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杨光蓉  豆鹏鹏  马瑜  王红娟  林敦梅 《生态学报》2020,40(21):7602-7610
为探讨小尺度下不同微生境的土壤动物群落特征及其与环境因子之间的关系,于2018年10月在金佛山西坡亚热带常绿阔叶林样带内,对其凋落物层及腐殖质层两类微生境的土壤动物群落进行调查及相应环境因子的测定。此次调查共捕获地表土壤动物12381头,隶属于3门9纲22目。其中优势类群为蜱螨目和长角虫兆目,个体数占比为75.24%;常见类群为原虫兆目、愈腹虫兆目、短角虫兆目、双翅目、鞘翅目和膜翅目,个体数占比为21.23%。同时,土壤动物的密度(M)、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H)、Simpson优势度指数(D)及Pielou均匀度指数(E)均表现为腐殖质层极显著高于凋落物层(P<0.01)。根据回归分析及冗余分析结果发现,两类微生境的土壤动物群落特征与环境因子的关系存在一定差异;影响凋落物层土壤动物群落特征的重要环境因子为凋落物的总有机碳、碳氮比、湿度及pH,而影响腐殖质层土壤动物群落特征的重要环境因子为腐殖质的干重、总氮、总磷、湿度、pH及微生物生物量氮。研究表明,常绿阔叶林生态系统的不同微生境间土壤动物多样性特征存在显著差异,小尺度下环境因子对土壤动物群落特征具有重要影响。  相似文献   
Litter decomposition, a fundamental process of nutrient cycling and energy flow in freshwater ecosystems, is driven by a diverse array of decomposers. As an important component of the heterotrophic food web, meiofauna can provide a trophic link between leaf‐associated microbes (i.e., bacteria and fungi)/plant detritus and macroinvertebrates, though their contribution to litter decomposition is not well understood. To investigate the role of different decomposer communities in litter decomposition, especially meiofauna, we compared the litter decomposition of three leaf species with different lignin to nitrogen ratios in litter bags with different mesh sizes (0.05, 0.25, and 2 mm) in a forested stream, in China for 78 days. The meiofauna significantly enhanced the decomposition of leaves of high‐and medium‐ quality, while decreasing (negative effect) or increasing (positive effect) the fungal biomass and diversity. Macrofauna and meiofauna together contributed to the decomposition of low‐quality leaf species. The presence of meiofauna and macrofauna triggered different aspects of the microbial community, with their effects on litter decomposition varying as a function of leaf quality. This study reveals that the meiofauna increased the trophic complexity and modulated their interactions with microbes, highlighting the important yet underestimated role of meiofauna in detritus‐based ecosystems.  相似文献   
Lin  Dunmei  Pang  Mei  Fanin  Nicolas  Wang  Hongjuan  Qian  Shenhua  Zhao  Liang  Yang  Yongchuan  Mi  Xiangcheng  Ma  Keping 《Plant and Soil》2019,434(1-2):467-480
Plant and Soil - Home-field advantage (HFA) hypothesis predicts that plant litter decomposes faster beneath the plant species from which it was derived than beneath other plant species. However, it...  相似文献   
凋落物分解对于维持源头溪流生态系统碳和养分平衡有重要意义。以亚热带典型源头溪流金佛山溪流为代表,选取3种河岸带常见凋落叶为分解对象,设计3个单种和4个混合物种的凋落物组合,在原位放置3种孔径的分解袋(0.05mm、0.25mm和2mm),探讨混合凋落物的性状与底栖分解类群对叶片质量损失和混合效应的影响。结果表明:(1)微生物在凋落物分解过程中相对贡献均大于50%,小型和大型底栖动物进一步加速了凋落物的分解过程。(2)单种凋落物分解速率存在显著差异:八角枫(Alangium chinense,质量损失率为53.05%)>缺萼枫香(Liquidambar acalycina,30.00%)>薄叶润楠(Machilus leptophylla,12.63%)。(3)混合凋落物中仅微生物参与的处理均表现为负的非加和效应,其中八角枫+缺萼枫香、八角枫+薄叶润楠、八角枫+缺萼枫香+薄叶润楠三个处理的效应显著;小型底栖动物加入后均表现为正的非加和效应,但不显著;在微生物、小型和大型底栖动物的共同作用下,缺萼枫香+薄叶润楠和八角枫+缺萼枫香+薄叶润楠的两个处理的正的非加和效应显著。亚热带源头溪流中凋落物分解功能与河岸植物和分解者类群的复杂性密切相关。  相似文献   
古田山不同干扰程度森林的群落恢复动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林采伐后次生林的恢复过程对于生物多样性的保护和生态系统功能的重建具有重要意义。作者以古田山不同干扰程度的12个1 ha 森林样地为研究对象, 运用群落多元统计方法, 探讨了自然恢复过程中森林群落组成及物种多样性的动态变化及趋势。结果表明: 不同恢复阶段森林样地的群落组成存在显著性差异, 而同一恢复阶段的样地具有高度的相似性。物种丰富度随恢复进程有增加的趋势, 但各阶段差异并不显著; 物种均匀度除人工林较低以外, 其他恢复阶段之间无显著性差异。不同恢复阶段研究样地的群落组成及物种多样性的差异主要存在于林冠层。灌木及更新层具有各自的指示种, 人工林的指示种为落叶灌木或阳性乔木, 幼龄次生林的指示种为常绿灌木或小乔木, 老次生林的指示种为亚乔木层常绿树种, 老龄林的指示种为林冠层树种。上述结果表明古田山不同人为干扰程度森林群落的物种多样性具有较强的自我恢复能力。尽管物种组成难以预测, 但处于同一恢复阶段的森林, 其幼树的生活型组成呈现出一致的变化趋势。  相似文献   
Precise estimation of root biomass is important for understanding carbon stocks and dynamics in forests. Traditionally, biomass estimates are based on allometric scaling relationships between stem diameter and coarse root biomass calculated using linear regression (LR) on log-transformed data. Recently, it has been suggested that nonlinear regression (NLR) is a preferable fitting method for scaling relationships. But while this claim has been contested on both theoretical and empirical grounds, and statistical methods have been developed to aid in choosing between the two methods in particular cases, few studies have examined the ramifications of erroneously applying NLR. Here, we use direct measurements of 159 trees belonging to three locally dominant species in east China to compare the LR and NLR models of diameter-root biomass allometry. We then contrast model predictions by estimating stand coarse root biomass based on census data from the nearby 24-ha Gutianshan forest plot and by testing the ability of the models to predict known root biomass values measured on multiple tropical species at the Pasoh Forest Reserve in Malaysia. Based on likelihood estimates for model error distributions, as well as the accuracy of extrapolative predictions, we find that LR on log-transformed data is superior to NLR for fitting diameter-root biomass scaling models. More importantly, inappropriately using NLR leads to grossly inaccurate stand biomass estimates, especially for stands dominated by smaller trees.  相似文献   
Lin  Dunmei  Anderson-Teixeira  Kristina J.  Lai  Jiangshan  Mi  Xiangcheng  Ren  Haibao  Ma  Keping 《Plant and Soil》2016,409(1-2):435-446
Plant and Soil - Forests play a vital role in regulation of the global carbon cycle. Mechanistically understanding how their ecosystem functioning relates to biodiversity is necessary for...  相似文献   
The subtropical forest biome occupies about 25% of China, with species diversity only next to tropical forests. Despite the recognized importance of subtropical forest in regional carbon storage and cycling, uncertainties remain regarding the carbon storage of subtropical forests, and few studies have quantified within-site variation of biomass, making it difficult to evaluate the role of these forests in the global and regional carbon cycles. Using data for a 24-ha census plot in east China, we quantify aboveground biomass, characterize its spatial variation among different habitats, and analyse species relative contribution to the total aboveground biomass of different habitats. The average aboveground biomass was 223.0 Mg ha−1 (bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals [217.6, 228.5]) and varied substantially among four topographically defined habitats, from 180.6 Mg ha−1 (bootstrapped 95% CI [167.1, 195.0]) in the upper ridge to 245.9 Mg ha−1 (bootstrapped 95% CI [238.3, 253.8]) in the lower ridge, with upper and lower valley intermediate. In consistent with our expectation, individual species contributed differently to the total aboveground biomass of different habitats, reflecting significant species habitat associations. Different species show differently in habitat preference in terms of biomass contribution. These patterns may be the consequences of ecological strategies difference among different species. Results from this study enhance our ability to evaluate the role of subtropical forests in the regional carbon cycle and provide valuable information to guide the protection and management of subtropical broad-leaved forest for carbon sequestration and carbon storage.  相似文献   
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