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We have developed a new mini-procedure for isolation of total cellular DNA from date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.). The procedure, which does not use liquid nitrogen, has proved useful due to temporary disruptions in supplies of liquid nitrogen that occur in countries where date palm trees are cultivated. DNA suitable for RFLP and PCR analyses is obtained.  相似文献   

Sorghum is largely grown for food, fodder and for biofuel production in semi-arid regions where the drought or high temperature or their combination co-occur. Plant microRNAs (miRNAs) are integral to the gene regulatory networks that control almost all biological processes including adaptation to stress conditions. Thus far, plant miRNA profiles under separate drought or heat stresses have been reported but not under combined drought and heat. In this study, we report miRNA profiles in leaves of sorghum exposed to individual drought or heat or their combination. Approximately 29 conserved miRNA families represented by 80 individual miRNAs, 26 families represented by 47 members of less conserved or sorghum-specific miRNA families as well as 8 novel miRNA families have been identified. Of these, 25 miRNAs were found to be differentially regulated in response to stress treatments. The comparative profiling revealed that the miRNA regulation was stronger under heat or combination of heat and drought compared to the drought alone. Furthermore, using degradome sequencing, 48 genes were confirmed as targets for the miRNAs in sorghum. Overall, this study provides a framework for understanding of the miRNA-guided gene regulations under combined stresses.

In this study we investigated the involvement of p53 in cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL)-induced tumor target cell killing mediated by the perforin/granzymes pathway. For this purpose we used a human CTL clone (LT12) that kills its autologous melanoma target cells (T1), harboring a wild type p53. We demonstrated initially that LT12 kills its T1 target in a perforin/granzymes-dependent manner. Confocal microscopy and Western blot analysis indicated that conjugate formed between LT12 and T1 resulted in rapid cytoplasmic accumulation of p53 and its activation in T1 target cells. Cytotoxic assay using recombinant granzyme B (GrB) showed that this serine protease is the predominant factor inducing such accumulation. Furthermore, RNA interference-mediated lowering of the p53 protein in T1 cells or pifithrin-alpha-induced p53-specific inhibition activity significantly decreased CTL-induced target killing mediated by CTL or recombinant GrB. This emphasizes that p53 is an important determinant in granzyme B-induced apoptosis. Our data show furthermore that when T1 cells were treated with streptolysin-O/granzyme B, specific phosphorylation of p53 at Ser-15 and Ser-37 residues was observed subsequent to the activation of the stress kinases ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and p38K. Treatment of T1 cells with pifithrin-alpha resulted in inhibition of p53 phosphorylation at these residues and in a significant decrease in GrB-induced apoptotic T1 cell death. Furthermore, small interference RNAs targeting p53 was also accompanied by an inhibition of streptolysin-O/granzyme B-induced apoptotic T1 cell death. The present study supports p53 induction after CTL-induced stress in target cells. These findings provide new insight into a potential role of p53 as a component involved in the dynamic regulation of the major pathway of CTL-mediated cell death and may have therapeutic implications.  相似文献   
Black nightshade (Solanum nigrum, S. nigrum L.) and red nightshade ( Solanum villosum, S. villosum Mill.) are medicinal plants from the Solanaceae family that synthesize glycoalkaloids and other secondary metabolites. To recognize the potential insecticide activity of these compounds, leaf extracts (containing glycoalkaloid and methanol fractions) were tested for enzyme inhibition, antifeedant activity and toxicity. For in‐vitro glutathione S‐transferase (GST) inhibition activity, we used insecticide‐resistant Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata ( L. decemlineata; Say) midgut and fat‐body homogenate. In‐vivo toxicity and the antifeedant activity were performed using larval bioassays. The methanol extracts had greater GST inhibitory activity compared to the glycoalkaloids, as well as greater 2nd instar larvae mortality and antifeedant activity. Furthermore, the green leaf volatile compound, cis‐hex‐3‐enyl acetate, at the concentration of 5 ppm, caused 50% mortality of 2nd instar larvae. Our findings suggest the potential usefulness of S. nigrum and S. villosum extracts to control L. decemlineata.  相似文献   
In most eukaryotes telomeres are extended by telomerase. Drosophila melanogaster, however, lacks telomerase, and telomere-specific non-LTR retrotransposons, HeT-A and TART, transpose specifically to chromosome ends. A Drosophila strain, Gaiano, that has long telomeres has been identified. We extracted the major Gaiano chromosomes into an Oregon-R genetic background and examined the resulting stocks after 60 generations. In situ hybridization using HeT-A and TART sequences showed that, in stocks carrying either the X or the second chromosome from Gaiano, only the Gaiano-derived chromosomes display long telomeres. However, in stocks carrying the Gaiano third chromosome, all telomeres are substantially elongated, indicating that the Gaiano chromosome 3 carries a factor that increases HeT-A and TART addition to the telomeres. We show that this factor, termed Telomere elongation (Tel), is dominant and localizes as a single unit to 69 on the genetic map. The long telomeres tend to associate with each other in both polytene and mitotic cells. These associations depend on telomere length rather than the presence of Tel. Associations between metaphase chromosomes are resolved during anaphase, suggesting that they are mediated by either proteinaceous links or DNA hydrogen bonding, rather than covalent DNA-DNA bonds.  相似文献   
We have developed genetic maps, based on expressed sequence tags (ESTs) that are homologous to Arabidopsis genes, in four dicotyledonous crop plant species from different families. A comparison of these maps with the physical map of Arabidopsis reveals common genome segments that appear to have been conserved throughout the evolution of the dicots. In the four crop species analysed these segments comprise between 16 and 33% of the Arabidopsis genome. Our findings extend the synteny patterns previously observed only within plant families, and indicate that structural and functional information from the model species will be, at least in part, applicable in crop plants with large genomes.  相似文献   
The biosynthesis of monolignols, the main components of lignin, involves many intermediates and enzymes. The cinnamoyl-CoA reductase (CCR) enzyme catalyzes the conversion of cinnamoyl-CoAs to cinnamaldehydes, i.e. the first specific step in lignin synthesis. The CCR and CCR-like gene family was studied partially in several plant species. This is a comprehensive study of the CCR and CCR-like gene family including genome organization, gene structure, phylogeny across land plant species, and, expression profiling in Populus. Analysis of amino acid motifs enabled the identification of sequence variations in the CCR catalytic site and annotates CCR and CCR-like genes. CCR and CCR-like genes were distributed in three major phylogenetic classes of which one includes the bona fide CCR genes. The other two classes include CCR and CCR-like, of which several genes present a high similarity to cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase, or dihydroflavonol reductase (DFR) genes. All CCR, CCR-like, and DFR classes were deeply rooted in the phylogeny of land plants suggesting that their evolution preceded the evolution of lycophytes. Over two thirds of CCR and CCR-like Populus genes were physically distributed on duplicated regions. This suggests that these duplication/retention processes contributed significantly to the size of the CCR and CCR-like gene family. The Populus CCR and CCR-like genes showed six expression patterns in the tissues studied with a preferential expression of PoptrCCR12 in xylem. The other genes present divergent expression profiles with some preferentially expressed in leaves, bark, or both. Several CCR and CCR-like genes were induced or repressed under various abiotic stresses suggesting that their duplication was followed by the evolution of divergent expression profiles and divergence of functions.  相似文献   
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