Tamarixia triozae; (2) A no-choice laboratory assay to investigate the consumption of B. cockerelli life stages by the predatory bug Engytatus nicotianae; (3) A cage experiment in a greenhouse to assess four natural enemy species against B. cockerelli on tomatoes: these were the predators Cleobora mellyi, Amblydromalus limonicus, E. nicotianae, and T. triozae. Access to buckwheat flowers allowed female T. triozae to live for an average of 10.9 days compared to 2.1 days with alyssum and 1.4 day with water but did not improve the BC of B. cockerelli. Adult E. nicotianae preyed on all offered B. cockerelli stages. In experiment 3, combinations of T. triozae with A. limonicus or E. nicotianae were not significantly better than single natural enemy species, except for the reduction of nymphal populations when A. limonicus and T. triozae were combined. Although there were few significant reductions in numbers of TPP when using natural enemy species combinations, some species showed good potential when used alone. We suggest testing earlier release of combinations of natural enemy for evaluate its impact on TPP.

To solve novel problems, it is advantageous to abstract relevant information from past experience to transfer on related problems. To study whether macaque monkeys were able to transfer an abstract rule across cognitive domains, we trained two monkeys on a nonmatch-to-goal (NMTG) task. In the object version of the task (O-NMTG), the monkeys were required to choose between two object-like stimuli, which differed either only in shape or in shape and color. For each choice, they were required to switch from their previously chosen object-goal to a different one. After they reached a performance level of over 90% correct on the O-NMTG task, the monkeys were tested for rule transfer on a spatial version of the task (S-NMTG). To receive a reward, the monkeys had to switch from their previously chosen location to a different one. In both the O-NMTG and S-NMTG tasks, there were four potential choices, presented in pairs from trial-to-trial. We found that both monkeys transferred successfully the NMTG rule within the first testing session, showing effective transfer of the learned rule between two cognitive domains.  相似文献   
The present study was designed to investigate the brain functional architecture that subserves visuo-spatial and motor processing in highly skilled individuals. By using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we measured brain activity while eleven Formula racing-car drivers and eleven ‘naïve’ volunteers performed a motor reaction and a visuo-spatial task. Tasks were set at a relatively low level of difficulty such to ensure a similar performance in the two groups and thus avoid any potential confounding effects on brain activity due to discrepancies in task execution. The brain functional organization was analyzed in terms of regional brain response, inter-regional interactions and blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal variability. While performance levels were equal in the two groups, as compared to naïve drivers, professional drivers showed a smaller volume recruitment of task-related regions, stronger connections among task-related areas, and an increased information integration as reflected by a higher signal temporal variability. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that, as compared to naïve subjects, the brain functional architecture sustaining visuo-motor processing in professional racing-car drivers, trained to perform at the highest levels under extremely demanding conditions, undergoes both ‘quantitative’ and ‘qualitative’ modifications that are evident even when the brain is engaged in relatively simple, non-demanding tasks. These results provide novel evidence in favor of an increased ‘neural efficiency’ in the brain of highly skilled individuals.  相似文献   
Capsule Spontaneous calls and replies to playback of Scops Owls were significantly more frequent during the breeding period, when paired birds defend territories. The probability of spontaneous calls varied with moon phase, with a peak occurring during nights with a full moon. In some cases, during the winter, Scops Owls responded to playback calls of Little Owls, thus suggesting possible intra-guild competition between these species.  相似文献   
The representation of actions within the action-observation network is thought to rely on a distributed functional organization. Furthermore, recent findings indicate that the action-observation network encodes not merely the observed motor act, but rather a representation that is independent from a specific sensory modality or sensory experience. In the present study, we wished to determine to what extent this distributed and ‘more abstract’ representation of action is truly supramodal, i.e. shares a common coding across sensory modalities. To this aim, a pattern recognition approach was employed to analyze neural responses in sighted and congenitally blind subjects during visual and/or auditory presentation of hand-made actions. Multivoxel pattern analyses-based classifiers discriminated action from non-action stimuli across sensory conditions (visual and auditory) and experimental groups (blind and sighted). Moreover, these classifiers labeled as ‘action’ the pattern of neural responses evoked during actual motor execution. Interestingly, discriminative information for the action/non action classification was located in a bilateral, but left-prevalent, network that strongly overlaps with brain regions known to form the action-observation network and the human mirror system. The ability to identify action features with a multivoxel pattern analyses-based classifier in both sighted and blind individuals and independently from the sensory modality conveying the stimuli clearly supports the hypothesis of a supramodal, distributed functional representation of actions, mainly within the action-observation network.  相似文献   


In this work we present a methodology to produce an “imprint” of cells cultivated on a polycarbonate detector by exposure of the detector to UV C radiation.


The distribution and concentration of 10B atoms in tissue samples coming from BNCT (Boron Neutron Capture Therapy) protocols can be determined through the quantification and analysis of the tracks forming its autoradiography image on a nuclear track detector. The location of boron atoms in the cell structure could be known more accurately by the simultaneous observation of the nuclear tracks and the sample image on the detector.

Materials and Methods

A UV C irradiator was constructed. The irradiance was measured along the lamp direction and at different distances. Melanoma cells were cultured on polycarbonate foils, incubated with borophenylalanine, irradiated with thermal neutrons and exposed to UV C radiation. The samples were chemically attacked with a KOH solution.


A uniform irradiation field was established to expose the detector foils to UV C light. Cells could be seeded on the polycarbonate surface. Both imprints from cells and nuclear tracks were obtained after chemical etching.


It is possible to yield cellular imprints in polycarbonate. The nuclear tracks were mostly present inside the cells, indicating a preferential boron uptake.  相似文献   
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