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Summary Two proteases from Aspergillus niger C post-culture medium were isolated by fractionation on a DEAE-sepharose column and ultrafiltration. The four fractions of glucoamylase activity (GA1, GA2, GA3 and GA4) present in the medium showed different susceptibility to the influence of proteases. The effects of proteases on the different glucoamylase fractions during the growth of the fungus are demonstrated. The activity was found to decrease at the beginning of the culture, but by its end there was a stimulation of GA4 glucoamylase. After treating GA2 and GA3 with protease II, a new additional fraction of glucoamylase was detected.  相似文献   
Summary A new form of ectodermal dysplasia was observed in two siblings, offspring of healthy non-consanguineous parents. The main findings in both children are: hypodontia, abnormally shaped teeth, scalp hypotrichosis, pili annulati, follicular hyperkeratosis on the trunk and limbs, intensified delineation and reticular hyperpigmentation of the nape, and hyperopia; one of the siblings also has astigmatism. As both patients have normal nails and are euhidrotic, this is an ectodermal dysplasia of the pilodental subgroup. The cause is probably genetic and autosomal-recessive inheritance is most likely.  相似文献   
Summary Quantitative benthic samples were collected along three transects in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, South Shetlands. At each of a total of 18 stations, between 15 and 250 m depth, we took 3 replicate samples with a van Veen grab. Animals collected were classed into major groups. Abundance and biomass per m2 was calculated for each sampling site. Considerable population densities and high biomass values were found. Most abundant groups were Bivalvia, Polychaeta and Amphipoda, whereas the largest part of the biomass was due to Ascidiacea, Ophiuroidea, Echinoidea, Polychaeta and Bivalvia. The maximum abundance recorded was 36,000 ind m-2 while the average was approximately 6500 ind m-2. Maximum biomass was over 2400 g m-2 with an average of ca. 700 g m-2. The contribution to the total biomass by groups such as the Oligochaeta, Cumacea and Tanaidacea was higher in the inner shallow part of Admiralty Bay (Ezcurra Inlet) than in the deeper areas of the bay. Our results confirm the reports on an unusually high density and biomass of the Antarctic sublittoral benthic fauna. Sessile suspension feeders belonging to the Bivalvia, Ascidiacea, sedentary Polychaeta, and vagile scavengers of the Ophiuroidea, Amphipoda and errant Polychaeta are the most significant groups in the Antarctic Ecosystem. The total benthic biomass in Admiralty Bay, based on the present preliminary quantitative data, was estimated to be over 600,000 t. This value is probably still an underestimate.  相似文献   
The influence of silicon-treatment on the levels of TSH and thyroid hormones was studied in rats. Concentrations of thyrotropin (TSH), triiodothyronine (T3), and thyroxine (T4) were estimated in sera of rats receiving per os a soluble silicon compound—sodium metasilicate nonahydrate (Na2SiO3·9H2O), dissolved in the animals' drinking water. An increase in the TSH level in the tested group was observed, without statistically significant differences in T3 and T4 concentrations between the two groups of animals. The results provide evidence for the influence of silicon on the endocrine balance. They could also prove that this chemical element is capable of modifying the rate of some hormones' synthesis.  相似文献   
Sediments of the southern Baltic Sea were analysed for content of steryl chlorin esters, the chlorin compounds discovered recently in the marine environment. The chlorin esters occur in the Baltic sediments in substantial amounts and form a considerable fraction of the total chlorin content. Among the physicochemical parameters studied the highest correlation with the steryl chlorins showed organic carbon content in sediments and the content of fraction of sediments smaller than 10 μm. A significant correlation was observed between the steryl chlorins content and other chlorins as chlorophylla, phaeophytina, pyrophaeophytina as well as with β-carotene, the distinctly less significant correlation was with phaeophorbidea. This indicates an other way of formation of the steryl chlorins from algae than zooplankton grazing.  相似文献   
Populations of two rhizomatous species, Asarum europaeum (asarabacca) and Maianthemum bifolium (May lily), were examined in two, and four forest habitats respectively, in the Roztocze National Park (south-eastern Poland). May lily populations were studied in habitats: the Carpathian beechwood, upland mixed fir forest, subboreal moist mixed coniferous forest and bog-alder forest. Asarabacca was studied in two habitats: beechwood and Scots pine community (an 80-year-old plantation). In both the species studied intra- and inter-populational differences of the size of genets in terms of above- and below-ground parts of individuals as well as the biomass and area occupied were observed. In May lily populations the greatest mean number of shoots per genet was found in the fir forest (11.62±3.29), a value almost twice as great as that in the moist coniferous forest and nearly three times greater than in the bog-alder forest. Total rhizome length was also the greatest in the fir forest (351.9±98.7 cm) followed by moist coniferous forest, beechwood and alder forest habitats. In all populations of May lily a greater part of total dry weight biomass is in below-ground organs. The greatest biomass value of a genet was found in the fir forest (4.275 g), the smallest in the bog-alder forest (0.110 g). All populations differed significantly in terms of leaf area, leaf length (with the exception of fir forest and beechwood habitats where the values were the greatest), and leaf width (excluding moist coniferous and bog-alder forests which had the smallest values). In the case of asarabacca, both the mean number of ramets per genet (3.36±0.45 vs. 2.49±0.20) and total rhizome length (40.3±6.4 cm vs. 21.1±1.8 cm) were greater in the beechwood habitat than in the pine community. In the first population genets had 3–5 times greater the total biomass of those from the pine community. Only genets of the latter had proportionately more dry weight biomass in above-ground parts. It seems to be correlated with greater rhizome dieback and disintegration of genets into smaller units. Both populations were significantly different in terms of all examined parameters of leaves. Genets of both the species studied were found to have their own structure of developmental phases that often differed for shoots and rhizomes.  相似文献   
A list of 19 polymorphic species of the generaOstertagia, Orloffia, Teladorsagia, Marshallagia andSpiculopteragia is presented. The morphs of the polymorphic species in question have identical females and show similarities in some male features, e.g. the structure of the oesophagus, the synlophe and the shape of the rays of the copulatory bursa. However, they differ by characters which are recognised as generic features, e.g. the structure of spicules, gulbernaculum and genital cone. The presence or lack of minor morphs is a generic feature in the Ostertagiinae. Each polymorphic genus has a defined type of minor morph.  相似文献   
New data on the development of polarity in the ovules during megasporogenesis and early stages of embryo sac development inOenothera-hybrids are presented. It is confirmed that allOe. hookeri-hybrids show a strong tendency to form heteropolar tetrads, with the micropylar megaspore developing into an embryo sac. This preference is seen in the delay of the second meiotic division on the chalazal side, the absence of callose in the lateral wall of the micropylar megaspore, and the accumulation of starch in this megaspore. However, homopolar tetrads, chalazal preference, and ovules with two developing embryo sacs are also observed with considerable frequency. Quantitative data on the frequency of the different developmental types are compared with earlier genetic results about competition in the haplophase. There is sufficiently good agreement to support the hypothesis ofRenner that there is a correlation between the developmental processes in the megaspore tetrad and the genetic phenomena of competition in the haplophase.  相似文献   
Benthic quantitative samples were taken in 1988 in the soft bottom sublittoral of Admiralty Bay (King George Island, South Shetlands) using a Tvärminne-type bottom sampler and SCUBA-diving technique at 7 successive stations situated at depths from 4 to 30 m.Dominant animal groups in terms of abundance were Amphipoda, Polychaeta and Bivalvia, whereas in terms of biomass Echinoidea were also dominant. Amphipod crustaceans clearly dominated the zoobenthos at depths from 10 to 25 m (the numerical share surpaising 60%) with maximal abundance of abt. 17 000 ind m–2; in terms of biomass at specific depths amphipods occupied the 1st, 2nd or 3rd place with maximal biomass of abt. 100 g m–2 where the maximal total biomass of zoobenthos reached 260 g m–2 (10 m).Amphipoda were the most diversified group with some 35 taxa belonging to 14 families. Most species belonged to Eusiridae s.l. and Lysianassidae s.l. Dominant forms were Pontogeneiella brevicornis, Prostebbingia gracilis, Schraderia gracilis, Hippomedon kergueleni, Orchomenella cf. ultima, Cardenio paurodactylus and Paraphoxus rotundifrons.  相似文献   
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