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Chronic inflammation and nuclear factor-kappa B (NFκB) have been implicated in prostate cancer development; thus, dietary factors that inhibit NFκB may serve as effective chemo-preventative agents. Prostate cancer risk is significantly lower in Asian countries compared to the United States, which has prompted interest in the potential chemopreventative action of Asian dietary components such as soy and green tea. This study examined the effects of dietary soy and tea on NFκB activation and inflammation in vivo using a hormone-induced rat model for prostate cancer. Male Noble rats implanted with estradiol and testosterone were divided into 4 dietary groups: control, soy, tea, or soy+tea. NFκB activation and inflammatory cytokines were measured post implantation. The combination of soy and tea suppressed NFκB p50 binding activity and protein levels via induction of IκBα. Soy and tea also decreased prostate inflammatory infiltration, increased Bax/BcL2 ratio and decreased protein expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-1β compared to control. Soy and tea attenuated prostate malignancy by decreasing prostate hyperplasia. These effects were not apparent in groups treated with soy or tea alone. The ongoing in vivo studies thus far suggest that combination of foods, such as soy and tea, may inhibit hormone-induced proinflammatory NFκB signals that contribute to prostate cancer development.  相似文献   
Genomic instability is a common feature of cancer etiology. This provides an avenue for therapeutic intervention, since cancer cells are more susceptible than normal cells to DNA damaging agents. However, there is growing evidence that the epigenetic mechanisms that impact DNA methylation and histone status also contribute to genomic instability. The DNA damage response, for example, is modulated by the acetylation status of histone and non-histone proteins, and by the opposing activities of histone acetyltransferase and histone deacetylase (HDAC) enzymes. Many HDACs overexpressed in cancer cells have been implicated in protecting such cells from genotoxic insults. Thus, HDAC inhibitors, in addition to unsilencing tumor suppressor genes, also can silence DNA repair pathways, inactivate non-histone proteins that are required for DNA stability, and induce reactive oxygen species and DNA double-strand breaks. This review summarizes how dietary phytochemicals that affect the epigenome also can trigger DNA damage and repair mechanisms. Where such data is available, examples are cited from studies in vitro and in vivo of polyphenols, organosulfur/organoselenium compounds, indoles, sesquiterpene lactones, and miscellaneous agents such as anacardic acid. Finally, by virtue of their genetic and epigenetic mechanisms, cancer chemopreventive agents are being redefined as chemo- or radio-sensitizers. A sustained DNA damage response coupled with insufficient repair may be a pivotal mechanism for apoptosis induction in cancer cells exposed to dietary phytochemicals. Future research, including appropriate clinical investigation, should clarify these emerging concepts in the context of both genetic and epigenetic mechanisms dysregulated in cancer, and the pros and cons of specific dietary intervention strategies.  相似文献   
Perivascular fat, the cushion of adipose tissue surrounding blood vessels, possesses dilator, anti-contractile and constrictor actions. The majority of these effects have been demonstrated in vitro and may depend on the vessel and/or the experimental method or species used. In general, the relaxant effect of perivascular adipose tissue is local and may be either endothelium-dependent or endothelium-independent. However, nerve stimulation studies show that, in general, perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT) has an anti-contractile vascular effect likely to involve an action of the autonomic vascular nerves. Apart from a direct effect of perivascular fat-derived factors on bypass conduits, an interaction with a number of neurotransmitters and other agents may play an important role in graft performance. Although the vascular effects of PVAT are now well-established there is a lack of information regarding the role and/or involvement of peripheral nerves including autonomic nerves. For example, are perivascular adipocytes innervated and does PVAT affect neuronal control of vessels used as grafts? To date there is a paucity of electrophysiological studies into nerve-perivascular fat control. This review provides an overview of the vascular actions of PVAT, focussing on its potential relevance on blood vessels used as bypass grafts. In particular, the anatomical relationship between the perivascular nerves and fat are considered and the role of the perivascular-nerve/fat axis in the performance of bypass grafts is also discussed.  相似文献   
The divergent activities of a reported carcinogen/noncarcinogen pair of monoazo dyes related to the hepatocarcinogen Butter Yellow (DAB) are currently under investigation in our laboratories. As part of these studies we have determined (a) target organ distribution after oral dosing to rats and (b) covalent binding of 14C-labelled compound to DNA. In DNA-binding studies, 3 rat liver-metabolising systems were employed: in vivo (whole liver), isolated intact hepatocytes, and liver subcellular fractions. Distribution studies revealed that comparable levels of both compounds were detected in the liver at similar times after dosing, and these in vivo tissue concentrations were used for in vitro DNA-binding studies. At this 'in vivo equivalent dose', the carcinogen was consistently bound to DNA more effectively, and the difference (ratio of DNA binding) between the 2 compounds was far greater in vivo. In subsequent studies, covalent DNA binding to bacterial (Salmonella) DNA was assessed at the in vivo equivalent dose. In contrast to the afore-mentioned findings in mammalian systems, the carcinogen was bound less effectively to DNA, and gave fewer revertant counts/plate when the 2 compounds were bound to an equivalent extent. These data are discussed in view of their implications for DNA-binding/carcinogenicity correlations, and with respect to the relationship between DNA binding and mutagenicity in the Salmonella assay.  相似文献   
Background and Aim: Our previous study of Helicobacter pylori‐induced apoptosis showed the involvement of Bcl‐2 family proteins and cytochrome c release from mitochondria. Here, we examine the release of other factors from mitochondria, such as apoptosis‐inducing factor (AIF), and upstream events involving caspase‐8 and Bid. Methods: Human gastric adenocarcinoma (AGS) cells were incubated with a cagA‐positive H. pylori strain for 0, 3, 6, and 24 hours and either total protein or cytoplasmic, nuclear, and mitochondrial membrane fractions were collected. Results: Proteins were immunoblotted for AIF, Bid, polyadenosine ribose polymerase (PARP), caspase‐8, and β‐catenin. H. pylori activated caspase‐8, caused PARP cleavage, and attenuated mitochondrial membrane potential. A time‐dependent decrease in β‐catenin protein expression was detected in cytoplasmic and nuclear extracts, coupled with a decrease in β‐actin. An increase in the cytoplasmic pool of AIF was seen as early as 3 hours after H. pylori exposure, and a concomitant increase was seen in nuclear AIF levels up to 6 hours. A band corresponding to full‐length Bid was seen in both the cytoplasmic and the nuclear fractions of controls, but not after H. pylori exposure. Active AIF staining was markedly increased in gastric mucosa from infected persons, compared to uninfected controls. Conclusion: H. pylori might trigger apoptosis in AGS cells via interaction with death receptors in the plasma membrane, leading to the cleavage of procaspase‐8, release of cytochrome c and AIF from mitochondria, and activation of subsequent downstream apoptotic events, as reported previously for chlorophyllin. This is consistent with AIF activation that was found in the gastric mucosa of humans infected with H. pylori. Hence, the balance between apoptosis and proliferation in these cells may be altered in response to injury caused by H. pylori infection, leading to an increased risk of cancer.  相似文献   
The endothelins are a family of endothelium-derived peptides that possess a variety of biological activities, including potent vasoconstriction. Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is up-regulated during tissue repair and pulmonary fibrosis. Here, we use genome-wide expression array analysis to show that the addition of ET-1 (100 nm, 4 h) to normal lung fibroblasts directly induces expression of matrix and matrix-associated genes, including the profibrotic protein CCN2 (connective tissue growth factor, or CTGF). ET-1 induces the MEK/ERK MAP kinase pathway in fibroblasts. Blockade of the MEK/ERK kinase pathway with U0126 abrogates the ability of ET-1 to induce expression of matrix and matrix-associated mRNAs and the CCN2 protein. The CCN2 promoter possesses an ET-1 response element, which maps to the previously identified basal control element-1 (BCE-1) site. Our results suggest that ET-1 induces a program of matrix synthesis in lung fibroblasts and that ET-1 may play a key role in connective tissue deposition during wound repair and in pulmonary fibrosis.  相似文献   
Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) are potent mutagens generated during the cooking of meat and fish, and several of these compounds produce tumors in conventional experimental animals. During the past 5 years or so, HCAs have been tested in a number of novel in vivo murine models, including the following: lacZ, lacI, cII, c-myc/lacZ, rpsL, and gptDelta. transgenics, XPA-/-, XPC-/-, Msh2+/-, Msh2-/- and p53+/- knock-outs, Apc mutant mice (ApcDelta716, Apc1638N, Apcmin), and A33DeltaNbeta-cat knock-in mice. Several of these models have provided insights into the mutation spectra induced in vivo by HCAs in target and non-target organs for tumorigenesis, as well as demonstrating enhanced susceptibility to HCA-induced tumors and preneoplastic lesions. This review describes several of the more recent reports in which novel animal models were used to examine HCA-induced mutagenesis and carcinogenesis in vivo, including a number of studies which assessed the inhibitory activities of chemopreventive agents such as 1,2-dithiole-3-thione, conjugated linoleic acids, tea, curcumin, chlorophyllin-chitosan, and sulindac.  相似文献   
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