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A number of proteins have been identified whose expression or activity is regulated by cell growth. We have produced a monoclonal antibody against a new cell-growth regulated protein found in normal human fibroblasts. We have shown that this antibody recognizes a 51/52-kDa doublet (p51/52) found mainly in normal cells. This doublet is sensitive to degradation by the calcium-activated protease, calpain, breaking down to a 37/38-kDa doublet. The relative amount of the two members of the 51/52-kDa doublet changes when serum-starved cells reenter the cell cycle. Quiescent cells express mainly the 51-kDa form; the 52-kDa form becomes more abundant upon refeeding serum-starved cells. Transformed cells express either very small amounts of this doublet, and then predominantly the 52-kDa form, or no detectable amount of either form. These characteristics distinguish this molecule from several other known growth-regulated proteins such as statin and the anti-oncogene p53.  相似文献   
L5178Y lymphoma cells are restrained from progressive growth in peritoneal cell ("in vitro tumor-regressor" PC) cultures prepared from many DBA/2 mice which harbor the tumor cells in the peritoneal cavity in a tumor-dormant state. Treatment of these PC cultures with 'antibodies to murine interferon-gamma (MuIFN-gamma) and murine tumor necrosis factor (MuTNF) but not with antibody to interleukin 2 (IL-2) receptors eliminated the restraint on tumor cell growth and permitted their progressive proliferation. L5178Y cells were found to be resistant to the direct toxic effects of large concentrations (3,000 U/ml) of MuIFN-gamma and of MuTNF, either alone or in combination. Treatment of PC cultures from tumor-dormant mice, in which tumor cells grew progressively ("in vitro tumor-progressor"), but not PC cultures from normal mice, with exogenous MuIFN-gamma resulted in a marked inhibition of tumor cell growth. The MuIFN-gamma-induced cytotoxic activity was cell-mediated since no soluble tumor-cytotoxic factors could be detected in the cultures. MuIFN-gamma induced cytotoxic activity in plastic-adherent peritoneal cell (AD-PC) cultures, but induced no cytotoxic activity in nonadherent-PC cultures unless small numbers (2%) of AD-PC were present, and inclusion of antibody to MuTNF in these mixed PC cultures blocked the development of cytotoxic activity. Antibody to MuTNF also blocked the development of cytotoxic activity in cultures of MuIFN-gamma-treated whole PC and AD-PC from tumor-dormant mice. These results indicate that MuIFN-gamma and MuTNF are both important in restraining tumor cell growth in PC cultures from tumor-dormant mice, and that MuIFN-gamma requires the presence of MuTNF to induce cytotoxic activity in these cultures.  相似文献   
Epidermis is a self-renewing, multilayered tissue composed primarily of keratinocytes. The epidermal keratinocyte follows a terminal differentiation pathway that under normal circumstances is tightly linked to its position within the epidermis and culminates in the formation of the protective barrier (stratum corneum) that constitutes the outermost layer of skin. Strong but pliant adhesive mechanisms are essential for normal functioning of the epidermis. In the epidermis, adhesion is mediated primarily by four structures: hemidesmosomes and focal adhesions, which function in cell-matrix adhesion, and desmosomes and adherens junctions, which function in cell-cell adhesion. In this review we concentrate on the transmembrane components of these structures, which are thought to mediate directly the adhesive function. Members of the integrin family of adhesion molecules comprise the transmembrane components of hemidesmosomes and focal adhesions, although hemidesmosomes also have a second, unrelated transmembrane molecule known as 'bullous pemphigoid antigen 2'. Members of the cadherin family are the transmembrane constituents of desmosomes and adherens junctions. Desmosomes consistently contain two types of cadherins (desmoglein and desmocollin), while adherens junctions may contain only one type of cadherin (E- or P-cadherin). Expression of most of the transmembrane components varies with the position of the keratinocyte within the epidermis and thus may reflect the degree of epidermal differentiation. All of the integrin subunits have been localized predominantly to the basal layer. In contrast, the cadherins show very complex expression patterns throughout the epidermis. Desmogleins and desmocollins (the desmosomal cadherins) are each encoded by three genes, and the expression of each gene is limited to certain epidermal layers. With respect to the cadherins of the adherens junction, it has been shown that E-cadherin is present throughout the epidermis, while P-cadherin is limited to the basal layer. Interestingly, these complex expression patterns of integrins and cadherins within the epidermis may not simply be passive events in differentiation; rather, evidence is accumulating that adhesion molecules can exert a dynamic role in epidermal differentiation/stratification. For example, decreased adhesion to extracellular matrix, induced by changes in one or more integrins, appears to be a signal that induces certain differentiation-related events. Even more profound effects on epidermal morphogenesis have been demonstrated for the cadherins. E- and/or P-cadherin is required not only to initiate normal intercellular junction formation but also for the subsequent development of a stratified epithelium. Thus, the findings to date with both integrins and cadherins suggest that adhesion molecules may function not just as direct mediators of adhesion, but also as regulators of epidermal stratification, differentiation, and morphogenesis.  相似文献   
Phagocytic and migratory functions of peritoneal macrophages from Friend virus (FV) leukemic mice are significantly depressed as compared with normal controls. Leukemic macrophages exposed in vivo and in vitro to statolon, an extract of the mold Penicillium stoloniferum, shown previously to suppress FV erythroleukemia, regain normal function and release reduced amounts of FV. Statolon's in vivo restoration of leukemic macrophage function is paralleled by restoration of humoral immune competence. Statolon induces interferon in vitro but its effects on leukemic macrophages are probably direct, since restoration of macrophage function occurs at dosage levels far below those that induce interferon. These studies suggest that macrophages play an integral role in both the pathogenesis and the statolon-induced suppression of FV disease.  相似文献   
Mutations in E-cadherin are associated with a number of diseases, and have been shown to contribute to disease progression. In particular, 50% of hereditary diffuse gastric cancer cases have inactivating mutations in the E-cadherin gene. An interesting mutation near the beta-catenin-binding site on the cytoplasmic domain of E-cadherin (V832M) was recently reported that produces full-length protein, but exhibits decreased binding of alpha -catenin to the cadherin/catenin complex. The study was done by transfecting mutant E-cadherin into Chinese hamster ovary fibroblast cells. Here we show that the previously reported characteristics of this mutation do not apply to human epithelial cells expressing this mutant protein and suggest that the mechanism whereby the V832M mutation in human E-cadherin promotes gastric cancer is not yet understood.  相似文献   
MUC1, an integral membrane mucin associated with the metastatic phenotype, is overexpressed by most human carcinoma cells. The MUC1 cytoplasmic tail (CT) is postulated to function in morphogenetic signal transduction via interactions with Grb2/Sos, c-Src, and beta-catenin. We investigated intracellular trafficking of the MUC1 CT, using epitope-tagged constructs that were overexpressed in human pancreatic cancer cell lines S2-013 and Panc-1. The MUC1 CT was detected at the inner cell surface, in the cytosol, and in the nucleus of cells overexpressing MUC1. Fragments of the MUC1 CT were associated with beta-catenin in both cytoplasm and nuclei. Overexpression of MUC1 increased steady state levels of nuclear beta-catenin but decreased nuclear levels of plakoglobin (gamma-catenin). There was no detectable association between plakoglobin and the MUC1 CT. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments revealed that the cytoplasmic and nuclear association of MUC1 CT and beta-catenin was not affected by disruption of Ca2+-dependent intercellular cadherin interactions. These results demonstrate nuclear localization of fragments of MUC1 CT in association with beta-catenin and raise the possibility that overexpression of the MUC1 CT stabilizes beta-catenin and enhances levels of nuclear beta-catenin during disruption of cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion.  相似文献   
A potential target of hormone action during prostate and mammary involution is the intercellular junction of adjacent secretory epithelium. This is supported by the long-standing observation that one of the first visible stages of prostate and mammary involution is the disruption of interepithelial adhesion prior to the onset of apoptosis. In a previous study addressing this aspect of involution, we acquired compelling evidence indicating that the disruption of E-cadherin-dependent adhesion initiates apoptotic programs during prostate and mammary involution. In cultured prostate and mammary epithelial cells, inhibition of E-cadherin-dependent aggregation resulted in cell death following apoptotic stimuli. Loss of cell-cell adhesion in the nonaggregated population appeared to result from the rapid truncation within the cytosolic domain of the mature, 120-kDa species of E-cadherin (E-cad(120)). Immunoprecipitations from cell culture and involuting mammary gland demonstrated that this truncation removed the beta-catenin binding domain from the cytoplasmic tail of E-cadherin, resulting in a non-beta-catenin binding, membrane-bound 97-kDa species (E-cad(97)) and a free cytoplasmic 35-kDa form (E-cad(35)) that is bound to beta-catenin. Examination of E-cadherin expression and cellular distribution during prostate and mammary involution revealed a dramatic reduction in junctional membrane staining that correlated with a similar reduction in E-cad(120) and accumulation of E-cad(97) and E-cad(35). The observation that E-cadherin was truncated during involution suggested that hormone depletion activated the same apoptotic pathway in vivo as observed in vitro. Based on these findings, we hypothesize that truncation of E-cadherin results in the loss of beta-catenin binding and cellular dissociation that may signal epithelial apoptosis during prostate and mammary involution. Thus, E-cadherin may be central to homeostatic regulation in these tissues by coordinating adhesion-dependent survival and dissociation-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   
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