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The metabolic profile of benzo[a]pyrene (BP) in cumene hydroperoxide-(CHP)-dependent reaction by male rat liver microsomes was dependent on CHP concentration. At 0.05 mM CHP, 3-hydroxy-BP was the major metabolite. Increase in CHP reduced 3-hydroxy-BP formation but increased BP quinone formation simultaneously. This change in metabolic profile was reversed by preincubation with pyrene. Pyrene (PY) selectively inhibited quinone formation but enhanced 3-hydroxy-BP formation. Naphthalene (NP) had no effect on BP quinone formation but inhibited BP 3-hydroxylation. Phenanthrene (PA) and benz[a]anthracene (BA) inhibited effectively 3-hydroxy-BP formation but only slightly quinone formation. BP binding to microsomal protein correlated to quinone formation and not BP 3-hydroxylation. BP metabolism by female rat liver microsomes also depended on CHP concentration but was much less efficient than the male. Quinones were consistently predominant metabolites and their formation was also inhibited by pyrene. Our data provide evidence that regioselectivity in BP metabolism involves at least two distinct binding sites. One site recognizes the benzo region of BP in BP 3-hydroxylation and the other recognizes the pyrene region in quinone formation. The different ratios of 3-hydroxy-BP to quinone formation by male and female rat liver microsomes suggest that the two binding sites are probably located at separate cytochrome P-450 isozymes.  相似文献   
Most carcinogens, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), require metabolic activation to produce the ultimate electrophilic species that bind covalently with cellular macromolecules to trigger the cancer process. Metabolic activation of PAH can be understood in terms of two main pathways: one-electron oxidation to yield reactive intermediate radical cations and monooxygenation to produce bay-region diol epoxides. The reason we have postulated that one-electron oxidation plays an important role in the activation of PAH derives from certain common characteristics of the radical cation chemistry of the most potent carcinogenic PAH. Two main features common to these PAH are: 1) a relatively low ionization potential, which allows easy metabolic removal of one electron, and 2) charge localization in the PAH radical cation that renders this intermediate specifically and efficiently reactive toward nucleophiles. Equally important, cytochrome P-450 and mammalian peroxidases catalyze one-electron oxidation. This mechanism plays a role in the binding of PAH to DNA. Chemical, biochemical and biological evidence will be presented supporting the important role of one-electron oxidation in the activation of PAH leading to initiation of cancer.  相似文献   
Bloom Syndrome and Maternal Uniparental Disomy for Chromosome 15   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Bloom syndrome (BS) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by increases in the frequency of sister-chromatid exchange and in the incidence of malignancy. Chromosome-transfer studies have shown the BS locus to map to chromosome 15q. This report describes a subject with features of both BS and Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). Molecular analysis showed maternal uniparental disomy for chromosome 15. Meiotic recombination between the two disomic chromosomes 15 has resulted in heterodisomy for proximal 15q and isodisomy for distal 15q. In this individual BS is probably due to homozygosity for a gene that is telomeric to D15S95 (15q25), rather than to genetic imprinting, the mechanism responsible for the development of PWS. This report represents the first application of disomy analysis to the regional localization of a disease gene. This strategy promises to be useful in the genetic mapping of other uncommon autosomal recessive conditions.  相似文献   
Adult flukes, Fasciola hepatica, incubated in Hedon - Fleig saline containing concanavalin A (Con A) for 10 and 45 min, respectively, exhibited severe alterations to tegumental morphology involving increased secretory activity, blebbing of the apical plasma membrane, increased total surface area, and swelling of the basal infolds . The effects of Con A were prevented by the addition of alpha-methyl-D-mannoside to the incubating medium. Similar, but less pronounced, effects were caused by wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) binding. Con A and WGA binding indicate the presence of mannose, glucosamine, or glucose moieties and of N-acetylglucosamine. The effects of lectin binding were similar to the early effects of antibody attachment, and it was considered that accelerated membrane turnover was occurring in both cases. Swelling of the basal infolds was thought to be a result of increased apical surface membrane and/or increased permeability due to lectin binding.  相似文献   
Loss of tritium from specific positions in [3H,14C] aromatic hydrocarbons can elucidate their binding site(s) to DNA and RNA and indicate the mechanism of activation. Studies of tritium loss from [6-3H,14C]benzo[a]pyrene(B[a]P), [1,3-3H,14C]B[a]P, [1,3,6-3H,14C]B[a]P, [6,7-3H,14C]B[a]P, and [7-3H,14C]B[a]P were conducted in vitro using liver nuclei and microsomes from 3-methylcholanthrene-induced Sprague-Dawley rats and in vivo on the skin of Charles River CD-1 mice. The relative loss of tritium from [3H, 14C]B[a]P was measured after binding to skin DNA and RNA, to nuclear DNA, and to native and denatured calf thymus and rat liver DNA's and poly(G) by microsomal activation. In skin, nuclei, and microsomes plus native DNA, virtually all B[a]P binding occurred at positions 1,3 and 6; while with microsomes plus denatured DNA or poly(G), B[a]P showed no binding at the 6 position and a small amount at the 1 and 3 positions. In vivo and with nuclei, binding at the 6 position predominated. Little loss of tritium from the 7 position was seen; this was expected because binding at this position is not thought to occur. This confirms the interpretation of loss of tritium as an indication of binding at a given position. These results demonstrate that the use of microsomes to activate B[a]P is not a valid model system for delineating the in vivo mechanism of B[a]P activation, and support previous evidence for one-electron oxidation as the mechanism of activation of hydrocarbons in binding to nucleic acids.  相似文献   
The proteasome cleaves intracellular proteins into peptides. Earlier studies found that treatment of human embryonic kidney 293T (HEK293T) cells with epoxomicin (an irreversible proteasome inhibitor) generally caused a decrease in levels of intracellular peptides. However, bortezomib (an antitumor drug and proteasome inhibitor) caused an unexpected increase in the levels of most intracellular peptides in HEK293T and SH-SY5Y cells. To address this apparent paradox, quantitative peptidomics was used to study the effect of a variety of other proteasome inhibitors on peptide levels in HEK293T and SH-SY5Y cells. Inhibitors tested included carfilzomib, MG132, MG262, MLN2238, AM114, and clasto-Lactacystin β-lactone. Only MG262 caused a substantial elevation in peptide levels that was comparable to the effect of bortezomib, although carfilzomib and MLN2238 elevated the levels of some peptides. To explore off-target effects, the proteosome inhibitors were tested with various cellular peptidases. Bortezomib did not inhibit tripeptidyl peptidase 2 and only weakly inhibited cellular aminopeptidase activity, as did some of the other proteasome inhibitors. However, potent inhibitors of tripeptidyl peptidase 2 (butabindide) and cellular aminopeptidases (bestatin) did not substantially alter the peptidome, indicating that the increase in peptide levels due to proteasome inhibitors is not a result of peptidase inhibition. Although we cannot exclude other possibilities, we presume that the paradoxical increase in peptide levels upon treatment with bortezomib and other inhibitors is the result of allosteric effects of these compounds on the proteasome. Because intracellular peptides are likely to be functional, it is possible that some of the physiologic effects of bortezomib and carfilzomib arise from the perturbation of peptide levels inside the cell.  相似文献   
The metabolism and mutagenicity of the esophageal carcinogen N-nitroso-N-methylaniline (NMA) was studied using hepatic and esophageal 9000 X g supernatant (S-9) preparations from Sprague-Dawley rats induced with pyrazole and phenobarbital. Only pyrazole-induced hepatic S-9 was able to dose-dependently activate NMA to a mutagen in the Ames assay and specifically in Salmonella typhimurium TA1537. NMA in the presence of phenobarbital-induced S-9 gave a very weak non-dose dependent mutagenic response. Metabolism of NMA by the two induced hepatic and esophageal S-9 fractions yielded aniline and N-methylaniline (MA). Phenobarbital-induced S-9 from both tissues also afforded phenol, while none was found with the pyrazole-induced preparations. Phenol formation presumably arose from the direct oxidative demethylation of NMA via a benzenediazonium ion (BDI) intermediate. The results indicate that an important metabolic pathway for NMA, with both inducing agents, entails an initial denitrosation to yield MA, which in turn rapidly undergoes oxidative demethylation to aniline. The conversion of NMA to phenol also suggests that direct demethylation of NMA in the phenobarbital-induced system is an important metabolic pathway.  相似文献   
Microbial mutagenicity of selected hydrazines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Selected hydrazines and related compounds were examined for their mutagenic activity in S. typhimurium strains TA1535 and TA1537. These in vitro assays were conducted with and without metabolic activation by Aroclor-induced rat-liver enzymes. Relatively high levels of mutagenicity were observed with phenylhydrazine X HCl, methylhydrazine, N'-acetyl-4-(hydroxymethyl)phenylhydrazine, and 4-(hydroxymethyl)benzenediazonium tetrafluoroborate, the stabilized salt of a carcinogenic metabolite of agaritine; only low levels of mutagenicity were observed with other compounds, although most are strong carcinogens. Several of the compounds were highly toxic to the bacteria, and detection of mutagenicity was enhanced by calculating the increase in mutagenic activity on the basis of the surviving fractions of bacteria.  相似文献   
Seed dispersal interactions involve key ecological processes in tropical forests that help to maintain ecosystem functioning. Yet this functionality may be threatened by increasing habitat loss, defaunation, and fragmentation. However, generalist species, and their interactions, can benefit from the habitat change caused by human disturbance while more specialized interactions mostly disappear. Therefore, changes in the structure of the local, within fragment, networks can be expected. Here we investigated how the structure of seed dispersal networks changes along a gradient of increasing habitat fragmentation. We analyzed 16 bird seed dispersal assemblages from forest fragments of a biodiversity-rich ecosystem. We found significant species–, interaction–, and network–area relationships, yet the later was determined by the number of species remaining in each community. The number of frugivorous bird and plant species, their interactions, and the number of links per species decreases as area is lost in the fragmented landscape. In contrast, network nestedness has a negative relationship with fragment area, suggesting an increasing generalization of the network structure in the gradient of fragmentation. Network specialization was not significantly affected by area, indicating that some network properties may be invariant to disturbance. Still, the local extinction of partner species, paralleled by a loss of interactions and specialist–specialist bird–plant seed dispersal associations, suggests the functional homogenization of the system as area is lost. Our study provides empirical evidence for network–area relationships driven by the presence/absence of remnant species and the interactions they perform.  相似文献   
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