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The dendrite geometry of neck motoneurons located in the upper cervical cord and lower brainstem of the mallard was studied in Golgi silver impregnated material. Measurements were obtained from camera lucida drawings and concerned the extent and orientation of dendritic trees. Dendrites were found to be oriented predominantly parallel to the sagittal plane, and projections were asymmetric in the dorso-ventral direction. Comparison between motoneurons located in the supraspinal nucleus of the brainstem and motoneurons in the ventral horn of the upper spinal cord showed that dendrites of motoneurons in the first cell group branch more often than those of neurons in the latter group. In addition, dendritic trees of ventral horn motoneurons preferentially project into the field dorsal to the cell body.  相似文献   
The distribution of immunoreactivity after applying an antibody against gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) was studied in the brain of the collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto). In the forebrain GRP-immunoreactive (GRP-ir) cells were found in the hyperstriatum accessorium, medial and lateral parts of the neostriatum, corticoidea dorsolateralis and temporoparieto-occipitalis areas, hippocampus, pre- and parahippocampal areas and prepiriform cortex. In the brainstem, GRP-ir cells were restricted mainly to the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental nucleus. Areas with densely packed GRP-ir clusters of varicosities were the medial intermediate hyperstriatum ventrale and lateral septal nucleus; dense GRP-ir neuropil was found in the parolfactory lobe, and in the dorsal half of the intermediate and caudal archistriatum. The ventral lamina medullaris contained many GRP-ir fibers. Forebrain areas devoid of immunoreactivity were the basal nucleus, ectostriatum, rostral archistriatum, most of the paleostriatum augmentatum and the lateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Moderate densities of GRP-ir elements were found in the other telencephalic areas and further in, among others, the preoptic and hypothalamic region, ventral area of Tsai, cerulean nuclei, parabrachial complex, dorsal glossopharyngeal and vagus motor nuclei and medial nuclei of the solitary complex. The observations are compared with data from the literature and the implications for the definition of specific centers within the avian brain are discussed, with emphasis on systems with a role in visceral and motivational functions and in learning.  相似文献   
A new software package, RASPA, for simulating adsorption and diffusion of molecules in flexible nanoporous materials is presented. The code implements the latest state-of-the-art algorithms for molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo (MC) in various ensembles including symplectic/measure-preserving integrators, Ewald summation, configurational-bias MC, continuous fractional component MC, reactive MC and Baker's minimisation. We show example applications of RASPA in computing coexistence properties, adsorption isotherms for single and multiple components, self- and collective diffusivities, reaction systems and visualisation. The software is released under the GNU General Public License.  相似文献   
Development of proximal coronary arterial segments and coronary arterial orifices was studied by scanning electron microscopy in 20 rat embryos and by light microscopy in serial sections of 20 human and another 18 rat embryos. Neither by scanning electron microscopy nor by light microscopy did we observe more than two coronary arterial orifices. These coronary orifices were always situated in the sinuses of the aorta that faced the pulmonary artery. In the human embryos the coronary orifices emerged between 37-39 days of gestation (16-19 mm crown-rump length, Streeter horizon XVIII-XIX) and were invariably present beyond 39 days (19 mm crown-rump length, Streeter horizon XIX). In rat embryos, the coronary orifices emerged in both scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy at 15-17 days of gestation (13-17 mm crown-rump length) and were invariably present beyond 17 days (17 mm crown-rump length). In both human and rat embryos, either by scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy, the left coronary orifice was observed significantly earlier. In all the investigated embryos, human as well as rat, septation at arterial orifice level was complete, including the earliest stages studied. Light microscopy showed that at the emerging stages of the coronary orifices, the proximal epicardial segments of the left and right coronary arteries could already be identified in a peritruncal ring of epicardial vasculature, before the coronary orifice was observed. This was the case in human as well as in rat embryos. Thus, a coronary orifice was never seen in the absence of a proximal coronary artery. The present theories on development of the proximal coronary arteries and coronary orifices do not offer an adequate explanation for either these data or the known possible congenital abnormalities of the coronary arteries. Our study supports dual proximal coronary arterial development. These two proximal coronary arteries develop out of a peritruncal ring of vascular structures on to the aorta. The process by which the coronary orifices actually develop remains to be explained.  相似文献   
In this article, we will review and highlight some recent computational work on enantioselective adsorption and catalysis in zeolites and metal–organic frameworks. The design, development and understanding of chiral structures will help expand the utility of nanoporous materials into chiral technology. The highlighted works are examples of how molecular simulations can provide a fundamental understanding of chirality in nanoporous materials. This understanding is essential to help in the design and development of next-generation enantioselective separation devices and catalysts.  相似文献   
A new macOS software package, iRASPA, for visualisation and editing of materials is presented. iRASPA is a document-based app that manages multiple documents with each document containing a unique set of data that is stored in a file located either in the application sandbox or in iCloud drive. The latter allows collaboration on a shared document (on High Sierra). A document contains a gallery of projects that show off the main features, a CloudKit-based access to the CoRE MOF database (approximately 8000 structures), and local projects of the user. Each project contains a scene of one or more structures that can initially be read from CIF, PDB or XYZ-files, or made from scratch. Main features of iRASPA are: structure creation and editing, pictures and movies, ambient occlusion and high-dynamic range rendering, collage of structures, (transparent) adsorption surfaces, cell replicas and supercells, symmetry operations like space group and primitive cell detection, screening of structures using user-defined predicates, and GPU-computation of helium void fraction and surface areas in a matter of seconds. Leveraging the latest graphics technologies like Metal, iRASPA can render hundreds of thousands of atoms (including ambient occlusion) with stunning performance. The software is freely available from the Mac App Store.  相似文献   
The routes of movement of mesectoderm cells in mammalian embryos have not yet been investigated experimentally due to technical problems. However, the recent development of in vitro culture methods have made an experimental approach to this problem in mouse and rat embryos possible. We have used combined lectin and colloidal-gold (WGA-Au) probe as a nontraumatic, easily detectable mesectoderm marker. The probe is introduced into the amniotic cavity by microinjection. All of the cells lining the cavity, including the mesectoderm precursors, phagocytose the colloidal gold, which is then stored in membrane-bound vesicles. The probe remains inside the target mesectoderm cells after their migration into the mesoderm compartment. Vesicles containing gold are detectable in both ultrathin and semithin sections. The applicability of WGA-HRP as a probe was also assessed because of the many properties it shares with WGA-Au, but it proved to be unsatisfactory for this purpose because it is transferred between cells and also to the extracellular spaces.  相似文献   
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