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Summary The effectiveness of each of two mycobacterial components and a synthetic analog of one of them in the eradication of pulmonary deposits of intravenously injected syngeneic fibrosarcoma 1023 in C3H mice was studied. BCG cell walls (BCG CW), trehalose 6,6-dimycolate (TDM) or 6,6-di-0-2-tetradecyl, 3-hydroxyoctadecanoyl-,-trehalose (C76), a synthetic analog of TDM, was administered in emulsified form by three different routes: intraperitoneal, intradermal, or intravenous, 24 h after intravenous injection of 1023 tumor cells. The most effective form of therapy was TDM given by the intraperitoneal route; about 50% of treated animals were cured. Higher doses of BCG CW or C76 also led to a significant number of cures. Each agent caused a significant prolongation of survival time of the treated mice at two or more of the dosages tested; however, their routes of optimal activity varied.  相似文献   
Summary Oil-in-water emulsions containing either mycobacterial cell walls (CW) or killed whole cells attached to the oil droplets were prepared by ultrasonication and by a modified grinding procedure. The immunotherapeutic potency of the ultrasonically prepared vaccines was at least as great as that of similar vaccines prepared by emulsification in a tissue grinder. Among the advantages of ultrasonication over grinding for the preparation of mycobacterial cell and cell wall vaccines are simplicity and the ease with which sterility may be maintained. Both the ultrasonic and modified grinding methods are less time-consuming than published procedures for preparing mycobacterial vaccines.  相似文献   
A method is described for second-step concentration of viruses from water. This method, combined with an adsorption-elution method, yields a mean recovery of about 75%  相似文献   
Activation-induced cell death is a general mechanism of immune homeostasis through negative regulation of clonal expansion of activated immune cells. This mechanism is involved in the maintenance of self- and transplant tolerance through polarization of the immune responses. The Fas/Fas-ligand interaction is a major common executioner of apoptosis in lymphocytes, with a dual role in regulatory T cell (Treg) function: Treg cell homeostasis and Treg cell-mediated suppression. Sensitivity to apoptosis and the patterns of Treg-cell death are of outmost importance in immune homeostasis that affects the equilibrium between cytolytic and suppressor forces in activation and termination of immune activity. Naive innate (naturally occurring) Treg cells present variable sensitivities to apoptosis, related to their turnover rates in tissue under steady state conditions. Following activation, Treg cells are less sensitive to apoptosis than cytotoxic effector subsets. Their susceptibility to apoptosis is influenced by cytokines within the inflammatory environment (primarily interleukin-2), the mode of antigenic stimulation and the proliferation rates. Here, we attempt to resolve some controversies surrounding the sensitivity of Treg cells to apoptosis under various experimental conditions, to delineate the function of cell death in regulation of immunity.  相似文献   
Increased oxidative stress is believed to be one of the mechanisms responsible for hyperglycemia-induced tissue damage and diabetic complications. In these studies, we undertook to characterize glucose uptake and oxidative stress in adipocytes of type 2 diabetic animals and to determine whether these promote the activation of PKC-delta. The adipocytes used were isolated either from C57Bl/6J mice that were raised on a high-fat diet (HF) and developed obesity and insulin resistance or from control animals. Basal glucose uptake significantly increased (8-fold) in HF adipocytes, and this was accompanied with upregulation of GLUT1 expression levels. Insulin-induced glucose uptake was inhibited in HF adipocytes and GLUT4 content reduced by 20% in these adipocytes. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) increased twofold in HF adipocytes compared with control adipocytes and were largely reduced with decreased glucose concentrations. At zero glucose, ROS levels were reduced to the normal levels seen in control adipocytes. The activity of PKC-delta increased twofold in HF adipocytes compared with control adipocytes and was further activated by H2O2. Moreover, PKC-delta activity was inhibited in HF adipocytes either by glucose deprivation or by treatment with the antioxidant N-acetyl-l-cysteine. In summary, we propose that increased glucose intake in HF adipocytes increases oxidative stress, which in turn promotes the activation of PKC-delta. These consequential events may be responsible, at least in part, for development of HF diet-induced insulin resistance in the fat tissue.  相似文献   
A synthetic 7-mer, HHHRHSF, was recently identified by screening a phage display library for binding to the Tie-2 receptor. A polyethylene-oxide clustered version of this peptide, termed vasculotide (VT), was reported to activate Tie-2 and promote angiogenesis in a mouse model of diabetic ulcer. We hypothesized that VT administration would defend endothelial barrier function against sepsis-associated mediators of permeability, prevent lung vascular leakage arising in endotoxemia, and improve mortality in endotoxemic mice. In confluent human microvascular endothelial cells, VT prevented endotoxin-induced (lipopolysaccharides, LPS O111:B4) gap formation, loss of monolayer resistance, and translocation of labeled albumin. In 8-wk-old male C57Bl6/J mice given a ~70% lethal dose of endotoxin (15 mg/kg ip), VT prevented lung vascular leakage and reversed the attenuation of lung vascular endothelial cadherin induced by endotoxemia. These protective effects of VT were associated with activation of Tie-2 and its downstream mediator, Akt. Echocardiographic studies showed only a nonsignificant trend toward improved myocardial performance associated with VT. Finally, we evaluated survival in this mouse model. Pretreatment with VT improved survival by 41.4% (n = 15/group, P = 0.02) and post-LPS administration of VT improved survival by 33.3% (n = 15/group, P = 0.051). VT-mediated protection from LPS lethality was lost in Tie-2 heterozygous mice, in agreement with VT's proposed receptor specificity. We conclude that this synthetic Tie-2 agonist, completely unrelated to endogenous Tie-2 ligands, is sufficient to activate the receptor and its downstream pathways in vivo and that the Tie-2 receptor may be an important target for therapeutic evaluation in conditions of pathological vascular leakage.  相似文献   
A ‘double-container model’ was used for core temperature (Tc) measurement by microwave emission radiometry (MR) of warm fluid inside a tube, placed in a container with a cooler fluid. The intensity of microwaves emitted from the warmer fluid inside the tube were measured using a MR metering device, consisting of an antenna linked to a low-noise radio frequency amplifier (bandwidth 500 MHz, centered at 4.0 GHz). Based on the MR measurements, a Tc prediction model was developed for measuring the temperature of fluid inside a tube, achieving a sensitivity of ±0.5 °C at environmental temperature of 33–37 °C.  相似文献   
The possible involvement of p53 overproduction in simian virus 40 (SV40)mediated transformation was studied by using the rat embryo fibroblast focus formation assay. Transformation by wild-type SV40 was enhanced two- to threefold by cotransfection of a plasmid overexpressing mouse p53. More significantly, such a plasmid could partially complement a transformation-defective deletion mutant of SV40. Hence, the ability of SV40 T antigen to induce high p53 levels may indeed be directly relevant to the viral transforming potential.  相似文献   
Neuroimaging research has largely focused on the identification of associations between brain activation and specific mental functions. Here we show that data mining techniques applied to a large database of neuroimaging results can be used to identify the conceptual structure of mental functions and their mapping to brain systems. This analysis confirms many current ideas regarding the neural organization of cognition, but also provides some new insights into the roles of particular brain systems in mental function. We further show that the same methods can be used to identify the relations between mental disorders. Finally, we show that these two approaches can be combined to empirically identify novel relations between mental disorders and mental functions via their common involvement of particular brain networks. This approach has the potential to discover novel endophenotypes for neuropsychiatric disorders and to better characterize the structure of these disorders and the relations between them.  相似文献   
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