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Nuclear genes that appear to encode both cytosolic and plastid isozymes of phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI), an essential glycolytic enzyme, have been isolated from three diploid species of the annual wild flower genus Clarkia (Onagraceae). The genes do not contain introns and are expressed to varying degrees in Escherichia coli when cloned in either Charon 35 phage or pUC plasmid vectors. The PGI proteins synthesized in E. coli form dimers, are catalytically active, and their electrophoretic mobilities are similar to those of appropriate Clarkia PGIs. The nucleotide sequence of a gene encoding a plastid isozyme of C. unguiculata is described.  相似文献   
A T-cell clone (Lyl-03) derived from BALB/cBy mice, though highly specific for OVA/Ad, reacted to allogeneic spleen cells of 6 of 12 H-2 haplotypes tested. The reactivity to each particular H-2 haplotype required the expression of a non-major histocompatibility complex (MHC) gene product present on the B cells of certain strains of mice. All the alloreactive responses were MHC restricted and were inhibited by class II-specific and L3T4-specific monoclonal antibodies. The non-MHC gene product, X, is a new lymphocyte-stimulating determinant that is not expressed in mice with the xid defect. We favor a model that proposes two independent sites (or receptors) for X and the class II molecule. Contrary to previous models for alloreactivity, the anti-MHC site is not directed to a polymorphic receptor for self-class II epitope on the foreign class II molecule, but rather to a conserved determinant present on both self- and allo-class II molecules. If there is only one antigen receptor on the T-cell clone Lyl-03, then anti-X receptor must bind to a cross-reactive determinant found on immunogenic OVA and the non-MHC coded gene product expressed on the cell surface membrane. We further postulate that class II plus X recognition may be a general rule for alloreactive as well as autoreactive responses. Thus, both allo-class II and allo-class I reactive T cells are similar in that both bind a non-MHC coded gene product prior to activation.Abbreviations used in this paper: APC antigen-presenting cell(s) - Con A concanavalin A - Cl. clone - DME Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium - FCS fetal calf serum - H-2 histocompatibility-2 - MHC major histocompatibility complex - MLR mixed lymphocyte response - Mls mixed lymphocyte stimulating - OVA chicken ovalbumin - X unknown cell-surface antigen - xid immunodeficiency mapped to the X chromosome  相似文献   
Repeated ischemic insults at one hour intervals result in more severe neuronal damage than a single similar duration insult. The mechanism for the more severe damage with repetitive ischemia is not fully understood. We hypothesized that the prolonged reperfusion periods between the relatively short ischemic insults may result in a pronounced generation of oxygen free radicals (OFRs). In this study, we tested the protective effects of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (alone or in combination), and U78517F in a gerbil model of repetitive ischemia. Three episodes (two min each) of bilateral carotid occlusion were used at one hour intervals to produce repetitive ischemia. Superoxide dismutase and catalase were infused via osmotic pumps into the lateral ventricles. Two doses of U78517F were given three times per animal, one half hour prior to each occlusion. Neuronal damage was assessed 7 days later in several brain regions using the silver staining technique. The Mann-Whitney U test was used for statistical comparison. Superoxide dismutase showed significant protection in the hippocampus (CA4), striatum, thalamus and the medial geniculate nucleus (MGN). Catalase showed significant protection in the striatum, hippocampus, thalamus, and MGN and the substantia nigra reticulata. Combination of the two resulted in additional protection in the cerebral cortex. Compared to the controls, there was little protection with a dose of 3 mg/kg of U78517F. There was significant protection with a dose of 10 mg/kg in the hippocampus (CA4), striatum, thalamus, medial geniculate nucleus and the substantia nigra reticulata. The significant protection noted with SOD, catalase or U78517F with repeated ischemia supports, the hypothesis that OFRs may play a role in neuronal damage in repeated cerebral ischemia.  相似文献   
Different cultural norms and standards for appropriate female body size might contribute to the disparity in obesity rates between black and white adult females (46.0% and 24.6% respectively). The purpose of this study was to measure adolescents' perceptions of ideal size and social norms regarding female body size as well as adolescents' perceptions of significant others' evaluation and expectations of the adolescents' body size. Subjects included 437 adolescent girls (247 white and 190 black) aged 13 to 19 (x=44.9, SD=.979) from six randomly selected public schools. The subjects, heights and weights were measured. Responses to a body image questionnaire and a series of nine female body drawings (arranged ordinally, 1 to 9, from thinnest to heaviest) were analyzed using the General Linear Model and Logistic Regression. The female body size considered ideal by black females was significantly larger than the size selected as ideal by white females (x= 3.47 and x= 3.13 respectively, p< 0.001). Black females were two times more likely than white females to describe themselves as thinner than other girls their age (O.R. = 2.01, 95% C.I.1.34, 3.01) and seven times as likely to say that they were not overweight (O.R. = 7.08, 95% C.I. 3.72, 13.45). White females wanted to be a smaller size than they currently were and felt encouraged by significant others to lose weight or reduce their size. Black females did not indicate as great a desire as whites to be smaller and they tended to feel that their size was considered satisfactory by significant others. Only subjects from the low SES group perceived that significant others wanted them to gain weight. The differences between black and white subjects' beliefs and perceptions about body size norms may explain, in part, why heavier body weights persist in some cultural groups.  相似文献   
Obese Zucker rats (fa/fa) have low levels of arachidonic acid (AA) in liver phospholipids (PL). We have previously shown that a 70% gamma-linolenate concentrate (GLA; an AA intermediate) fed at a fixed dose (0.07 g/day) normalized hepatic PL AA and reduced weight gain selectively in the obese animals. In a follow-up study, 16 obese (fa/fa) and 16 lean (Fa/Fa) 4-week-old male rats were randomized into 4 groups of 8 each and gavaged daily with soybean oil (SOY) containing 55% 18:2ω6 (an AA precursor) or GLA, using a progressive dose (≤ 5% of total calories) based on body weight. A defined diet with 11% of energy as SOY was fed ad libitum for 60 days. GLA obese had lower body weight (p<0.0001) and 60-day cumulative food intake (p<0.05) compared to SOY obese, but neither parameter differed between the lean groups. For the last twenty days cumulative food intake was identical for GLA obese and SOY lean, whereas SOY obese consumed 18% more (p<0.05). Thus the progressive dose of GLA selectively suppressed hyperphagia in obese Zucker rats. Erythrocytes collected at 15-day intervals showed parallel increases in AA in both genotypes over time, suggesting normal AA availability during rapid growth. Thus, the reduced PL AA in the livers from the obese rats probably reflects impaired distribution in selected tissues rather than reduced hepatic production. Due to the potential health risks of enriching tissue lipids with AA, great caution is advised in considering GLA as therapy for human obesity.  相似文献   
Most biominerals appear to be composites of organic material and mineral. Whether biosilica is such a composite is unresolved because of a lack of evidence for such organic components. We present evidence that organic material exists within diatom biosilica and can be extracted using HF/NH4F solutions from frustules isolated from Cyclotella meneghiniana Kütz and diatomaceous earth. To eliminate organic casing on the silicified frustules as a source of organic materials, the casing was removed by oxidation of frustules with NaOCl before extraction. The removal of the casing was confirmed in that oxidized frustules no longer displayed the ability to be stained with ruthenium red and fluorescamine. Frustules examined with EDXA showed an emission peak from sulfur before treatment but no peak following treatment, indicating that oxidation removed organic sulfur. The organic material obtained from extracts of fresh frustules contained both soluble and insoluble components. Only soluble material was evident in extracts from diatomaceous earth. The soluble material appears to contain glycoproteins with relatively high levels of serine and glycine. The soluble proteins from fresh frustules also appear to be phosphorylated. Indirect evidence is presented that suggests the soluble proteins may contain regions of primary structure enriched in anionic amino acids. The soluble extracts differ from general cell contents when the two fractions are compared, suggesting that frustules contain specialized organic material. The identification of silica-specific organic material suggests that mineralization in diatoms may be in part matrix-mediated.  相似文献   
Gentamicin is a very useful antimicrobial agent for the treatment of serious infections caused by gram-negative bacteria. However, it's low therapeutic index and potential ototoxic and nephrotoxic side effects necessitate frequent determinations of serum concentration to assist in maintaining therapeutic levels and avoiding toxic levels. Two bioassays and a latex agglutination inhibition card (LAIC) test were evaluated to determine gentamicin levels in nearly 100 patient sera. Results were compared with a radioimmunoassay (RIA). Two bioassays, the Bio-Monitor and the GentaSak, gave correlation coefficients of 0.987 and 0.982, respectively. The correlation coefficient for the LAIC test was 0.987. All three tests compared well with RIA in accurately detecting gentamicin levels in patient as well as simulated sera. The LAIC test, however, was more rapid, giving results within half an hour whereas bioassays required 6–8 hours for completion. The LAIC test was also found to be more economical. It provides a suitable alternative to RIA procedures in small laboratories and for performing stat tests since batching is not necessary.  相似文献   
Summary The effects of sucrose concentration, addition of ammonium nitrate, and exposure to N6-benzyl-adenine (BA) on multiplication potential with shoots derived from shoot cultures of 17- to 20-yr-old Douglas fir trees [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] were compared. Each of these conditions, when compared independently, affected recurrent shoot multiplication and influenced shoot development, as measured by the abundance of shoot apices. Sucrose concentration was influential, the use of 25 g · liter−1 providing twice the multiplication obtained with 20 g · liter−1, and 14 × that obtained with the 30 g · liter−1 concentration routinely used (tree 11). Ammonium nitrate usage also improved multiplication, a 2.5 times improvement being obtained after incorporation of 100 mg · liter−1 NH4NO3 into the medium (tree 33). Shoot cultures were responsive but relatively sensitive to addition of BA, the best improvement in multiplication (5 times) being obtained with brief exposures to 3 mg · liter−1 BA (tree 11). Although shoot cultures were responsive to the conditions investigated, differences in shoot multiplication and development were not displayed for several weeks. It was not possible therefore to repeat all the treatments with more than one genotype; however, when this was possible a genotype-dependent variation in response was evident.  相似文献   
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