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桃儿七分布格局与生态适应的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以云南产桃儿七Sinopodophyllum hexandrum(Royle)Ying为研究材料,分析了它的分布格局及生态适应。指出桃儿七是一个分布范围较广、生态适应幅度大的物种;在分布区内它主要出现在具有次生植被的山谷中,个体在居群内的分布格局,由于受到放牧活动的影响而呈聚群式分布,植株常出现在灌木丛下和树根附近。它适应夏秋湿润凉爽,冬季及早春寒冷干燥的气候条件,并具有相应的生长与发育节律。人类  相似文献   
基于RS和GIS的开封市土地覆盖分形   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以RS和GIS为技术手段,利用开封市0.61m空间分辨率的QuickBird卫星遥感数据,采用分形几何方法研究了斑块的面积效应和覆盖类型分形的关系,并对覆盖类型的分形特征差异等进行了分析。结果表明,开封市防护林地和农田的平均斑块面积较大,分维数也较大,而水体的分维数较小,说明防护林和农田斑块的边界结构特征比水体更为复杂。斑块的分维值具有尺度依赖性,同一类型中大的斑块往往具有较大的分维值,其原因是大斑块经常出现不同类型的斑块相互嵌套,小斑块则很少出现甚至不出现这种现象。  相似文献   
The microstructure of the main longitudinal veins of the dragonfly wing and the aerodynamic behaviors of the wing were investigated in this paper.The microstructure of longitudinal vein presents two circumferential chitin layers and a protein-fiber soft layer.The dragonfly wing is corrugated due to the spatial arrangement of longitudinal veins.It was found that the corrugation angle could significantly influence the lift/drag ratio across a range of attack angles by the wind tunnel experiments.The results of the finite element analysis indicate that the protein soft layer of vein facilitates the change of the corrugation angle by allowing substantial relative twisting deformation between two neighboring veins,which is not possible in veins without a soft sandwich layer.  相似文献   
叶食性灵长类食物选择受食物营养及单宁等次生代谢产物影响,为了探讨单宁对黑白仰鼻猴食物选择的影响,通过磷钼酸-钨酸钠 (F-D) 比色法测定了拉沙山黑白仰鼻猴群 (Rhinopithecus bieti) 2010年4月 - 2012年3月间的食用植物 (192种) 和非食用植物 (188种) 单宁含量。结果表明,黑白仰鼻群全年食用植物中单宁含量低于非食用植物;春季食用植物中单宁含量高于其他季节,而其他季节无差异;不同取食部位单宁由高到低依次为芽、花、叶、果和地衣;不同季节,不同取食部位单宁有差异,春季芽的单宁含量最高,夏秋季果实单宁含量最高,冬季叶单宁含量最高;不同月份,食物单宁也不同,3月食用植物中单宁最高 (8.36% ± 6.22%),2月最低 (1.28% ± 1.19%)。因此,黑白仰鼻猴根据环境食物种类和供给时空特征,可能采取了从高蛋白纤维比/高单宁到低蛋白纤维比/低单宁连续谱觅食策略。  相似文献   
Genetic manipulation of antibiotic producers, such as Streptomyces species, is a rational approach to improve the properties of biologically active molecules. However, this can be a slow and sometimes problematic process. Red/ET recombination in an Escherichia coli host has permitted rapid and more versatile engineering of geldanamycin biosynthetic genes in a complementation plasmid, which can then be readily transferred into the Streptomyces host from which the corresponding wild type gene(s) has been removed. With this rapid Red/ET recombination and gene complementation approach, efficient gene disruptions and gene replacements in the geldanamycin biosynthetic gene cluster have been successfully achieved. As an example, we describe here the creation of a ketoreductase 6 null mutation in an E. coli high-copy-number plasmid carrying gdmA2A3 from Streptomyces hygroscopicus NRRL3602 and the subsequent complementation of a gdmA2A3 deletion host with this plasmid to generate a novel geldanamycin analog.  相似文献   
2000-2012年京津风沙源治理区植被覆盖时空演变特征   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
严恩萍  林辉  党永峰  夏朝宗 《生态学报》2014,34(17):5007-5020
植被是陆地生态系统的主体,分析长时期植被覆盖变化,有助于揭示陆地生态环境的演变规律。研究以京津风沙源重点治理区的MODIS02B产品为数据源,通过数据处理获得2000—2012年的NDVI(Normalized difference vegetation index)时序数据集,采用线性趋势分析、标准差、Hurst指数和相关系数等方法,分析京津风沙源重点治理区植被覆盖的时空变化特征及影响因子。结果显示:(1)近13年来,治理区植被覆盖总体呈上升趋势(R2=0.70),2012年NDVI值达最大值0.324,比2000年增加了135.62%。但增加速率和幅度各异:北部干旱区(Bbghq)增加速度最快,浑善达克区(Hsdkq)次之,农牧交错区(Nmjcq)植被变化相对稳定。(2)工程区地表植被覆盖改善区域的面积明显大于退化区域,其中得到改善且通过显著性检验(P=0.10)的区域约占总面积的94.31%;Hurst指数分析表明,工程区植被变化整体呈中强持续性特征,面积合计约占64.48%;综合分析表明,工程区植被变化以良性发展为主,特别是强持续性的退化区和弱持续性的改善区值得关注,二者合计占35.27%。(3)人类活动是京津风沙地区植被覆盖上升的重要驱动因素;自然因素中,降水是控制工程区植被生长的主要因子,温度的影响相对较弱。  相似文献   
电离辐射诱导的DNA双链断裂   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用γ射线和不同LET的碳离子幅照小鼠B16黑色素瘤细胞、Hela细胞、V79中国仓鼠肺细胞和人肝癌SMMC-7721细胞的DNA,采用脉冲场凝电泳结合荧光扫描技术研究了DNA双链断裂(DSB)片段的分布。结果发现DSB片段是非随机分布的,而且这种分布与DNA序列有关。原因可能在于沉积的能量直接或间接沿DNA链迁移,链上相对较弱的化学键优先产生反应,并最终导致链的断裂,从而引起断裂的不均匀分布。  相似文献   
佛坪国家自然保护区地面生苔藓植物物种多样性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
通过对秦岭南坡佛坪国家自然保护区地面生苔藓植物的调查,采用相似性系数、重要值、多样性指数对其进行物种多样性的研究。结果表明:29个样地内地面生苔藓植物共33科69属189种,包括苔类植物7科8属15种和藓类植物26科61属174种,其中青藓科是最优势的科。落叶阔叶栎(Quercus)林下地面生苔藓植物的物种多样性最高,其次是落叶阔叶桦(Betula)林带、竹林、针叶林和沟谷岩石,杜鹃(Rhododendron)灌丛带的最低。落叶阔叶栎林带和落叶阔叶桦林带的种相似性最高,杜鹃灌丛与其它植被带的种相似性都很低。研究表明秦岭南坡的佛坪国家自然保护区内,低山地区的落叶阔叶栎林带是该地区苔藓植物多样性的分布中心,是物种多样性保护的关键地带;亚高山地区杜鹃灌丛带的苔藓植物物种多样性虽然不高,但种类明显不同于别的地带,所以也应是苔藓植物多样性保护值得注意的地带。  相似文献   
The dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor vildagliptin (VLD), a widely used anti‐diabetic drug, exerts favourable effects on vascular endothelium in diabetes. We determined for the first time the improving effects of VLD on mitochondrial dysfunction in diabetic mice and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) cultured under hyperglycaemic conditions, and further explored the mechanism behind the anti‐diabetic activity. Mitochondrial ROS (mtROS) production was detected by fluorescent microscope and flow cytometry. Mitochondrial DNA damage and ATP synthesis were analysed by real time PCR and ATPlite assay, respectively. Mitochondrial network stained with MitoTracker Red to identify mitochondrial fragmentation was visualized under confocal microscopy. The expression levels of dynamin‐related proteins (Drp1 and Fis1) were determined by immunoblotting. We found that VLD significantly reduced mtROS production and mitochondrial DNA damage, but enhanced ATP synthesis in endothelium under diabetic conditions. Moreover, VLD reduced the expression of Drp1 and Fis1, blocked Drp1 translocation into mitochondria, and blunted mitochondrial fragmentation induced by hyperglycaemia. As a result, mitochondrial dysfunction was alleviated and mitochondrial morphology was restored by VLD. Additionally, VLD promoted the phosphorylation of AMPK and its target acetyl‐CoA carboxylase in the setting of high glucose, and AMPK activation led to a decreased expression and activation of Drp1. In conclusion, VLD improves endothelial mitochondrial dysfunction in diabetes, possibly through inhibiting Drp1‐mediated mitochondrial fission in an AMPK‐dependent manner.  相似文献   
两个茄子品种的核型分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
对栽培茄的2个品种即屏东长茄和紫奇的核型进行分析,结果表明:屏东长茄的核型公式为2n=22m+2sm(2SAT),染色体相对长度组成为2n=10M1+14M2;紫奇的核型公式为2n=20m+4sm(2SAT),染色体相对长度组成为2n=14M1+10M2;两个品种的染色体数目均为2n=24,核型均属于2A型.  相似文献   
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