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The homoacetogenic bacterium Sporomusa ovata synthesized the vitamin B(12) analog phenolyl cobamide or 4-fluorophenolyl cobamide when the methanol medium of growing cells was supplemented with 10 mM phenol or 5 mM 4-fluorophenol. Phenol and, presumably, 4-fluorophenol were specifically incorporated into these cobamides, since phenol was not metabolized significantly into amino acids or into acetic acid, the product of the catabolism. The phenol-containing cobamides contributed up to 90% of the protein-bound cobamides of the 1,300 to 1,900 nmol of corrinoid per g of dry cell material formed. Fluorine-19 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of 4-fluorophenolyl cobamide exhibited a resonance near 30 ppm. An additional signal emerged at 25 ppm when 4-fluorophenolyl cobamide was investigated as the cofactor of a corrinoid-dependent protein. The two resonances indicated distinct cofactor arrangements within the protein's active site. A 5-ppm high-field shift change suggested van der Waal's interactions between the fluorinated nucleotide of the cofactor and adjacent amino acid residues of the enzyme. Similarly, Propionibacterium freudenreichii and Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum synthesized 5-fluorobenzimidazolyl cobamide. The human corrinoid binders intrinsic factor, transcobalamin, and haptocorrin recognized this corrinoid like vitamin B(12). Hence, it is possible to use F-labeled nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for analyses of protein-bound cobamides.  相似文献   
Summary Following a 5 hours ethylene treatment, cortical cells of Pea (Pisum sativum L. var Alaska) epicotyl third internode showed a change in the orientation of both microtubules near the plasma membrane and recently deposited cellulose microfibrils. Control cortical cells had mostly transverse microtubules. The ratio of the average frequency of transverse to longitudinal microtubules was 6.0. After 5 hours of ethylene treatment, cortical cells had mostly longitudinal microtubules, with the ratio of transverse to longitudinal microtubules equal to 0.1. Epidermal cells were more variable than cortical cells with regard to the frequency of longitudinal and transverse microtubules. Observation of cortical cell walls in conventionally stained thin sections revealed that recent deposition of microfibrils had been primarily transverse in almost all of the control cortical cells sampled. In contrast, more than half of the ethylene-treated cortical cells had recent deposition oriented primarily longitudinally. This change in microtubule and microfibril orientation may be early enough to constitute the primary effect of ethylene leading to radial cell expansion.Research supported by NSF grant PCM 78-03244, A1, 2 to PBG and by a Research Corporation grant to WRE.  相似文献   
The measurement of the efficiency of F?rster long-range resonance energy transfer between donor (D) and acceptor (A) luminophores attached to the same macromolecular substrate can be used to estimate the D-A separation, R. If the D and A transition dipoles sample all orientations with respect to the substrate (the isotropic condition) in a time short compared with the transfer time (the dynamic averaging condition), the average orientation factor less than K2 greater than is 2/3. If the isotropic condition is not satisfied but the dynamic averaging condition is, upper and lower bounds for less than K2 greater than, and thus R, may be obtained from observed D and A depolarizations, and these limits may be further narrowed if the transfer depolarization is also known. This paper offers experimental protocols for obtaining this reorientational information and presents contour plots of less than K2 greater than min and less than K2 greater than max as functions of generally observable depolarizations. This permits an uncertainty to be assigned to the determined value of R. The details of the D and A reoreintational process need not be known, but the orientational distributions are assumed to have at least approximate axial symmetry with respect to a stationary substrate. Average depolarization factors are derived for various orientational distribution functions that demonstrate the effects of various mechanisms for reorientation of the luminophores. It is shown that in general the static averaging regime does not lend itself to determinations of R.  相似文献   
The pressure and temperature dependence of the lateral and rotational fluidity of erythrocyte membranes was investigated by inserting the excimeric membrane probe 1'-pyrenedodecanoic acid (PDA) into the membranes of intact cells and measuring the probe excimer formation rate and the steady-state polarization of the monomer at pressures up to 2000 atm (2 kbar). At that pressure the lateral diffusivity of PDA was found to decrease by a factor of 10 and its emission anisotropy by a factor of 5 at 22 degrees C. At atmospheric pressure, the local lateral diffusion coefficient of PDA at 2 and 33 degrees C is 1.5 and 4.3 x 10(-8) cm2 s-1, respectively. The activation energy for probe translation was found to decrease from 6 to 3 kcal M-1 in going from atmospheric pressure to 2 kbar, while the entropy decreased by approx. 15 cal M-1 K-1, indicating greater lipid order at the high pressure. The experimental data are consistent with a 'free-area' model for the membrane, analogous to the free-volume model for nonassociated liquids. The lateral diffusivity of PDA was found to be proportional to the free membrane area and linear extrapolation to zero diffusivity indicates that at atmospheric pressure, the fractional free area of the erythrocyte membrane is 6%.  相似文献   
Phenolyl cobamide was isolated from cyanide extractions of the anaerobic eubacterium Sporomusa ovata. The proposed corrinoid structure [Co alpha,Co beta-(monocyano,monoaquo)-phenolyl cobamide] has been deduced from 1H NMR, fast-atom-bombardment mass spectroscopy and ultraviolet/visible spectroscopy data. The complete corrinoid resembled p-cresolyl cobamide [Co alpha,Co beta-(monocyano,monoaquo)-p-cresolyl cobamide], which recently has been obtained from cyanide extractions of the same bacterium. The structures and chemical properties of both cobamides with uncoordinated nucleotides differed significantly from those of vitamin B12 [Co alpha-[alpha-(5,6-dimethylbenzimidazolyl)]-Co beta-cyanocobamide]. Sporomusa synthesized coenzymes of phenolyl cobamide and p-cresolyl cobamide in considerable amounts of 400 nmol/g and 1700 nmol/g dry cells, respectively. More than 90% of the complete corrinoid pool of the homoacetogenic bacterium consisted of these two corrinoids, indicating that they are physiologically important coenzymes of the bacterial metabolism.  相似文献   
Stomatal opening exhibits two main peaks of activity in the visible range-a red peak, mediated by photosynthesis, and a blue peak, mediated by one or more blue light (BL) photoreceptors. In addition, a pronounced peak in the UV-B region has been characterized, as has a smaller UV-A peak. The BL-induced stomatal opening can be reversed by green light (GL). Here we report that UV-B-induced opening is also antagonized by GL. To determine whether UV-B is being absorbed by the BL photoreceptor or by a separate UV-B receptor, the UV-B responses of two different Arabidopsis mutants, npq1 and phot1/phot2, were tested. Both putative BL-photoreceptor mutants exhibited normal stomatal opening in response to UV-B, consistent with the existence of a separate UV-B photoreceptor. Moreover, GL failed to antagonize UV-B-induced stomatal opening in the phot1/phot2 double mutant and only partially antagonized UV-B opening in npq1. Thus, both phot1 and phot 2, as well as zeaxanthin, are required for the normal GL inhibition of UV-B. A model for a photoreceptor network that regulates stomatal opening is presented. Unlike the situation in guard cells, the UV-B bending response of Arabidopsis hypocotyls during phototropism appears to be mediated by phototropins.  相似文献   
Mutations in adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) underlie the earliest stages of colorectal carcinogenesis. Consequences of APC mutation include stabilization of beta-catenin, dysregulation of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression, and loss of retinoic acid production, events with poorly defined interactions. Here we showed that treatment of zebrafish expressing a truncated form of Apc with either retinoic acid or a selective COX-2 inhibitor decreased beta-catenin protein levels and downstream signaling events. Interestingly, the destruction of beta-catenin in apc mutant embryos following Cox-2 inhibition required the presence of truncated Apc. These findings support roles for retinoic acid and Cox-2 in regulating the stability of beta-catenin following Apc loss. Furthermore, truncated Apc appears to retain the ability to target beta-catenin for destruction, but only in the absence of Cox-2 activity. This novel function of truncated Apc may provide a molecular basis for the efficacy of COX-2 inhibitors in the treatment of colon cancer.  相似文献   
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