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Combined patch-clamp and fura-2 measurements were performed to study the calcium release properties of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells transfected with the rabbit skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor cDNA carried by an expression vector. Both caffeine (1-50 mM) and ryanodine (100 microM) induced release of calcium from intracellular stores of transformed CHO cells but not from control (non-transfected) CHO cells. The calcium responses to caffeine and ryanodine closely resembled those commonly observed in skeletal muscle. Repetitive applications of caffeine produced characteristic all-or-none rises in intracellular calcium. Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) neither activated the ryanodine receptor channel nor interfered with the caffeine-elicited calcium release. These results indicate that functional calcium release channels are formed by expression of the ryanodine receptor cDNA.  相似文献   
A cDNA clone, named ppmMDH-1 and covering a part of the porcine mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (mMDH; L-malate:NAD+ oxidoreductase, EC mRNA, was isolated from a porcine liver cDNA library with a mixture of 24 oligodeoxyribonucleotides as a probe. The sequences of the probe were deduced from the known sequence of porcine mMDH amino acid residues 288-293. ppmMDH-1 covered the coding region for porcine mMDH amino acid residues 17-314 and the 3' untranslated region. Subsequently, mouse mMDH cDNA clones were isolated from a mouse liver cDNA library with the ppmMDH-1 cDNA as a probe. One of the clones, named pmmMDH-1 and containing a cDNA insert of about 1350 base pairs, was selected for sequence analysis, and the primary structure of the mouse precursor form of mMDH (pre-mMDH) was deduced from its cDNA sequence. The sequenced coding regions for the porcine and mouse mMDH mRNAs showed about 85% homology. When the deduced amino acid sequence of the mouse pre-mMDH was compared with that of the porcine mMDH, they shared a 95% homology, and the mouse pre-mMDH yielded a leader sequence consisting of 24 amino acid residues and a mature mMDH, consisting of 314 amino acid residues. The leader sequence contained three basic amino acid residues, no acidic residues, and no hydrophobic amino acid stretch. The mouse mMDH leader sequence was compared with those of three other rodent mitochondrial matrix proteins.  相似文献   
The fluorescent body (F-body) was identified with quinacrine mustard (Q-M) staining in spermatozoon and lymphocyte of canine. Well washed sperm suspension was treated with protease (125 mg/ml) or dispase (2000p. u./ml) and staining with Q-M (final dilution 50 micrograms/ml) for 15 min to 24 hr at 37 degrees C. The lymphocyte cultures from whole blood were prepared as routine human investigation. The chromosomal preparation made by air dry method was stained with Q-M (final dilution 0.5 to 50 micrograms/ml) after pretreatment of enzyme digestion. The examination using a reflected fluorescent microscope revealed that the same F-body in human was present in both spermatozoon (20.1-39.7%) and interphase of lymphocyte (0.37.2%) of male origin.  相似文献   
Treatment of Cryptomeria and Perilla cell suspension cultureswith glyphosate resulted in a marked suppression of the formationof flavans and caffeic acid derivatives, respectively, whileit caused only a slight decline in the cell growth. In contrastwith 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate (DAHP) synthase-Mn isozyme,DAHP synthase-Co isozyme from Cryptomeria and Perilla cellswas much more sensitive to inhibition by glyphosate. The additionof 1 to 2 mM glyphosate caused an accumulation of shikimateand quinate and a reduction of L-phenylalanine in both cellcultures. The inhibition of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL)activity by glyphosate was reversed by exogenously suppliedL-phenylalanine to near the control level. Cycloheximide andactinomycin D nullified the recovery by exogenous L-phenylalanineon PAL activity. L-Phenylalanine itself promoted PAL activityto some extent. No recovery of PAL activity in L--aminooxy-ß-phenylpropionate(L-AOPP)-treated cell cultures could be observed by the additionof L-phenylalanine. Therefore, L-AOPP seems to inhibit the formationof PAL, though it has been considered a competitive inhibitor. 3Present address: Biological Institute, Faculty of Science,Tohoku University, Sendai 980, Japan. (Received October 28, 1985; Accepted March 13, 1986)  相似文献   
Cerulenin, an antifungal antibiotic produced by Cephalosporium caerulens, is a potent inhibitor of fatty acid synthase in various organisms, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The antibiotic inhibits the enzyme by binding covalently to the active center cysteine of the condensing enzyme domain. We isolated 12 cerulenin-resistant mutants of S. cerevisiae following treatment with ethyl methanesulfonate. The mechanism of cerulenin resistance in one of the mutants, KNCR-1, was studied. Growth of the mutant was over 20 times more resistant to cerulenin than that of the wild-type strain. Tetrad analysis suggested that all mutants mapped at the same locus, FAS2, the gene encoding the subunit of the fatty acid synthase. The isolated fatty acid synthase, purified from the mutant KNCR-1, was highly resistant to cerulenin. The cerulenin concentration causing 50% inhibition (IC50) of the enzyme activity was measured to be 400 M, whereas the IC50 value was 15 M for the enzyme isolated from the wild-type strain, indicating a 30-fold increase in resistance to cerulenin. The FAS2 gene was cloned from the mutant. Sequence replacement experiments suggested that an 0.8 kb EcoRV-HindIII fragment closely correlated with cerulenin resistance. Sequence analysis of this region revealed that the GGT codon encoding Gly-1257 of the FAS2 gene was altered to AGT in the mutant, resulting in the codon for Ser. Furthermore, a recombinant FAS2 gene, in which the 0.8 Kb EcoRV-HindIII fragment of the wild-type FAS2 gene was replaced with the same region from the mutant, when introduced into FAS2-defective S. cerevisiae complemented the FAS2 pheno-type and showed cerulenin resistance. These data indicate that one amino acid substitution (Gly Ser) in the subunit of fatty acid synthase is responsible for the cerulenin resistance of the mutant KNCR-1.  相似文献   
The mer operon from a strain of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans (C. Inoue, K. Sugawara, and T. Kusano, Mol. Microbiol. 5:2707-2718, 1991) consists of the regulatory gene merR and an operator-promoter region followed by merC and merA structural genes and differs from other known gram-negative mer operons. We have constructed four potential shuttle plasmids composed of a T. ferrooxidans-borne cryptic plasmid, a pUC18 plasmid, and the above-mentioned mer determinant as a selectable marker. Mercury ion-sensitive T. ferrooxidans strains were electroporated with constructed plasmids, and one strain, Y4-3 (of 30 independent strains tested), was found to have a transformation efficiency of 120 to 200 mercury-resistant colonies per microgram of plasmid DNA. This recipient strain was confirmed to be T. ferrooxidans by physiological, morphological, and chemotaxonomical data. The transformants carried a plasmid with no physical rearrangements through 25 passages under no selective pressure. Cell extracts showed mercury ion-dependent NADPH oxidation activity.  相似文献   
A colorimetric whole-cell sensor for dimethyl sulfide (DMS) was constructed based on the in vivo conversion of intrinsic pigments in response to the analyte. In a marine bacterium, Rhodovulum sulfidophilum, carotenoids are synthesized via the spheroidene pathway. In this pathway, demethylspheroidene, a yellow carotenoid, is converted to spheroidene under catalysis of O-methyltransferase. Spheroidene monooxygenase (CrtA) catalyzes the terminal step of the pathway and converts spheroidene to spheroidenone, a red carotenoid. Here, the CrtA gene in R. sulfidophilum was removed and then reintroduced downstream of the DMS dehydrogenase gene promoter. Using this whole-cell sensor, 3 μM DMS or dimethyl sulfoxide can be detected without adding any color-forming reagent. The ratio of the red spheroidenone to total carotenoids increased, as the DMS concentration was raised to 0.3 mM. Comparison of the signal to the background color indicated a shift in the color coordinate from a yellow to a red hue. An intense signal was obtained with 1-day incubation at a high cell density when sensor cells at the exponential growth phase were used. These results show that the genetically engineered R. sulfidophilum cells can be used to monitor the quality of marine aquacultural environments by the naked eye.  相似文献   
An attempt was made to detect the fluorescent bodies (F-body), using Quinacrine mustard (Q-M) staining in the spermatozoa from eight mammalian species (human, bull, boar, dog, rabbit, rat, mouse, and mastomys) as well as in the cock (used as negative control). Sperm suspension, prepared after rinsing by repeated centrifugation with phosphate buffered saline (PBS), was either stained with Q-M for 24 h or treated with protease and then stained with Q-M for 60 min. The final concentration of Q-M in the mixed staining sperm suspension was 0.025 mg/ml. The examination using a reflecting fluorescent microscope revealed that the F-body found in human sperm was also present in the sperm of all the mammals but not in the cock after 24 h of staining. The enzyme-treated specimens showed higher incidences of F-bodies than specimens stained for 24 h without enzymatic digestion. These findings strongly suggest that the F-body is commonly present in the spermatozoa of many mammalian species.  相似文献   
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