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In two forest stands, one domonated byAbies spectabilis, and the other byPinus wallichiana-Picea smithiana, 198 cores were taken from 105 conifers in May 1983 and the annual ring widths were measured. The annual ring widths usually had significant similarities between cores taken from the same tree and with cores taken from different trees. these similarities increased with tree size. The climatic change affected the large trees more strongly than it did the small trees. Micro environmental changes, such as canopy gap affected the small trees more strongly. Annual ring widths were also correlated with the annual precipitations at Jumla 30 km south of the plots for a recent 20 year period. A multiple regression analysis between ring width and seasonal precipitation showed that the growth ofA. spectabilis was correlated primarily with the rain from May to August and secondarily with that from September to December in the previous year.  相似文献   
A complementary DNA clone corresponding to the 70 kDa subunit of soluble guanylate cyclase (EC of rat lung has been isolated. The primary structure of the cDNA consisted of 3063 nucleotides including a 1857-nucleotide coding region for 619 amino acids, and the calculated molecular weight was 70476. Blot hybridization of total poly(A)+RNAs from rat tissues detected a mRNA of about 3.4 kilobases. The amount of mRNA was abundant in lung, cerebrum and cerebellum, moderate in heart and kidney, and low in liver and muscle. Southern blot analysis of high molecular weight genomic DNA from rat liver indicated the presence of one gene in the rat haploid genome. The amino acid sequence of the 70 kDa subunit has partial homology with particulate guanylate cyclase from sea-urchin sperm, and protein phosphatase inhibitor I.  相似文献   
The binomial sampling to estimate population density of an organism based simply upon the frequency of its occurrence among sampled quadrats is a labour-saving technique which is potentially useful for small animals like insects and has actually been applied occasionally to studies of their populations. The present study provides a theoretical basis for this convenient technique, which makes it statistically reliable and tolerable for consistent use in intensive as well as preliminary population censuses. Firs, the magnitude of sampling error in relation to sample size is formulated mathematically for the estimate to be obtained by this indirect method of census, using either of the two popular models relating frequency of occurrence (p) to mean density (m), i.e. the negative binomial model, p=1−(1+m/k)−k, and the empirical model, p=1−exp(−amb). Then, the equations to calculate sample size and census cost that are necessary to attain a given desired level of precision in the estimation are derived for both models. A notable feature of the relationship of necessary sample size (or census cost) to mean density in the frequency method, in constrast to that in the ordinary census, is that it shows a concave curve which tends to rise sharply not only towards lower but also towards higher levels of density. These theoretical results make it also possible to design sequential estimation procedures based on this convenient census technique, which may enable us with the least necessary cost to get a series of population estimates with the desired precision level. Examples are presented to explain how to apply these programs to acutal censuses in the field.  相似文献   
Intra- and interspecific competition between laboratory populations of four green leafhoppers, Nephotettix spp. was studied in the laboratory under three different temperature regimes of 24°C, 27°C and 30°C. For the single-species population of the three tropical species, the equilibrium density increased as the temperature increased. On the other hand, for the temperature species N. cincticeps, the highest equilibrium density was at the intermediate temperature and the lowest at high temperature. Interspecific interactions between two tropical (N. virescens vs. N. nigropictus), a tropical and a temperature (N. virescens vs. N. cincticeps) and a rice-feeding and a grass-inhabiting (N. virescens vs. N. malayanus) Nephotettix species were also studied in the laboratory at the three temperature regimes. Temperature differentially affected the outcome of competition between two Nephotettix species. Between N. virescens and N. nigropictus, the latter was more successful over the former at low and intermediate temperatures, while the former was more successful at high temperature. Between N. virescens and N. cincticeps, the temperate species inhibited the growth of the tropical species at low temperature while the tropical species inhibited the growth of the temperate species at high temperature. At intermediate temperature, the population of N. virescens persisted at a slightly higher density over the population of N. cincticeps. Between the rice-feeding N. virescens and the grass-inhabiting N. malayanus, regardless of temperature the population density of the latter was greatly reduced and later became extinct while the population of the former continued its growth. These consequences of competition between two Nephotettix species conformed fairly well to those predicted by theLotka-Volterra model using demographic parameters specified for each species.  相似文献   
Spatial distribution pattern of the brown planthopper (BPH) was analyzed at 9 experimental fields in the northern part of West Java during two consecutive rice cropping seasons, i.e., wet and dry seasons. The population of each developmental stage and wing form of BPH at each location showed consistent departure from the random (Poisson) distribution, the variances of the densities in most cases exceeding their means. Namely, the distribution pattern of BPH per hill of rice plant was found to have a general tendency to be aggregated or contagious and to fit fairly well to the negative binomial model. The tendency for aggregation was further confirmed by both the β-values of -m regression being larger than unity and the CA-values being larger than zero for each developmental stage. Although significant variations in the distribution pattern as measured by β- or CA-value were observed between different developmental stages, between wing forms and among locations, the degree of aggregation for a given developmental stage at each experimental field remained fairly stable throughout the crop period, despite wide temporal changes in population density. Possible factors to explain these characteristics of the spatial distribution pattern of the BPH in West Java were discussed with reference to the process generating it.  相似文献   
Electrophysiological properties of mouse bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMC) were studied under the whole-cell clamp configuration. About one third of the cells were quiescent, but others expressed either inward or outward currents. Inwardly rectifying (IR) currents were predominant in 14% of the cells, and outwardly rectifying (OR) currents in 24%. The rest (22%) of the cells exhibited both inward and outward currents. The IR currents were eliminated by 1 mm Ba2+, and were partially inhibited by 100 μm quinidine. The reversal potential was dependent on extracellular K+, thereby indicating that K+ mediated the IR currents. The negative conductance region was seen at potentials positive to E K. The OR currents did not apparently depend on the extracellular K+ concentration, but were reduced by lowering the extracellular Cl? concentration. The OR currents were partially blocked by 1 mm Ba2+, and were further blocked by a Cl? channel blocker, 4,4′-diisothiocyano-2, 2′-stilbenedisulfonate (DIDS). In addition, the reversal potential of the OR currents was positively shifted by decreasing the ratio of external and internal Cl? concentrations, suggesting that Cl? was a major ion carrier. In cells exhibiting IR currents, the membrane potential varied among cells and tended to depolarize by elevating the external K+ concentration. In cells with OR currents, the resting potential was hyperpolarized in association with an increase in conductance. These results suggest that BMMC have a heterogeneous electrophysiological profile that may underlie a variety of ion channels expressed in different phenotypes of mast cells. Activities of both the inwardly rectifying K+ channel and the outwardly rectifying Cl? channel seem to contribute to the regulation of the membrane potential.  相似文献   
We studied the spatial distribution of fruits and plants, mortality and growth rates ofScaphium macropodum (Sterculiaceae) in four 1-ha plots in a tropical rain forest in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. The species is a large deciduous tree and produces wind-dispersed fruits on defoliated twigs. The density of dispersed fruits on the ground decreased with increasing distance from a parent tree. The area under the parent's crown had the highest density of the fruits and the highest mortality of the seedlings immediately after germination. Consequently, the density of the established seedlings peaked 14 m from the tree which is outside its crown. Thick litter mainly from the parent tree seemed to physically prevent the seedlings' root from reaching the soil surface and caused the high mortality. Juvenile and mature trees distributed exclusively, suggesting that regeneration is the most successful outside of the crown of mature trees. Saplings under canopy shade did not grow well.Scaphium macropodum is hypothesized to require a gap for seedling growth and successful regeneration, whereas it can germinate and last under closed canopies as suppressed seedlings or saplings.  相似文献   
Summary The prolonged depolarizing afterpotential (PDA) is a phenomenon which is tightly linked to visual pigment conversion. In order to determine whether processes underlying PDA induction and depression can spread in space, the PDA was recorded intracellularly in white-eyedCalliphora R1-6 photoreceptors and used to examine interactions between processes induced by activating statistically different photopigment molecules (Figs. 3–6). It was found that a PDA induced by converting some fraction of rhodopsin (R) molecules forward into the metarhodopsin (M) state can be completely depressed by equal or smaller amounts of pigment conversion, backward from metarhodopsin to rhodopsin even when largely different sets of pigment molecules were shifted in the respective directions, in agreement with previous experiments conducted on the barnacle. The characteristics of the afterpotentials obtained following the cessation of strong blue and green light stimuli which did not cause a net pigment conversion was examined (Figs. 7, 8). It was found that these afterpotentials, obtained when nonet R to M conversion took place, could not be depressed by an opposite net large M to R pigment conversion. Accordingly we propose to restrict the term PDA to an afterpotential which can be depressed by a net M to R pigment conversion. It is concluded: (a) that some processes underlying PDA induction and depression inCalliphora must interact at a distance which extends at least to the nearest neighboring pigment molecule, and (b) that inCalliphora photoreceptors net pigment conversion is required in order to induce and depress a PDA.Abbreviations R rhodopsin - M metarhodopsin - R to M rhodopsin to metarhodopsin pigment conversion - M to R metarhodopsin to rhodopsin pigment conversion - PDA prolonged depolarizing afterpotential - ERG electroretinogram - M potential metarhodopsin potential - ERP early receptor potential  相似文献   
The apoenzyme of diol dehydrase was inactivated by two arginine-specific reagents, 2,3-butanedione and phenylglyoxal, in borate buffer. In both cases, the inactivation followed pseudo-first-order kinetics. Kinetic data show that the incorporation of a single reagent molecule per active site of the enzyme is necessary for the complete inactivation. The modification with 2,3-butanedione was reversed by dilution of the reagent and borate concentrations (65% activity recovered). 1,2-Propanediol (substrate) partially protected the enzyme against inactivation. The holoenzyme was almost insensitive to 2,3-butanedione and phenylglyoxal, indicating that the essential arginine residue is prevented from the attack of these reagents either by direct blockage with the bound coenzyme or by an indirect conformational change caused by coenzyme binding. The inactivation of diol dehydrase by 2,3-butanedione did not result in dissociation of the enzyme into subunits. From these results, we concluded that the essential arginine residue is located at or in close proximity to the active site of diol dehydrase.  相似文献   
T Sawada  T Chohji    S Kuno 《Applied microbiology》1977,34(6):751-755
Macromolecule synthesis in Escherichia coli BB at lower growth rates was investigated. The results indicate that a deviation in ribonucleic acid (RNA) content per cell at a lower growth rate from the exponential relationship to a specific growth rate is entirely attributable to the presence of nonviable cells, in which the RNA content is lower than in viable cells. Based on this fact, a mathematical expression of macromolecule contents versus specific growth rate was devised. Moreover, continuous changes in macromolecule content during unbalanced growth from late-logarithmic phase to stationary phase were measured. Although growth rates changed continuously, the data on deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or RNA content versus the specific growth rate calculated from the increments in cell number satisfactorily fitted the exponential lines obtained under balanced growth at a higher growth rate. However, no such relationship was observed in the plot of DNA or RNA content versus the specific growth rate calculated from the increments in optical density.  相似文献   
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