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Social animals may share information to obtain a more complete and accurate picture of their surroundings. However, physical constraints on communication limit the flow of information between interacting individuals in a way that can cause an accumulation of errors and deteriorated collective behaviors. Here, we theoretically study a general model of information sharing within animal groups. We take an algorithmic perspective to identify efficient communication schemes that are, nevertheless, economic in terms of communication, memory and individual internal computation. We present a simple and natural algorithm in which each agent compresses all information it has gathered into a single parameter that represents its confidence in its behavior. Confidence is communicated between agents by means of active signaling. We motivate this model by novel and existing empirical evidences for confidence sharing in animal groups. We rigorously show that this algorithm competes extremely well with the best possible algorithm that operates without any computational constraints. We also show that this algorithm is minimal, in the sense that further reduction in communication may significantly reduce performances. Our proofs rely on the Cramér-Rao bound and on our definition of a Fisher Channel Capacity. We use these concepts to quantify information flows within the group which are then used to obtain lower bounds on collective performance. The abstract nature of our model makes it rigorously solvable and its conclusions highly general. Indeed, our results suggest confidence sharing as a central notion in the context of animal communication.  相似文献   
Summary The uptake and binding of the lipophilic cations ethidium+, tetraphenylphosphonium+ (TPP+), triphenylmethylphosphonium+ (TPMP+), and tetraphenylarsonium+ (TPA+) in rat liver mitochondria and submitochondrial particles were investigated. The effects of membrane potential, surface potentials and cation concentration on the uptake and binding were elucidated. The accumulation of these cations by mitochondria is described by an uptake and binding to the matrix face of the inner membrane in addition to the binding to the cytosolic face of the inner membrane. The apparent partition coefficients between the external medium and the cytosolic surface of the inner membrane (K' o) and the internal matrix volume and matrix face of the inner membrane (K' i) were determined and were utilized to estimate the membrane potential from the cation accumulation factorR c according to the relation =RT/ZF ln [(R cVo–K'o)/(Vi+K'i)] whereV o andV i are the volume of the external medium and the mitochondrial matrix, respectively, andR c is the ratio of the cation content of the mitochondria and the medium. The values of estimated from this equation are in remarkably good agreement with those estimated from the distribution of86Rb in the presence of valinomycin. The results are discussed in relation to studies in which the membrane potential in mitochondria and bacterial cells was estimated from the distribution of lipophilic cations.  相似文献   
High-level expression of the low-Km glucose transporter isoform GLUT-1 is characteristic of many cultured tumor and oncogene-transformed cells. In this study, we tested whether induction of GLUT-1 occurs in tumors in vivo. Normal mouse beta islet cells express the high-Km (approximately 20 mM) glucose transporter isoform GLUT-2 but not the low-Km (1 to 3 mM) GLUT-1. In contrast, a beta cell line derived from an insulinoma arising in a transgenic mouse harboring an insulin-promoted simian virus 40 T-antigen oncogene (beta TC3) expressed very low levels of GLUT-2 but high levels of GLUT-1. GLUT-1 protein was not detectable on the plasma membrane of islets or tumors of the transgenic mice but was induced in high amounts when the tumor-derived beta TC3 cells were grown in tissue culture. GLUT-1 expression in secondary tumors formed after injection of beta TC3 cells into mice was reduced. Thus, high-level expression of GLUT-1 in these tumor cells is characteristic of culture conditions and is not induced by the oncogenic transformation; indeed, overnight culture of normal pancreatic islets causes induction of GLUT-1. We also investigated the relationship between expression of the different glucose transporter isoforms by islet and tumor cells and induction of insulin secretion by glucose. Prehyperplastic transgenic islet cells that expressed normal levels of GLUT-2 and no detectable GLUT-1 exhibited an increased sensitivity to glucose, as evidenced by maximal insulin secretion at lower glucose concentrations, compared with that exhibited by normal islets. Further, hyperplastic islets and primary and secondary tumors expressed low levels of GLUT-2 and no detectable GLUT-1 on the plasma membrane; these cells exhibited high basal insulin secretion and responded poorly to an increase in extracellular glucose. Thus, abnormal glucose-induced secretion of insulin in prehyperplastic islets in mice was independent of changes in GLUT-2 expression and did not require induction of GLUT-1 expression.  相似文献   
Bombus terrestris colonies go through two major phases: the “pre-competition phase” in which the queen is the sole reproducer and aggression is rare, and the “competition phase” in which workers aggressively compete over reproduction. Conflicts over reproduction are partially regulated by a group of octyl esters that are produced in Dufour’s gland of reproductively subordinate workers and protect them from being aggressed. However, workers possess octyl esters even before overt aggression occurs, raising the question of why produce the ester-signal before it is functionally necessary?In most insect societies, foragers show reduced aggression and low dominance rank. We hypothesize that ester production in B. terrestris is not only correlated with sterility but also with foraging, signaling cooperative behavior by subordinate workers. Such a signal helps to maintain social organization, reduce the cost of fights between reproductives and helpers, and increase colony productivity, enabling subordinates to gain greater inclusive fitness. We demonstrate that foragers produce larger amounts of esters compared to non-foragers, and that their amounts positively correlate with foraging efforts. We further suggest that task performance, potential fecundity, and aggression are interlinked, and that worker–worker interactions are involved in regulating foraging behavior.B. terrestris, being an intermediate phase between primitive and derived eusocial insects, provides an excellent model for understanding the evolution of early phases of eusociality. Our results, combined with those in primitively eusocial wasps, suggest that at early stages of social evolution, reproduction was regulated by a “primordial division of labor”, that comprised foragers and reproducers, which further evolved to a more complex division of labor, a hallmark of eusociality.  相似文献   
Studies of misfolded protein targeting to endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD) have largely focused on glycoproteins, which include the bulk of the secretory proteins. Mechanisms of targeting of nonglycosylated proteins are less clear. Here, we studied three nonglycosylated proteins and analyzed their use of known glycoprotein quality control and ERAD components. Similar to an established glycosylated ERAD substrate, the uncleaved precursor of asialoglycoprotein receptor H2a, its nonglycosylated mutant, makes use of calnexin, EDEM1, and HRD1, but only glycosylated H2a is a substrate for the cytosolic SCFFbs2 E3 ubiquitin ligase with lectin activity. Two nonglycosylated BiP substrates, NS-1κ light chain and truncated Igγ heavy chain, interact with the ERAD complex lectins OS-9 and XTP3-B and require EDEM1 for degradation. EDEM1 associates through a region outside of its mannosidase-like domain with the nonglycosylated proteins. Similar to glycosylated substrates, proteasomal inhibition induced accumulation of the nonglycosylated proteins and ERAD machinery in the endoplasmic reticulum-derived quality control compartment. Our results suggest a shared ERAD pathway for glycosylated and nonglycosylated proteins composed of luminal lectin machinery components also capable of protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   
The involvement of ethylene in fruit ripening is well documented, though knowledge regarding the crosstalk between ethylene and other hormones in ripening is lacking. We discovered that AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 2A (ARF2A), a recognized auxin signaling component, functions in the control of ripening. ARF2A expression is ripening regulated and reduced in the rin, nor and nr ripening mutants. It is also responsive to exogenous application of ethylene, auxin and abscisic acid (ABA). Over-expressing ARF2A in tomato resulted in blotchy ripening in which certain fruit regions turn red and possess accelerated ripening. ARF2A over-expressing fruit displayed early ethylene emission and ethylene signaling inhibition delayed their ripening phenotype, suggesting ethylene dependency. Both green and red fruit regions showed the induction of ethylene signaling components and master regulators of ripening. Comprehensive hormone profiling revealed that altered ARF2A expression in fruit significantly modified abscisates, cytokinins and salicylic acid while gibberellic acid and auxin metabolites were unaffected. Silencing of ARF2A further validated these observations as reducing ARF2A expression let to retarded fruit ripening, parthenocarpy and a disturbed hormonal profile. Finally, we show that ARF2A both homodimerizes and interacts with the ABA STRESS RIPENING (ASR1) protein, suggesting that ASR1 might be linking ABA and ethylene-dependent ripening. These results revealed that ARF2A interconnects signals of ethylene and additional hormones to co-ordinate the capacity of fruit tissue to initiate the complex ripening process.  相似文献   
Down syndrome (DS) is a human genetic disease caused by trisomy of chromosome 21 and characterized by early developmental brain abnormalities. Dysfunctional endosomal pathway in neurons is an early event of DS and Alzheimer's disease. Recently, we have demonstrated that exosome secretion is upregulated in human DS postmortem brains, in the brain of the trisomic mouse model Ts[Rb(12.1716)]2Cje (Ts2) and by DS fibroblasts as compared with disomic controls. High levels of the tetraspanin CD63, a regulator of exosome biogenesis, were observed in DS brains. Partially blocking exosome secretion by DS fibroblasts exacerbated a pre‐existing early endosomal pathology. We thus hypothesized that enhanced CD63 expression induces generation of intraluminal vesicles (ILVs) in late endosomes/multivesicular bodies (MVBs), increasing exosome release as an endogenous mechanism to mitigate endosomal abnormalities in DS. Herein, we show a high‐resolution electron microscopy analysis of MVBs in neurons of the frontal cortex of 12‐month‐old Ts2 mice and littermate diploid controls. Our quantitative analysis revealed that Ts2 MVBs are larger, more abundant, and contain a higher number of ILVs per neuron compared to controls. These findings were further corroborated biochemically by Western blot analysis of purified endosomal fractions showing higher levels of ILVs proteins in the same fractions containing endosomal markers in the brain of Ts2 mice compared to controls. These data suggest that upregulation of ILVs production may be a key homeostatic mechanism to alleviate endosomal dysregulation via the endosomal–exosomal pathway.  相似文献   
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